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Environmental Process Technology

Dr. Tran Le Luu

Department of Mechatronics & Sensor System Technology

Vietnamese German University
Environmental Process Technology

1. Introduction

2. Toxicology Final Exam 70%

2.1 Human Toxicology
2.2 Ecotoxicology
Seminar 30%
3. Waste Water Lab + Field Trip
3.1 Pollution Sources On Fri April 12th
3.2 Waste Water Treatment - Morning: Seminar
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment - Afternoon: field trip
to Song Than 2
4. Waste Air
4.1 Pollution Sources Wastewater Treatment
4.2 Flue Gas Treatment Plant
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2.2 Power Stations

5. Solid Waste Management

5.1 Waste Incineration
5.2 Recycling Technologies

6. Production Integrated Technologies

7. Ecological Balance and Management


Chemical Principles
P.Atkins, L.Jones, W.H. Freeman, New York, 1999

Quantitative Chemical Analysis

D.C. Harris, W.H. Freeman, New York, 1999

Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry

Des W. Connell, Lewis Publishers, New York, 1997

Wastewater Treatment
M. Henze et. A., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997

Unit Treatment processes in Water and Wastewater Engineering

T.J. Casey, John Wiley, New York, 1996

Waste Management
B. Bilitewski et. al., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994
Seminar on Fri April 12th (15 mins/presentation)
Background and recent advances in

1. Membrance bioreactor (MBR) for wastewater treatment

2. Real time Sensor-based for environmental monitoring
3. Membrane Technology (RO, UF, NF) and Fabrication Method
4. Electrochemical wastewater treatment
5. Sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR) for wastewater
6. Membrane Capacitive Deionization (MCDI) for desalination
7. Biogas filtration technology for electrical generator
1. Introduction
Environmental Technology

Main Idea
People are working together to protect the environment and using
science and technology to improve living conditions around the

Reading Focus
• What environmental issues face the world today?
• What are people doing to protect the environment?
• What changes are recent advances in science and technology
bringing to the world?

Pollution, global warming, deforestation, desertification

Environmental Problems

„traditionel“ „modern“

•local problems •global problems

pre-industrial environmental environmental damage
problems were mainly localized becomes global
(city, factory) (green-house effect e.g.)

•simple effects •complex effects

only few substances were emitted many substances are emitted
-> synergisms
(forest damages e.g.)

•sensible problems •non-sensible problems

(dust, smoke e.g.) (radioactivity, heavy metals

•reversible damage •irreversible damage

biosystem recovers, only substances accumulate in the
temporary problems environment (DDT, heavy
(biological degradable substances metals e.g.)
The global environment has been seriously affected by pollution.
Human beings have always polluted their environments, but pollution
did not become a serious issue until the Industrial Revolution.

Threat How To Fight Global Warming

• Revolution brought • Countries cannot • Could bring
new industrial agree on how best to disastrous changes in
processes fight pollution Earth’s climate
• Created waste • One debate, issue of • Many scientists
products that harmed global warming believe air pollution
water, air, land caused by human
• Rise in surface
activity has caused
• By 1960s, began to temperature of earth
global warming
be threat to human over time
What Kinds of Pollution are There?




Protecting the Environment

How do we balance growth and development with practices that will

help protect the resources and environments we all count on?

Resource Use Sustainable Development

• Improved nutrition, medical • Economic development that does
treatment have led to dramatic not permanently damage resources
increase in world’s population
• Try to balance need for development
• 1 billion to over 6 billion since with protection of environment
– Limit use of resources
• Industrialization, development
have placed great strain on world’s – Set aside areas where no
resources, environment development allowed

• Major challenge: achieving

sustainable development
• In areas of Africa, Asia, Latin America, Amazon region of Brazil,
deforestation—clearing of trees, taking place at rapid rate
• Trees burned, cut down to dig mines, clear land for farming, ranching
• Some species of animals, plants have become extinct as result

• Sahel region of West Africa, people struggling with desertification—spread
of desert-like land conditions
• Caused partly by drought, partly by human activity
• Trees cut for firewood, livestock overgraze land
• Without plants, wind blows rich soil away; land becomes useless
Laws and Problems
Environmental Laws Accidents
• Some governments have taken • Even with environmental laws
legal action against pollution, in place, pollution, toxic waste
global warming can be released due to
accidents at industrial facilities
• Many nations do not have strict
pollution controls in place • 1984, toxic gas leak at Indian
factory killed over 15,000,
• This regulation forms the
injured a half-million more
backbone on which
environmental work is • 1986, meltdown of Soviet
conducted in the private sector Union’s Chernobyl nuclear plant
sent deadly radiation into air
• United States has passed many
over parts of Europe
environmental laws but is one
of largest polluters
• Some fear strict emissions
limits could harm economic
CO2 Cycle on Earth



plants animals, bacteria


alga sea animals organic compounds

„fossil fuels“

sea land
The Carbon Cycle
Carbon in Oceans

• Additional carbon is stored in the ocean.

• Many animals pull carbon from water to use in

shells, etc.

• Animals die and carbon substances are deposited at

the bottom of the ocean.

• Oceans contain earth’s largest store of carbon.

Human Impact

• Fossil fuels release carbon stores very slowly

• Burning anything releases more carbon into
atmosphere - especially fossil fuels
• Increased carbon dioxide in atmosphere
increases global warming
• Fewer plants mean less CO2 removed from
The Carbon Atom

• All living organisms are based on the carbon atom

• Carbon compounds can be solid, liquid, or gas under
conditions commonly found on the earth's surface.
• Because of this, carbon can help form solid minerals
(such as limestone), 'squishy' organisms (such as
plants and animals), and can be dissolved in water or
carried around the world through the atmosphere as
carbon dioxide gas.
2. Toxicology
2.1 Human Toxicology
Environmental Health Paradigm

Exposure Assessment
Emission Sources  Environmental
Effects Assessment 

Internal Dose  Human Exposure

Health Effects

• Denotes the probability of injury or illness

from contact or use
• Industrial Hazards
– Toxicity
– Explosivity
– Ignitability
– Reactivity
Three Principal Routes of Entry for
Toxicants into Organism

•Inhalation through the respiratory system (lungs)

•Absorption through the skin

•Ingestion through the gastrointestinal (GIT)

The two important factors with toxicants:

•Dose (concentration) -> „Paracelsus“

•Duration of exposure to the toxicant

Toxic Substance

• Capacity of a substance to produce injury or

• Acute Effects
– Short term, appear shortly after exposure. Can
be from single exposure
• Chronic Effects
– There is a latency, long period of time before
you see effect
So Toxicology is the study of:

• How toxicants enter the organism

• How toxicants effect the organism

• How toxicants are eliminated from (leave) the


All substances are toxic if taken in the wrong quantities

Three Types of Toxic Hazardous Materials

• Chemical Agents (poisons)

• Physical Agents (dusts, fibers, heat, noise,
• Biological Agents (pathogens)
• Toxicology is the quantitative and qualitative
study of the adverse effects of toxicants on
biological organisms
• Toxicant is a chemical or physical agent that
produces adverse effects on biological
Effects of Toxicants

May or may not be reversible

• Dermatotoxic – affects skin
• Hemotoxic – affects blood
• Hepatotoxic – affects liver
• Nephrotoxic – affects kidneys
• Neurotoxic – affects nervous system
• Pulmonotoxic – affects lungs

• Pharmacokinetics – the absorption,

distribution, metabolism and excretion of
chemicals through the (human) system.

• Bioaccumulation – things such as lead,

mercury, PCBs, carbon tetrachloride that
build up in organs and have low excretion
rate. Low exposure over a long time leads
to response
Elimination of toxins

• Excretion through kidneys, liver and lungs

• Detoxification is the biotransformation of

chemicals into something less harmful

• Storage in fatty tissue

Toxicological Studies

• Baseline study with no toxicant

• Toxicology study to quantify response to

toxicants in specified physical state
Difficulties in Toxicological studies

• Baseline study required (control group)

• Response not necessarily numerical
• Specificity of individual response
– Allergy or immunity
– Statistical study required
– Organism specific response, not applicable to humans
– Dosage response
– Response time, latency, acute versus chronic
– Difficulty in measuring intended variable (lead in liver
measured by lead in blood)
Difficulties in Toxicological Studies

• Major Problem
– No ethical way to get human volunteers, hence
need to use “model” systems of rats, cats, dogs,
rabbits, etc.

• Hinders production of a new chemical, almost

as stringent as a new drug
– Currently averages 17 years and 1 million pages
Classes of Poisons based on Effect
•Toxicants cause toxic effects depending on dose
and duration of exposure

•Teratogens cause defects in reproduction process

•Mutagens lead to inheritable changes in the DNA

•Carcinogens cause cancer

Common Toxicity Measures:

• LC50 (LD50): Lethal Concentration (Dose) ->

lethal to 50% of the test organisms

• Ames-test: check of mutagenity with bacteria

Human Toxicology
LD stands for "Lethal Dose". LD50 is the amount of a
material, given all at once, which causes the death of 50%
(one half) of a group of test animals. The LD50 is one way to
measure the short-term poisoning potential (acute toxicity)
of a material.
Threshold Limit Values

• Lowest value on the response versus dose curve is

called the threshold dose.
• American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) has established “Threshold
Limit Values” (TLV)
• United States Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) has established
“Permissible Exposure Limits” (PEL)
• Table 2-8 gives the TLVs and PELs for many
Threshold Limit Values

• TLVTWA Time weighted average for a normal

8 hour workday or 40 hour workweek
• TLVSTEL Short-term exposure limit. The
maximum concentration can be exposed to
for up to 15 minutes. Four excursions per
day with at least 60 minutes between
• TLVC Ceiling limit. This concentration
should not be exceeded
Protocol of Ames-test
The Ames test is a widely employed method that uses bacteria to test whether a given
chemical can cause mutations in the DNA of the test organism. More formally, it is a
biological assay to assess the mutagenic potential of chemical compounds.
Examples of LC50-values [mg/kg]

Ethanol >5 000

Nicotine 2

PCB 10 000

Dioxine 0.05
You are what you eat!
Ecotoxicology is the study of the
effects of toxic chemicals on
biological organisms, especially at
the population, community,
ecosystem level. Ecotoxicology is a
multidisciplinary field, which
integrates toxicology and ecology.
Where is Pollution?

• Most near the coast…

• 76% of fish harvested
come from the coast

• Found in waters high in

• Pfiesteria is microscopic
algae that is a natural part
of the environment
• Harmful Algal Bloom
Red Tide

• During intense algal blooms,

dangerous levels of toxins are
released into the water. These
toxins kill fish (millions of fish
may die in a red tide) and
accumulate in the fatty tissues
of shellfish. Humans and other
animals that eat contaminated
shellfish may become paralyzed
or even die.

• Human- caused pollutants

– Population growth in many
urban areas
– New materials and new
procedures →new and often
dangerous chemicals
Coliform Bacteria

• EPA standards: One coliform colony / 100 mL of water

is cause for concern
• Four colonies per 100 mL requires direct action
• The appearance of coliform bacteria indicates the
presence of raw sewage.
• Raw sewage may contain disease-producing bacteria.
• Coliform is an indicator species.
• A coliform test measures the amount of E. coli present
in the water supply

• Exxon
• Poison to animals
• Gets into sediments
• Takes about 10 years to fully
clean up
• Least damaging pollutant b/c it gets broken down by
• Viruses and bacteria if untreated
• Boston Harbor treatment project… backed up, raw
sewage in drinking water!

• Pesticides 1940-1970’s
• Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane
• Breaks down slow… still around
• Prohibits Ca+ uptake…birds break eggs
when they sit on them

• Liquid coolant, insulation

• Polychlorinated Biphenyls Dioxin
• Liver cancer, genetic mutations, reproductive

• Batteries, electronics, medical products

• Does not affect humans (does effect animals)
• Different forms: elemental, inorganic
• Bacteria can change Mercury into Methylmercury (bad
for us)
• Paint
• Mental retardation
• Absorbs easily into tissue
• Poisonous!!!
• Eliminated very slowly
• Concentrated in shells and fingernails
• Blindness, slurred speech, reproductive failure
• Passed from pregnant mom to baby-
neurological problems
• 375,000 babies born each year affected
Plant Toxins

• Ciguatera Poisoning
• Toxin= icthyosarcotoxin
• Originates from the blue green algae in the
food chain of the fish
• Fish known to carry ciguatoxins
– Barracuda
– Black grouper
– King mackerel
• Sensory reversal…

• Bioaccumulation: build-up in concentration of

something with each step of the food chain
– Crosses the blood/brain barrier and placenta
– Eliminated from living tissue very slowly
– Is contained in fish flesh and is not reduced or removed
by cleaning, trimming or cooking
• Bioconcentration: comparison between creature’s
concentration and concentration in environment
(i.e. seawater)
Important factors in Ecotoxicology:

•Toxicity (animals, plants)

•Accumulation in fatty tissue


Common Measures:

•LC50, EC50 (Efficiency Concentration)

•n-octanol/water partition coefficient

•Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

The n-octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow)
imitates the biota lipid/water process.

Kow = co / cw
co = concentration of the substance in n-octanol
cw = concentration of the substance in water

Kow-, log Kow-values Kow log Kow

Ethanole 0.49 -0,31

Benzene 134.9 2.13

Kow <->
1,4-Dichloro- 3310 3.52 Bio Concentration Factor (BCF)

DDT 2,3.106 6.36

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

All known toxicological and ecotoxicological data is summarized with

MSDS. In addition it includes information such as physical data (melting,
boiling point etc.), first aid spill-handling procedures. It is intended to
provide workers and emergency personnel with procedures for handling
or working with that substance in a safe manner.
1. Define toxicology & the terms used in toxicology.
2. Discuss the epidemiologic aspects of toxicology.
3. Discuss the basic classifications of toxicology.
4. Explain what toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics deals with.
5. Write some of the important environmental considerations in
6. List some of the potential sources of toxicity.
7. Mention poisoning prevention & control strategies.
3. Waste Water
3.1 Pollution Sources
„Water quantity and quality is the biggest
environmental issue that we face in the
21st century“

Christie Whitman / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Importance of Water
Top ten Problems of Humanity for Next 50 Years
1. Energy
2. Water
3. Food
4. Environment
5. Poverty
6. Terrorism & War
7. Disease
8. Education
9. Democracy
10. Population
R. Smalley (1943-2005), 1996 Nobel Prize Winner
3.1 Pollution Sources
Waste Water

Undissolved compounds Dissolved compounds

Inorganic compounds Organic compounds

Bio- Low Bio-

degradable degradable
Wastewater (Used Water)

Municipal Industrial
Wastewater Wastewater

 Discharged from the residential,  Large volume from

human activities industrial activities

 Composition depends on source  Varied composition

 Organics, nutrient N, P &  Organics, inorganics

microorganism, virus & microorganism

Water Pollution

How Sources
• Toxic substances • City sewage
dissolve in water or
gets deposited on the • Industrial waste
bed. • Agricultural run-off
• Toxic substances enter
lakes, rivers, streams,
• Pollutants go down
into the ground.
Effects of Water Pollution

• Devastating to people
and animals, fish, and
• Unsuitable for
drinking, recreation,
agriculture, and
• Destroys water life.
P and N compounds contribute to Eutrophication

P, N runoff

increase in growth water becomes

of algae cloudy

algae die some plants die

from lack of light

bacteria decompose
dead algae and use up
oxygen in the water

fish and invertebrates that

need well oxygenated water
3.1 Pollution Sources
Important collective parameters
in waste water examination

a) Biological Oxigen Demand (BOD5):

Oxygen uptake in microbial respiration over
a 5-day period during which the water sample
is incubated at 20 °C. Measure of the content
of biodegradable organic matter.

b) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):

Oxygen-equivalent of a strong oxidant
(dichromate) consumed in the chemical
oxidation of organic matter. Measure of all
chemical oxidizable organic matter.

c) Total Organic Carbon (TOC)

Amount of organic carbon derived from the
amount of carbon dioxide produced through
the oxidation of organic substances in a water
3.1 Pollution Sources
(Biochemical Oxygen
Demand) Standard procedure

1. Pressure sensor method

O2 saturated water with bacteria
is added to the water sample.

O2 content is measured.

3. The sample is stoppered and

thermostated 5 days at 20°C.
The bacteria degrade a part of
the organics by consuming O 2.
T= const.=20°C
Organic substances + O2 CO2, H2O

4. After 5 days the O2 content is

measured again. The O2 consumption
3.4 is given as BOD5 in [mg O2/l].
BOD5 Diagramme
3.1 Pollution Sources
(Chemical Oxygen
Demand) Standard procedure

H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid, silverions (catalyst)

Rapid test method
1. Ag+ K2Cr2O 7 and potassium dichromate are using
added tio the water sample.
50 ml

The sample is boiled 2 hours at

2. Cooling 148 °C (=boiling temperatur)
water under reflux to oxidize the organic

Organic substances + Cr 2O72- CO2, H2O, Cr 3+

After cooling the sample non-used
3. Fe2+ oxidant is measured by back-
titration with Fe2+ Ions. The CSB
can be calculated [mg O2/l].

before after
3.1 Pollution Sources

Experimental Determination
Total Organic


CO2, H2O CO2
Drying unit IR-Detector

sample Combustion
3.1 Pollution Sources
Schematic of Photospectrometer

Filter or
Radiation Detec-
source tor
3. Waste Water
3.2 Waste Water Treatment
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Possible Choice For
Wastewater Treatment
Plant in The World

3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant

Flow chart of a municipal sewage treatment plant 1

Grit removal Grease

Feed Screening

Primary Clarifier Biological Final Clarifier Effluent


Primary Sludge Secondary Sludge

Sludge Treatment
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant

Flow chart of a municipal sewage treatment plant 2

3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant


In order to remove all large objects like

sticks, plastic packets, paper etc. the
influent sewage water is screened most
commonly wit h an automated mech-
anically racked bar screen. The solids
are collected and later disposed in a
landfill or incinerated
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Grit channel and grease removal
In a sand or grit channel the velocity of incomimg wastewater is reduced to allow
the settlement of sand, grit, stones etc.. These particles may damage pumps and other
equipment..Grease is removed by passing the sewage through an additional channel
allowing the fat floating on the surface from where it can be collected by skimmers
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant

Primary Clarifier
The primary treatment tank (typically rectangu-
lar) is used to settle mainly organic sludge. It is
are commonly equipped with a mechanically
driven scraper that contnually drive the collected
sludge towards a hopper in the base where
it is pumped to a sludge treatment facility laengsraeumer.htm

3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant

Biological treatment
Activated Sludge Process:
The waste water is mixed with the microorganisms
(„activated sludge“) and this is aerated for several
hours, during which the microorganisms (mainly
bacteria) in the sludge utilise the organic matter in
the waste for energy and cell synthesis. After
aeration the biomass is separated in a settling
tank. One part of the biomass is recycled back to
the aeration tank. Another part (excess sludge)
is taken out.

Trickling Filter Process:

Trickling filters are characterized by bacteria being
attached to a solid surface (most widely used is
natural stone 50-100 mm size) in the form of a biofilm.
The stones are filled in a tank. The waste water is
distributed on the surface and trickles down over the
stones. The organic waste is removed by the bacteria.
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant


Activated Sludge Process Trickling Filter Process


Air Air Effluent
Activated Sludge Process
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Trickling Filter Process

Trickling Filter Final Clarifier

Primary Clarifier
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Final Clarifier
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant

Sludge treatment and disposal

Digester Gas (CH4, CO2)

Digester Agriculture

Sludge Thickener Dewatering Incineration

3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant

org. substances  CH4 + CO2

70% 30%
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Sludge disposal in European Community
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Phosphate elimination

Precipitation / Coagulation

Fe 3+ + PO4 3-  FePO4
3.2.1 Municipal Treatment Plant
Nitrogen elimination

NH4+ Ion Selective NH

+ NO3-
Feed Denitrification
Nitrification Drain

Denitrification Nitrification
anoxic aerobic
Advantages of Sewage Treatment Plants

• Robust, good experience

• Low cost

Disadvantages of Sewage Treatment Plants

• Low efficiency for peristent organic compounds

• High rates of surplus sludge

• Space demanding (-> Clarifiers)

• High germ levels in effluent (-> disinfection)

Problematic for Industrial Waste Water (Recycling) !

3. Waste Water
3.2 Waste Water Treatment
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
3.2.2 Industrial WastewaterTreatment Plant

1. Biological Treatment 2. Special Processes

Biochemical Degradation Physical / Chemical

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Alternative options in biological wastewater treatment

High Bioreactor Membrane Bioreactor

Waste Air
Clarification Membrane Effluent



Air Air
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Membrane Bioreactor Technology
MBR is a combination of a bioreactor and membrane
technology (Microfiltration, Ultra-filtration)

Bioreactor and membranes Membranes are submerged

are separate in bioreactor

Feed Feed

Bioreactor Effluent

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Membrane Types in Submerged MBR-Technology

Zenon Hollow Fiber Modul Kubota Plate and Frame

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Comparison of MBR Technology vs.
Conventional Bioreactors
• High efficiency in degredation of organic compounds
• Low sludge loading-> low rates of surplus sludge
• No clarifier needed
• High MLSS -> small bioreactor volume
• Cleaned water free of turbidity and very low
germ level (-> no disinfection!) -> recycling!

• Membrane cost (-> invest)
• Aeration cost (-> operation costs)
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Alternative options in biological wastewater treatment
Anaerobic treatment

org. substances  CH4 + CO2

70% 30%
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Comparison of anaerobic treatment vs.
aerobic treatment
• Biogas generation to be used in CHP
• Low surplus sludge production
• No aeration needed (-> lower costs)

• Only for high strength wastewater (COD>ca. 5000 mg/L)
• Slow process (needs days instead of hours)
• Complex process control (e.g. pH control)
• Usually COD load in effluent to high to be drained,
therefore aerobic post-treatment needed
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Special processes in wastewater treatment

Process Removing organic Removing dissolved

substances of low heavy metals
a) Precipitation /
b) Ion Exchange

c) Activated carbon

d) Extraction

e) Membrane filtration

f) Oxidation
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
a) Precipitation / Coagulation Process 1

The extend of separation of heavy metal cations by precipitation depends to a large

extend on the solubility of its precipitate which is usually a hydroxide or carbonate salt.

Example of precipitation reaction

Cu 2+ + 2 OH - Cu(OH)2

The equilibrium is described by the Solubility Product of the solute.

Solubility Product

Ksp = [Cu 2+] * [OH -]2

Solubility Constant
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
a) Precipitation / Coagulation Process 2

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
a) Precipitation / Coagulation Process 3

Practical example of a precipitation units

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
b) Ion Exchanger

Exchange of harmful ions (Ca2+, Mg2+,
heavy metals) to harmless ions (Na+ or H+)
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
c) Activated Carbon Process 1
Activated carbon adsorption is a process in which solute molecules (adsorbate) become
attached to a solid surface under the attracting influence of surface forces (London forces).
Primarily hydrophobic organic materials can be removed by adsorption.

Adsorption Isotherms

Low temperature
High temperature

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
c) Activated Carbon Process 2
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
c) Activated Carbon Process 3

Waste Water Feed

Granulated Activated

Treated Water
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment

R.L. Stephenson, J.B. Blackburn: The Industrial Wastewater Handbook, Lewis Publishers
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
d) Extraction Process


1. Mixing

2. Phase separation

Water phase Principle:

Hydrophobic organics dissolve much better in organic solvent!
+ organics
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Extraction Column
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
e) Membrane filtration

Membrane filtration is a physical process, which typically rely on an imposed

pressure gradient to force water through the membrane, while retaining
particulants down to solutes.
Depending on particle size or molecular weight of separated substances different
techniques are distinguished:
•Microfiltration Particle
+ Viruse
•Ultrafiltration Bacteria
- Molecule

•Nanofiltration Cross-flow

•Reverse Osmosis
DP Membrane


Abb. 2 Schematisch Darstellung der Umkehrosmose

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Pressure 100
difference osmosis
[bar] Nano-
10 filtration

1 Microfiltration

10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 100

Particle / Molecule Size [m]

Viruses Bacteria

Salt ions Pigments

Sugar Emulsions

Proteins Cells
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
D = n/V*R*T
D = Osmotic pressure
e.g. sea water:
D ~ 25 bar



3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Basic structures of membranes

 1m

Microporous Dense structure with microporous

Pore size  0,01 - 10 µm support

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
SEM image of a membrane
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Schematic of membrane filtration process



Cross-flow Permeate Concentrate

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment

Technical modules

Plate-and-frame module

Spiral-wound module
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment

Tubular module

Membrane Porous Perforated pressure-

sleeve tight tube

Feed Concentrate
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Hollow fiber module
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Spiral wound and hollow fiber modules DOW / Filmtec
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Technical RO units (large)

Applied Sensors
temperature, pressure, flow
electr.conductivity, turbidity/particle counter,
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Technical RO units (small)
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Simple models for mass transport
in membranes


Dense membrane separate because Microporous membranes separate

of differences in the solubility and by molecular filtration
mobility of permeants in the mem-
brane material
Model for RO, NF Model for MF, UF
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Simple model for mass transport in
dense membranes (RO, NF)
Solution-Diffusion Model:
Permeability = Solubility * Diffusivity
•Solubility = depends on the amount of penetrant sorbed by the
membrane under equilibrium conditions
•Diffusivity = depends on the diffusion coefficient

. .
mw ms
Total mass transport:
. . .
mT = mw + ms

Permeate Solute
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Basics of SD Model
Equations for Solution-diffusion (SD) model
1. Permeate Flow
Pressure gradient Osmotic pressure
. . D w c w vw
mw = w Vw = w (DP  D) Dw = Diffusivity of water in
R T Dx the membrane
cw = Water concentration in
the membrane
vw = Molar water volume

. R = Gas Constant
Vw = A * (DP  D) T = Temperature

Dx = Membrane thickness
A= Water permeability coefficient
3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Basics of SD Model
Equations for Solution-diffusion (SD) model
2. Solute Flow
Concentration difference (cs,f -cs,p)

. D s Ks
ms = Dcs Ds = Diffusivity of
Dx in the membrane

Ks = Partition coefficient of
solute in the membrane

Dx = Membrane thickness
ms = B * Dcs

B= Solute permeability coefficient

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Summary of SD Model
.* .
Vw = A * (DP  D) ms* = B * Dcs

A= Water permeability coefficient B= Solute permeability coefficient

[m3/(m2 h bar)] [m/h]

Good membrane performance

A as high as possible  high affinity for water!

B as low as possible  low affinity for solute!

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
Example SD model
For RO seawater application:
A, B parameter are typically given by membrane producers,
mostly for NaCl solutions (seawater desalination).

Membrane Type A [m/(s bar)] B [m/s]

10-5 10-6

Osmonics CE 3,03 0,211

DOW FT 30 BW 7,09 0,208

Nitto NTR-759 HR 9,03 0,063

Toray UTC 70 L 11,30 0,099

X-Flow WFC 0995 3,31 0,190

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
f) Oxidation
1) Ozone Oxidation
Organic Compounds + O3 CO2 + H2O

Source: Wedeco Water Technology

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
1) Ozone Oxidation

. Wedeco Water Technology

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
1) Ozone Oxidation

Ozone generator
Wastewater Vent

Coarse filter

3.2.2 Industrial Waste Water Treatment
2) H2O2 Oxidation
Organic Compounds + H2O2 -> CO2 + H2O

H2O2 / UV-Reactors
Source: ack Karlsruhe

UV Disinfection
Source: Wedeco Water Technology
Source of Industrial Wastewater

 Plating

 Food processing

 Chemical

 Textile and dyeing

 Leather

 Paper and pulp production

 Automobile repair & mechanics

 Total discharge from industrial zones ≈ 1,000,000 m3/day

Current Wastewater Treatment Plant
Son La Hospital

Physical-chemical &
biological processes

Truc Bach Urban

Activated sludge
(Aerobic fluidized bed)


& active carbon

Huong Sen Beer Factory

Physical-chemical &
biological processes

Thang Long Industrial Zone

Biological processes

4. Waste Air
4.1 Pollution Sources
What is Air Pollution?

• contamination of the air

by noxious gases and
minute particles of solid
and liquid matter
(particulates) in
concentrations that
endanger health
• Air pollution only
occurs outdoors
Pollution Sources

Waste Air

Traffic Power Stations Industry

CO2, CO, NOx; CO2, CO, NOx; CO2, NOx; „HC“,

„HC“, particle SO2, particle SO2, particle, HCl
+ ..........
Atmospheric pressure (millibars)
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
120 75

110 Temperature
Thermosphere 65

Mesopause 55
Altitude (kilometers) 80
Mesosphere 45

Altitude (miles)

60 Stratopause
40 25

30 Tropopause
20 Ozone layer

10 Pressure Troposphere 5
(Sea 0
level) Pressure =
–80 –40 0 40 80 120 1,000 millibars
Temperature (˚C) at ground level
Fig. 18-3, p. 470
Major Air Pollutants

• Carbon Monoxide (CO) Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
• Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)
• Ozone (O3)
• Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)
Chemical Reactions That Form Major
Outdoor Air Pollutants
Primary Pollutants

CO CO2 Secondary Pollutants

Most hydrocarbons SO3
Most suspended particles HNO3 H2SO4
H2O2 O3 PANs
Most NO3− and SO42− salts
Sources Natural Stationary


Fig. 18-4, p. 472

Effects of Air Pollution
Normal Human Lungs and the Lungs of a
Person Who Died of Emphysema
Sources of Outside Air Pollution

• Combustion of gasoline and

other hydrocarbon fuels in
cars, trucks, and airplanes
• Burning of fossil fuels (oil,
coal, and dinosaur bones)
• Insecticides
• Herbicides
• Everyday radioactive
• Dust from fertilizers
• Mining operations
• Livestock feedlots
What’s in Smog

• Particulates (especially
• Nitrous oxides
• Potassium
• Carbon monoxide
• Other toxic chemicals
Indoor Pollutions

There are many sources of indoor

air pollution.
• Tobacco smoke
• cooking
• Heating appliances
• Vapors from building materials,
paints, furniture
• Other materials within the home
that emit unhealthy chemicals
Some Important Indoor Air Pollutants
Effects on The Environment

• Acid rain
• Ozone depletion
• Global warming
• In human population-
respiratory problems,
allergies, strengthens
lugs, and a risk for cancer
Acid rain
• Contains high levels of
sulfuric or nitric acids
• Contaminate drinking water
and vegetation
• Damage aquatic life
• Erode buildings
• Alters the chemical
equilibrium of some soils
• Air Quality Management
– Development of new
technology- electric cars,
cleaner fuels, low
nitrogen oxide boilers
and water healers, zero
polluting paints, less
polluting BBQ lighter
• Use of natural gas
• Carpooling
• Follow the laws enacted
Urban Emissions

•There are small emissions of NOx from industrial

•The main emissions are from combustion.
•There is negligible nitrogen in gasoline or diesel fuels so
the nitrogen oxides arise from the N2 and O2 in the air.
•Sulphur dioxides arise from the sulphur present in most
•Particulate matter describes matter below 10μm
aerodynamic diameter.
Role of Engines and Fuel

• Different engines and fuel combinations

give out different emissions in different

• Some engines have catalysts which

effectively remove part of the harmful
Catalytic Converters and Particle Traps

• Catalytic converters can be fitted to cars to reduce NOx

CO + HC + NOx H2O + N2 + CO2
Platinum Honeycomb
• Particle traps can be used to reduce PM10 and NOx, but
the effectiveness is severely reduced if the fuel the vehicle
burns has a high sulphur content.
• The major target in the battle for cleaner cities is diesel.
Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]

Ammonia (NH3)

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)

Water vapor (H2O) Carbon monoxide (CO)

Sulfur trioxide (SO 3 ) carbon dioxide (CO2)
Oxygen (O2)

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)

Burning coal and oil

Oxygen (O2)

Sulfur (S) in Carbon (C) in

coal and oil Stepped Art
coal and oil
Fig. 18-8, p. 476
PANS and other pollutants
Volatile organic
compounds (VOCs)

Ozone (O3)

Oxygen (O2)
Nitric oxide (NO)
Oxygen atom (O)
Hydrocarbons (H O) UV radiation
nitrates Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Oxygen (O2)
Nitric oxide (NO)
Oxygen (O2) Burning fossil fuels

Nitrogen (N) in fossil fuel

Fig. 18-9, p. 477
Several Factors Can Decrease or Increase
Outdoor Air Pollution

• Outdoor air pollution may be decreased by

– Settling of particles due to gravity
– Rain and snow
– Salty sea spray from the ocean
– Winds
– Chemical reactions
Several Factors Can Decrease or
Increase Outdoor Air Pollution

• Outdoor air pollution may be increased by

– Urban buildings
– Hills and mountains
– High temperatures
– Emissions of VOCs from certain trees and
– Grasshopper effect
– Temperature inversions
Transformation to
sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
and nitric acid (HNO3) Windborne ammonia gas
and some soil particles
partially neutralize acids Wet acid depostion
and form dry sulfate and (droplets of H2SO4
Nitric oxide (NO) nitrate salts and HNO3 dissolved
Sulfur dioxide Dry acid deposition in rain and snow)
(SO2) and NO (sulfur dioxide gas and
particles of sulfate and
Acid nitrate salts)
Lakes in shallow
Lakes in deep
soil low in
soil high in
limestone are
become acidic

Fig. 18-12, p. 479


deposition 2 2 O3
PANs Others

Direct damage to Reduced Increased

leaves and bark photosynthesis susceptibility to
and growth drought, extreme
cold, insects,
mosses, and
disease organisms

Soil acidification Tree death

Leaching Release Root Reduced nutrient

of soil Acids of toxic damage and water uptake
nutrients metal ions


Fig. 18-14a, p. 481
Acid Deposition Has a Number of Harmful Effects

• Human respiratory disorders

• Aquatic ecosystems affected
• Release of toxic metals
• Leaching of soil nutrients
• Loss of crops and trees
• Damage to buildings, statues, and monuments
Acid Deposition
Prevention Cleanup
Reduce coal use Add lime to
neutralize acidified
Burn low-sulfur coal lakes
Increase natural gas use Add phosphate
Increase use of fertilizer to
renewable energy neutralize acidified
resources lakes

Remove SO2
particulates and NOx
from smokestack gases
Remove NOx from motor
vehicular exhaust

Tax emissions of SO2

Reduce air pollution by
improving energy
Fig. 18-15, p. 483
Particulate Matter (PM ) Pollution

- Traffic emissions including diesel engines

- Small combustion sources burnng coal and wood
- Reductions of SO2, N0x, NH3 and VOC
Stationary Source Air Pollution

Prevention Dispersion or
Burn low-sulfur coal
Disperse emissions
above thermal
inversion layer with tall
Remove sulfur from smokestacks
Remove pollutants
Convert coal to a after combustion
liquid or gaseous

Shift to less polluting Tax each unit of

energy sources pollution produced

Fig. 18-22, p. 491

Motor Vehicle Air Pollution
Prevention Cleanup
Use mass transit Require
Walk or bike
control devices
Use less polluting
Improve fuel Inspect car
efficiency exhaust
systems twice
Get older, polluting
a year
cars off the road
Give large tax write-
offs or rebates for
buying low-polluting, Set strict
energy efficient emission
vehicles standards
Fig. 18-23, p. 491
Air Pollution
Outdoor Indoor
Improve energy efficiency Reduce poverty
to reduce fossil fuel use

Rely more on lower- Distribute cheap and

polluting natural gas efficient cookstoves or
solar cookers to poor
Rely more on families in developing
renewable energy countries
(especially solar cells,
wind, and solar-
produced hydrogen) Reduce or ban
indoor smoking
Transfer energy
efficiency, renewable Develop simple and
energy, and pollution cheap tests for indoor
prevention technologies pollutants such as
to developing countries particulates, radon, and

Fig. 18-26, p. 493

Air Pollution
Outdoor Indoor
Improve energy efficiency Reduce poverty
to reduce fossil fuel use

Rely more on lower- Distribute cheap and

polluting natural gas efficient cookstoves or
solar cookers to poor
Rely more on families in developing
renewable energy countries
(especially solar cells,
wind, and solar-
produced hydrogen) Reduce or ban
indoor smoking
Transfer energy
efficiency, renewable Develop simple and
energy, and pollution cheap tests for indoor
prevention technologies pollutants such as
to developing countries particulates, radon, and

Fig. 18-26, p. 493

Schematic of a Non-Dispersive IR-Analyser


Reference cell (N2) p1

Measurement cell

C ~ 1/d

D C  %sample
Gas sample
4. Waste Air
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives

Chemical reactions at catalyst surface:

(a) 2 CO + O2 2 CO2

(b) Hydrocarbons + O2 CO2 + H2O

(c) 2 NO + 2 CO CO2 + N2
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives

Lambda probe
Heater Inner Pt-Electrode

Measuring gas Ambient air

ZrO2-Ceramic tube outer Pt-Electrode

4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
4.2.1 Automotives
4.2.2 Power Stations
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
Dust collection by cyclone separator
Clean Gas

Raw Gas
Dust Hopper Application: sawmill
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning
Dust collection by electrostatic precipitation
Discharge Electrode
Free Electron (Cathode)

Neutral Gasmolecule

Charged Dust Particle

Negative charged

High-Voltage Generator Precipitating Electrode
ectrostatic+Precipitator+1 (Anode) +
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning

Flue gas desulphurization

2 CaCO3 + 2 SO2 + O2 + 4 H2O 2 (CaSO4. 2 H2O) + 2 CO2

Drop Separator

Heat Exchanger
Gypsum Dewatering Gypsum
and Treatment (CaSO4 .2 H2O)
Clean Gas Scrubbing
Raw Gas Tower

Air Waste Water

Lime Suspension
(CaCO3 + H2O)
4.2 Flue Gas Cleaning

Flue gas NOx elimination as „high dust“ version

Raw Gas NH3 + Air


4 NO + 4 NH3 + O2 4 N2 + 6 H2O
6 NO2 + 8 NH3 7 N2 + 12 H2O

Steam Generator Heat Exchanger

Fresh Air Precipitator
Clean Gas

Mass balance and flue gas composition of a 700 MW power plant

Coal Ammonia Limestone

240 to/h 0,5 to/h 9 to/h
105 m3/h

2,3 Mio m3 /h
Air Heating DENOX Electr. Desulph.
Boiler Precip.

Combustion Chamber Ash Entrained Dust Gypsum Chimney

4 to/h 15 to/h 12 to/h

Concentration [mg/m3] before after

SO2 2000 200
NOX 650 200
Dust 6500 10
Answer the
questions in complete

1. What is air pollution?

2. What causes air pollution?
3. What is an example of air
pollution in the text?
4. What is at least one negative
outcome of air pollution?
5. How can air pollution be
6. What is something you could
do to reduce air pollution?

5. Solid Waste Management
5 Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Most preferred
1.Source Reduction
4.Resource Recovery/
5. Incineration

Least preferred
5 Solid Waste Management
5.1 Waste Incineration
What is a solid waste

• Any material that we discard, that is not

liquid or gas, is solid waste
– Municipal Solid Waste (MSW):
• Solid waste from home or office
– Industrial Solid Waste:
• Solid waste produced from Mines, Agriculture or
What is a Hazardous Waste?
• Hazardous waste is a waste with properties that make it dangerous or
potentially harmful to human health or the environment
• Ignitability - Ignitable wastes create fires under certain conditions or are
spontaneously combustible, or have a flash point less than 60 oC (140 oF).
• Corrosivity - Corrosive wastes are acids or bases (pH less than or equal to 2
or greater than or equal to 12.5) that are capable of corroding metal
containers, such as storage tanks, drums, and barrels.
• Reactivity - Reactive wastes are unstable under "normal" conditions. They
can cause explosions, toxic fumes, gases, or vapors when mixed with water.
• Toxicity - Toxic wastes are harmful or fatal when ingested or absorbed
(e.g., containing mercury, lead, etc.). When toxic wastes are disposed of on
land, contaminated liquid may drain (leach) from the waste and pollute
ground water. Toxicity is defined through a laboratory procedure called the
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP).
• Major types: Organics and Heavy Metals, Radioactive wastes
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Municipal Waste

• On-site (at home)

• Open Dump
• Sanitary Landfill
• Incineration
• Ocean dumping

• Solves space problem but:

– produces toxic gases like Cl, HCl, HCN, SO2
– High temp furnaces break down hazardous compounds but
are expensive ($75 - $2K/ton)
– Heat generated can be recovered: % of waste burnt
• Japan 67%, Switzerland 80%, USA 6%
– North Little Rock, AK saving $50K in heating cost and
reducing landfill requirement by 95%
– How many MSW combustors exist in the United States? In
1996, 110 combustors with energy recovery existed with the
capacity to burn up to 100,000 tons of MSW per day.
Reducing Waste

• Incineration, compacting
• Hog feed: requires heat treatment
• Composting: requires separation of organics from glass
and metals
• Recycling and Reusing
– Recycle of glass containers: 5 million tons
– Plastic: marked by types for easy recycling
– Converted into Fibers, trash bags, plastic lumber, fill for
pillows, insulation etc
– Junked cars: 150 – 200 kg of plastics: soon to be recycled
Schematic of Refuse Incineration Plant

Steam Generation HCl- SO2-

Scrubber Scrubber
Waste Hopper
Dust Waste Water Gypsum


Combustion Ash Dioxin- Chimney

Chamber Filter

• Prior to 1940,
incineration was
common in North
America and western
Many incinerators were eliminated because of foul odors
and gritty smoke

Currently, about 15% of U.S. municipal solid waste is

Incinerator Types

 Refuse-Derived Fuel - Refuse is sorted to remove

recyclable and unburnable materials.
 Higher energy content than raw trash.
 Mass Burn - Everything smaller than major furniture
and appliances loaded into furnace.
 Creates air pollution problems.
 Reduces disposal volume by 80-90%.
 EPA has found alarmingly high toxin levels in incinerator
– Reduce volume 90%, weight 75%
– Heat from burning converted to electricity

– Create air pollution
– Concentrates toxins in ash
– More costly than landfills, as long as space
5 Solid Waste Management

Waste treatment /Waste disposal

Landfilling Incineration Mechanical-Biological


• Harnessing natural decomposition to

transform organic material into

• About 3800 composting facilities

currently in use in the United States.

• Landscape Recycling Center

1210 E. University Ave., Urbana
344-LEAF (5323)
5 Solid Waste Management

State-of-the Art Landfilling Ground

Energy Recovery e.g. CHP unit

Leachate treatment e.g. MBR/RO unit
5 Solid Waste Management

Mechanical-Biological Treatment
5 Solid Waste Management
5.2 Recycling technologies
5 Solid Waste Management

Important recycling sectors:

• Plastic recycling

• Electronic scrap
Classification of Wastes
• Solid waste- vegetable waste, kitchen waste, household
waste etc.

• E-waste- discarded electronic devices like computer, TV,

music systems etc.

• Liquid waste- water used for different industries eg

tanneries, distillaries, thermal power plants

• Plastic waste- plastic bags, bottles, buckets etc.

• Metal waste- unused metal sheet, metal scraps etc.

• Nuclear waste- unused materials from nuclear power

Managing Waste
Recycling: Processing of a waste item into usable forms.

Benefits of recycling:
-Reduce environmental degradation
-Making money out of waste
-Save energy that would have gone into waste handling &
product manufacture

Saving through recycling:

-When Al is resmelted- considerable saving in cost
-Making paper from waste saves 50% energy
-Every tonne of recycled glass saves energy equivalent to
100 litres of oil
Recycling Concerns
• Plastics are recyclable, but technology
differs from plastic to plastic.
– Industry is researching new technologies.

• Economics are of concern.

– demand for products must keep pace with
growing supply
Solid Waste Management
Example 1: plastic recycling technologies
Mixed plastic sorting unit based on centrifuge
Solid Waste Management
Example 2: plastic recycling technologies:
Plastic flake sorting unit based on high speed
laser spectral analysis

Analysis of fluorescence light

emitted by the flakes

• ca. 1 Mio. spectra/s

• Capacity 2.5-3 t/h
Recycling not a solution to all problems!

Recycling is not a solution to managing every

kind of waste material

For many items recycling technologies are

unavailable or unsafe

In some cases, cost of recycling is too high.

Solution: More Profit With Zero Waste

• Exchanging output that are considered waste

• Waste of one could be input or raw material
for others
• Evolving a closed system- matter & energy
circulate within
• System was not designed to be so
• The system of exchange evolved in 10 years
Problems in Dealing With Solid Waste

• Education & voluntary compliance

• Collection of waste

• Technological interventions

• Institutions & regulatory framework

• Absence of mandatory standards for waste reduction

• Market action for waste reduction

Source: The Energy & Resources Institute

6 Production Integrated Technologies
Optimization of the biological treatment of
hypersaline wastewater from Dunaliella salina

• Enhanced Dunaliella salina’s

ability to treat hypersaline
• Outcome: supplementation of
phosphate, ammonium,
potassium, and magnesium
increased organic matter
What algae needs to grow

• Carbon dioxide
• Sunlight
• Water
Polar Cyanobacteria versus Green Algae

• Purpose: To find potential

cyanobacteria to be used in
outdoor waste-water
treatment systems
• Primary comparison
between Phormidium sp.
(E18) and Chlorococcalean
6 Production Integrated Technologies

Example: water recycling in electroplating industry

Cascade rinsing

Process bath
Prozeßbad Rinsing bath
Standspüle C1 C2 C3

Reinigung Concentration

entsalztes water
7 Ecological Balance and Management
• Environment – the totality of surrounding conditions
• Ecology – interaction between a species and its
• Ecosystem – a system of interactions:
– between all living (organic) things and the
physical environment –
– and between themselves
• Biosphere – the global ecosystem, including all
ecosystems existing on Earth
• Immense network of symbiosis (living together)
• Self-regulating balances – emerging, being
disturbed, and then restored again
7 Ecological Balance and Management

Inputs and outputs for a Life Cycle Assessment

7 Ecological Balance and Management
Flow chart of sustainable Environmental Management

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