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Senior Project Conference Record

Name: Bella Thomas

You will be conferencing with 2 faculty members (See Approval Teams List) to discuss the choices you have
made for your Senior Project. This entire form must be completed before your conferences. PLEASE TYPE &

Project Choice:
I have decided upon my project and it will be:
To create a video of valuable experiences that document the history and culture of Italy that I have
learned while on foreign exchange.
I have chosen this project because:
It is unique and I will learn much from it.
I know I will need a mentor for my project, and I am considering contacting: Mr. Davidson
for assistance because: I have had him for six years, and he has been involved in my foreign exchange
application process.
Questions I have regarding my project:
I am unsure how I will stay in contact with my mentor, and how they will oversee my project, since I will
be in another county.
I think: learning Italian will be the most difficult part of this process for me because: I have never studied it
I think the easiest part of this process for me will be: learning about a different culture
because: I am extremely excited to do so.

Materials & Costs:

Consider the amount of money and materials you will use to complete the project. You may need to seek the
advice of some experts or consult some written sources to arrive at this estimate. Since you have not completed
your project, list what you anticipate needing to complete the project. Use additional lines as needed.

Materials: Cost: Materials: Cost:

1. Camera Free 2. Laptop Free
3. Apple iMovie 14.99

Research Project: Knowing my research project has to touch some aspect of my project and it must be a
persuasive/argumentative paper, I believe I would like to research one of the following:

Thesis #1: The American immigration procedure is in desperate need of reform in order to expedite the
application process, admit asylum seekers, and accelerate family reunification.

Thesis #2: The American immigration process needs to be reformed because immigrants are qualified
individuals who pay hold jobs, pay taxes, and play a vital role in our economy.

Thesis #3: America can not turn its back on refugees from destabilized third-world countries because we were
once refugees, they have no place to go, and we are responsible since for destabilizing their countries.

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