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Questions and Answers

Q1:What is scientific method?

The scientific method is a systematic, step-by-step procedure
psychologists use when conducting research. By following these specific
steps, psychologists seek cause and effect relationships which means that
they can be certain (at least have a high level of confidence) that one
variable causes an effect on another variable and that the results of the
study are caused by the variable being studied and not some other,
outside (extraneous) variables.

Q2:Explain the purpose of using the scientific

method in psychological experiments.
The purpose of using the scientific method in psychological experiments
is to be sure that the insights gained from those experiments will be as
valid as possible. The scientific method helps to accomplish this
because it helps to make sure that research is done in a systematic way.

If the scientific method is not used, experiments are not really

experiments. Without the scientific method, they are no more than
random actions or collections of anecdotes. The scientific method helps
to ensure that the experiments are carried out in such a way that their
conclusions can be tested by others and, thereby, can be shown to be
valid or invalid.

The point of psychological experiments is to find out things about

human thought processes that are objectively true. Using
the scientific method allows researchers to be more certain that they
have found the truth.

Q3:The results of an experiment is call what in the

scientific model?
When using the scientific model, the results of an experiment--
which will have tested an hypothesis and have been built upon
observations carefully recorded--are called the
data. The data are the accumulated measurable, quantifiable bits
of information gained as a result of the experiment. These results
can then yield statistics when subjected to statistical analysis.

Q4:What are the five steps of the scientific

The five steps of the scientific method are:

Step 1. State the problem example: What gets hotter in the sun: water in
a black cup or water in a white cup?

Step 2. Gather existing information about the question.

Step 3. Form a hypothesis, example: I think that the water in the black
cup will get hotter.

Step 4. Test the hypothesis example: Create a test. Example: Get a black
cup and white cup of equal size and shape. Fill the cups with an equal
amount of water of the same temperature. Place them in the sun for one
hour and then measure the water with a thermometer.
Step 5. Draw a conclusion based on test results (data) and report data
and conclusion.

Q5:What does a scientist do in a well planned and

controlled experiment?
When creating and running an experiment it is important that the
scientific and research methods are followed. The first step is to form a
research question that you can test. The second step it to form a
hypothesis. A hypothesis is what you propose the answer to the question
will be. Next you will want to design a way to test your hypothesis. This
typically includes choosing and identifying the variables that you will
test to prove or disprove the hypothesis. These are called the dependent
and independent variables. Next you will run the experiment. Finally
you will report the results of the experiment. This will include running
any statistical analysis, defining who the subjects and research methods
were as well as any weaknesses that your research design may have.
You will include the results of your experiment and if your hypothesis
was proven or disproved here.
Q6:What is non-scientific method?
Scientific research is a logically stepped process used for investigating
and acquiring or expanding our understanding. ... Nonscientific research
is acquiring knowledge and truths about the world using techniques that
do not follow the scientific method.

Q7:What is difference between scientific and non-

scientific methods?
1=Scientific research is a systematic way of gathering data and
harnessing curiosity. This research provides scientific information and
theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world.
It makes practical applications possible. While non scientific research
does not follow systematic way of gathering data and harnessing
2=Scientific research is a systematic way of analyzing and interpreting
new or existing material through experimentation and observation,
While Non scientific research is based upon investigation of natural
phenomenon without systematic
3=In general. Scientific research and non scientific research, both are
used in collection of data, information and knowledge that can be added
to the existing one. Can be used to solve different disputes such as
political conflict economic issues and social conflict.

Q8:Write an example of non-scientific research

As we know that, when we are talking about 'non-scientific' research,
then there can't be/will not be any standard/established/recognized
'method'. These works will be 'claimed' as research, but they will lack
genuine evidence/experiments etc; and also can't be replicated to get the
similar results under similar conditions.
For example: Internet based study, where the source itself is doubtful
can be considered as non scientific research.

Q9:On which factor scientific method is based on?

Nonscientific methods rely on tradition, personal experience, intuition,
logic and authority to arrive at conclusions.
Q10:What are non-scientific questions?
non-scientific questions are those we can notdisprove or prove

Q11:On Which method psychologist rely ?

Ans: Psychologist often rely on observational method for knowledge of
certain aspect of human nature. Observation is one method for collecting
research data. It involves watching a participant and recording relevant
behavior for later analysis. for example when a researcher wants to
study how children manage sharing of toys. He could observe a group of
children playing in the classroom, and record what things they say or do
that determine who gets to play with a coveted toy.

Q12:Subjective observation is what type of

procedure and why functionalist use this ?
subjective observation are Introspection procedure use to study subject
mental processes like thinking ,feeling, sensation. Wundt was founder
of structuralism school of thought ,he use this method to study structure
of mind. Functionalist also use this method to study the conscious

Q13:Give one advantage and one disadvantage of

subjective observational?
Psychologist can easily understand inner feeling of person and result
may bi concluded.
This method is used for limited subject matter.

Q14:What is Naturalistic observation?

Objective observation are also called Naturalistic observation.
Naturalistic observation (i.e. unstructured observation) involves studying
the spontaneous behavior of participants in natural surroundings. The
researcher simply records what they see in whatever way they can.
Example a researcher investigating behavior might turn into high crime
area of a crime and observe what kind of help that is given to victims of

Q15:What is the Strength of observational

1 By being able to observe the flow of behavior in its own setting
studies have greater ecological validity.
2. Like case studies naturalistic observation is often used to
generate new ideas. Because it gives the researcher the opportunity
to study the total situation it often suggests avenues of enquiry not
thought of before.

What is case history?

case history the collected data concerning an individual, the family, and environment;
it includes the medical history andany other information that may be useful in analyzin
g and diagnosing the case or for instructional or research purposes.

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