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MAN Chapter 1

1. Which is not the limitation of proprietorship?

a. Corruption is more b. Decision may be wrong c.Limited resources are available
d. Growth rate is small

2. ___________________ is the fastest growing sector in India now-a-days.

a. Manufacturing b. Trade c. Service d. All

3. ______________ is described as willing exchange of goods.

a.Manufacturing b.Trade c.All d.Service

4. Monitoring and controlling the operations, cooperation with other departments and to select, train
and motivate employees is the function of __________ level of management. b.None c.middle d.lower

5. Which is not the advantage of joint stock company?

a.Easy to form b.Business life is longer c.No autocracy d.Effective division of work

6. Top level management includes

a.Chief Executive Officers (CEO) b.All c.Managing Directors (MD) d.President

7. Which is not the type of the joint stock company?

a.None b.Public limited company c.Public sector d.Private limited company

8. Levels of management are

a.Strategically Level b.All c.Operational level d.Tactical level

9. Documentation is less _____

a.Public sector b.Jot stock c.Partnership d.Sole proprietorship

10. All partners have the same states in ___________________.

a.Normal partner ship b.General partnership c.Limited partnership d.None

11. The structure of organization is not dependent on ________________________.

a.Profit margin b.Resources available c.Communication d.Span of control

12. Which of the following is the duty of management: (a) Facilitates Optimum Utilization of Resources
(b) Generates Efficiency (c) Motivates Personnel (d) Encourages initiative (e) Development of Team
Spirit (f) Facilitates novation
a.(a), (c), (e) b.(e), (f), (g) c.All d.(a), (b), (c)

13. Which is incorrect type of partner?

a.Slipping b.Perfect c.Nominal d.Active

14. Secrecy is least ____

a.Partnership b.Jot stock c.proprietorship d.Public sector
15. At which place le organization is not possible?
a.Military department b.Ty films c.Government company d.Small workshop

16. Which is the factor responsible the selection of type of ownership?

a.Scope of business b.Capital required c.Types of business d.All

17. GDP stands for _________________________________.

a.Gross Domestic Process b.Gross Domestic Product
c.Global Development Process d.Global Development Product

18. Unlimited liability is there ____

a.Proprietorship b.Partnership and Proprietorship c.None d.Partnership

19. Which is not the type of Departmentation?

a)By product b)By material pattern c)By function d)By process

20. Which is the principle of organization?

a.Span of control b.Delegation c.Authority and responsibility d.All

21.The functions of middle level management are

a)Interpretation of policies framed by top management
b)Framing rules and regulations to be followed bt lower level management
c)All d)Giving recommendations to top management

22.Management is not….
a)Team activity b)Social science c)Methodology d)All are wrong

23. What does a business provide to the customers in exchange of their money?
a)debt and credit b)goods and services c)knowledge and satisfaction d)profit and loss

24. Service enterprise provides the services that are called as _________________.
a)Trade b)Intangible goods c)Manufacturing d)All

25. Line organization is of __________________ type.

a)Vertical b)Horizontal and Vertical c)Horizontal d)None

26) Lower level includes people like --------------

a) Clerks b) Foreman
c) Data entry operators d) all of the above

27) -------------- is called as Father of Scientific Management

a) Frank Gilbreth b) Lillian G
c) Frederick W. Taylor d) Henry Gantt

28) Middle level of management is known as ____________ of management.

a) strategical level b) tactical level
c) Operational level d) all of above

29) Espirit de corps Means

a) Division of work b) Team Work
c) Time Management d) all of above

30) -------------- is an activity which defines the steps of how & when work will be done effectively & efficiently.
a) Planning b) Organizing
b) Staffing c) controlling

31) -------- means integrating the economy of a country with global / word economy
a) Globalization b) Privatization
c) Liberalization d) L-P-G

32) The goals of the enterprise are fulfilled through the use of resources like
a) Man b) Machine
c) Material d) All of the above

33) Globalization increases –

a) Employment opportunity b) Foreign Investment
c) Competition d) All of the above

34) India adopted LPG Policy in –

a) 1980s b) 1950s
c) 1990s d) 1970s

35) Management theories are interpretive and evolve with organisational change
a) It is scientific b) It helps decision making
c) a& b d) None of the above

36)----------- is the function of putting together the different parts of enterprise into working
a) Planning b) Management
c) Organization d) Administration

37) Among following,who doesnot belong to field of Management “

a) Henry Fayol b) F.W.Taylor
c) Oliver Sheldon d) Thomas Edison

38) Planning Means

a)Thinking before doing b) Thinking after doing
c) Thinking during doing d) All of the above

39) Reliance Industries Ltd. Is a form of –?

a) Single Ownership b) Partnership
c) Private ltd. d) Joint Stock Company

40) In --------- type of organization the sub ordinates receive orders from their immediate
a) Line organization b) Line and staff organization
c) Functional organization d) Product organization

41) Amul Dairy industries refers to which of the following company type
a)Private limited company b) Ownership company
c) Partnership company d) Co-operative Company

42) The Key player of Insurance Industry in India is-

a) LIC b) ICICI Lombard
c) Star Insurance d) ING Insurance
18) IT Industry belongs to following type
a) Manufacturing b) Dealership
c) Service d) None of the above

43) Which is the effect of Globalization in India?

a) Unemployment b) Culture Imposition
c) Rapid Industrial Production d) Both b &c

44) A private small engineering firm for production belongs to which form of ownership -
a) Proprietorship b) Partnership
c) Co- Operative d) All of the above

45) MDs of a company belong to which level of Management?

a) Top Level b) Operating force
c) Middle level d) None of the above

46) Which of the following is NOT the function of Management?

a)Resting b) Partnership
c) Co- Operative d) All of the above

47) The Principle ‘Sub- Ordination to Individual Interests’ is invented by -

a) Henry Fayol b) F.W. Taylor
c) I. H. Koontnz d) R. R. Blake

48) Which is the type of organization that allows the forming of new organization type without disturbing the existing
a) Military b) Line
c) Line and staff d) Project

49) Which is the type of organization that Useful when deadlines are near?
a) Military b) Line
c) Line and staff d) Project

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