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Public Speaking Workshop for Grade 7 Students

Mode of Instruction: Filipino

Date and Time: February 23, 2019, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Morning Session

I. Introduction
A. Introduce Yourself with Your Talent (activity)
II. Voice Workshop
A. Diaphragmatic Breathing
B. Breath Control Exercises
C. Voice Projection
D. Intonation
III. Enunciation
A. Intro to the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
B. Commonly Mispronounced English Words
C. Reading Exercise (activity)

Afternoon Session

I. Developing Confidence
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Systematic Desensitization (listing down communication fears)
C. Johari Window (activity)
D. Act It Out (activity)
II. Composing A Speech
A. Five Canons of Rhetoric
B. Writing Exercise (activity)

III. Culminating Activity

A. Final Speeches
IV. Awarding Ceremony
A. Individual
B. Group

Marielle Justine Sumilong | Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts | UP Diliman

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