Methodologies Sample: Questionnaire For Ngos: Bulgaria

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Methodologies Sample: Questionnaire for NGOs

Gender Evaluation Methodology

The use of electronic communications for campaigning against violence
Evaluation of BGRF web site

I. Personal information
1. What is your professional background?
Social sciences
University student
Other (please specify)……………………………………………
2. If you are (staff) member of NGO, please specify the field of your activity
3. You are:
4. Your age:
5. Have you ever received any ICT training?
6. How many people are using the same computer in your office?
Everybody has its own computer
We share some computers
We have only one computer

II. Access to the Internet

6. Your access to the Internet is (you can have more than 1 choice):
At home
In the office
At school/university
Other (please specify)…………..
7. What kind of connection are you using?
8. Who has more access to Internet in your office?
The Director
The secretary
Everybody has the same access
9. How often do you use Internet?
Every day
2-3 times per week
2-3 times per month
Other (please specify)……………………..
10. Do you have your own email account or you use the address of the NGO?
I have my own account
I use the email address of the NGO
I have both

III. Evaluation of the web site

11. Do you have your own web site?
12. If you don’t have your own website, what are the reasons?
We don’t know how to proceed
We don’t have skills
We don’t have money
We don’t have time
13. Did you know about the BGRF website before the launching of the poster and
essays’s contests?
14. If yes, how did you learn about it?
I was looking for materials on violence against women
I entered the web site through a link from other website
I found it accidentally
Other (please specify)…………………………………..
15. If you want to have some announcement posted would you ask BGRF to post
them to its website?
16. Do you find the information on the website useful for you work?
17. If yes, in what sense?
New information
Research results
Other (please specify)……………………..
18. Do you share the information you are finding there with others?
Yes (Please specify)……………………………………………
19. If you have your own website would you like to have a link to the BGRF website?
20. Do you like the graphics (the look) of BGRF website?
21. If you could change it what would you change first?
The structure
The graphics
The content
Other (please specify)……………………………………….
22. Do you find the website “women’s friendly”? In what sense?
23. Which section of BGRF website you find the most interesting/useful?

Project’s description
The forum

The contest

The news

Staff info
24. Should we add any new sections to BGRF website?
Yes. Please specify what should it be and why.

IV. The campaign against violence – the poster and essay contests
25. How did you learn about the campaign?
I received an announcement and invitation to vote
I found it when surfing the Internet
I heard from colleagues/friends
Other (please specify)…………………………………..
26. What do you think about the mechanism for voting?
User friendly
Too complex
It could not be done otherwise
27. Do you usually participate to online activism? (petitions, letters of support?)


28. If you would have to organize an advocacy campaign, would you use the


29. Any other comments/suggestions?

Thank you!

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