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Jozie Osborne

Professor Cynthia Richardson

English Composition 1

19 September 2017

Evaluation of Chick-fil-A

When I am having a meal at a restaurant, no matter a fast food or a five star, I

have a certain standard that my surroundings and food have to have for me to find the

meal enjoyable and to come back again. I walk in big glass doors all the time at

crowded fast food restaurants. I usually expect nothing less than to be disgusted by

grimy floors, germy kids running around, and horrible service, but I have encountered a

situation in which this wasn’t the case. I walked inside Chick-fil-A and was astonished.

The floors were polished, the kids were all inside the playroom not bothering others

around them, and there were servers everywhere to provide the customers with the best

possible service a restaurant could possess. A restaurant should contain certain

qualities that draw good attention to it. If they don’t keep the restaurant clean and safe,

have certain rules and organization policies, and hire generous employees, then they

will not have good customer ratings and will not do well as a business in general.

Having a clean safe environment when eating is a necessity. Usually, people eat

at fast food restaurants when they are in a hurry or when the just need a quick bite to

eat. Most of the time, the lines are outrageously long. I would rather pass on seeing the

filthy conditions my food was made in than going in, sitting down, and enjoying my meal.

Even though I don’t see it being made, I know it’s not in the most sanitary way. I feel this

way about almost every fast food restaurant I have ever attended. But, when I go to
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Chick-fil-A, I don't get a fast-food vibe. Sure, the food is quickly made just like

McDonald's, but if you look around the place itself you don't feel like you're in a fast food

environment. Every single time I have been in there, the floors are squeaky clean, the

tables are always cleared off, there’s no food on the floor, and the restrooms actually

feel comfortable and safe to use. Another thing to pay attention to is the safety of the

food you’re eating due to the conditions it’s being cooked in. I have personally stopped

eating out at many different fast food restaurants because they are placing their

customers at risk of receiving a foodborne illness. From doing things like not wearing

gloves, not washing their hands, serving things that have touched the floor, etc, I have

lost faith in many fast food restaurants. So, it was nice when I found Chick-fil-A and saw

how much effort and time they put into each order. They complete each order clean,

safe, and to the best of their ability!

It’s the worst feeling ever to have kids screaming in a confined space. That’s why

restaurants need to stay organized. Not all customers have kids, and people can

actually find it very annoying. They’re just trying to enjoy their meal, but they can’t with

multiple kids screaming, running around, and crying. I find it so convenient that my local

Chick-fil-A has a cleansed, secure area for kids to run around, play, scream, and cry.

They’re out of the way of all the other people who didn’t want to be bothered while

dining. Other fast-food restaurants do this, but I have never seen one so clean and nice.

Another way Chick-fil-A stays organized is their spacious environment. At most fast food

restaurants the line has no organization. Everyone’s just standing in a single file line

directly opposite of the cash register. Chick-fil-A, on the other hand, has retractable belt
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barriers. They make it easy to know exactly where to go and assure that customers do

not get cut in line.

The thing that Chick-fil-A really stands out for is their customer service. All of their

employees are hard-working, cordial, and extremely respectful. Whenever I order there,

I always say “Thank you,” they respond with “My pleasure”, while at other restaurants I

can’t even get a smile from the employees. At Chick-fil-A, they work hard to get every

order correct and out in a timely manner. As soon as I sit down after ordering, I see a

server coming my way to deliver my food. The employees always look happy and like

they are having fun with the job. This makes it a more enjoyable experience. When you

walk in the restaurant, they are there to open the door, greet you, and direct you to the

right area. Also, when your done eating, they throw away your trash. They are

constantly assisting you from the time you enter from the time you leave. It makes you

feel like you are highly respected and it makes you want to come back for more!

The only downside to Chick-fil-A is that it is a little pricey for fast food. Compared

to other options, Chick-fil-A has rather low prices. But, compared to other fast food stops

like Taco Bell and Wendy’s, the cost is a bit more. On the bright side, the cost aligns

perfectly with the quality of the food. You do not have to pay regular restaurant prices for

Chick-fil-A, but you do get the same standard for the food.

Chick-fil-A is one of the cleanest restaurants I've attended. It's very organized

and managed well, and they have tremendous customer service. Although it may not be

as classy as a five-star restaurant, it’s freshness and experience is just as astounding. I

would recommend going to Chick-fil-A for all of those reasons, plus they have great

food. Chick-fil-A puts other fast food restaurants to shame because of the level of
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cleanliness, quickness, and deliciousness. I’d definitely spend my free time at Chick-fil-A

because I’m guaranteed a pleasurable time.

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