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Research and Practice: Partners in Care Series

Opportunity for Comfort in Palliative Care
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Jacqueline F. Close, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, FNGNA ƒ Carol O. Long, PhD, RN, FPCN

Delirium is a very common neuropsychiatric disorder The purpose of this article is to provide an overview
seen in the very ill and at the end of life and is of delirium, the prevalence, key features, risk factors, sub-
distressing to patients, families, and caregivers. types, pathophysiology, assessment, and evidence-based
Although common, delirium is frequently misdiagnosed nursing interventions, both pharmacologic and nonphar-
and poorly managed. Too often, patients are merely macologic. A case study illustrates the challenges and op-
labeled as confused or agitated. This lack of portunities in caring for hospitalized patients with delirium
recognition, assessment, and treatment can lead to
who may require palliative care. While this article pro-
poor outcomes, including functional decline, new
nursing home placement, and even death. Prompt vides a general overview of delirium in the acute care set-
assessment, prevention, and both pharmacologic and ting, delirium can occur anywhere in the continuum of care,
nonpharmacologic intervention by nurses and the including the home, skilled nursing, outpatient settings, or
interdisciplinary team can significantly reduce distress, hospice settings.
assure comfort, and maximize safety in all care settings.
delirium, interventions, older adult, risk factors
You are the nurse assigned to Mrs Smith and have taken
elirium, or acute confusion, is a very common, care of her for the 3 days. Mrs Smith is an 88-year-old

D serious, and potentially preventable neuropsy-

chiatric disorder that may occur in the very ill
and at the end of life as part of the dying process. Pa-
woman with end-stage heart failure and has a history of
type II diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, numerous urinary
tract infections, and uncontrolled hypertension. She had
been hospitalized four times over the past year for
tients are often labeled as confused or agitated, and no
further assessment or evaluation is done. Delirium fright- exacerbations of heart failure. She recently fell at home,
ens patients and families and also robs patients of valu- fracturing her right hip, and underwent surgery torepair
able time to spend with loved ones. Patients remember her hip. Two days postoperation, she became disoriented
their episode(s) of delirium as very distressing, and delir- and frightened and would not follow nursing instructions.
ium is a negative experience for family members, care- She periodically lashed out at her caregivers and did not
givers, and professional nurses alike.1 Delirium is associated recognize her husband of 65 years. She knew what year it
with emotional distress, as patients with delirium are often was but could not tell where she was or how she got
there. She needed constant reminders to stay in bed
anxious, angry, or depressed. Pain is much more difficult
while she insisted on going to the bathroom (she still had
to treat in patients with delirium, and those with hyperac-
an indwelling bladder catheter). Mrs Smith was awake
tive delirium are at risk for falls and other types of inju-
most of the day and half of the night, vacillating between
ries.2 Delirium also interferes with the patient’s ability to
agitation and lethargy and not quite understanding why
make choices about their care.3 Delirium is one of the ma-
everyone was making her do things that hurt. She
jor contributors to poor health outcomes and often results
received pain medication around-the-clock and was able
in the institutionalization of older adult patients.2
to report her pain levels when asked about them. She
could not hear (her husband took her bilateral hearing
Jacqueline F. Close, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, FNGNA, is District Clinical aids home because he did not want her to lose them), and
Nurse Specialist for Geriatrics, Palomar Pomerado Health, San Diego, CA. her eyeglasses were lost in the emergency department.
Carol O. Long, PhD, RN, FPCN, is Geriatric Consultant and Codirector, She was unable to report her inability to hear or see well
Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia, Beatitudes Campus, Phoenix, AZ.
without her hearing aids and glasses.
Address correspondence to Jacqueline F. Close, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC,
FNGNA, Palomar Health, 15255 Innovation Dr, San Diego, CA 92129
( On day 3 postoperation, Mrs Smith was exhausted and
The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose. could not assist with her personal care. Her husband
DOI: 10.1097/NJH.0b013e31825d2b0a came to visit and tried to wake her, but she just opened

386 Volume 14 & Number 6 & August 2012

Research and Practice: Partners in Care Series

her eyes and stared blankly at him. She had not used her 70% to 87% of patients were diagnosed with delirium.9
incentive spirometer since early postoperation because Delirium also has been found in 51% to 85% of postYacute
it was on the floor under her bed, where it fell when care admissions.10 Patients with dementia or any cogni-
she was looking for her glasses. Her husband was tive impairment have a very high incidence of delirium
upset that his wife was not ‘‘herself’’ and he could not superimposed on dementia, ranging from 22% to 89%.11
understand what was happening. Nurses complained Delirium is the most common complication experienced
that Mrs Smith was too hard to care for and that she by patients with advanced illness, occurring in up to 85% of
must have ‘‘dementia.’’ patients in the last weeks of life.12 Delirium is also very
common in hospitalized patients, occurring in 26% to
Mrs Smith did not want aggressive treatment while 44% of patients with late-stage cancer and up to 88% of
hospitalized other than surgery for her hip fracture. She patients with terminal illness.13 Fang et al14 speculate that
had gone through many hospitalizations and she told the prevalence of delirium in cancer patients is from 11%
the nurses repeatedly that she ‘‘was tired of going to the to 35%, and in terminal cancer patients, the prevalence
hospital and being so sick,’’ stating that she just wanted may be as high as 85%. In palliative care units, the prob-
to go back home, surrounded by family and friends. ability of developing delirium can be as high as 88%.15
‘‘Terminal restlessness,’’ ‘‘nearing or near death aware-
You suggest that she may have delirium because of
ness,’’ and ‘‘terminal anguish’’ characterize delirium as ‘‘a
her age, surgery, many comorbidities, and hearing and
clinical spectrum of unsettled behaviors in the final days
vision problems. The geriatrics educator trained in
of life.’’16(p345) Despite the fact that delirium is common in
gerontology is contacted to hold an in-service on delirium.
older, very ill patients and as part of the dying process,
nurses can provide significant interventions to reduce dis-
During the impromptu staff in-service, the educator
tress and provide comfort to the patient and family. Delir-
explains that the identification of delirium remains a clin-
ium in people who are terminally ill includes the detection
ical diagnosis, based on bedside observation of the pa-
and elimination of the underlying cause (when possible)
tient and information from families and caregivers.
and nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatments.
According to Inouye et al,4 the diagnosis of delirium
Patient and family education and reassurance are para-
should be based on careful bedside monitoring of the
mount to easing anxiety and providing for a therapeutic
four key features of delirium, which include (1) acute
onset and fluctuating course, (2) inattention, (3) disorga-
nized thinking, and (4) altered level of consciousness.5
Risk Factors
In practice, primary care providers often fail to detect
There are numerous risk factors for developing delirium.
symptoms of delirium, with studies reporting that symptoms
These include predisposing risk factors and precipitating
are documented in only 30% to 50% of affected patients.6
risk factors.
The fluctuating symptoms that characterize delirium make
Predisposing risk factors for delirium are risk factors
it hard to detect, especially when primary care providers
present before the patient becomes ill that may affect a
spend only brief intervals of time with patients. Nurses,
patient’s vulnerability for developing delirium. Some of
on the other hand, spend more time at the bedside and
these predisposing risk factors include advancing age,
therefore have the opportunity to anticipate, assess, and
preexisting cognitive impairment, severity of illness, de-
treat symptoms of delirium across all healthcare settings.
pression, vision or hearing impairment, and functional
impairment.17 Other literature describes all of the same
BACKGROUND predisposing risk factors but also includes male sex, de-
pression, alcohol abuse, abnormal serum sodium level,
Prevalence and Incidence and vision and hearing impairment.17-19 Inouye7 lists the
The risk of developing delirium is positively associated top predisposing factors for developing delirium as (1)
with age, frailty, and the number of chronic and acute baseline cognitive impairment or dementia, (2) severe un-
medical problems. In studies on delirium in hospital set- derlying illness and comorbidity, (3) functional impair-
tings, the prevalence and incidence rates of delirium dif- ment, and (4) advanced age.
fer in the published literature. Delirium has been reported Precipitating risk factors precede the development of
to be present in 14% to 24% of new admissions to the hos- delirium and are any noxious insults or events that hap-
pital. The incidence of new cases of delirium has been pen during an illness regardless of the setting. These risk
shown to be from 6% to 56% in hospitalized patients.7 factors may include medication errors, immobilization,
In a 2003 study by Agnostini and Inouye,8 15% to 53% dehydration, malnutrition, iatrogenic events, medical ill-
of older postoperative adults were diagnosed with delir- nesses, infections, metabolic abnormalities, alcohol or
ium. In another study of patients in an intensive care unit, drug withdrawal, environmental or psychosocial factors,

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and the use of indwelling bladder catheters or physical re- behaviors. Mixed delirium is very difficult to diagnose
straints.7 Sleep deprivation, fecal impaction, and urinary re- because of the changing presentation of the patient,
tention are frequent causes for delirium at the end of life. who alternates between a hyperalert and a hypoalert
Delirium is very common in patients with advanced state. An astute assessment and evaluation will capture
cancer and may involve multiple physiological causes the mixed type of delirium, but this may go unnoticed
such as infection, end-stage organ failure, and adverse because of the fluctuations between the two states.
medication events, and in some cases, it is caused by Regardless of the type of delirium the patient is experi-
paraneoplastic syndromes.20 In patients with cancer, de- encing, it is imperative that delirium is prevented, if pos-
lirium may develop from structural or metabolic problems sible, recognized, assessed, documented, and treated to
and complicates the assessment and management of pain, lessen the negative outcomes resulting from this syn-
dyspnea, nausea, anxiety, and other symptoms.20,21 drome. The associated poor outcomes of delirium are
The onset of delirium is acute in most cases, and the very distressing to the patient and family members as well
cardinal clinical symptoms include difficulty sustaining as healthcare professionals, and nursing support is vital to
attention, a fluctuating course, cognitive changes, and al- both the patient and family to lessen fears and anxiety.
tered level of consciousness.22 The patient is unable to
maintain attention for any period of time, and he/she Challenges
may be disoriented to time and place. Perception disor- Delirium has a negative impact on patient outcomes. It is
ders, hallucinations, identification mistakes, and distortion associated with emotional distress, as people with delir-
in the size of objects are frequently noted. ium are often anxious, angry, or depressed. Pain is much
more difficult to treat in patients with delirium, and pa-
Subtypes of Delirium tients with hyperactive delirium are at risk for falls and
Delirium can manifest itself in three different subtypes: other types of injuries.2 In addition, outcomes of patients
hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed delirium. Mixed de- diagnosed with delirium during hospitalization include
lirium includes elements of hyperactive delirium and hy- an increased incidence of functional decline, new nurs-
poactive delirium. ing home placement, and even death.26 Studies indicate
Hyperactive delirium is characterized by agitation, hy- that delirium was associated with increased mortality at
pervigilance, restlessness, emotional instability, halluci- hospital discharge and at 12 months postdischarge.27 De-
nations, and delusions. Patients with hyperactive delirium lirium was also associated with poor functional status
exhibit behaviors most commonly recognized as delirium, among patients with and without dementia.28 Healthcare
and these behaviors include psychomotor hyperactivity costs of patients with delirium are more than 22 times
and excitability. These patients are easily identified by sev- the costs of patients without delirium, and the added finan-
eral associated behaviors, such as fast or loud speech, irri- cial burden can run from $16,303 to $64,421 per person.29
tability, combativeness, impatience, swearing, singing,
laughing, uncooperativeness, euphoria, anger, wandering, Clinical Assessment
distractibility, and nightmares.23 The identification of delirium remains a clinical diagnosis,
Hypoactive delirium is characterized by withdrawal, based on bedside observation of the patient and infor-
flat affect, apathy, lethargy, reduced alertness, and de- mation from families and caregivers. According to Inouye
creased responsiveness. The patient may be somnolent et al,4 the diagnosis of delirium should be based on care-
and exhibit reduced psychomotor activity such as un- ful bedside monitoring of the four key features of delir-
awareness, decreased alertness, sparse or slow speech, ium, which include (1) acute onset and fluctuating course,
slowed movements, staring, and apathy. This is the ‘‘quiet’’ (2) inattention, (3) disorganized thinking, and (4) altered
patient for whom the diagnosis is often missed.23 Patients level of consciousness. Many healthcare providers con-
with hypoactive delirium are often misdiagnosed as de- sider delirium a common and serious problem, yet few
mented or depressed, and at the end of life, hypoactive monitor for this condition, and most admit that it is under-
delirium not only can be mistaken for depression but is diagnosed.30 Fluctuating symptoms make delirium hard to
also difficult to differentiate from opioid sedation.24 detect, especially when primary care providers spend
In palliative care settings, hypoactive delirium can be only brief intervals of time with patients. Nurses, on the
misdiagnosed as depression or fatigue, particularly if a for- other hand, spend more time at the bedside and could
mal assessment is not completed. Using valid and reliable therefore assess for and treat symptoms of delirium across
screening tools for palliative care patients can assist in di- healthcare settings.
agnosing and differentiating delirium, especially when hy-
poactive delirium might otherwise go unrecognized.25 Pathophysiology
The third type of delirium is mixed delirium and in- The pathophysiology of delirium is not completely un-
volves fluctuations between hyperactive and hypoactive derstood, and the proposed causes for delirium are

388 Volume 14 & Number 6 & August 2012

Research and Practice: Partners in Care Series

numerous (Table 1). It has been suggested in the litera- The Predictive Model of Delirium explains delirium as
ture that delirium may be a disturbance in cerebral oxygen- the relationship between the vulnerability (predisposing
ation, a disturbance in neurotransmission, a disturbance in risk factors) of the hospitalized older adult and noxious
cytokine production, or a disturbance in plasma esterase insults during (precipitating factors) hospitalization. This
activity.31,32 Patients receiving palliative and end-of-life care relationship can contribute to the development of delir-
are particularly vulnerable for developing delirium. ium.7 This model considers the development of delirium
Delirium can be caused by many different metabolic or related to baseline patient vulnerability and precipitating
ischemic insults to the brain, such as hypoxemia, hyper- factors or noxious insults occurring during hospitaliza-
capnia, hypoglycemia, or any major organ dysfunction. tion. Noxious insults are untoward negative incidents oc-
Trauma, infection, surgery, or any other physical insult curring to a patient while the patient is hospitalized, such
to the body can lead to increased production of proin- as a urinary tract infection directly related to the pres-
flammatory cytokines that, in susceptible patients, induces ence of an indwelling urinary catheter or a patient fall
delirium.32 Peripherally secreted cytokines can intensify sustained during an episode of hyperactive delirium.
responses in the microglia (phagocytes that clean up Highly vulnerable patients (those who have several risk
waste products from the nervous system) that in turn factors) may experience an episode of delirium with few
cause severe inflammation of the brain.32 Proinflamma- noxious insults. On the other hand, patients with low
tory cytokine levels have been shown to be elevated in vulnerability (few risk factors) may need to experience
patients with delirium.33 several noxious insults to trigger an episode of delirium.7

TABLE 1 Differential Diagnosis of Delirium, With Interventions

Causes Differential Diagnosis Intervention
Infection HIV, sepsis, pneumonia Treat infections, use antibiotics as
needed, supportive care

Withdrawal Alcohol, barbiturate, sedative-hypnotic Discontinue or decrease medications,

monitor and treat withdrawal symptoms

Acute metabolic disorders Acidosis, alkalosis, electrolyte Treat metabolic/nutritional/fluid

disturbance, hepatic failure, renal failure disturbances, hepatic and renal failure

Trauma Closed head injury, heat stroke, Close monitoring, cool slowly for heat
postoperative state, severe burns stroke, supportive care

Central nervous system pathology Abscess, hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, Antibiotics, surgery, antiseizure
subdural hematoma, infection, seizures, medications, treat the cause
stroke, tumors, metastases, vasculitis,
encephalitis, meningitis, syphilis

Hypoxia Anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning, Provide oxygen, supportive care, blood
hypotension, pulmonary or product replacement
cardiac failure

Deficiencies Vitamin B12, folate, niacin, thiamine Treat /correct deficiencies

Endocrinopathies Hyperadrenocorticism/ Treat the cause, correct imbalances

hypoadrenocorticism, hyperglycemia/
hypoglycemia, myxedema,

Acute vascular conditions Hypertensive encephalopathy, stroke, Treat the cause

cardiac arrhythmia, shock

Toxins or drugs Prescription drugs, illicit drugs, pesticides, Discontinue or decrease medications
chemical solvents

Heavy metals Lead, manganese, mercury Clear from system

Adapted with permission from Delirium and Cognitive Impairment Study Group, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (January 15, 2012;

Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing 389

Research and Practice: Partners in Care Series

Assessment and Measurement Tools the detailed reference list at the end of this article). Table 2
describes the assessment tools used in screening, diagnos-
Screening Instruments ing, and determining the severity of delirium.
Screening instruments identify the presence of cognitive Delirium is very common at the end of life, but if as-
impairment but do not diagnose delirium.34 The Mini- sessed and identified early, interventions may be put in
Mental State Examination is used to evaluate cognitive place to lessen the symptoms and ensure the patient’s
changes and assesses orientation, instantaneous recall, comfort along with patient and family well-being. The
short-term memory, attention, constructional capacities, most important approach to treatment of delirium is to
and use of language.35 The NEECHAM Confusion Scale reverse underlying causes if possible, and in palliative
is used for a rapid assessment as well as monitoring of care, the goals of treatment for delirium are balanced
acute confusion in hospitalized older individuals.36 The with a caring approach, providing a safe environment,
Delirium Observation Screening Scale is an assessment and avoiding uncomfortable interventions. Addressing
tool designed to assist nurses in the early recognition of only one of the factors contributing to the delirium is
delirium during regular care and is based on the Diag- not likely to help improve the delirium. However, a mul-
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth tifactorial intervention strategy that addresses as many
Edition (DSM-IV), criteria for delirium.37 The Nursing De- predisposing and precipitating factors as possible sup-
lirium Screening Scale is an observational five-item instru- ports positive nursing care.
ment designed to be completed in 1 minute and is a
simple, yet accurate, continuous, ‘‘around-the-clock symp-
tom monitoring.’’38(p373) The tool of choice should be the CASE STUDY: PART 2
one best suited for the patient population being screened.

Diagnostic Instruments On day 4, Nancy, Mrs Smith’s daughter, came to visit

Diagnostic instruments are an adjunct to clinical and cog- after her father had called her to express his deep
nitive evaluation and help in diagnosing delirium.39 The concern and worry about his wife’s condition. The
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) is a diagnostic tool nursing staff was very adept at using the CAM to assess
designed for use by a nonpsychiatrically trained inter- for delirium, and Mrs Smith was positive on the first
viewer to identify and recognize delirium quickly and ac- assessment and continued to score positively for the next
curately both at the bedside and in research settings.5 three assessments, done 8 hours apart. Nancy works
The CAM is used as the primary tool to screen residents with the older adult population in a hospital and
in nursing homes.40 The Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 immediately suspected that her mother was experiencing
is used both as a diagnostic and severity-based instrument delirium. The primary care nurse talked at length with
based on the DSM-IV and common symptoms found in Nancy about the numerous predisposing risk factors that
delirious patients. This is used to rate the severity of delir- made her mother vulnerable to delirium, including
ium over time and differentiates patients with delirium from advanced age, severity of illness, and comorbidities such
patients with dementia, schizophrenia, and depression.41,42 as heart failure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, a history of
urinary tract infections, hypertension, and diminished
Severity of Symptom Instruments vision and hearing. Since her admission, Mrs Smith
These scales are used to rate the severity of the symp- also had several precipitating risk factors for delirium,
toms of delirium. The Memorial Delirium Assessment including numerous medications, immobilization,
Scale (MDAS) is a brief, reliable tool for assessing delir- dehydration, malnutrition, an indwelling bladder catheter
ium severity among medically ill, adult patients and can (risk for urinary tract infection), and sleep deprivation.
be accurately scored by multiple raters. The MDAS is
highly correlated with existing measures of delirium The nurse and Nancy discussed the numerous risk
and cognitive impairment.42 The Bedside Confusion factors, and together, they developed a comprehensive
Scale (BCS) is used for continuous observation of an al- plan of care. The care plan included safety measures to
teration in attention, with or without a change in level of minimize the risk of falling, the discontinuation of the
consciousness. The BCS is designed for the palliative indwelling bladder catheter after a sample was sent for
medicine population, requires minimal training, and takes urinalysis, the continuous evaluation of the effectiveness
approximately 2 minutes to complete.43 The Delirium In- and side effects of her pain medications, and respiratory
dex measures the severity of symptoms of delirium and treatments, including assistance in using the incentive
is based on observation of the patient, without additional spirometer. A chest x-ray was ordered, which revealed
information from informants.44 (For additional details on atelectasis in both lower lobes and consolidation on the
the psychometric properties of each instrument, consult left. Antibiotics were started because she had developed

390 Volume 14 & Number 6 & August 2012

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TABLE 2 Tools Used to Assess Delirium4,35,37,38,41/45

Screening tool

Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)35 The MMSE was initially created to differentiate organic from functional
psychiatric patients. Used to quantify the severity of cognitive impairment and
to document changes over time. The MMSE can be administered in 5-10 min.
It has seven different categories: orientation to time, orientation to place,
registration of three words, attention and calculation, recall of three words,
language and visual construction.

NEECHAM Confusion Scale (NCS)44 The NCS consists of nine scaled items divided into three subscales: level
of responsiveness, behavior, and vital functions (screening, not diagnostic).
The NCS involves bedside observation and interaction with the patient and
incorporates data from a nurse’s assessment of patient responses.

Delirium Observation Screening Scale (DOS)37 The DOS is designed to assist nurses in the early recognition of delirium
during regular care.

Nursing Delirium Screening Scale (NuDESC)38 The NuDESC is an observational five-item scale that can be completed quickly
and was developed for use in busy inpatient units.

Diagnostic instruments

Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) The CAM and CAM-ICU are diagnostic, observational instruments based on
and CAM-ICU4 the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition.
Intended to provide a standardized method to enable nonpsychiatrically
trained clinicians to identify delirium quickly and accurately in both clinical and
research settings. The CAM-ICU was designed to be used in an environment
when the patient is nonverbal/mechanically ventilated.

Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 The DRS-R-98 is the most widely used instrument for rating the severity
(DRS-R-98)41 of delirium over time and consists of 16 items: three are diagnostic of
delirium and 13 are severity-based symptoms found in people with delirium.
The total score is diagnostic of delirium and a severity score indicates
increased delirium symptoms.

Severity of symptom instruments

Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS)42 The MDAS is a 10-item scale used to quantify severity of delirium and detect
changes in symptoms. The MDAS assesses arousal, level of consciousness,
cognitive functioning (memory, attention, orientation, disturbances in
thinking), and psychomotor activity.

Bedside Confusion Scale (BCS)43 The BCS incorporates a 2-min screening test to observe the level of
consciousness at the time of clinical interaction, followed by a timed
task of attention using recitation of the months of the year backward.
Delirium Index45 The Delirium Index measures the severity of symptoms of delirium based
on observation of the patient, without additional information from family,
nursing, or the medical chart. It is designed to be used with the MMSE.

a urinary tract infection in addition to pneumonia. Nancy were provided continuously, facilitating her mother’s
decided to stay with her mother in her hospital room to recovery. Mrs Smith’s husband brought in her hearing
provide a familiar presence because that would help aids and glasses as well as familiar objects from home.
keep her mother calm and oriented. Nancy also helped A calendar and clock were placed where she could see
physical therapy mobilize her mother to prevent them, and pictures of her grandchildren were put on the
functional decline. Nancy also assisted with and insisted bedside table.
that her mother use the incentive spirometer to expand
her lungs and facilitate optimal oxygen exchange. Mrs Smith had a written advance directive for healthcare
With Nancy at her mother’s bedside, food and fluids and named her husband as durable power of attorney.

Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing 391

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Over the last couple of years, both Mr and Mrs Smith ing some distress.46 Aromatherapy may be useful in
had many conversations about treatment options should reducing anxiety in palliative care patients. For example,
they not be able to make their own decisions. Nancy sandalwood oil may be effective in reducing anxiety
and Mr Smith also made it clear to the medical and when used as massage oil. 47 Gentle massage to the
nursing staff that Mrs Smiths’ wishes were not aggressive hands and/or feet may help relieve anxiety and quiet
treatment, but palliative care. Advance directives were agitation.
reviewed and orders were clarified to ensure that Nurses intuitively know how to provide the best,
Mrs Smith’s wishes were respected and supported. evidence-based care for their patients and are therefore
The palliative care team was consulted and became at the forefront of delirium prevention. Nurses are also
involved in Mrs Smith’s care. The family, primary vital to the well-being of their patients and derive great
care provider, nurses, and palliative care team worked satisfaction when those same patients have improved
collaboratively with Mrs Smith and her family to and shown progress after an episode of delirium.
ensure comfort and symptom control without
aggressive treatment. Pharmacological Treatment of Delirium
Treatment of delirium is aimed at removing or treating
Nursing Interventions the underlying cause. The decision to treat with medica-
Delirium is a medical emergency, and the goals of care tion will depend on the patient’s distress or the risk that
are to (1) provide safety for the patient (2) identify the the behaviors pose to self or others.48 When using med-
cause, and (3) treat the cause when possible or appropri- ications in the older adult population, it is imperative to
ate. Treatment focuses on the use of nonpharmacologic start low and go slow and the medications are titrated to
(nursing interventions) and pharmacologic therapy as effect.48 Haloperidol is most often recommended be-
needed, and the foundational principle is to treat the un- cause it has fewer anticholinergic side effects, is less se-
derlying cause. In palliative care, treatment of the cause dating, has fewer active metabolites, and rarely causes
or causes may not be feasible or possible related to the orthostatic hypotension or cardiovascular side effects.46
disease process, and the goals of care will change as the Second-line atypical agents for treatment of delirium
disease progresses. However; patient safety, patient are olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine.49 Benzodi-
well-being, and patient comfort are the cornerstone of azepines are not recommended for delirium in older
excellent palliative nursing care. adults because of the risk of rebound confusion, agita-
The first priority for nursing is to maintain a safe, fa- tion, and risk for falls. These drugs can cause oversedation
miliar environment for the patient, whether the setting is and exacerbate confusion.
the hospital, hospice, long-term care, or home. Low non- In addition, haloperidol is contraindicated for patients
glare lighting will prevent visual distortions. Surrounding with Parkinson disease or Lewy body dementia.
the patient with familiar objects, such as family photos or
favorite possessions, will provide comfort. Having a
clock and calendar within sight will help the patient stay CASE STUDY: PART 3
in the present. Any object of comfort should be placed
within reach for reassurance. Reorientation to time, place,
and person when and if appropriate is often helpful. Soft, On her fifth postoperative day, Mrs Smith was walking
soothing music may promote a healing environment. with the aid of a front-wheeled walker; she was alert
Gentle reorientation and reassurances that you will keep to her baseline, was eating and drinking without
them safe may help. Glasses and hearing aids must be in encouragement, and seemed ready for discharge to
working order and properly placed to maximize commu- her home with home healthcare. Prior to discharge, a
nication. Family members should be allowed to stay with medical social worker held a family conference to ensure
the patient, especially if the surroundings are unfamiliar, that the plan of care was clear for Mrs Smith. The
such as in a hospital, hospice, or palliative care unit. Phys- palliative care team collaborated with Mrs Smith and
ical restraints should never be used because they are a spent time with her and her family to make certain all
precipitating risk factor for delirium and can escalate the understood the goals of care. Mrs Smith was adamant
behaviors rather than alleviate them. Education and sup- that she would not undergo any further diagnostic tests
port are imperative in assisting families through this diffi- or aggressive treatments for her heart failure. She wanted
cult time, as they may not understand their loved one’s to spend what time she had at home with family and
behaviors. The bedside nurse is in the ideal situation to friends. This was vitally important to her. The palliative
provide much needed comfort and assurance. care team assured Mrs Smith and her family that her
Familiar sights, sounds, smells, and touches may per- wishes would be followed and they were there to
haps provide a sense of security and also assist in reliev- support her. Mrs Smith’s husband and daughter agreed

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