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1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

Meets formal performance requirements of the job.
Fulfills all responsibilities required by his/her job.
Meets formal performance requirements of the job.
Fulfills responsibilities specified in job description.
Performs tasks that are expected of him or her.
Adequately completes assigned duties.
My work habits are excellent.
My supervisor is never disappointed in my work.


I was too tired to be effective at work because of things I
hade to do at home.
My family or personal life drained me of the energy I
needed to do my job.
I was preoccupied with personal responsibilities while I
was at work.
My personal responsibilities made it difficult to get along
with my supervisor and coworkers the way that I would
The amount of time my personal responsibilities took
made me work less than I wanted to.
The schedule demands of my personal responsibilities
kept me from getting work done on time at my job.
My personal responsibilities made me behave in ways
that were unacceptable at work.
Behavior that was effective and necessary for me at
home was counterproductive for me at work.
I sacrificed work in favor of a personal goal or
During the past three months, I would rate the
interference of my personal life with my job.
How often do things going on at work make you tense
and irritable at home?
How often do the demands of your job interfere with
your family life?
My job is extremely stressful.
Very few stressful things happen to me at work.
I feel a great deal of stress because of my job.
I almost never feel stressed because of my work.
Have you been in a stressful situation within the last 2
Stress during the week can be made up for by relaxing
on the weekend.
A stressful day can be compensated for by relaxing in
front of the TV.
The bad effects of stress can be made up for by
Sleep compensates for stress.
I have difficulty relaxing after work.
Even at home I often think of my problems at work.
Even on my vacations I think about my problems at
I’m often tired at work because of things I have to do at
My personal demands are so great that they take away
from my work.
My superiors/peers dislike how often I am preoccupied
with my personal life while at work
My personal life takes up time that I’d like to spend at

(Circle any one of the following a,b,c and d)

1) When announced a sudden holiday, you feel:

a) Excited for the fact you get spend more time with family
b) Are able to do more work at home
c) Nervous all the time about the deadline of the task
d) Feel restless and want to get back to work as soon as possible

2) How many holidays would you prefer your boss allows, other than sick leaves,
per year:
a) 20
b) 15
c) 25
d) 30

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