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Sabado, Ivan A.

BSA 1- E
TTh 7:40 – 9:10 AM

Honestly, I really did not find the subject Ethics interesting at first. But later as the
discussions progress, I learned to appreciate its essence. It was the session when we were given
moral dilemmas that really puzzled my mind and invited me on a deep reflection on what stand
will I take knowing that there are a lot of factors to consider. It is true that all choices really have
their corresponding advantages and disadvantages but how do we really weigh such things to arrive
at a sound decision? This is what ethics studies on. In our discussion, it is defined as a branch of
philosophy that studies and evaluates human conduct.

Some of the approaches to ethical decision-making discussed are consequentialist moral

reasoning and categorical moral principles. I tend to follow the former for I always think of the
consequences or outcomes first before making an action. Just like in an academic setting, there are
times when I am having difficulty in answering tests, but I still do not resort to cheating. Aside
from being caught by professors and having the chance of being dismissed out of school, I opt not
to cheat for me to assess my academic performance well and know the areas that I need to improve
on. Moreover, even though lying is generally considered wrong, there are times when I commit
such act just like when friends entrust me with secrets, and some would ask about such matter.
With this, I can respect the privacy of my friends and still maintain a good relationship with them,
not breaking their trust. Such reasons would justify the acts being moral with the consequentialist
approach. Moreover, as what James Rachel (2003) stated as the minimum conception of morality,
“Morality is at the very least the effort to guide one’s conduct by reason – that is, to do what there
are the best reasons for doing – while giving equal weight to the interests of each individual who
will be affected by what one does.” Certainly, we would not do things without reasons or just
merely for fun. Moreover, our reasons and intentions should be always good and genuine.
Also, one distinctive trait of moral dimension identified by Ramon Castillo Reyes (1989)
is freedom and he further states that human freedom is never total and that choices can only be
made within the boundaries imposed by the situation. I resonate with him for there is no such thing
as absolute freedom. If such exists, I could only imagine a world of chaos and trouble where actions
of everyone could conflict with one another and even against natural laws. These limitations could
be in the form of the laws, rules, or regulations imposed in various settings like at home, in school,
or in our country as a whole. However, this does not mean that we are not free. I myself think that
I am caged in school sometimes, feeling like a robot who does loads of tasks and requirements.
Later, I realize its very essence, which for me is to learn, to gain skills, and to continue in pursuing
the truth with the help of other people like the teachers and classmates. By then, would be able to
enrich myself for the better. I think it is just a matter of perspective on how we view laws and other
things that we see as hindrance even though they are really for our good. We should get out of our
warm blankets or blind adherence, doing things just for the sake of compliance but instead, do
things knowing the very purpose of these certain acts and such will motivate one to do always the

In our present society, ethics has become an impossible element somehow. Some do not
consider it as a priority nor a vital value to practice for people tend to focus just on their personal
interests not considering the welfare of others. By studying ethics, we could be guided in making
decisions, leading us to the more appropriate path.

Rachel, J. (2003). Elements of moral philosophy (4th Ed.). McGraw Hill. Retrieved from
Reyes, R. (1988). Ground and norm of morality. Ateneo de Manila University Press. Retrieved

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