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Saran Yu Want to Miss Valley 09002120 Fri drug output President Rak
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Sun Chips Multigrain Snacks.
Frito-Lay, Inc is the field of snack foods. Which has many brands on the market.
Mid-1990, Dr. Dwight R. Riskey, research vice president of marketing and new
product called Frito-Lay product management team Sun Chips Multigrain Snacks
attend today's meeting aims to prepare the rice offerings. senior management of
the company. About the future of the brand.
Sun Chips Multigrain Snacks is a snack sliced from Tha Whole-wheat, corn, rice,
flour and oatmeal. A little salty. And lightly sweet. The smoldering in the mouth.
Products Snack chips use less salt in the market using Canola oil or sunflower oil
for frying. Apply to less than 50% saturated fat compared to other types of frying
with oil. And no chlorinated Leste The Coral. As with the management of Frito-Lay
that it was "reflective of a superior standard."
This product has been available in test market for Ja 10 months in urban areas of
Minneapolis-St. Paul and Minnesota, although the response of customers to be
very popular Riskey and his team know that they presented the information
obtained from the evaluation of the test market. Will be able to attract senior
executives of the Frito-Lay.
To decide on the selling Ja Sun Chips Multigrain Snacks, it must ensure that sales
must be in the Top-level requirements because the product during the production
of a new home. Creating a new brand. And pioneered a new type of snacks.
Require substantial investment. Financing decisions. Depending on whether the
product will be able to live sustainably.
Product marketing strategies.
1. Grow by Frito-Lay brand by expanding the product line.
2. To create new products based on customer needs.
3. Develop products for the fast-growing snack
4. Na success to the international market.
With the high competition of the snack market. Features over 650 species in the
market from competitors, both inside and outside the country. Experience and
failure to issue a new product called Sun Chips Prontos an example of the
company in 1974, apply to have enough information for investment decisions.
Mr. Saran Yu Want to Miss Valley 09002120 Fri drug output President Rak
Were free from the selection available in. Minneapolis-St. Paul and Minnesota
because they can be reflective of the total market sales (USA) has.
Market testing plans.
Product strategy.
Ja Sun Chips are selling two French Onion flavored with Natural and size of
product is the size Doritos 7 and 11 ounce and 2.25 ounce sizes with a trial.
Pricing strategy.
Ja selling price with Doritos.
Strategy, advertising and promotion.
Advertisements on TV by a group of potential customers in this advertising is that
people aged between 18-34 years old 34-49 years who are willing to get your
order is already healthy. People aged 18 years lower than it usually consume this
product from the house. (Did not buy myself).
The coupons in the newspaper to get a free trial size products. Or purchase a
normal size in the special reduced rate.
Sales strategy and organization selling Ja.
Through Store-door delivery system of Frito-Lay, which functions of the sender
and sales are included together.
Sun Chips will be sold through. Supermarkets, tea shops, convenience stores.
And other retailers.
Considered for production.
Multigrain products require technology which is composed of existing products.
Need to invest in new production lines. The production capacity efficiently check
for 1 million pounds per year in two flavors and three sizes according to market
Test marketing budget.
The budget for advertising and promotional marketing test is equivalent to 22
million dollars in Ja selling across the country.
70% of budget used during the first 6 months in test market.
Mr. Saran Yu Want to Miss Valley 09002120 Fri drug output President Rak
The results of market testing.
The response of the consumer is monitored by an independent research
organization from the beginning of the test market. Independent data from being
sent to Frito-Lay category includes purchases every month. Such as trial and
purchase behavior, moderate And hurting sales of the product was in test
Types of purchases.
Data from the independent states that the coupons have important effects on
trial and purchase of approximately 90% of purchases from supermarkets and
convenience stores. Released after 10 months in the test market sales of 2.25
ounce size by 15%, 7 ounce size is 47% of sales, selling 11 ounce size 35%, a
taste French onion 45%, Flavor Natural 55%.
Rate of first purchase and acquisition of moderate
1 in 5 families in the test market of the product was used 41.8% of this group will
have to buy moderate Number of times purchased Sang approximately 2.9 times
the average amount per transaction is the first 6 ounce purchased Sang to
purchase approximately 13 ounce at a time.
Competition with the original product.
Although sales of Sun Chips will impact sales of older products, especially Jean
Doritos, the company earnings to paint more.
The results of market testing.
Senior management of Frito-Lay will use the information presented Riskey
decisions for the future of marketing in Sun Chips Multigrain Snacks, he should
1. To be tested for another six months. Or expanding existing test strategies or
improve slightly.
2. For free from Sun Chips Multigrain Snacks available in national strategy,
similar to that used in the test market or improve slightly.
Mr. Saran Yu Want to Miss Valley 09002120 Fri drug output President Rak
Planning decisions.
1. If Riskey also apply to product testing. Competitors may be the same product
out before apply to Frito-Lay waste the opportunity to market the rice.
2. If it will expand the test market, or selling decisions free from across the
country. Be sure to check there are sufficient production. And require a high
capital to increase production capacity check.
3. When I compare the data of researchers O'Grady's potato chips, which had
sales in the first year to $ 100 million to Frito-Lay Chips Multigrain Snacks
products with better results than bad. Can apply to decide whether to check the
number of production capacity is how much
Strategy decisions.
1. The statement of $ 30 million on advertising products for brand awareness.
2. Add extra large (ie size 15-ounce) so that per capita consumption rates
increase The price per ounce was the size 11-ounce.
3. Add a new flavor like mild cheddar to increase purchasing Sang per annum
and a variety of clients.

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