Modus Ponens

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Propositions : i)True


Syllogism: Syllogism is an argument form, structure of an argument

Deductive arguments: If the premises is true, then the conclusion must follow logical necessity
Validity only apply to deductive arguments.

Deductive arguments : valid and invalid

Valid: Sound and unsound. Invalid: unsound

modus ponens: the rule of logic which states that if a conditional statement (‘if p then q ’)
is accepted, and the antecedent ( p ) holds, then the consequent ( q ) may be inferred.

Modus tollens(mode of taking): This one says if p then q,conditional in the first premise we're
gonna negate or take away, that's why it's called the mode of taking.We're gonna negate the
consequent in the second premise, not q, therefore we can conclude with logical necessity,
therefore not p, therefore not p. If p then q, not q therefore not p.

Deductive Syllogism
Hypothetical syllogism: p->q, q->r, p->r

Disjunctive syllogism: p or q, not p , therefore q

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