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Hanley Castle Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday, 21st March 2019 at Hanley
Swan Village Hall at 19:00.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Sarah Darwent, Sue Adeney

Alison Bolton, Wendy Roberts-Powell.

Apologies: Cllr Alex Walker, DCllr Mike Morgan, Peter Goodyear & Marjorie Nelson

In Attendance: Rebecca Abunassar (Clerk) DCllr Andrea Morgan, PC Kevin Johns, 4


27/19 Welcome & Apologies - The Chairman welcomed all present to the March
Meeting of the Parish Council. The Chairman accepted the apologies submitted.

28/19 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded that they should have updated
their register of interests and sent them to the Monitoring Officer at MHDC.
b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None declared
c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature:
None received
d) To consider and agree all requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) – None received

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters

relating to the Parish.
The matter was raised of items being placed on the verges in front of properties and a
request was made to put something in the Parish Magazine regarding Public Liability
attached to such action.
The state of the verge at the Hanley Castle End of Gilberts End opposite Brinkley Drive
was mentioned and it was asked that it was reported to the Highways again.
It was reported that cars were parking for days outside of the Post Office. PC Johns said
that he would speak to the owners.

29/19 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st February 2019 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.

30/19 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
a) Community Orchard – The transfer documents had been signed and submitted to
the solicitors.
As raised at the previous meeting, the Parish Council’s solicitor had suggested taking
out indemnity insurance; both No Search Indemnity at £95 and Access and Restrictive
Covenant at £168. This had been looked into by the Chairman & the Clerk and it was
proposed that the Parish Council purchased the insurances as they were one off
payments not an annual fee. This was voted on and it was approved.
ACTION: Cllr Roberts to liaise with the Solicitor.
b) Defibrillators – Cllr Bolton had reported to the Defibrillator Committee the amount
the Parish Council had to contribute towards the purchase of a defibrillator for the
Phone box from the Anne Ballinger legacy. It was reported that the Phone Box had
been formally adopted and that the Anne Ballinger money was available for the project;
that Cllr Darwent would arrange for the refurbishment and the painting of the box and

that Graham Holmes could go ahead with the ordering and installation of the
defibrillator. The Council were advised that another Defib would be located on Gilberts
End outside Brickwalls Barn.
ACTION: Cllr Bolton to liaise with Graham, Cllr Darwent to arrange the work on
the box.

31/19 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Notification of receipts received: £500 from the WCC Pathways
c) Internet Banking: The Clerk said she was going to continue to investigate setting up
internet banking capability for the Parish Council.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Lloyds Bank

32/19 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:

19/00418/FUL Land At (OS 7957 Application for Variation of Condition 2 on planning permission
4248) Hanley Road 17/01650/FUL(construction of new motor workshop, including MOT
Welland bay and training room) to allow the position of building to be moved,
doors omitted from rear and showing development in phases.

No Objection raised

19/00343/LB Brindleys Barn Installation of a shower to existing cloakroom with WC & Basin to
Quay Lane Hanley provide an ensuite to ground floor bedroom and installation of
Castle Worcester additional WC & Basin to existing coat room to provide a ground
WR8 0BS floor cloakroom.

No comments to put forward

19/00247/HP 1 Longcroft Quay Demolition of existing garage and erection of ancillary residential
Lane Hanley Castle accommodation with ground floor garaging.
Worcester WR8

Planning application to be circulated to the Councillors for their comments

19/00345/HP 3 Brinkley Drive Proposed new garaging with covered link to dwelling
Hanley Castle
Worcester WR8

No Objection

19/00014/FUL 1 St Gabriels Proposed bungalow to rear of 1 St Gabriels Terrace

Terrace Hanley
Swan Worcester

Comment that it is piecemeal development, very tight in the plot with no view and fence very close

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received

between the publication of the agenda and the Meeting: None

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date:

19/00087/HP 4 Brinkley Drive Proposed new garaging Approved

Hanley Castle
Worcester WR8

/00046/CM Waste Incineration Application for a Lawful Development Certificate Decision -

Unit Hangmans for a Proposed Use or Development for the erection Information
Lane Hanley Castle of an extension to the existing incinerator buildings.
Worcester WR8 The extension is to be approximately 12 metres long
0AJ by 8 metres wide by 8.7 metres high, with a flat roof
and clad in sheet metal to match the existing

18/01492/FUL Perivale Haylers Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a Approved

End Hanley Swan replacement dwelling.
Worcester WR8

d) Details of enforcement action: None taken

e) Details of Appeal Notices Received:

APP/J1860/W/18/3205888 18/00416/HP The Old Dairy, Horton Provision of 1st floor bedroom
Manor Farm, Hanley Swan and en-suite extension

33/19 District & County Councillors Reports: for information

a). District Cllrs Mike Morgan & Andrea Morgan – DCllr Andrea Morgan updated the
Council on the latest activity at MHDC. She talked about the impending elections.
b). County Cllr Tom Wells – Was not present but it was requested that he was
contacted requesting an update on the buses as nothing has been sent to Cllr Adeney.
ACTION: The Clerk to contact CCllr Wells.

34/19 Reports of the:

a) Parish Paths Warden & Tree Warden (Peter Goodyear) – Report read out
b) Pond Wardens (Neil & Gigi Verlander) – None received
c) Playing Field Warden & Village Hall – Bin is awaiting siting, the Clerk to email
MHDC regarding a site for the Hanley Castle bin.
ACTION: Clerk to contact MHDC Conservation Officer
d) Local Police – PC John updated the Council on a Property Marking Event on the 27th
April and he talked through the latest newsletter. He also advised that there would be a
Young Farmers’ event on the 14th April of 70 tractors from Croome to the Hanleys and
they were planning to stop at a convenient location. Cllr Adeney offered to discuss their
route with them.
ACTION: Cllr Adeney to speak to Young Farmers.

35/19 Highways & Working Party Matters

a) ) Road Safety Matters– The email from Hannah Davies had been received by the
Road Safety Group and was read out by Cllr Darwent. It was agreed to circulate it to a
parishioner who was requesting traffic monitoring information. The Community Action
Speed Group had still not offered a start date and it was agreed to pass the contact
details to Cllr Darwent to pursue. Cllr Adeney to speak to Barbara Wilson from Ryall to
find out how they managed to set up their group.

ACTION: The Clerk to circulate the email and contact information. Cllr Adeney
to contact Ryall group.
b) Lenghsman – The new VAS had been received and set up.
ACTION – ALL Please email Cllr Bolton with any issues requiring the
Lengthsman’s attention.
It was noted the Lengthsman cannot work in 60mph areas therefore there needed to be
another solution for the path to the Three Counties. It was noted that there were plastic
verge markers lying on the verge outside Tara Cottage and it was asked what the
intention was for them. The Clerk was asked to order 6 white reflective posts to replace
the ones on Gilberts End that required replacement.
ACTION – The Clerk to report issues of the path to Three Counties to
highways, the Clerk to ask the Lengthsman about the posts and to order new
ones to go outside Holly Cottage
c) Environmental Issues – It was reported that plants require spraying on the side of
the road but as Lengthsman unable ask the Three Counties whether they are able to
verge leading to them.

36/19 Correspondence
a) Lengthsman Contract 2019/2020 - £2273.28 budget available
b) Grass Cutting – proposed £5 increase per general cut
c) CALC – Information on impending Elections. Notice of elections to be issued on 22nd
March, nomination papers issued that day and must be returned by hand by 3rd April.
Very strict window.

37/19 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners –

a) Litter Pick – Confirmation of details. Cllr Adeney gave the details of the Litter Pick
that was scheduled for the 23rd March, Cllr Darwent offered to collect the equipment.
b) Three Counties Tickets – Cllr Roberts-Powell updated the Council on the latest ballot
for tickets.
c) Big Lunch – The date of 13th July had been set and the Clerk was asked to confirm
Insurance cover was provided.
d) Community Broadband – It was thought that almost enough people in Hanley Castle
had signed up to pay for the installation but the possibility of the Parish Council
underwriting people to ensure enough were signed up to make it viable was raised. The
Clerk said that she would clarify if funds could be used for that purpose.

38/19 Councillors reports and items for future agenda: No items identified

39/19 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 18th April 2019.

Signed ……………………………… Date: 18th April 2019


Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 21st March 2019

Payment of Accounts: The under mentioned accounts were approved:

Payee Description £
Peter Sauntson February Lengthsman Duties 448.00
(Glebe) Rent 25/03-28/09 125.00
Swarco Balance of VAS Invoice 1913.12
Abunassar March Clerk Duties 422.20
Total 2908.32

Signed ……………………………………… Date: 18st April 2019



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