ASEB III (Accounts) Form-1 Assam Power Distribution Company Ltd. Bill For Electricity Supply, APDCL

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ASEB III (Accounts) Form-1


Bill For Electricity Supply, APDCL
Name of Sub-division : Sarthebari Old Consumer No.: CCHUPA 71
Bill No : 1160626 Bill Date : 16/03/2019 Due Date : 01/04/2019
Consumer No : 061000000389 Period of Bill. From : 01/02/2019 To : 01/03/2019

Name of Cosumer : JATINDRA DEKA

Address :CHOUDHURY CHUPA No of days : 28
Category : DOM A
Meter No : 128932
Connected Load in Kw : 1.00
Contracted Demand in Kw/KVA : 1.00
Overall MF : 1 MD as per Meter Reading.... 0 .....KVA
Meter Reading Present Previous Difference in Reading
Total KWh (U) 2490 2490 0
Total KVAh (A) 0 0 0
Bill MD Reading(KVA) : 0.00 Bill MD (KVA) : 1.00 AVG PF : 85
Units Consumed 3% LT Metering PF Penalty/Rebate DTR Penalty EMP Rebate HT Rebate Units Billed
92 0 0 0 0 0 92

SL Details Amount In INR

A Unit Charge
(i) First....92....units @ Rs..5.45 /Unit 501.40
(ii) Next....0....units @ Rs..0 /Unit 0.00
(iii) Next....0....units @ Rs..0 /Unit 0.00
(iv) Balance Less Govt. subsidy for 92 units 92.92
B Total Unit Charge 501.40
C FPPPA Charge @ Rs....mix.../unit 0.00
D Demand/Fixed Charge for .....1.../KVA/Kw, @Rs. 40 36.80
E Electricity Duty 26.91
F Meter Rent 13.80
G Transformer M&D Charge 0.00
H Overdrawal Penalty 0.00
I Adjustment of Past Billing/Load Security 0.00
J Misc. Arrears 0.00
K Charges for dishonoured cheque / bank charges / other charges 0.00
L Arrear : (i) Principal 0 (ii)Surcharge 0 0.00
M Current Surcharge 24.00
N Current Installment
O Rebate for Timely payment on (B) : 0.00
P Amount Payable on or before Due Date : 510.00
Q Amount Payable after Due Date : 510.00
Other Arrears : Principal : Surcharge :
Installment Pending : NOS: Amount: (Court Case).
Total 510.00

Amount in words : Rupees Five Hundred Ten Only.

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