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Grammar Zero, first and second conditionals 1 Read the sentences (1-6) below, Which, 2 refer ta something which the speaker thinks is possible? bb refer to something which the speaker's imagining, thinks is improbable, or thinks is impossible? ¢ refer to something which is generally ue? 1 you speaka bic te language i's much easier rahe fend 2 Finan might make itor difeutformevo get kee a Foray seeson you ca‘ make to tutorial ye let ror kro 4 Mitvedin iti, 'alear about how tain ve and think Jour tutor has to cance tori or put of hoor shelly te telyou the weekbetorhane 6 Yourtutrs nl organise youinto groups and suggest tecerch ules you prefer woking lone \Conditionals |Concitional sentences exoress # condition (If.) and the Jconsequence of tho condition, The consequence ean be Jexoressed before or after the condition If you came to Canada, we can visit Vancouver Wie can vist Vancouver if you come to Canada, INote: If the condition comes frst, @ comma is used. Ifthe Jconsequence comes first, no comma is used. Zero conditional We use a zero conditional to express: © things which are always or generally true I the teacher is late, t sets 2 bad example to the class People tond to get annoyed iftwhen you shout 2t them, * scientific facts: WhenIf water boils, is evaporates Note: In zero conditionals, when and if often mean the same| First conditional [We use a first conditional to express @ future condition we. [think is possible ar lkely: If ger the jab, 11! buy myself a new car If you wash the car, it will look much smarter || won't phone you unless it's urgent you can have an ice cream if you behave wel You shouldn't go swimming unless you think it's safe, Ihe phones, tell him I'm busy. inless means ‘except if. We can often use unless of ffner: | can't watch the footbell with you unless I finish my schoo! Jwork beforehand, (I can't watch the football with you if jon‘ finish my school work before the game begins) [Second conditional We use a second conditional to express a present or Huture condition which is imaginary, contrary to the facts, impossible or improbable: i would go for a walk if it wasn’t s0 cole MF | was 2s rich as Bill Gates, J wouldn't work. (Being as rich] ls Bill Gates is imaginary} | wouldn't fy in a helicopter unless | was sure it was lcompletely safe. (This is how | would feal in ths situation) |We'd win more matches if we tained harder. (This is [contrary to the facts ~ we don't train hard enough) 2 Match the beginning of each sentence (1-10) with its ending (a-}). 1 Lwon't mention your name 2 V'daravel round the works 3 We don't allow people to da the course I") have to buy the book If dacide to study abroad, If see her, Hi wasn’t so busy, Wt went to study in Australia, Idteke a tax’ students come te class regularly, | won't see my girlfriend for several months, they usually get good results. I'd. go-to the cinema with you | wouldn't come back I" tell her you called. if had the money. ‘unless I can find it in the lirary, unless you want me to {if | could afford one. |) unless they have the right qualfcations Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given, 1 We vill not be able to fnish the project without your help. ASSIST Unless. project, we will nat be able to finish it. 2 You cannot use the swimming peal unless you become a member of the sports club. JOIN You can only use the swimming pool the sports club. 3 Stella will not participete inthe concert because she is feeling il PART IF Stella was not feeling ill, she the concert. 4 twill be necessary for us to postpone the match if the weather does not improve. PUT Unless the weather gets better, we. the match za7eanoe 5 Your English improves because your teacher shows you your mistakes. UNLESS Your English would not get nnn OUt your mistakes. 6 | will only play in the basketball metch if| recover from my cold, GET Unless match, 5 Work in pairs. Take turns ta ask each other these questions, | will not play in the basketball = If you could study anywhere in the world, where would you go? 1+ you studied ine different country, what de you think would be your biggest problem? «© fyou coule change ane thing in your lif, what would it bet Hane day, you became famous, what do you think you'd be fermous for? © How will you celebrate if you pass all your exarns this year? Reading and Use of English | Part 7 1 Work in pairs. You are going to read extracts from four reports written by secondary-school students from different countries. Each student has written about an educational exchange he/she went on to another country, Before you read, discuss these questions, 11 How do you think students benefit from going to school in another country for a term (or even a year!? 3 Ifyou were doing an educational exchange, how would you deal with each problem? 2 Now underline the main idea in each question 1-10. Which person ‘was surprised by the different approach to education? enjoyed cooperating with theirhost family? believes they are more adult asa result of the exchange? feels the exchange has helped to equip them for the future? felt a responsibility to take as much advantage as possible of exchange? had a different attitude to attending schoo! while abroad? wanted a change from their normal school lite? had not expected to be able to do an exchange? had mixed feelings about the type of school? BRA AEA PPG changed their opinion of people as ¢ result of the exchange? Before you read the sections, read the questions carefully, undadining the main ideas © Read the firs section and find which questions it anserers. * Deal with each section in turnin this way. » Ifyou have any time left atthe end, go back and check whet you have written and fil in ary questions you missed. 3 For questions 1-10 above, choose the students A-D and undesline the words which give you the answer. ‘The students may be chosen more than once. 4 Work in groups. Lock at this post on an international student forum. Think about the experiences of the students you have just read about and decide what ‘Anna should do. oo ‘anna {'m 26 years old and I'm interested in coming to your country fora few months to learn the language. | know a little ofthe language, but id like to speak it much better ‘because | might decice to study it at university in future. \What do you think | should da? Should | do an educational exchange and find a family with people my own age to stay With, oF would it be beiter to stay at home end do en online Course or go to a language school in my town? Reading and Use of English | Part 3 1 © Form nouns from these verbs. qualify 1 qualfeation intend 2 3 la compare [5 exist 6 [7 es —— 9 10 1 12. 2 @ fed of these us has been formed froma verb, Write the verb nest to each nown. Pe Ni | ry agreement assessment feeling involvement investigation confusion preference approval

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