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1. What is the percentage of oxygen in atmosphere?

2. What is the space in between the molecules a pure substance called ?

3. In which state of matter is the shape definite?

4. In which state of matter the intermolecular force is least ?

5. What is the name given to the conversion of solid into liquid ?

6. Conversion of liquid into solid is called

7. Conversion of liquid into gas is called

8. Conversion of gas into liquid is called

9. What is the substance that occupies space and has weight called

10. What is the force between molecules of a substance called

11. Which layer is present above the troposphere ?

12. What is atom

13. Give two examples of liquid state

14. Write any one importance of atmosphere ?

15. What is the percentage of Nitrogen in atmosphere

16. What is the percentage of oxygen in atmosphere

17. Mention any one property of air

18. What is the lowermost layer of the atmosphere

19. In which layer is the ozone layer present

20. In which layer are the clouds mostly found

21. Which part of the respiratory system absorbs oxygen

22. Which gas is inhaled by us?

23. Which gas is exhaled by us?

24. Which process kills the germs present in water

25. In which layer the weather changes takes place in this layer

26. Which layer is called as cold layer

27. Which layer is called as hot Layer

28. In which layer space shuttles Orbit

29. Which chemical purifies water

30. Name two sources of water

31. What is the universal solvent

1. What is the energy present in moving objects ?

2. What is used to tighten A Screw ?

3. What is the fixed point of lever ?

4. Due to which force the fruits fall down from the tree ?

5. Which machine have few parts ?

6. What is not a Machines by itself ?

7. How many types of simple machines are there

8. Give two examples of wedge

9. Give two examples of energy that is extracted from rocks

10. Name two types of rocks

11. Which rock is formed from shells and skeleton of tiny sea creatures

12. Which is the lower most layer from of soil

13.Give two factors responsible for soil erosion

14. Name two methods of soil conservation

15. Which type of rocks are formed from volcanic eruption

16. Which rock is formed from forthy Lava

17. Which rock is formed from limestone

18. Which Coal is called brown coal

19. With which substance shale is made

20. What is a natural satellite of Earth ?

21. Which planets have no moons?

22. Who was the first man to set foot on the moon ?

23. What is three quarters of the Moon called ?

24. Give one effect of friction

25. Which energy is present in fossils and Fuels?

The area r zone around the Pacific Ocean where active volcanoes are found is known as the

The intensity of an earthquake is measured on the

Tsunami means

The. At which an earthquake begins is called

An earthquake causes a lot of damage to both And

What are the three types of volcanoes

The word Tsunami is

Molten lava and gases erupt through the

The damage due to an earthquake is the strongest at the

Pacific Ring of Fire is related to

Small earthquakes or tremors which occur after a big quake are called

The earthquake is measured on

The thickness of the Mantle is

The hydrogen present in the sun is constantly changing into

The smallest planet of the solar system is

Venus is also called the Star are Star

The largest planet of the solar system is

Is the first planet After The Earth

The science which helps us to study celestial bodies is called

Rocks found in the Mantle are composed of magnesium and

The inner core of the Earth is composed entirely of

How many colours is the light of Sun a mixture of

The sun is mainly made up of

There is no On the moon

Apollo 11 was launched from the Space Centre

Was the first man to set foot on the moon

Neil Armstrong and State for about two and a half hour on the moon

How far is the Moon from the Earth

What are found on the moon

V the largest moon in our solar system is

AngelRocks are made up of substances called

Volcanic eruptions are responsible for the formation of Rocks

Is formed from Lava which is 40 duty a lot of air in it

Is formed from shells and skeletons of tiny sea creatures

Shell is made from solid side

Is formed from limestone

Igneous rocks are formed from

The most common man found in sandstone is

soil is formed by the breaking up of

Examples of simple machines are And

Machines have very few parts

A Is used to tighten A Screw

A Is a wheel having a groove around its edge

A single fixed Pulley only changes the direction of

In itself is not a machine

The fixed point aap a Lever Is known as

N Most when it is push or pull

Lesson 11

1 .Force can move a body from ________________.

2. Force can change the _________________ of a moving object.

3. We apply ______________ to do some work .

4. Moving objects have ___________________ energy

5. The soles of our shoes wear out due to _________________________ .

6. Flowing water has ________________________ .

7. Energy is the ability or capacity to do _______________________ .

8. _________________ Involves displacement .

Lesson 10

1. The lowermost layer of the atmosphere is ________________________.

2. The ______________________ Lies above the troposphere.

3. When we breathe in air, the blood in our _______________ Absorbs oxygen from it .

4. Rivers, ponds, lakes and wells are the various ______________ Of water.

5.________________ Kills germs present in water.

6. As we go up, gets _________________.

7. All the weather changes takes place in the ________________________.

8. Water can be purified by adding ____________________.

9. Cold layer ____________________.

10. Space shuttles Orbit in the _______________________.

Lesson 9

1. Things are made up of _________________.

2. Liquids flows from________________ to _________________ Level .

3. In gaseous state, the inter-molecular force is the _______________.

4. The shape of a _____________________ is definite.

5. Liquid can change their _____________________.

6. The space in between the molecules of a substance is called_____________________.

7. Things that flow easily are called _______________________.

8. All molecules are made up of _________________.

“T” for True and “F” for Flase

1. Matter is found in two States.

2. Liquids take the form of the container in which they are put.

3. The molecules of gas are loosely packed.

4. Solution is a uniform mixture of solute and solvent.

5. Water is a solid.

6. Molecules are made up of atoms.

1. Water is blue in colour.

2. We can see air.

3. Air does not exert pressure.

4. Insoluble impurities cannot be removed from water.

5. Water purifiers should not be used to purify water

6. Water is a universal solvent because it can dissolve many substances.

1. Electrostatic force is exerted by an electrically charged body.

2. We apply force to do work.

3. Friction has no harmful effects .

4. Petrol has chemical energy.

5. Solar energy is obtained from the Sun.

6. Magnets cannot attract iron objects.

1. A crane is not a simple machine.

2. Scissors are simple machines.

3. The second class Lever has the fulcrum in the middle.

4. A hand pump is a second class Lever.

5. A Screw is not a machine.

6. A Pulley is used in cranes to make work easier.

1. Shale is a rough rock.

2. Dentists use the powdered form of pumice to polish teeth.

3. Soil provides shelter to lions, tigers and wolves only.

4. Ruby, emerald and Topaz are not rocks.

5. Wind is a major factor that causes soil erosion.

6. Soil formation is a fast process.

1. There are seven planets in the solar system.

2. The earth has two moons.

3. There is a water on the Moon but no air.

4. Venus has no moons.

5. The surface of the moon is even.

6. The Earth revolves around the sun.

1. Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love.

2. The sun is very small in comparison to the earth.

3. The inner core of the Earth is about 1200 km thick.

4. Mars revolves around the sun at a speed of about 25 km/sec.

5. Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system.

6. Saturn is colder than Jupiter.

1. Active volcanoes May erupt at any time.

2. Earthquakes are of three types.

3. Seismograph is used to measure the intensity of a tidal wave.

4. Volcanoes are usually conical mountains.

5. Dormant volcanoes do not erupt at all.

6. Natural disasters causes a lot of damage.

1. Water pollution is not caused due to human activities.

2. Soil is polluted due to pesticides.

3. Pollution does not cause any harm to the environment.

4. Air pollution causes fatal diseases.

5. Burning of garbage may lead to noise pollution.

6. We should throw garbage in the open.

Match the following
1. Acid rain (a) Ultraviolet sun rays

2. Water pollution (b) No pollution

3. Skin cancer ©Damage crops and buildings

4. Noise pollution (d) Oil spills

5. Solar energy (e) Deafness and hypertension

1. Earthquakes (a) Unexpected and harmful

2. Vent (b) Tsunami

3. Natural disasters © Landslides and fire

4. Tidal wave (d) Sleeping volcanoes

5. Dormant volcanoes (e) Molten lava and gases

1. Earth (a) Thin layer of atmosphere on the sun

2. Corona (b) Second largest planet

3. Mass © The largest planet

4. Saturn (d) The only known planet which has life

5. Jupiter (e) Red planet

1. Apollo 11 (a) No moon

2. Lunar eclipse (b) Sun, moon, Earth

3. Solar eclipse © No moon

4. New Moon (d) Artificial satellite

5. Mercury and Venus (e) Sun, earth, moon

1. Granite (a) Has uneven texture

2. Conglomerate (b) Is formed from limestone

3. Slate © Metallic mineral

4. Marble (d) Non - metallic mineral

5. Copper (e) Hard, igneous rock

6. Feldspar (f) Is formed from Shale

1. Lever (a) Used in cranes

2. Pulley (b) Screw Jack

3. Wedge © Vehicles

4. Screw (d) Ramp

5. Wheel and axle (e) Knife

6. Inclined plane (f) Hand pump

1. Muscular energy (a) Diesel Petrol

2. Chemical energy (b) Stretched string of a bow

3. Mechanical energy ©Firewood

4. Solar energy (d) Magnet

5. Heat energy (e) Muscles

6. Magnetic energy (f) Sun

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