La Purisima Concepcion Academy: (Formerly Mataasnakahoy High School) Brgy. II, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

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La Purisima Concepcion Academy

(Formerly Mataasnakahoy High School)

Brgy. II, Mataasnakahoy, Batangas

I. Project Title:
“Bote Queen ”

II. Project Proponent:

This project is headed only by the Supreme Student Government.

III. Project Rationale:

In line with the mission-vision of the school, this project will help promote cleanliness
and awareness of the students about the 3rs: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle.

IV. Project Objectives:

 To expose every Purisianas in different environmental activities
 To raise fund and support the Supreme Student Government (SSG) projects
 To promote the awareness of the students to recycle

V. Project Description:

This project will be accomplished through the help of our officers, faculty staffs and
also the support of the students. Each section will have a representative queen and they
are required to bring bottles for the first and last counting. From their bottles and other
recycled materials, they will make a presentable costume to be showcased by their
representative and the pageant will begin.

VI. Project Duration:

 Each section will start collecting bottles on July 29,2013 (Monday)
 First counting will be on August 9,2013 (Friday)
 Second counting will be on August 23,2013 (Friday)
 The pageant will begin on August 26,2013 (Monday)

VII. Target Beneficiaries:

The top five sections who have the most number of bottles will receive an incentive
from the Supreme Student Government (SSG) on their Christmas Party. The collected
money will be used for the LPCA Battle that is proposed to be held on October.

VIII. Proposed Budgets:

The only expenses will be the prize (trophy,sash,certificates) for the winning sections
and also the reigned bote queen. The budget for this is estimated at Php 500.00 – Php

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation:

The project will be over all managed by the Supreme Student Government (SSG) and
each adviser will assist their students for the activities.

X. Project Title:

“Aras Karas ”

XI. Project Proponent:

This project is headed only by the Supreme Student Government.

XII. Project Rationale:

In line with the mission-vision of the school, this project will help promote cleanliness
and awareness of the students about the 3rs: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle.

XIII. Project Objectives:

 To expose every Purisianas in different environmental activities

 To raise fund and support the Supreme Student Government (SSG) projects
 To promote the awareness of the students to recycle
 To develop the creativeness of every students

XIV. Project Description:

This project will be accomplished through the help of our officers, faculty staff and
also with the cooperation of the students. This project will be a surprise for everyone to
enhance their skills in designing a presentable costume for their “aras karas” king. They
will be given newspapers for the costume and half day preparing for the modeling.

XV. Project Duration:

 The pageant will begin on August 26,2013 (Monday)

XVI. Target Beneficiaries:

The collected money will be used for the LPCA Battle that is proposed to be held on
October. The students will also benefit from the fund to be raised for their other
suggested projects.

XVII. Proposed Budgets:

The only expenses will be the prize (trophy,sash,certificates) for the reigned aras
karas king. The budget for this is estimated at Php 500.00 – Php 1000.00.

XVIII. Monitoring and Evaluation:

The project will be over all managed by the Supreme Student Government (SSG) and
each adviser will assist their students for the activities.
XIX. Project Title:

“LPCA Battle”

XX. Project Proponent:

This project is headed only by the Supreme Student Government.

XXI. Project Rationale:

This project aims to persuade elementary students, both public and private, to study
in our school. It is for them to see the quality education that the school offers.

XXII. Project Objectives:

 Publicity of the school

 To raise fund and support the Supreme Student Government (SSG) projects

XXIII. Project Description:

We will be inviting all the elementary schools, both public and private, in
Mataasnakahoy for this event. They will be competing on Essay Writing (English and
Filipino), Storytelling and Quiz Bee. There will be three contestants in Quiz Bee (for Math,
Science and Hekasi).

 Criteria for Judging Essays

Creativity 35%
Structure 20%
Adherence to Topic 15%
Grammar 15%
“Wow!” factor 15%
TOTAL: 100%

Description of Criteria

35% ‐ Creativity
Although this is the most difficult thing to measure, it remains the focus of the
competition and the
most important aspect to take into account when grading essays. The goal is to reward
students who
display the ability to think “outside the box”—that is, those who provide something
other than
formulaic answers, and who can do so in a novel or unusual way

20% ‐ Structure
The way in which an essay is organized helps make it more easily understood and

15% ‐ Adherence to Topic

Sometimes essays are cleverly written, but they actually have little to do with the given
topic. While
creative essays should be able to find many unusual ways to answer a question
(questions can be answered as essays,stories, dialog, and so on), they should still, in
some way, obviously respond to thechosen topic.
10% ‐ Grammar
Although good grammar is important and should not go unrewarded, the goal of this
competition is to
encourage creative thinking, not drive students to worry about their verb conjugation or

10% ‐ “Wow!” factor

This portion is where points are awarded for exceptional essays—those that display an
incredible use of
vocabulary, cleverideas,mature style, advanced English forthe writer’s grade level, and so

 Criteria for judging the Storytelling Contest

Voice Mechanics 30%

Face/Body/Gesture 25%
Characterization 15%
Focus 10%
Use of Space 10%
Pacing 10%
TOTAL: 100%

Description of Criteria

30% - Voice Mechanics

Speaks with an appropriate volume for the audience to hear. Employs clear enunciation.
Uses non-monotonous, vocal expression to clarify the meaning of the text.

25% - Face/Body/Gesture
Expressively uses non-verbal communication to clarify the meaning of the text.

15% - Characterization
If dialogue is employed, characters are believable to listener. Storyteller's natural voice is
differentiated from character voices.

10% - Focus
Concentration is clear.Eye contact with audience is engaging.Maintains a charismatic
presence in space (stage presence).

10% - Use of Space

Storyteller seems comfortable, relaxed and confident in front of listeners. Storyteller
maintains clear spatial relationships for characters and narrator.

10% - Pacing
The story is presented efficiently and keeps listeners' interest throughout.

XXIV. Project Duration:

The project will be conducted on October 12 simultaneously from 8:00 am- 4:00pm

XXV. Target Beneficiaries:

The school will be promoted through this project. The elementary students from
other schools will see the facilities and the good service of LPCA. Hence, they will be
persuaded to study in our school

XXVI. Proposed Budgets:

Each school that will be participating is required to pay registration fee worth
Php200.00. The money will be used for the prizes (trophy,sash,certificates) and the
materials that will be used. The budget for this is estimated at Php 1,000.00-Php

XXVII. Monitoring and Evaluation:

The project will be over all managed by the Supreme Student Government (SSG).

Respectfully yours,

Maryjoy Nazaro
SSG President

Melven Lucero
SSG Vice President

Noted by:

Mr. Dexter Alvis


Approved/Disapproved by:

Mrs. Raquel Inciong

School Directress

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