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PREPRINT The need of a new person-centered vaccination policy after the

identification of the Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden Infant Death
(PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination Asi...

Preprint · January 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31651.09768


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1 author:

Giuseppe R. Brera
University Ambrosiana


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The need of a new person-centered vaccination policy after the identification of the Post
Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden Infant Death (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination Asia
Syndromes (PVAS).

Giuseppe R.Brera

A review of the international literature on the hexavalent vaccination adverse effects,

introduces, without a doubt, an irrefutable existence of two new clinical syndromes: “The Post
Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ”, (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination
ASIA Syndrome (PVAS). ASIA is the acronym of “Autoimmunity Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants
.1 The PHVSIDS existence is confirmed by autopsies of 13 newborns died a few hours after the
hexavalent vaccination that evidenced no existence of concurrent pathologies inducing a life

“In none of these victims congenital developmental alterations of the main nervous structures regulating
the vital functions were observed. Only the hypoplasia of the arcuate nucleus was present in 5 cases.In one
case in particular an acquired hyperarcuate encephalitis of the tractus solitarii nucleus was diagnosed in
the brainstem” 2

These children without hexavalent vaccination would be still alive. The increase of infant
mortality and hospital admission rates correlated to the number of vaccines before the first
year of life, confirmed the extreme dangerousness of the hexavalent vaccination.3 4 (fig. 1-Fig 2)
Many papers before 2014 documented the existence of a life risk derived from hexavalent
vaccination. 5 6 7 8 9 From 1999 to 2004, in Italy, there has been a slaughter of 52 infant deaths
directly associated with hexavalent vaccination , 8 before 24 hours (RR= 1,5, RR= 2,3 with the
Infarix Hexa vaccine( 0,7 with Hexavac ) , 34 within 7 days (RR=1,8- RR 1,5 with Infarix Hexa ; 2,8
with Hexavac, with all the hexavalent products RR =2) 52 within 14 days (RR 1,5, RR= 1,5 with
Infarix Hexa,1,6 with Hexavac); during the same period 55 immunized children aged 31-729
days of life , 44% of 121 SIDS died because of a cardiac arrest, but the authors didn’t apply a RR
epidemiological analysis to data 10 . The hexavalent vaccination appears like a Russian Roulette
in newborns with an unknown vulnerability or immune depressed, probably related to a
cascade of metabolic reaction triggered by an impressive release of inflammatory cytokines by
NK cells after the multiple antigens’ contemporary inoculation induced by the hexavalent
vaccination and/or its boosting. The hypothesized pathway could be the Antigen Presenting Cells
(APC) destruction by the NK inflammatory cytokines causing depression of the T-Cell effectors’
work for adaptive immunity causing a general lowering of the resistance to other also lethal
infections 11 12 13 14 . In addition to PHVSIDS, there is the clinical and scientific evidence of auto-
immune diseases,15 (fig.3) , associated with vaccinations caused by the bio-persistence and
brain translocation of minerals added to vaccines as adjuvants, preservatives and stabilizers, like
The need of a new person-centered vaccination policy after the identification of the Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden
Infant Death (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination Asia Syndromes (PVAS).

Copyright Giuseppe R.Brera 2018


Aluminium , inoculated in enormous quantities that allowed to assess the existence of PVAS 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23
. Autoimmunity can derive also from the recombination of the DNA host with that
from human cell lines of aborted foetuses used for the MMRV vaccine production also associated
with autism 24 25 . The WHO AEFI algorithm26 (Causality Assessment of Adverse Event Following
Vaccination) built on an obsolete epistemological mechanistic linear causality , showed a well
explained fallacy.27 These scientific and clinical observations give evidence to the fact that
children cannot be treated as battery chickens and to the necessity of a person- centered
approach to vaccination according to Person Centered Medicine change of the mechanistic
medical science paradigm and the health concept. 28 The former Italian Health Ministry has
spread in 2017 a 2009 guide to the vaccination contraindications, with ridiculous and dangerous
suggestions , like “ Do not visit healthy children before vaccination nor take temperature ” and
was informed about the Italian children’s slaughter and serious adverse effects from hexavalent
vaccination (9-20,3 % from 2014-2016) and other children’s deaths from PHVSIDS . The
philosophy “ Let few die for saving much more people” , is unacceptable for physicians who risk
to see a newborn’s death caused by their act, within few hours from a preventive vaccination,
and at the same time, parents cannot be obliged to expose their children to a Russian Roulette.
The possible solution is to entrust only to the paediatrician the choice of the vaccination time,
because of the necessary clinical evaluation, taking in account many individual and psychosocial
variables and reducing the number of vaccines to essential, with a health policy that could be
defined as “Person centered vaccination”. Deaths of children, inserted into vaccination
standardized programs without a previous diagnosis of immune system depression and its
existence also in stressed children and adolescents are documented.29 30 Vaccination needs a
person centered approach. Infectious diseases, that can be treated, can be more prevented also
increasing natural and adaptive immunity, with a public health policy promoting breastfeeding, a
strong immune protective factor with also vaccine power, 31maternal care and psychosocial
environment quality. An updated person centered medical education to treat infectious diseases
and to create immunity conditions for sub-clinical infections increasing individual resources for
resistance, is necessary. Few physicians know that 10.000 units of Vit.A prevent 70% of measles
complications and the relationships between the immune system, quality of maternal care,
children’s nutrition and psychosocial environment. Children and adolescents are persons and the
persons are not chicken battery. An immune stimulating diet, a healthy life quality and sub-
clinical infections are resiliency factors reinforcing natural immunity more powerful than the
adaptive one, triggering a public health oriented to primary prevention and a policy for
improving healthy lifestyles. The best practice for preventing infectious diseases is the welfare
development more than a stock market.

Brera G.R The “Russian Roulette” hexavalent vaccination. The hexavalent vaccination risk for children’s and adults
life and health. The Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden Death Syndrome (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination Asia
Syndrome( PVAS). (In Italian). Italian Journal of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine. 2018 Oct.;3:2-19.

The need of a new person-centered vaccination policy after the identification of the Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden
Infant Death (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination Asia Syndromes (PVAS).

Copyright Giuseppe R.Brera 2018


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The need of a new person-centered vaccination policy after the identification of the Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden
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Copyright Giuseppe R.Brera 2018


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The need of a new person-centered vaccination policy after the identification of the Post Hexavalent Vaccination Sudden
Infant Death (PHVSIDS) and the Post Vaccination Asia Syndromes (PVAS).

Copyright Giuseppe R.Brera 2018

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