12 Bahasa Inggris

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Kompetensi Keahlian : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian Hari : Rabu

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tanggal : 13 Maret 2019
Kelas / semester : XII / 6 Waktu : 120 Menit

1. This is a multiple choices test and consists of three parts (50 numbers)
a. Part 1 : Incomplete Sentences / Dialogues ( No. 1 - 20)
b. Part 2 : Reading Comprehension (No. 21- 35)
c. Part 3 : Cloze Test (No 36 - 50)
2. Do the test based on the instruction of each part!
3. ONLY ONE correction for each number.
4. NO TIP-EX/CORRECTING FLUID and / or Rubber used for the correction


FOUR WORDS or PHRASES MARKED (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given beneath
each sentence. You have to choose the appropriate answer/expression to complete
the dialogue.

1. Andhika : I have to call my mother. It’s very urgent, but I can’t find my hand phone.
I forget where I put it. Do you see it?
Bayu : I’m sorry I don’t see it. But . . . . It is in the dining room. Please take it.
Andhika : OK, thank you very much.
A. why don’t you lend me yours?
B. why don’t you use mine?
C. can I use your hand phone?
D. will your mother call you?

2. Samuel : When was the last time you washed your car? It’s so dirty.
Regina : I can’t remember. My schedule is very tight.
Samuel : . . . . I’m not doing anything right now.
A. Let me help you wash the car.
B. Would you take it to the saloon?
C. You should wash the car soon.
D. How about washing your car?

3. Teacher : Why don’t you finish your task on time?

A student : I’m sorry, Sir. Actually . . . .
Teacher : Sorry to hear that.
A. I didn’t have time to find the place for practicing
B. I’m still taking care of my sick father.
C. I will do my home assignment on time.
D. I cannot listen to this kind of music.

4. Bryan : Anne, now please tell me about your last vacation in New York.
Anne : Well, I took a New York Lunch Cruise. . . . .
Bryan : Sounds like an excellent trip for you.
A. What a good place it was!
B. It had to be right. The food has no taste.
C. The food, the music and the singer were fabulous.
D. That was not a good place for our people
5. Melati : Wow, your jacket looks so terrific with your blue T-shirt!
Bayu : Really? Thanks. A friend of mine brought it from Australia.
Melati : Of course, . . . .
A. that’s good for me I think
B. I’m so happy wearing it
C. the ties at the waist make it look sporty.
D. the model is out of date.
6. Lolasanti : Have you decided what to order?
Guntoro : No, I haven’t made up my mind. Anything to suggest?
Lolasanti : ....
Guntoro : Good idea. I am really thirsty.
A. What about having fried chicken?
B. Why don’t we have some soup?
C. How about ordering some hamburger?
D. Can we have “soda gembira”?

7. Abiya : Our government has decided that all vehicles, which use a toll road must have an e-toll
Abiyu : . . . . In my opinion, it just increases our travelling costs.
Abiya : I don’t agree with you. I think it is the most effective way to solve the long queues at
the toll gate.
A. I have the good point about that
B. I think there is a good idea
C. I do agree with it
D. I can’t go along with that

8. Rizki : Do you think that social media is important to us?

Ratna : I think there are some advantages and disadvantages, aren’t there?
Rizki : I believe that we’ll get more advantages.
Ratna : . . . . because there are so many negative effects from social media.
A. I have a different opinion.
B. I would say the same thing.
C. I couldn’t agree more.
D. I am with you, Rizki.
9. Kirana : I really can't solve this problem. Please call Benny to help me.
Inayah : Unfortunately, he is out of town.
Kirana : . . . .
A. If he is here, he will help us right away
B. If he was here right now, he would help us
C. If he were here right now, he would help us
D. If he had been here, he would have helped us
10. Hartini : How long will you stay in Yogyakarta?
Hartoto : I will stay there for three days.
Hartini : If you go there, . . . .
A. we can go sightseeing and shopping in Malioboro
B. we can also see the traditional art namely Kethoprak
C. please, don’t send my picture to your friend
D. please, buy me the special food, 'Gudeg'

11. Fanni : How do you start the washing machine?

Hilma : By closing the door, setting the program, and pressing the red button.
Fanni : That’s right. The door is closed, and . . . .
A. the red button is pressed after the program is set
B. the program is set after the red button is pressed
C. the red button is pressed before the program is set
D. the red button is pressed after the door is closed
12. Rudy : I didn’t see you in the workshop of classroom action research yesterday. What
happened? As I understood you were one of the participants who was going to present
the research proposal.
Raisa : I didn’t come to the workshop yesterday . . . . So, I’ll be with you for the next
Rudy : Oh, that’s good. I thought there was something wrong with you.
A. because I got a bad headache
B. because the committee rescheduled my turn
C. since I had to see dentist in the hospital
D. for the participants refused to do research

13. Andri : What’s the matter with you? You look so pale.
Wiwin : I skipped my breakfast this morning . . . .
Andri : Let me buy you something to eat. The canteen is already open
A. since it was very nice.
B. because I was in a hurry
C. while I was having it.
D. for it was the nicest one
14. Aunty : What a nice son! Good job Johny!
Johny : Thanks Aunty. You must be kidding.
Aunty : That’s real. I often see you helping your Mom with the housework.
Johny : ....
A. Really? If I don’t help her, I will not get her love forever
B. Really? If you don’t help her, will she reduce her love?
C. Really? This is for I always remember your coming here, my aunt.
D. Really? This is for I can’t give back Mom’s never lasting love.

15. Bryan : What are you going to do with these colored papers?
Mila : . . . . Mr. Mono gave us an assignment to promote saving the environment.
Bryan : I’m sure you can make an attractive one. You are a creative person.
A. I’m going to draw a picture.
B. I’m going to make a poster.
C. You are going to sell it.
D. I’m going to give it to Mr. Mono.
16. Raditya : What are you doing here? Are you sick?
Aida : I need a general checkup. I often feel painful in my back.
Raditya : . . . . I feel so much better by rubbing it on my painful back.
A. How about going home directly?
B. Can you help me find the medicine?
C. Do you want to try this herbal cream?
D. Would you like to see the doctor

17. Gintono : What are you going to do for Alin’s wedding?

Emilia : I have no idea. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ll suppose I’ll buy something
new, but I don’t know what. . . . ?
Gintono : Not yet. But I know what I’m going to purchase, a painting of their village.
Emilia : That’s great! I’m sure they’ll love it.
A. Have you bought new shoes yet
B. Have you known the present yet
C. What you have prepare for them
D. Have you bought a present yet

18. You : Have you ever been to Lombok?

Your friend : Yes, for a week.
You :...?
Your friend : Three days I stayed in Senggigi, and four days I turned around Lombok visiting
many tourism places.
A. When have you done it
B. Where have you been
C. What did you do there
D. Which place have you visited

19. Mike : How would you like to go roller skating this Saturday afternoon?
Anita : This Saturday afternoon? . . . . I’ve got to help my parents clean up the yard.
Mike : That’s too bad.
Anita : It is. Going roller skating sounds like a lot more fun than helping my parents clean up
the yard. Maybe some other time.
A. I would love to
B. That’s great, thank you
C. I won’t be able to
D. I’m happy to join

20. Zakiyya : What a nice handbag! You will look wonderful bringing it to the party.
Vanessa : If I had a lot of money, . . . right now.
Zakiyya : Why don’t we check the price with the shop assistant first?
A. I should buy it
B. I should sell it
C. I would borrow it
D. I would lend it to you


Questions no 26 - 40 are based on reading materials. You are to choose the one best answer
( A, B, C, or D )to each question.
Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following text.

Man : How can I help you madam?

Woman : I’d like an iced tea with my meal.
Man : Would you like it with lemon and sugar?
Woman : With lemon only, please.

21. What has the woman requested?

A. Some menus
B. A telephone
C. A plate of fruit
D. Something to drink
22. Where do you think the dialog took place?
A. In the kitchen
B. In the living room
C. In the restaurant
D. In the hotel
23. “How can I help you madam?”
What does the underlined word above refer to?
A. The woman
B. The waiter
C. The shopkeeper
D. The customer
From : Personal Manager
To : Mochtar, the supervisor
Sent : Monday, March 4th, 2019
Subject : Ms. Kusmartinah’s visit
Ms Kusmartianah will visit our company, especially to see our logistic division, on Friday, March 8 th 2019.
I’d like you to prepare a program for her. She will come in the afternoon after lunch. Please start with coffee
at “Banaran Coffee Shop and show her our products and prepare your presentation.

Questions 24 to 26 refer to the following text.

24. What is the main idea of the text above?

A. Information to Mochtar about Ms. Kusmartinah’s visit.
B. Invitation to Mochtar to Banaran Coffee Shop.
C. Information about the logistic division to Ms. Kusmartinah.
D. Announcement to all supervisors to prepare a program.
25. What should the supervisor prepare?
A. A list of coffee break menus.
B. A program and a presentation.
C. The products of the company.
D. The logistic division.
26. “Please start with coffee at Banaran Coffee Shop and show her our products and prepare your
What does the word typed in italic refer to?
A. The personal manager
B. The visitor
C. The staff
D. The supervisor

Question number 27 to 29 refer to the following text

An Australian energy pioneer since 1954, Santos, is a leading oil and gas producer,
supplying Australian and Asian customers. Santos has also developed major oil and liquids
businesses in Australia and operates in all mainland Australian states and the Northern Territory.
Santos also has an exploration-led Asian portfolio, with a focus on three core countries:
Indonesia, Vietnam, and Papua New Guinea. From this base, Santos is pursuing a
transformational LNG strategy with interests in three LNG projects; Darwin LNG, PNG, and
Our substantial pipeline of projects ensures Santos is well positioned to achieve our
production goal of 80 to 90 million barrels of oil equivalent by 2020. With over 3,000 employees
across Australia and Asia, Santos’ foundations are based on safe, sustainable operations and
working in partnership with host communities, governments, business partners, and shareholders.

27. Find the synonymous word of “ grown” from the text above.
A. positioned
B. developed
C. based
D. operated
28. How much is the production goal for 2020?
A. 80-90 million barrels.
B. Less than 80 million barrels.
C. Under a hundred million barrels.
D. Unpredictable.
29. “Our substantial pipeline of projects…..” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to . . ..
A. Customers
B. Australia
C. Santos
D. Vietnam

Questions 30 to 32 refer to the following text

Hello, sports fans! Next Sunday the Falcons travel to Chicago to take on the Bears in the final
round of the race for the fall American Soccer Confederation championship. Channel four
will bring you complete coverage of this sure-to-be exciting match-up. That’s next Sunday,
fans, at one o’clock, right here on Channel Four, as the Falcons take on the Bears for the ASC
conference championship.

30. What sport is the announcer talking about?

A. Soccer
B. Tennis
C. Baseball
D. Basketball
31. When will the championship be determined?
A. The following Saturday
B. The following Sunday
C. Two weeks later
D. The next day
32. What is the synonymous phrase of “to face” in the text?
A. To travel to
B. To be exciting
C. To take on
D. To match-up

Question 33 to 35 refer to the following text

When I was still at elementary school, I had a strange day. The day was cloudy and dark
but my little cousin wanted to visit the rice farm to meet our grandmother. I could not ignore
what she asked because I loved her. I had a responsibility not to make her cry. Her smile was
my priority at the time.
Before we met our grandmother in the rice farm, my cousin asked me to go to the river
to see the water-fall. However, our grandmother had once warned us not to go to the river
because it was so dangerous. I couldn’t refuse my cousin request again because she really
wanted to go. When we reached the river, my cousin ran near the river bank. Suddenly, I
heard her scream. She fell into the river and I could not see her anymore. So, I jumped into
the water. But the current dragged us down. I tried so hard to keep afloat and grab her hand.
Fortunately, I was able to reach her hand and swam up to the surface. It was a very scary and
unforgettable moment in my life.

33. What does the text tell you about?

A. An unforgettable event happened in the past.
B. The story of a river excursion.
C. A cloudy day in a childhood memory.
D. Information about the dangerous river.
34. From the story above we can conclude that the writer . . . .
A. should have disobeyed her grandmother.
B. should have refused her cousin’s request.
C. should not have fallen into the river.
D. should have taught her cousin to swim.
35. Find a word in text that has a meaning of “take no notice”
A. ignore
B. responsible
C. jump
D. reach


Questions no 36 - 50 are based on the text. You are to choose the one best answer
( A, B, C, or D )to complete each blank.
Questions 36 to 38 refer to the following text with the word provided to complete.

66 Parapat Street

December 9th, 2018

Mr. Danny de Villa

Human Resource Department
Seraphine Clothing Company
Maimun Medan
Dear Mr. De Villa,
I’m writing to you in response to an advertisement for the position of a junior designer which
(36) . . . in the Sunday News, December 7th. As you can see from my enclosed resume, I have
the academic qualifications that will suit your requirements.
I am good in team work and I can take (37) . . . under minimal supervision. I look forward to
an interview anytime at your convenience. Thank you (38) . . . your consideration.
Reno Barack

36. A. appear 37. A. responding 38. A. to

B. appears B. responsible B. for
C. appearing C. responsibility C. on
D. appeared D. responsive D. with

Questions 39 to 41 Complete the following text with the word provided

Thank you for choosing a Blukuthuk photocopier. The following are (39) . . . to make copies in
less than five minutes:
1. Make sure the photocopier is plugged into an outlet and press the power button. Don’t
forget to check the paper tray. Fill the tray with paper if you find it empty.
2. Lift the photocopier’s cover and place your document on the copier. (40) . . . the front of
the document facing downward on the glass while paying attention to the guide marks.
When the document is properly placed, close the copier cover.
3. Set the number of copies that you want by dialling the plus or minus keys on the unit.
4. Select the paper size and remember to feed suitable paper into the tray.
5. Finally, press the “copy” button to print your copies. It’s better to stand in front of the
copier (41) . . . it’s printing, so that you can notice any errors immediately.

39. A. the information 40. A. check 41. A. because

B. the steps B. take B. but
C. the receipt C. put C. and
D. the copier D. fill D. while
Questions 42 to 44 refer to the following text to complete

George : How do you like my tie?

Riany : Your tie? Well, I think it’s (42) . . . ..
George : You don’t really like it, do you?
(43) . . . be honest with me.
Riany : Well, to tell the truth, I think it’s a little loud
George : Hmm, you (44) . . . be right.

42. A. bad 43. A. Hurry up, 44. A. shall

B. nice B. Listen, B. should
C. terrible C. Look, C. have to
D. ugly D. Come on, D. might

Questions 45 to 47 refer to the following recount to complete

Dr. Mohammad Hatta was the first Vice President of Indonesia. He was born in Bukittinggi,
West Sumatra. Many people called him Bung Hatta. His birthdaywas on August 12 th, 1902. He
studied in private formal education and then he moved to state school. (45) . . . he was a young
man, he was interested in politics and joined the League of Young Sumatrans.
He studied economics in The Netherlands. While he was there, he was active in the national
movement. He was finally arrested because he was too active.
He joined a (46) . . . organization when he returned to Indonesia. The organization was
called “Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia”. He reminded Indonesian people about awareness,
especially in politics. Because of his political involvement, he was arrested again. The colonial
government considered that his activity was dangerous.
Soekarno and Hatta finally proclaimed Indonesia’s Independence when the Japanese
surrendered their control in August 1945. Hatta (47) . . . the first Vice-president of the Republic
of Indonesia.

45. A. While 46. A. economical 47. A. became

B. Because B. social B. proclaimed
C. Since C. potential C. considered
D. Untill D. political D. arrested

Questions 48 to 50, Complete the following text with the word provided

Benny : Thanks for (48) . . . me to the opening. All the artists’ works are outstanding. How’s the
gallery organized?
Enny : They have placed similar pieces together.
Benny : Some visitors seemed confused about finding (49) . . . favorite artist’s work. Why don’t
you design the lay-out of this exhibition into one space for artist, so it helps us find our favorite
Enny : Actually it allows for easy comparison between artists. Well, we’ll reorganize the
exhibition room arrangement (50) . . . help the visitors.

48. A. inviting 49. A. my 50. A. in

B. calling B. your B. on
C. treating C. their C. of
D. helping D. our D. to

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