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BCS Theory and Superconductivity

1. Introduction of the superconductor (7) (11). This information based

on experiments on naturally occurring mercury and its
Superconductivity discovered in 1911 by Onnes (9), is the isotope, observed a decrease in Tc with an increase in
quantum phenomena that certain materials exhibit un- isotopic mass. This allows for the assumption that the
der particular magnetic and temperature regimes. There basis of superconductivity relies on electron-phonon in-
existed no consistent microscopic theory that described teractions, an assumption that would later lead to the
why superconductivity arose, from the time it was dis- formation of the BCS theory.
covered until the 1950’s, only macroscopic theories that
allowed you to calculate certain thermodynamic and elec- 2.2 In search of a microscopic theory
trodynamic quantities. In 1957, two papers released by
Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (1) (2) described the Because superconductivity was found in materials before
conceptual and mathematical foundation for conventional the physics community predicted the phenomena, theo-
superconductivity, the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) ries were formed to attempt to explain, match and pre-
theory, for which they later received the Nobel Prize for dict the characteristics of these materials that undergo
in 1972. the phase transition. London and London were inter-
We will look at features of superconductors before the ested in superconductivity but did not attempt to de-
discovery of the BCS theory, and examine the assump- scribe the reason for it. Instead, they derived an equa-
tions and methods used to develop the theory. We will tion for the penetration depth, λ, of the superconductor
then calculate and study interesting quantities of the su- (4), but their results consistently overestimated the ex-
perconducting system, and finally describe how the re- perimentally found values, and so their assumptions were
sults predicted by the BCS theory fare against experi- discarded.
mental evidence obtained about superconductors. The Ginzburg-Landau theory in 1950 (6), was a phe-
nomenological theory using physical intuition and the
2. Before BCS Theory variational principle of quantum mechanics. It allowed
the calculation of macroscopic quantities of the material
2.1 Aspects of Superconductivity in the superconducting state if one assumed the phase
transition to be of second order. His results were able
Onness discovery of superconductivity came when he wit- to accurately match the experimental results of the time,
nessed a sudden drop in the resistance of solid mercury and were later shown to be a specific form of the BCS
at 4.2 K. All superconductors show this drop of resis- theory. While useful and accurate for macroscopic quan-
tance, either gradually or suddenly, at a particular tran- tities, like the London-London attempt, it did not explain
sition temperature, Tc . Infinite conductivity implies that the foundation for superconductivity in these materials.
if a current were passed through the material during its
superconducting phase, the current would follow forever 3. Foundations of BCS Theory
without any dissipation.
Another characteristic, later found by Meissner and In this section, we lay out the theoretical grounds for BCS
Ochsenfeld (8), is that all superconductors are diamag- theory. All derivations may be referenced in “Theory of
nets. Diamagnetism occurs when an external magnetic Superconductivity” by Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer
field penetrates only a finite, amount of the material, and or Tinkham’s Introduction to Superconductivity.
does not hinder the remaining inner parts of the material.
The penetration depth is usually small compared to the 3.1 Cooper Pairs
width of the material. Also known as the Meissner effect,
this event also indicates that a particular magnetic field The BCS theory relies on the assumption that supercon-
would destroy the superconductivity of a material. ductivity arises when the attractive Cooper pair interac-
The isotope effect discovered by Maxwell and Reynolds tion dominates over the repulsive Coulomb force (2). A
describes the relation between Tc and the isotopic mass Cooper pair is a weak electron-electron bound pair medi-

ated by a phonon interaction. Although somewhat am- for N0 V  1. Thus, the energy of the pair satisfies
biguous, one can visualize this pairing by the following
E = 2F − 2~ωc e−2/N0 V < 2F . (1)
explanation. Imagine an electron moving within a mate-
rial. The Coulomb attraction between the electron and 3.2 The model
the positively charged cores of ions in the material will
leave a net positive charge in the vicinity. A “paired” We now proceed to write down the model Hamiltonian
electron is one with opposite momentum and spin that is for the theory. This is most easily done in the language
attracted to this force. of second quantization. Let ckσ and c†kσ to be electron
This heuristic explanation is somewhat incomplete, annihilation and creation operators of momentum k and
because at the heart of the phonon-mediated interaction spin σ =↑ or ↓. The usual commutation relations are:
is a long range attraction and thus, requires quantum
{ckσ , c†k0 σ } = δ (3) (k − k0 )δσσ0
mechanics for a full explanation. Cooper’s monumental
1956 work showed that due to the fermi statistics of the and
electron, this paired e− − e− state can have energy less {ckσ , ck0 σ } = 0 = {c†kσ , c†k0 σ }.
than that of the Fermi-energy of the material(3). Thus, The proposed Hamiltonian is taken to be
at adequately low temperatures, when thermal energy is
k c†kσ ckσ + Vkl c†k↑ c†−k↓ c−l↓ cl↑ .
not a factor, bound e− − e− states can form. H0 = (2)
We give a short, simplified argument of for this fact. k,σ k,l
Suppose we have two electrons interacting with this at- The first term is the usual kinetic energy of the electrons.
tractive Cooper force with a background Fermi sea at The second term is the translation of the phonon me-
T = 0 by which these electrons only interact via Pauli- diated electron-electron interaction into this framework.
exclusion. We look for a zero-momentum wave-function The matrix element Vkk0 may be taken to be general, but
of the form: we shall simplify it by using the mean field approximation
X mentioned earlier in later calculations.
Ψ(r0 , r1 ) = gk eik·(r1 −r2 ) (|↑↓i − |↓↑i) .
Now, in a normal state we would expect no formation
of Cooper pairs, hence the operator ck↑ c−k↓ should aver-
Antisymmetry demands gk = g−k . Placing this in the age out to zero. It is then natural to define the quantity
Schrödinger equation HΨ = EΨ yields the following con-
bk = hck↑ c−k↓ i .
dition: X
(E − 2k )gk = Vkk0 gk0 The so-called gap energy is then defined to be
k0 >kF X
∆k = − Vkk0 bk0 . (3)
d3 r V (r)ei(k−k )·r . Now the follow-
where Vkk0 = vol vol k0
ing mean field approximation is made: To allow the exchange of particles it makes sense to con-
 sider the new Hamiltonian H = H 0 + µN where µ is the
−V for F < k < F + ~ωc
Vkk =
0 chemical potential.
0 else
The Hamiltonian can be diagonalized following the
where F is the Fermi energy and ωc is a cutoff frequency. method of Bogoliubov. We defined the linearly trans-
This indicates that we only consider interactions that are formed states γk0 and γk1 by
allowed by the metal’s frequency range, similar to the †
ck↑ = u∗k γk0 + vk γk1
assumptions made in the Debeye model. We then have
c†k↓ = −vk∗ γk0 + uk γk1

1 X 1
= such that |uk |2 + |vk |2 = 1. In practice, we can let one of
V 2k − E
k>kF uk or vk be real. To complete the diagonaization we look
Z F +~ωc at the the Hamiltonian in this basis:
→ N0 Xn 
F 2 −E H0 = †
ξk (|uk |2 − |vk |2 )(γk1 †
γk1 + γ−k0 γ−k0 )
N0 2F − E + 2~ωc k
= ln 
2 2F − E +2|vk |2 + 2u∗k vk∗ γ−k0 γk1 + 2uk vk γk1 † †

† †
(∆k uk vk∗ + ∆∗k u∗k vk∗ )(γk1 γk1 + γ−k0 γ−k0 − 1)
1 1 +(∆k (vk )∗ − ∆∗k (uk )∗ )γ−k0 γk1
(2F − E) = 2/N V ≈ e−2/N0 V
2~ωc e 0 −1 † †
+(∆∗k vk2 − ∆k u2k )γk1 γ−k0 +∆k b∗k )} .

This is analogous to the raising and lowering operators
acting on the ground state of the one-dimensional simple
harmonic oscillator.

4. Thermodynamic Calculations

4.1 Evaluating Tc

By definition of ∆k and γkσ , we have

∆k = − Vkk0 bk0
Vkk0 u∗k vk0 1 − γk† 0 0 γk0 0 − γk† 0 1 γk0 1 .
= −
Figure 1: The energy gap seen between the superconduct- †
Now, γk0 = δ(k − k0 ) = γk† 0 1 γk0 1 thus,
ing state (top) and the normal state (bottom) produces D E
the order parameter of the system. Vkk0 u∗k vk0 1 − γk† 0 0 γk0 0 − γk† 0 1 γk0 1
∆k = −
We determine the u and v terms by demanding the coef- = − Vkk0 u∗k0 vk0 (1 − 2(f (Ek0 ))
† † k0
ficients of γ−k0 γk1 and γk1 γ−k0 . This is equivalent to  
X ∆k0 βEk
∆∗k vk
q = − Vkk0 tanh
= ξk2 + |∆k |2 − ξk ≡ Ek − ξk 2Ek0 2
V X ∆k 0 βEk
where = tanh .
q 2 0 Ek0 2
Ek ≡ ξk2 + |∆k |2 .
In the last step, we have made the usual mean field ap-
From this we observe that the gap energy ∆k is the proximation Vkk0 = −V . In this approximation we know
order parameter for this interacting theory as seen in Fig. then that ∆k is independent of k. Thus, we have the
1. relation
The graph also indicates with the order parameter 

1 X tanh 2
that the superconducting state still has energy greater 1 βEk
= tanh
than zero with no kinetic energy, unlike the normal state. V 2 0 Ek0 2
The role of this order parameter will become even more p
apparent with further calculations of thermodynamic quan- We know that generally Ek = ξk2 + ∆2 , and at the
tities. transition temperature the energy gap, ∆, vanishes leav-
Our objective now is to find a BCS ground state. That ing the relation: Ek = |ξk |, which is symmetric about the
is, one that the transformed Bogoliubov operators act on. Fermi energy. Then,
If |0i is the free ground state, the most general candidate 

1 X tanh 2
for the BCS ground state would be a wave function of the 1 βξk
= 2· tanh
form V 2 0 ξk0 2
Y k
|Ψ0 i ∼ γkσ |0i Z c  
1 βξ
k,σ → N0 dξ tanh .
0 ξ 2
as this state is killed by γkσ for any σ because γkσ γkσ ≡ 0.
By substituting our original electron operators, this says We will evaluate the integral from ξ = 0 to the Cooper
that the BCS ground state has the form energy, c = ~ωc , where the transition to superconduc-
tivity begins. Note that we expect ωc ' ωD the Debye
|BCSi = uk + vk c†k↑ c†−k↓ |0i . (4) frequency. This is due to the dependence of the Cooper
k formation having phonons exist within the material.
To compute this integral, we make the substitution
Once we have this ground state, we may obtain super- x = βξ2 to get,
conducting excited states by Z βc c /2
1 tanh(x)
γk† 1 σ1 γk† 2 σ2 · · · γk† n σn |BCSi . = dx.
N0 V 0 x

(a) Conventional superconductors
Figure 2: Comparing the entropy dependence on temper-
ature (12), we see that the superconducting state, Ses , is
more ordered than the normal state Sen .

We can evaluate this integral approximately,

≈ ln(1.13 βc ~ωc )
N0 V
which gives
kB Tc ≈ 1.13 ~ωc e−1/N0 V . (5)
(b) Aluminum
4.2 Entropy
Figure 3: Indication that the energy gap is temperature
A thermodynamic quantity that may be calculated is dependent (5). (a) Indium, Tin and Lead may then be
the entropy of the system in different phases. We have considered conventional superconductors because their
previously derived that for a Fermi gas, in this case the properties may be predicted by BCS theory. (b) Alu-
free electrons of the material, the entropy Sen is propor- minum deviates from the predictions of BCS, and there-
tional to T . For the superconducting state with Fermi fore may not be considered a conventional superconduc-
function tor.
fk := f (Ek ) =
1 + eβEk
the entropy is given by using their mean field approximation, and the assump-
X tion that the superconductors were weakly coupled. This
Ses = −2kB {(1 − fk ) ln(1 − fk ) + fk ln fk } . assumption did not hold in the case of aluminum super-
conductors as seen by Fig. 3 from the same study.
Fig. 2 indicates that the superconducting phase is The energy gap, the order parameter of the system,
more ordered compared to its normal phase (12). manifests itself when calculating the heat capacities of
the superconducting state and the normal state. Recall,
5. Experimental Verification CV = T dT . Therefore, ∆C = Ces − Cen at Tc gives
After the theory was proposed, many experiments were d∆
∆C = −N0 .
designed to test the predictions of superconductors. One dT T =Tc
such experiment measured the temperature dependence
of the energy gap (5), with indium, tin, and lead super- This indicates that the magnitude of the discontinuity of
conductors as shown in Fig. 3. the heat capacity is explicitly dependent on the order pa-
The theory predicted that near Tc rameter ∆. This is best shown by the heat capacities of
superconducting aluminum (10) in Fig. 4. Note, Tc for
∆(T ) T aluminum is 1.163 K.
≈ 1.74 1 −
∆(0) Tc


[1] J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer. Mi-

croscopic Theory of Superconductivity. Phys. Rev.,
106(1):162–164, Apr 1957.
[2] J. Bardeen, L. N. Cooper, and J. R. Schrieffer. The-
ory of Superconductivity. Phys. Rev., 108(5):1175–
1204, Dec 1957.

[3] Leon N. Cooper. Bound electron pairs in a degen-

erate fermi gas. Phys. Rev., 104(4):1189–1190, Nov
[4] F. and H. London. Proc. Roy. Soc., (London):A149,
Figure 4: Comparison of heat capacities of superconduct- [5] Ivar Giaever and Karl Megerle. Study of Super-
ing and normal aluminum states (10). For the normal conductors by Electron Tunneling. Phys. Rev.,
state, the dependence is linear, while it is nonlinear for 122(4):1101–1111, May 1961.
the superconducting state. The order parameter of the
system can be seen clearly at Tc = 1.163 K. [6] V. L. Ginzburg and L. D. Landau. Zh. Eksperim. i
Teor, 20(1064), 1950.

6. Conclusion [7] Emanuel Maxwell. Isotope effect in the supercon-

ductivity of mercury. Phys. Rev., 78(4):477, May
BCS has given the ability to describe microscopically 1950.
what is occurring in the lattice and Fermi system, and has [8] W. Meissner and R. Ochsenfeld. Natur-
been verified by many experiments. While we did not ad- wissenchaften, 21(787), 1933.
dress any of the electrodynamics of the superconducting
system, the theory does support and is agreement with [9] H. Kamerlingh Onnes. Leiden Comm., 120b, 122b,
experimental findings. The flexibility of the BCS theory 124c, 1911.
has allowed for derivative theories that are dependent on
the electron-phonon interaction. [10] Norman E. Phillips. Heat Capacity of Aluminum
There are drawbacks of the theory, as seen by the de- between 0.1 K and 4.0 K. Phys. Rev., 114(3):676–
viation by the data obtained on the aluminum supercon- 685, May 1959.
ductors. The theory best approximates only conventional [11] C. A. Reynolds, B. Serin, W. H. Wright, and L. B.
weakly coupled superconductors, which aluminum can- Nesbitt. Superconductivity of isotopes of mercury.
not be. From the publication of this theory, there have Phys. Rev., 78(4):487, May 1950.
been discoveries of high Tc superconductors (Tc > 100
K), which cannot be explained by BCS. [12] Michael Tinkham. Introduction to Superconductiv-
Many have criticized the theory for being unable to ity. Dover, second edition, 2004.
explain the inverse isotope effect, where the Tc is inversely
proportional to the isotopic mass, and for not predicting
which materials are superconducting. While the theory
is a starting point, any deviations from its assumptions,
most notably that it is weakly coupled, would not be
supported and predict incorrect results. While the the-
ory claims to understand what causes superconductivity,
it gives no procedure in choosing which materials would
undergo the phase transition. Instead, the results could
point to what new types of interactions are occurring
within the superconducting system, and use an alterna-
tive theory to explain the onset of superconductivity.

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