Rokotoko Assignment

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#Rokotoko assignment
As a part of the Rokotoko Project, we have to make an assignment on
the areas which lacks cleanliness mentioning its causes and solutions.
Following is the area I found lacking cleanliness and its possible causes
and solution are-

Hauz Khas Lake

Hauz khas lake is located in South-Delhi and was made in 13th century
during the reign of Delhi Sultanate in the Hauz khas village.Lake may
add to charm and economy of South-Delhi, but the lake in the busy
metropolis is not so charming, anymore.
The residents of the upscale Hauz Khas society, who go to the
park almost every day for a morning walk and to watch the rising
sun, haven't been able to do so without covering their nose for
two months. Look at some of the pictures-
1. As tourist attraction, has increased nowdays .
2. Lack of awareness among people regarding cleanliness.
3. We don’t follow the procedures for disposing waste by
separating them, istead they tend to throw in the water
4. Insensitivity towards sanitation.
5. Less use of dustbin at public places.
6. We have tendancy to blame Govt. rather than taking an
7. People have a ‘let-go’ attitude towards cleanliness, proper
sanitation and hygiene in their neighbourhood.
8. People don’t stop others from spiting, throwing garbage
here-there,they think that its not their job.
9. Illetracy is the main hurdle.
10.People don’t understand the ill-effects of littering around on
environment and human body.
11. Waste Management is a major issue, but no actions have
been taken so far.

Solutions –
1. More dusbins should be made at tourist place.
2. Guidelines should be given through posters,
advertisments, social media.
3. People should be encouraged to segregate the garbage.
4. Awareness should be created in people regarding
cleanliness and personal hygiene through
5. Steps should be taken for Waste management in the
6. People need to be fined for littering around or dumping in
the water.
Therefore each and everyone of us
need to understand the importance of
sanitation and hygiene.

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