Theatrical Terms

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English 9

1. ACT - the major division of a play

2. ACT CHANGE - a change of setting, props, lights and/or costumes between acts
3. ACTING AREA - the portion of the stage business or conversation
4. ACT CURTAIN - the front of main curtain on a proscenium ; a curtain for closing the
proscenium opening between acts or scenes
5. ADLIB - to extemporize stage business of a theatrical production
6. ANGEL - a financial banker of a theatrical production
7. APRON - the section of the stage in front of the curtain
8. BACKDROP - a large piece of cloth hung at the back of the stage setting
9. BACKING - flat or drops behind the scenery opening to mask the backstage area
10. BACKLIGHTING - the process of illuminating the subject from the back
11. BACKSTAGE - the stage area beyond the acting area, including the dressing rooms
12. BLOCKING - the movement of actors onstage
13. BLOCK YOURSELF - to get behind furniture or actors so that the audience won’t see you
14. BREAK A LEG - an expression used instead of “good luck” when one wishes an actor success
before opening night
15. BREAKDOWN - an analysis of everything needed for a production, including technical and
personal needs
16. BUILD A SCENE - the use of such dramatic devices such as increased in tempo, volume or
emphasis to achieve a climax
17. BUSINESS - action performed on stage
18. C - symbol used to designate center of stage
19. CALL BOY - a backstage crewmember responsible for summoning actors to go on stage
20. CAMEO - important, but small character role
21. COMPANY - group of actors and technicians working on show
22. COUNTER CROSS - a shifting of a position by one or more actors to balance the stage picture
23. COVER - to obstruct the view of the audience
24. CRISIS - the turning point in a play that determines the hero’s fortune
25. CUE - the last word or action of one actor immediately preceding the lines or business of another
26. CUE CARD - a large card used to prompt a radio or television actor
27. CUE SHEET - a chart containing the cues for light, sound effects and curtains
28. CUT - to stop action or omit the action
29. CUT IN - to break into the speech of another character
30. CURTAIN CALL - bowing and receiving the audience’s applause at the end of a show, or
sometimes in opera, at the end of the act
31. DEBUT- players first appearance in public, in a new place or in a new production
32. DELIVERY - the way the actor says his lines
33. DRESS THE STAGE - to set the stage with necessary scenery equipment, props, furniture and
also to keep the stage picture balanced during the action
34. DRY RUN - a performance without an audience, and of which without recording is made
35. DOUBLE - one who resembles a member of the cast and takes his/her place in scenes needing
special skills
36. DOWN STAGE - the part of the stage closest to the audience
37. DRESSING ROOM - a space for performers to hang costumes, put on makeup and otherwise
prepare for their show
38. DRESS REHEARSAL - final rehearsal in which all the visual elements of production including
costumes are used
39. DUB IN - to replace or add to a film’s sound track ; to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a
film, radio or television production
40. ENSEMBLE - sense of family unity developed by a group of performers during the course of a
play ; willingness of actors to subordinate themselves to the production as a whole
41. EPISODE - dramatic scene presenting important action in an early Greek play
42. EXIT/EXEMPT - to leave the stage
43. FINALE - the final number, usually in a musical show
44. FLOOR PLAN - line drawing of a stage set as seen from above showing the placement on the
stage floor of the scenic elements
45. FREEZE - to stop all movement
46. GESTURE - the use of hand, body and facial movement to make actor’s movement more
47. HAND PROPS - personal properties (used by individual player)
48. HIT - to emphasize a word or line with extra force ; a successful play or performer
49. HOLD FOR LAUGHS - to wait for the audience to quiet down after a funny line or scene
50. INTERMISSION - intervals between the acts/scenes allowing for set changes, audience respite,
costume change, etc.
51. LEAD - starring role in a performance
52. LIMELIGHT - a focusing public attention on a person
53. LINE - the basic unit of verse; one portion of an actor’s part in a dialogue
54. MATINEE - an afternoon performance
55. OFFSTAGE - areas of the stage not in view of the audience
56. OPERA - a dramatic or comic work set to music in which words are generally sung rather than
57. ORCHESTRA - main floor seating area of the auditorium
58. PREMIERE - the first showing of a play
59. PRIMA DONNA - main female singer in an opera company ; any conceited or temperamental
60. PRODUCTION NUMBER - large show with lots of singers and dancers, spectacular scenery,
beautiful costumes and effective lighting
61. PROLOGUE - explanatory speech regarding the opening of a play
62. PROMPT BOOK - copy of the script on which all information , including the blocking is
63. PROPERTIES/PROPS - all the stage furnishing including the furniture
64. PROP LIST - the master list of all items that could be considered props
65. PUNCHLINE - the line that should get a laugh
66. REHEARSAL - the time for discussion and analysis ; the time to learn parts and other aspects
67. REPERTORY - set group of productions that a theater company has prepared for performance ;
the practice of alternating performances of different plays in a repertory
68. REPRISE - in musicals, a repetition of a song or dance with some variations
69. ROLE - a part in a play, a character
70. ROYALTIES - payments made to authors (and their representatives) for permission to reproduce
in text or in performance their artistic products
71. RUN - the number of performance for a particular show
72. SCENARIO - outline of a play
73. SCENE - division of an act ; descriptor for the locale
74. SCRIPT - dialogue, lyrics and stage directions of a play
75. SOLILOQUY - a character’s speech to himself
76. STEAL OF SCENE - to attract away from the person to whom the center of interests legitimately
77. SUPPORTING ROLE - secondary role
78. THESPIAN - actor
79. TELEPROMPTER - a mechanical device that enables television actors to read their lines while
appearing to speak from memory
80. HOLD IT - to keep perfectly still
81. TELEPLAY - a television drama
82. SOAP OPERA - sentimental melodrama or comedy popular today in television
83. WARDROBE - all articles of clothing worn by the cast

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