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Dr. Bhimrao Ambbdkar Universi$ Agra

(Formerly: Agra University, Agra)
Main Examination ='2AL9
*e '-
ffogo/fioomrzfioorco@AcFd)rzftogeofro s{ qz 2ol8-1e q cnRr(T qfreTPff gs tl"tttTd qfrffiQff s{
cedq zotg

1 qfr
F omf q-€ffi {rg..f€\'.'g Tqfwqd s{-{c{ fi A *6* d sdtt

ffi 2017-1s d froqo,/fioom7fioono(ddvr+a)/fiovsofio cafi s{ d t-S qfreilpff d qftefl q sff d Td

t G r*..f€ \rlg .,qfuwT d cwqd tt q-g-$"f t t+ qfreTreff frogo, fioarq, frs6'Ics(ffic|;rd) dQn

OoGi*o^f*m s{ of .rftsr d qreT-€Ter "q

qu-s .rqf+{ur c$ilre at ga: qften if qFqfud d vd"d t

s{ zora + t-€ qfteilpff d srao G-ftq s{ w Efu s{ qrt qften fr v# dqg+ t 55 srftkd Rle{r,rrq'il-rs
dqT qq1q{ur qErqq tr={q * ffi 1'fi frsq eierfl d frqq slerqr ffi Mi
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cfieil?ff s{ zotg o1 gw .rfren d qpT-rilel s-w crqTi at gt:vfren { ve6- d sd'd I

Timing 07 : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM Timing 11 : 00 AM TO 02 : 00 PM Timing 03 : 00 PM TO 06 : 00 PM

Date &
Day Course Subiect - Course Subiect Course Subiect

BSC-l Seed Technology-l BSC-ll Seed Technology-l

BSC-lll Seed Technology{

ndustrial chemistry-l BSC-l Industrial chemistry{ BSC-rl Industrial chemistry-l


ndustrial Microbiology-l BSC-l Industrial Microbiology-l BSC-il Industrial Microbiology-l


liotechnologyl BSC-l Biotechnology{ BSC-tl Biotechnology-l


:omputer Science{ BSC-l Comouter Science-l BSC-ll Comouter Science{


BA/BSC-lrl )sst{ BA/BSC-! )sst-l BA/BSC-lr )sst-l

Friday sA-1il l.lome Sc-l (OMR based) BA.I lome Sc-l (OMR based) sA-il {ome Sc-l (OMR Based)

BA-il1 Sroup - A - Vill. Indusfiies -l BA.I sroup - A - Vill. Industries { BA-II Srouo - A - Vill. lndustries -l

BA-lll Srouo - B - Hotriculture-l BA.I srouo - B - Hotriculture-l BA-I1 Srouo - B - Hotriculture-l

BA-lll Group - c- Fishries-l BA-I Sroup - c- Fishries-l BA-II 3roup - C- Fishries-l

BA-ilr Office Management{ BA-I Office Management-l BA-II Office Management{

BCOM(Voc)-lll FT/ASP/PPr-l BCOM(Voc)-l FrlASP/PPr-l BCOM(Vocl-ll FTIASP/PPr-l

BSC-lrl Seed Technology-ll BSC-r ieed Technology-ll BSC-[ ;eed Technology-ll

BSC-il1 ndustrial Chemistry-ll & lll(1) BSC-l ndustrial Chemistry-ll BSC-rl ndustrial Chemistry-ll

BSC-lll ndustrial Microbiology-ll BSC-l ndustrial Microbiology-ll BSC-il ndustrial Microbiology-ll

BSC-ltl 3iotechnology-ll BSC-l Siotechnology{l BSC-tl Siotechnology{l

BSC-![ :omputer Science-ll 8SC-l 3omputer Science-ll BSC-ll lomputer Science{l

02-03-2019 BA/BSC-1rl )sst-ll BA,/BSC-l )sst-ll BA/BSC-rl )sst-ll

BA-il1 )ffice Management-ll BA-I )ffice Management-ll 8A-[ )ffice Management-ll

BA-ilt Sroup -A - Co-opreation-l BA-I 3roup -A - Co-opreation{ BA-II Sroup -A - Co-opreation{

.tf'(j BA-il1 Sroup -B - Ag. Marketing-l BA-1 Sroup -B - Ag. Marketing-l BA.II Sroup -B - Ag. Marketingl


BA-ll Group -C- Rural Banking{ BA.t Sroup -C- Rural Banking{ BA-II 3roup -C- Rural Banking{

l'- sa-ru Functional Hindi-l BA.I Functional Hindi-l BA-II Functional Hindi-l

\) BA-il| Functional English-l BA.I Functional English-l BA.II Functional English-l

/ 7tD
"t Page 1 of7 ---f
Timing 11 : 00 AM TO 02 : 00 PM Timing 03 : 00 PM TO 06: 00 PM
Date & Timing 07 : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM
Course Subiect
Day corn(e" Su!19"t_ Course Subiect
;eed TechnologY-lll BSC-ll ;eed TechnologY-lll
Seed TechnologY{ll BSC-l
lndustrial Chemistry-lll BSC-ll ndustrial chemistry{ll
ndustrial Chemistry-ll & lll(2) BSC-l
lndustrial Microbiology-lll BSC-ll lndustrial MicrobiologY-lll
ndU*rial MicrobiologY-lll BSC-l
BiotechnologY-lll BSC-ll BiotechnologY-lll
liotechnologY{ll BSC-l
:omputer Science{ll BSC-ll Computer Science-lll
Somputer Science-lll BSC-l
Home Sc-ll BA-II {ome Sc-ll
0s-03-2019 Dsstlll BA.I
Tuesday Grouo - A - Vill. Industries -ll BA-1I Sroup - A - Vill. lndustries -ll
Home Sc{l BA.I
3roup - B - Hotriculture-ll BA-II Group - B - Hotriculture-ll
BAJII Sroup - A - Vill. Industries -ll BA.I

BA-I Sroup - C- Fishries{l BA.II :roup - C- Fishries{l

BA-[l Sroup - B - Hotriculture-ll
BcOM(voc)-ll :T/ASP/PPI-II
Group - C- Fishries-ll BCOM(Vocl-l FTIASP/PPl-ll
Physics-l BSC]I Physics-l
BSC-lll )hysics-l BSC-l

85C-l lotany-l BSC-ll lotany-l

BSC-lll lotany-l
BA.II )sychology-l
MCOM GrouP(A,B,c)-l BA.I Psychology{
Group -A - Co-oPreation-ll BA-II Sroup -A - Co-oPreationll
MCOM-ll MCOM GrouP(A,B,C)-l BA.I

BA.I Sroup -B - Ag. Marketing-ll Group -B - Ag. Marketing-ll

BA-lll Psychology-l +BA-ll
06-03-2019 BA.I 3roup -C- Rural Banking-ll BA-II 3roup -C- Rural Banking{l
BA-lll Sroup -A - Co-oPreation-ll
Wednesday :unctional HindFll
BA.I :unctional Hindi-ll BA.II
BA-ll1 Sroup -B - Ag. Marketing{l
BA.II :unctional English-ll
BA-!ll Group -C- Rural Banking-ll BA.I Functional English{l

:unctional Hindi-ll BCOM-l (Group A-l ) OMR Based BCOM-ll {Group A-l }

BAJII :unctional English-ll

BCOM-lll Sroup A-l

BA-I )rawing & Painting-l BA{I Vlusic Vocal/lnst.(Sitar)-l

BSC-lll ndustrial Chemistry{l & lll(3}

Music( Vocal/ Inst.(Sitar) -l BA-I Psychology-ll BAJI Vlusic(Tabla) I


BCOM(Voc)-l Group(A)-l BA-I! Psychology-ll

07-03-2019 BA-1ll Music(Tabla)-l
Thursday BA-II )rawing & Paintingl
BA-lll Psychology-ll
BCOM(Voc)-ll Sroup(A)-l
BA-lll )rawing & Painting-l

ECOM(voc)-lll Sroup(A){
BSC-l Physics-ll BSC-ll Physicsll
BSC-lll Physics-ll

]otany-ll BSC-l Botany{l BSC-ll Botany-ll

BCOM-l Group-A-ll BA.II Philosophy-l
MCOM-l vICOM Group(48,C)-ll

MCOM-ll MCOM Group(A,B,C)-ll BA-I Philosophy-l BCOM-ll Group- All

08-03-2019 Vlusic Vocal/ Inst(Stringed) BA-II :omm Devel Ext.l
BA-ttl BA-I :omm Devel Ext.{
Friday ;itar-ll
BA-lll Music(Tabla)-ll

8A-lll Philosophy-l

8A-1il Comm Devel Ext.-l

BCOM-l1l lGroup-A-ll)

lhysics-lll (OMR Based) BSCi thysics-lll {OMR Based) 8SC-il thysics-llt {OMR Based}

BSC-il1 Botany-]ll (oMR Based) BSC-l lotany-lll {OMR Based} BSC-11 Sotany-lll (OMR Based)
Saturday )hilosophy{l BA-tI )hilosophy-ll
EAitl Philosophy-ll BA.1

BCOM(Voc)-lll Group(A)-ll BCOM{Voc)-l Group(A)-ll BCOM(Voc)-ll iroup(A)-ll

BSC-il1 loology-l 8SC-l Zoology{ BSC-rl Zoology-l

BvBSC-il1 Vlathematics-l BA/BSC-l Mathematics-l BA/BSC-rl Mathematics-l

MCOM-l MCOM Group(A,B,C)-lll BA-I Comm Devel Ext.-ll BA-II Comm Devel Ext.-ll
MCOM-il MCOM Group(A,B,C)-lll BA.I :ccE-l BA.II ECCE-l
BA-ul :omm Devel Ext.-ll BCOM-l Sroup -B- lll BCOM-tl Sroup -B- lll
BA-il! rCCE-l

ECOM-il Group -B- lll

I Y, \I =

t Page 2 of 7
Date & Timing 07 : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM Timing 11:0pAM TO 02:00 PM Timing03:00 PM TO 06:00 PM
Day co#s Subiect Course Subiect Course Subiect
8SC-[l Zoology-ll BSC-t Zoologyll BSC-tl Zoology-ll
BA/BSc-[l Vlathematics-ll BAlBSC-l Mathematics-ll BA/BSC-rl Mathematics-ll
L2-O3-20t9 BA-il1 tgphology-lll (A )or (B) BA.I Music Vocal/ lnst. Sitar-l BCOMlvoc)-ll 3roup(B)-l
Tuesday BA-il1 :ccE-tl BA.I Music{Tabla){ BA.II ECCE-tl

SCOM(Voc)-lll Group(B)-l BCOMIVoc)-l Group(B)-l


BSC-1tl Zoology-!ll (OMR Based) BSC-l Zoology-lll {OMR Based} BSC-il Zoology-lll (OMR Based)
Mathematics-lll \tathematics-lll
BAIBSC-lrl Ulathematics-lll {OMR Based) BA,/BSC-1 BA/BSC-tl
'OMR Basedl 'OMR Ra<cdl
13-03-2019 BCOM-lrl Sroup-B lV (A or B) BCOM-l Sroup-B{V BCOM-|l Sroup-BJV
MCOM-l \ICOM Group(A,B,C)-lV-1,1V-2
MCOM-tl MCOM Group(A,B,C){V
BA-ltl thilosophy{ll {A )or (B)

8A,/BSC-il1 Mathematics-lV(A,B,C,D,E,F) BA.I Hindi tit-l (OMR Based) MSC-t Physics-l

MA-I R. E. CoJ BCOM(voc)-l Group(B)-ll MSC-ll Physics-l
MA.I R.5. C. D-l MSC-l lotany-l
MA-II R. E. Co-V MSC-!l lotany-Vl
MA.II R. S. C. D-V BCOM{Vocl-ll Sroup(B)-ll
MA.I :ducation-l
{indi tit-l (OMR Based)
MA-II :ducation-l
BCOM(Voc)-lll 3roup(B)-ll
BA-ilr '{indi Lit-l
BSC-il1 :hemistry-l 85C-l Chemistrv-l BSC-tl Chemistry-l
BCOM-il1 Sroup-C-V(i) or V(ii) BCOM-l Group-C (V) BCOM-Il Group-C (V)
15-03-2019 iroup A- V(A),V(B),V(c)
Friday MCOM-|l 3roup B- V(A),V(B) BA-! Hindi Lit-ll BA.II Hindi Lit-ll
iroup C- V(A),V(B)
BA-[l Hindi Litll
BSC-il1 Industrial Chemistry-lV BSC-l Microbiologv-l BSC-tl Microbiology-l
BSC-il1 Microbiolosv-l BA.II Rash$a Gaurav OMR lolDl MSC-t )hysics-ll
ECOM(voc)-lll 3roup(C){ BSC-tl Rashtra caurav OMR {OLDI MSC-ll )hysics-ll
MSC-l :hemistryl ECom/B.Con.ll (V) lashtra caurav OMR (OtD) MSC-l lotanv-ll
MSC-[ lhemistry-l MA.I Jrdu-l MSC-ll lotany-Vll
MSC-l ;tatistics-l MA-II Jrdu-V BCOM(Voc)-ll Sroup(C)-l
MSC-tl ;tatistics{ MA-I )hilosophy{
MSC-l ieology-l MA-II )hilosophy-l
MSC-ll Geology-lX MA-I Militarv Science-l
15-03-2019 BA-m Hindi Lit-lll {OMR Based} MA.II Militarv Science-l
Saturday MA-I Music Vocal/ Inst.Sitar{ MA.I Home Sc.{
MA-I Music (Tabla & Mradung Pakhawaj) MAJI lome Sc.-V
MA.I R. E. Co-ll BCOM(Voc)-l 3roup(C)-l
MA-I t. s. c. D-tl
MA-II L E. Co-Vl
MA-II l. s. c. D-vl
MA.I )rawing & Painting -l (A & B)
MA.II )rawing& Painting -V
MA.I :ducation{l
MA.II :ducationll
BSC-il1 Shemistry-ll BSC-l Shemistry-ll BSC-il 3hemistry-ll
MSC-I :hemistry-ll BCOM-l 3roup -C- (Vl) MSC-! )hysicslll
MSC-rl :hemistry{l BA.I ;anskrit Lit-l MSC-|l )hysicslll{A) or(B)
MSC-l itatistics-ll BA-I Jrdu-l MSC-l lotany-lll
MSC-|l ;tatistics-ll MA-I Jrdu{l MSC-[ iotany-Vlll
MSC-l Geology-ll MA.II Jrdu-Vl BA.II Sanskrit Lit-l
18-03-2019 MSC-tl Geology-X )hilosophy-ll
MA-I BA.II Urdu{
8A-lrl Sanskrit Lit-l MA-II Philosophy-ll (A,B,C,D) MA.I iociology-l
BA-il1 Urdu{ BCOM(Vocl-l Sroup(C){l MA-II iociology-l
MA.II Music (Vocal Inst./Sitar)-ltl
BCOM-ll Sroup- C- Vl
Music (Tabla & Mradung pakhawaj)
BCOM(Voc)-ll 3roup(C)-ll
BCOM(vocl-lll Sroup(C)-ll
BCOM-il1 3roup- C -Vl{i) or Vl (ii)

@I \ Page 3 of 7
Date & Timing 07 : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM Timing 11 : 00 AM TO 02 : 00 PM Timing 03 : 00 PM TO 06 : 00 PM
Day coEfsE' Subiect Course Subiect Course Subiect
BSC-il1 Microbiology-ll BSC-1 Vlicrobiology-ll BSC-ll Microbiology-ll
tastra Gaurav and
BA-il1 iaaskrit Lit-ll BCOM-l :nvironmental studies BA.II Urdu-ll
OMR basedl {Ree. & Pvt.}
8A-t!l Jrdu-U BA-I ;anskrit Lit-ll BA.II Sanskrit Litll
Music Vocal/lnstrumental
MA.I 'Sitar)-ll BA-I Urdu-ll

Vlusic (Tabla & Mradung) Pakhawa.

MA-I MA-I Military Science-ll
MA.I l. E. Co-lll MA-II Vlilitarv Science{l
MA.I t. s. c. D-il| MA-I Home Sc.-ll
MA.II t. E. Co-Vll MA-II Home Sc.-Vl
MA.II R. S. C. D-Vtl
MA.I DrawinE& Paintins -ll
MA.II DrawinE& PaintinE -Vl
MA-I Education-lll
MA-II 5ducation-lll(1) to lll{6}
BCOM-ril / Environmental Studies (OMR) (Voc) lll iN.c.) (Reg. & Pw.)
BSC-il1 chemistry-lll (oMR Based) BSC-l :hemistry-lll {OMR Based) BSC-[ :hemistry-lU (OMR Based)
MSC-t :hemistry-lll BA-I ieneral HindFl (OMR Based) )hysics-lV
MSC-tl :hemistrylll MA-I MSC-ll ,hysics-lV(A) or(B)

MSC-l ;tatistics{ll MA-II Jrdu-VIFA(i) to (vi) MSC-l lotany{V

MSC-tl Statistics{ll&lV{3) MA-I! Jrdu-Vll-B(i) MSC-|l Botany-lX
MSC-l Geology-lll MA-I Philosophy-lll MA.I Sociology-ll
2?-03-20L9 MSC-tl Geology-Xl MA-II Philosophy-lll (A,B,C,D,E) MA.II Sociology-ll
BA.IlI Sanskrit Lit-lll

BA-il1 Urdu-lll
MA.II Music (Vocal/Sitar)-lv
Music lnst.
MA-II (Tabla & Mradung)

BCOM(Voc)-lll int, Develooment

BSC-1tl Microbiology-lll BSC-r \4icrobiology-lll BSC-il Microbiology{ll
General English-l
BA-il1 Seneral English-l BA.I MSC-l Botany-V
IOMR Based)
BAJII Seneral Sanskrit-l BA.I General Sanskrit-l MSC-il Botany-x(i) to(l)

MA.I t. E. Co-lV
General English-l
25-Ot-2019 MA-I Home Sc.{ll BA.II
IOMR Based)
Monday MA-I C. D-tV
R. S. MA-II Home Sc.-Vll BA-II General SanskritJ
MA-II R. E. co-vlll(i),(ii),(iii) MA.I Military Science-lll
MA.II R. S. c. D-vilt(i) & (ii) MA-II Military Science{ll
MA-I :ducation{V
MA.II :ducationlv(1) to lV(6)
BA-il1 Seneral English-ll MA.I Jrdu-lV MA.I :conomics-l
BA-il1 Seheral Sanskrit-ll MA-II Jrdu-Vlll MA-II :conomics-V
MSC-l Chemistry-lV MA-I )hilosophylV (a) to tV(e) MA.I Sociology-lll
MSC-ll chemistrylV(i),(ii),(iii) MA.II Philosophy-lV MA-II ;ociology-lll or lV
MSC-l StatisticslV BA.I Seneral English-ll BA.II Seneral English-ll
MSC-[ Statistics-lll&lV(4) BA.I Seneral Sanskrit-ll BA.II Seneral Sanskrit-tl
26-03-201 9 MSC-l Seology-lV
MSC-1t Seology-Xll
MA.I )sychology-l

MA-II )sychology-l

MA-I Seographyl
MA-II Seography{
:nvironmental Studies
OMR based)

L, W; I
Paie"4of7 /
Date & Timing 07 : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM Timing 11 : 0O AM TO 02 : 00 PM Timing 03 : 00 PM TO 06 : 00 PM
Day co#ss Subiect Course Subiect Course Subiect
BsC-ilt Statistics-l BSC-l Statistics-l BSC-rl ;tatistics-l
BA-ilt Statistics-l BA-1 ;tatistics-l BA.II ttatistics{
\4ilitary Science-
27-O3-20L9 BA-il1 General English-lll {OMR Based} MA-I
V(A) to lV{D}
Vlilitary Science-
V(A) to lv(D)
MA.I 'lome Sc.-lV
MA-II Home Sc.-Vlll
BA-lrl Statisticsll BSC-t Statisticsll BSC-rl ;tatistics-ll
B.Sc-lll Statistics-ll BA-I ;tatistics-ll BA-!I ;tatistics-ll

MSC-l Seology-V Seneral Hindi-l

MA.I ;anskrit-l BA.II
'OMR Based)
MSC-[ Seology-Xlll(1) to -Xlll(5) MA.II ;anskrit-V MA/MSC-l Mathematics-l
8A-il1 Seneral Hindi-l (OMR Based) MA-I .|istory-l MSC-!
Thursday Zoology-l
MA-I )sychologyll MA-II History-ll MSC-ll Zoologyl
MA.II )sychology-ll MA.I A.t.H.C-l MA.I Economicsll
MA-I Seography-ll MA-I1 A.t.H.C-V MA-II iconomics-Vl
MA-II Geography-ll MA.I ;ociolosv-lV or V
MA-II iociology-V or Vl
BSC-il1 ;tatistics{ll BSC-l ;tatistics-lll BSC-il ;tatistics-lll
BA-il1 ;tatistics-lll BA-I 3eneral Hindi-ll BA-II ieneral HindFll
BA-ltl 3eneral Hindi-ll MA-I Economics-lll
MA-!I Economics-Vll
MA/MSC-tl Mathematics-l
BA-il1 Sociology-l (OMR Based) 8A-l Sociology-l (OMR Based) BA-II iociology-l (OMR Based)
MSC-l Geology-Vl MA-I ianskrit-U MSC-l Zoology-ll
MA-I Psychology{ll MA-II !anskrit-Vl MSC-tl loology-ll
MA-II )sychology-lll MA-I {istory -lll (Group-ABC) MA/MSC-l Mathematics{l
01-04-2019 MAI Seography-lll MA.II Jistory-V (Group-ABC)
MA-II Seography-lll(1) to lll(4) MA-I A.r.H.C-tl
lastra Gaurav and
BSC-t :nvironmental Studies
OMR Basedl
sA-[l ;ociology{l BA-I Sociology-ll BA-II Sociology-ll
o2-o4-20t9 MSC-t Seology-Vll MA-I Economics-lV(1) to lV(9)
MA-II Economics-Vlll(1) to Vllt(8)
MA/MSC-|! Vlathematics{l
BSC-ilt Seology-l 85C-t Seology-l BSC-|l 3eology{
MSC-l Seology-Vlll BA.I Education-l (OMR Based) 8A-lt lducation-l (OMR Based)
BA-il1 Education-l (OMR Based) MA-I ;anskrit-lll MA/MSC-l Mathematics-lll
03-04'2019 MA-I )sychology{V-1,2,3,4 MA.II ;anskrit-Vll ?'' d vlt q a-o MSC-l loology-lll
Wednesday MA.II )sychology-lV-1,2,3 MA.I 'listory-lV (Group-ABC) MSC-[ loology-llFGroup (A,B,C)
MA-I Seography-lv MA-II listory-Vl (Group-ABC)
MA.II Geography-lV{1) to lV(4) MA.I A.t.H.C-il1

MA.II A.r.H.C-Vtl

BSC-[l Geologyll BSC-l 3eology-tl BSC-rl Seology-ll

MSC(Ag)-l & ll \gronomy{ 8A-l :ducationll BA.II :ducation-ll

MSC(Ag)-l & ll \griculture Economics-l :nvironmental Studies {OMR
BA-{t MA,/MSC-!l Mathematics-lll
tasedl Res. & Pvt.
\nimal Husbandry -l
Msc(As)-l & ll MA.I Political Science-l
04-04-2019 )airvinsll
Thursday Msc{Ar)-l & l1 \9. Chemistry & Soil Scl MA.II Political Science-l
MSc(Ag)-l & 1! Horticulture{
MSC{Ag)-l & ll Plant Breeding & Genetics-l
Msc(Ag)-l & ll qg. Zool. & Entomology-l

Msc{As)-l & ll Agriculture Extension-l

BA-il1 lducation{l

*."h*',%Page 5 of 7
Date & Timing 07 : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM Timing 11 : 00 4M TO 02 : 00 PM Timing 03 : 00 PM TO 06 : 00 PM
Day Coursf -' Subiect Course Subiect Course Subiect
Btc-il1 Seology{ll BSC-l Geology-lll BSC-ll Geology{ll
BA,/BSC-ltl iconomics-l BAIBSC-l Economics-l (OMRBased) BA,/BSC-tl Economics-l {OMR Based)
MA.I A.t.H.C-tV MA/MSC-l Mathematics-lV(i) to lV(ii)
MA.II A.r.H.c-vilr(i),(ii),(ii0 MSC-l Zoology-lV
rul MA-I Sanskrit-lV MSC-t1 Zoology-lV-croup(A,B,C)

MA.II ianskrit-Vlll 6€uilqdfi

MA.I listorv-Vll to Xl
MA-II {istorv-Xll to XVI
8A/BS€-{[ iconomics-ll BA/BSC-l :conomics{l BA/BSC-rl Economics{l
HldAaH & [ \gronomy-ll MA-I Political Science{l MA.I Hindi-l
ils4FsJ.l & [ Asricutture Economics-ll MA{I Political Science-ll MA-II Hindi-l
Animal Husbandry -tV
nsQAgH & [ DaiMne-V MA/MSC-il Vlathematics- lV(i) to lV(V)

tbl,4.tng BA,/BSC/
rrsqAglF{ & ll {9. Chemistry & Soil Sc-ll Physical Education
Sat.rday B.Com/
IOMR Based)
B.Com (vocl
Msc{As)-l & ll {orticulture.ll
MSc(AsFl & ll )lant Breeding & Genetics-ll
Msc(As)-l & ll \g. Zool. & Entomology-ll
MSC{Ad{ & il \griculture ExtensionJl
BA/BSC-[l Economicslll {OMR Based) MA.II A.t.H.C-tX MA.I ENGLISH{
08-04-2019 Rastra Gaurav and
Monday BA-I Snvironmental Studies MA-II :NGLISH-I
IOMR Basedl Ree. & Pw.
tolitical Science-l ,olitical ScienceJ
BA-il1 )olitical Science{ BA.I BA-II
OMR Based) OMR Easedl
Political Sciencelll
Msc(Ar)-l Agronomy-lll MA-I MA.I Hindi-ll
A(1) to lll A{3)
Political Science-lll
Msc(As)-l HorticultureJll MA-II MA-II Hindi-ll
Ct1) to lll C{3)
09-04-2019 Animal Husbandry &
Tu€sday Dairvins-lll
Msc{As)-l qg. Zool. & Entomology-lll

Msc(Ac)-l \griculture Economics-lll

Msc(Ag)-l \griculture Extension-lll
Msc(As)-l )lant Breeding & Genetics-lll

Msc(As)-l \9. chemistry & soil sc{ll

BA-[l Political Science-ll BA-I Political Science-ll BA-II Political Science-ll
Msc(As)-l & ll Agronomy{V MA-I :NGLISH-ll
MsqAd-r & il {gricuhure Economics{V MA.II :NGLlSHll
{nimal Husbandry-Vl
Msc.(AsH & ll
fryedsday r<4Asl'{ & [ Ag. Chemistry & Soil Sc-lV

TGQAgH& I Horticuhure'lV
rcClreH & [ Plant Breeding & Genetics{V
HsqAsH&ll {g. Zool. & Entomology{V
Msc{AsH & ll {griculture Extension-lV
\ \\-\\\ \I rvrl-r \\\\'a\\i\\\\-
) rua-r
MSC(Ael-l & lt
\s\r\rra\Strene-\\\\S\lr\taseb) B(1) to tV B(3)
ltV f lrinui-rrr
[Agronomy-V MA_lr \Politicalscience- MA-II Hindi-lll
llV D(1) to tV D(3)
Msc(As)-r&r, ltur e Economics-V
1X-04-2019 Msc{As)-r -,, ndry-Vrl
Thursday ll:;il.J-il'ba
MSc{Ag)-l & ll \9. Chemistry & Soil Sc-V
Msc(Ar)-l & ll 'lorticulture-V
MsC(As)-l & ll Plant Breeding & Genetics-V
MsC(As)-l & tl Ag. Zool. & Entomology-V
MsC(As)-l & ll Agriculture Extension-V

v -.----\
tr,: ud{5, / W"-'
Date & Timing0T : 00 AM TO 10 : 00 AM Timing 11 : 00gM TO 02 : 00 pM Timing03:00 PM TO 06:00 PM
Day Cou*Er Subiect Course Subiect Course Subiect
BA,/BSC-ilt Seographyl BAr/BSC-l Geography-l (OMR Based) BA/BSC-ll Seography-l {OMR Based}
MSChsl- ll Agronomy-Vl MA.I :NGLISH-lll
MSc(As)- ll Agriculture Economics-Vl MA.II :NGLISH-lll
\nimal*lusbandry &
Msc(Ag)- ll
t2-o4-20t9 )airying-X
Friday MSC(Ad- ll \g. Chemistrv & Soil Sc-Vl
MSC{Ael- ll Horticulture-Vl
MSClAsl- ll Plant Breedins & Genetics-Vl
MSC(Ag)- ll qg. Zool. & Entomologv-Vl
MSC(Ag)- ll \qriculture Extension-Vt
BA/BSC-ttl SeographyJl BA/BSC-l 3eography-ll BA,/BSC-ll
15-04-2019 Geography-ll
Monday MA.I Hindi-lV
MA{I Hindi-lV
BA,/BSC-[t Geography-lll (OMR Based) BA/BSC.-l Physical Education-l MA-I :NGLISH-lV
Tuesday MA.II :NGtlSHlV
BA,/BSc.-ll )hysical Education-l

18-04-2019 BA-il1 .{istory-l

BA-I listory-t (OMR Based) MA{I HindFV6€Vge-o
BA,/BSc,-l Physical Education{l BA-II History-l (OMR Based)
20-o4-20t9 8A-[l History-ll BA-I History-ll B4jl {istory-ll
BA-[l {istory-lll (OMR Based) BA"/BScSc-t Physical Educationlll BA/BSc.-ll
Mondav Physical Education-ll

BA-il1 inglish Lit-l BA.I English Ut-t (OMR Based) BA-II
Tuesday English Ut-l (OMR Based)

BA-ilt English Lit-ll BA.I English Lit-ll
Wenesday BA-I1 :nglish Lit-ll
BA-ul English Lit-lll (OMR Based) BA/BScScJr )hysical Education-lll

P.ryryr Fnr gfuf,
cfteTr o.rtro-q o.T crrrwr srur{rq o.t frrs rfi wr
zfrq"f umorfr d t *i
'6TqvJ qfreil dFdd t *i
srfus crlseff or dqrl

2 s'".qeft t?qdft-qrf,q FM ga-d crdq-o-q (syllabus and courseJ or er-ow srurrq o.f I

. 5To fud-drcil snr e-olRrf, cfrnr Ertroq ZEqof *i d ir'frur Etlr Frflt sTq-fi qfieil d dp{d d s-o; S, ftffif,r
" Erfud frrqfuonaq or c-€l dqr


a qfte{r rdn q m-q|Fd s|em ordr oi$ gaAn- BTo-{q orcr sfff, t r

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cfrftrfr ffifua oi q6p1 rni eTrsso qrrffi i-g ifrd ,-
,* sqw wsd twqqt d gs crrg|q d ifud fu vffi fuqd
qcw 6-*|t d dQIr qfteTI6eT fr fi Err] d qEr
cfieTr o-rdqq d El{trd d Tdrft-q|Erq d iBs dd w
Sq q,f{r a1 s-ffrfud ovi or oq q'tl
2 srffiT fuqrrmqeTZft+cro, fr{sF+flilq sTrqr*q i{{arF, erFRrl
qp sqTo srrN sqrdr, tfuo sFnur, ffgKTq, erlq gs s{rw eTfrs a}
-? c$eTr orf6.q€s", Vq srTvrq e nfud fu s-m
of Erdtrd d errrm oeTI oftfrTq qu-sf, d sFFffi €sqqf d fr:go'rorRrf, o-qri or o.s otl
4 9.Trft A-{frlEu- o} gs sTrcrq * }trd fu s-m qften o-rd'e-q o} iq-s1E? q{ 3TTds o-si t61 q.q qf l
5 q$s6, e-dqh qfoqrfl/ci-frtrfi (rilwfrq)/(cfte1)/sq5 sus eqfft trfierTr
6dfufrs6r{m ffir
7 1r6r{m'€

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srEilsfu (qftq{D

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PageT of7

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