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It’s no secret that our city needs more support for those

BROUGHT TO YOU BY SINN FEIN We live in a City with great potential, in a time who suffer from poor mental health. For me, that
where we need leadership. support has to start at school.
PIP I am asking for your support in the May local Educational Psychologists currently help to assess the
elections because our communities are crying needs of our children at school. They should also be
BEDROOM TAX out for positive change in how our affairs are utilised to build coping mechanisms and emotional well-
managed, in how our public services are being.
SANCTIONS funded and run, and how we as a City stand
up for one another. There hasn’t been a Depression and anxiety affect many in our community
Here are the facts: – and long-term medication is not always the answer.
purely Nationalist voice in the Moor at council That’s why I want to see a comprehensive counselling
• Both Sinn Fein and the DUP will do anything to hold level since the last election, and some parties service available to all sufferers for as long as they
onto power, including throwing you to the wolves are looking inward to their own future than to need
the future of the community.
• In the Stormont House Agreement, they agreed that One life lost to mental health problems is too many.
they would cut services in order to offer big The pledges I have made in this manifesto are Should the worst happen, I want Council to have a plan
business a tax break based on my experience in the public service in place to give support to families directly.
and my belief that we can do better. Children’s mental health services are severely stretched
• They took out a loan in your name to make civil and need clear pathways for parents to have their fam-
servants redundant—£700m which will take 20 Improving the quality of life of all our people ilies needs met without having to continually sit in A&E
years to pay back and giving us all a sense of pride in our when their child needs attention
community is vital.
They have made much of the ‘mitigations’ they put in
place, even though we are paying for these through There is no challenge that we can’t overcome
cuts to services and they will end on 1st April next if we act together and our leaders keep us at
year. the heart of all they do. If I am elected this Our public services must be fit to serve all of our
May, my focus will always be on what’s best
for the Moor. people. That is why I want to see all of our public
buildings attain an Autism Impact award, and for any
Remember being told this wouldn’t be introduced? A vote for Doyle in May is a vote for a voice new buildings to be equipped with a sensory space.
that will fight for what is right.
IT’S ALREADY HERE and on 1st April 2020 ALL housing In April 2020 when significant benefit changes are
benefit claimants will be subject to the bedroom tax. Vote for change. Vote Doyle #1 introduced, I want to see our council tailor its funding
That means if you are deemed to have an extra bed- for advice services to focus on appeals so those who
room you do not need, your housing benefit WILL be are fighting for their entitlements are supported.
reduced by UP TO £50 PER MONTH! How will SF
mitigate that? With more spin? After Brexit, we have the opportunity to have input
into a new procurement policy. We must defend local
If you are deemed to have two or more bedrooms you businesses and their ability to undertake public work
don’t need it is worse—a cut of 25%, or up to £30 per contracts. I will be fighting for lower rates and more
week. Remember this when they come to your door. work for local businesses in the public sector.
We can’t afford it, we didn’t agree to it and we must I am a Pro-Life candidate We must stand behind those who have invested their
stand together to smash welfare reform. Those who talents in our City. As chair of the Bogside Artists, I
forced this on us must learn the lesson that you can’t want to see a package put in place that will keep our
betray your own. famous murals intact and protected for generations to
Doyle4Derry 07706955545 come.
Housing has always been at the top of our priority We are all fed up seeing news reports of offenders in
list as a community. We need the right housing court with dozens of convictions receiving a slap on
mix, built faster to accommodate our needs the wrist – especially for burglaries. It’s time our
Council stood up and used its influence to end lenient
I want our Council to fast-track planning sentences for repeat offenders
applications for housing, currently it takes over a
year to give the green light to developments Sexual assaults are on the rise in our community.
The PSNI must initiate a taskforce to address this
Housing Association tenants wait too long for scourge and work with other agencies to ensure
maintenance to be carried out in their homes. It is victims are given the right support
time our Council used its environmental health
powers to force associations to carry these out as Police resources must be used to prevent and tackle
quickly as possible crime. The use of anti-terrorism laws to stop and
search and continually harass people in our commu-
We also need the right mix of accommodation. I nities – especially young people, is wrong – and it
won’t vote for any new development unless it must stop.
provides adaptable bungalow accommodation for
those who need it – and play facilities for our Anti-social behaviour has a real effect on our older
children people and should be treated on par with other

Our domestic rates are the HIGHEST in the North.

Pledges are continually made at elections that
rates would be kept low, but then are raised year
on year

People are under enough financial pressure

WE CAN MAKE CHANGE without the extra burden of a higher rates bill. I
will not vote in favour of any above-inflation rates Derry has a drug problem and it is time we talked
IN THE MOOR rise unless it has a real positive impact on our about it. The market for Class A drugs in our
public services in the Moor ward community is growing and we need to tackle it
head on. A Derry of cocaine and heroin is not a
Our business rates are also the HIGHEST in the future problem, it is here right now
North. Business organisations have called for
these to be reduced, and I agree The purchase of prescription medication online –
even via Facebook - is giving dealers another
Small and medium business can’t create jobs for avenue to bring drugs onto our streets. Not
local people if a huge proportion of their costs is enough is being done by authorities to stamp out
rates. Some businesses in our city centre are this practise. It’s time Council stepped up and led
being crippled by these and I will vote only to on this alongside our local doctors and
reduce these in the life of the next Council pharmacists

I want to see ten percent of the local Policing and

Community Safety Partnership grants fund to be
allocated specifically to drugs awareness
programmes in our schools and youth clubs and
split with addiction services on the ground
INDEPENDENT NATIONALIST Printed by Createprint Unit 31 Northwest Business Park Derry Published by Emmet Doyle 143 Lone Moor Rd, Derry

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