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Climate change is affecting our world and people are not doing something to prevent it and solve

it. The top three causes of climate change and co2 emissions, or they are just causing it by

ignoring it, they are deforestation, transportation, and the government.

Deforestation on the planet is causing lots of Co2 emission around the planet and its causinf the

palent to warm and climate to change making it so that humans are in danger and many more

enviroment. In the documentary about global warming called ¨Before the flood¨ starring

Leonardo DiCaprio they state¨Threes absorb Co2 over many years and years of living in their

environment and if we burn them, they release the amount of Co2 they absorb over the years¨.

Therefore the evidence from the video it's telling us and confirming us that human activities and

deforestation is causing climate change, Human burn big lots of trees to get palm oil and that

activity is risking the enviroment. It's making the climate to change releasing big emissions of

Co2 that can be a Carbon dioxide bomb releasing lots of gases that damage the planet and

ecosystems, and we have to stop it.

Transportations on the planet, in general, is one of the most used and is one of the highs cause

for Co2 emissions and climate change, humans in generally use cars for transportation and they

use lots of fuel. In the article of the page EPA, the article states ¨ Transportation is 27 % of the

U.S greenhouse gases emissions...causing climate chnage¨. Basically, the evidence on the article

supports my claim because it backs up the truth that the transportation is causing CO2 emissions

and on the U.S is only 27 % percent but in all around the world is a problem is causing climate
change damaging our environment and is a daily habit be using transportation is getting worse

and we have to stop it.

The government of the world is not preventing climate change, causing it in some ways and

making it worse in others. In the article of the story of stuff, it states ¨The governments of the

world are not effectively working together on the connections between climate change and

waste, issues that affect us¨. Basically, this evidence supports my claim stating that the

governments around the world to stop the climate change and therefore many environments are

changing, also many officials of the government do not believe in climate change and they think

is stupid, and throwing the fact that our world is changing and not for the good.

Climate change is affecting the world slowly the cases for these changes are deforestation,

transportation, and our governments. Climate change is an important subject to study and to take

in mind about, we humans should take action against this thread, our race depends on, not only to

maintain a good environment but to keep our nature clean for our families in a near future and

keep at least a peek of what our world is right now.

Source #1
● Author- Fisher Stevens
● Title- before the flood
● Web address/URL-
● Date accessed- March 29- 2019

Source #2
● Author-EPA
● Title-carbon pollution from transportation
● Web address/URL-
● Date accessed- April 2 - 2019

Source #3
● Author- the story of our stuff project
● Title- our government won't lead them on climate change so we will lead it
● Web address/URL-
● Date accessed- April 3- 2019

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