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Rights that promote a position of legal and social equality of women with

men is known as women’s rights.

Women’s rights are the fundamental human rights that were enshrined by
the United Nations for every human being on the planet nearly 70 years
ago. These rights include the right to live free from violence, slavery, and
discrimination; to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn a fair
and equal wage.
As the now-famous saying goes,
“women’s rights are human rights.”
That is to say, women are entitled to all of these rights. Yet almost
everywhere around the world, women and girls are still denied them, often
simply because of their gender. These rights include the right to social,
economic, medical, and political self-determination, and to equal
treatment under the law.

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that all humans should
be guaranteed. These rights apply to everyone equally, but many women
are prevented from realising their rights because of tradition, prejudice,
social and economic interests.

There is long history of women rights in the world. There is women

discrimination from a long time ago. It has been developed for a long time,
but there are still discrimination against women. Between 1848 and 1920,
there was first women’s rights movement in the U.S. At that time, women
did not have the right to vote. Thus, women could not help to make society
or law. They did not have any voice. Many women joined the first women
rights movement to get the right to vote. A long time ago, women could
not work outside because of the law. Women had to stay home and do
housework. Many women were not happy about their lives, and they
wanted choice and freedom. Then, the second women’s rights movement
occurred. Finally, women got a choice to work outside or stay home.
Today, there are still problems for women. One of the big problems is
sexual harassment. Many women have jobs outside, and they get sexual
harassment by their bosses. It is a very common problem, and it is the
worst problem for women. Also, there is unfair payment between men and
women. Many women work with men, they work the same time as men,
and they have the same abilities as men. However, there salaries are
different. Men get more than women sometimes. It is not fair. Before, men
worked for supporting their families, but now, women work for supporting
their families too. Thus, it must be same amount of payment.

Women make up a vital part of the economic and social fabric that hold
their communities together, yet that work is rarely valued at the same level
as is men’s work. Much of this has to do with what opportunities are
available to them. Women are disproportionately likely to be poor, under-
educated, employed in low-wage or unpaid work, and subject to dismissal
for getting married or having children. In many industries, female workers
are systematically denied their rights to regular pay and regular working
hours; equal pay for equal work; permanent contracts; safe and non-
hazardous work environments; and freedom of association. Egregious
abuses, including sexual violence, harassment and forced pregnancy
tests, are all too common.

As a developing country, Pakistan is suffering from various social and

economic dilemmas. One of the continuous problems the country faces is
ensuring that the right to education is granted to every child. According to
the Annual Status of Education Report, 21% of school-age children and
youth in Pakistan do not have access to school because of poverty
and unequal distribution of resources on a provisional and regional
level. The topical attacks on schoolchildren indicate an open threat to
education. However, the actual picture is even more sombre as 57% of
the poor in Pakistan cannot educate their children due to financial
difficulties. Likewise, 25.02 million children, with a gender disparity of 45%
boys to 55% girls, are deprived of basic constitutional rights. This alarming
figure shows that a high number of older children are out of school. Child
labour, which itself is a crime, is the factor that drags children into early
delinquency. The future of adult delinquents, who can neither read nor
write, vanishes in the darkness of crime. Identically, the likelihood of
obtaining a bright future is endangered for 23 million children. Marriage is
a precious bond formed between a bride and groom. In contrast, early
marriagesarea challenge, especially for a girl. The limited data available
on child marriages in Pakistan present a bleak picture. Twenty four
percent of women in the country were married before the age of 18 years
in the country between 2000 and 2010 with seven percent married before
they reached the age of 15 years.

Everyone knows Islam claim that it is a complete code of life. Therefore

Islam is not only complete code of life for men it is also complete code of
life for women. It gives equal rights to men and women. Over fourteen
hundred years ago, Islam gave women rights that women in the West
have only recently began to enjoy. In the 1930’s, Annie Besant observed,
“It is only in the last twenty years that Christian England has
recognised the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed
this right from all times. It is a slander to say that Islam preaches
that women have no souls.”

Islam has honoured women by giving them the right to choose a spouse
and keep their original family name once married.

“And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over

Holy prophet (S.A.W) said,

“Among you the most respectable is the one who respects women
and the most disrespectable is the one who disrespect the

The holy prophet (S.A.W) declared the ground of honor and respect for a
person in Deen-e-Islam .Islam gave women an honorable life Before Islam
women were extremely deteriorated by the society. Arabs used to bury
their daughters alive, wives were harshly beaten, step mother became
legacy of eldest son and the sisters were given as a compensation for any
sin of her family.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
“Whoever Allah has given two daughters and is kind towards them,
they will be a reason for him entering Paradise.”
In khutaba hijtul Weda, the Holy prophet (S A W) said,

“O, people fear from Allah in the matter of women, treats them
carefully and fairly as Islam teaches you.”
Islam abolished all these dark practices and made the paradise under the
feet of mother, guaranteed paradise to a father who brought up her
daughters with love, assured paradise to the husband who care her wife
and made sisters partners in the inheritance. Today Muslim woman is
facing problems not because of lack of her rights in Islam but due to the
male driven and illiterate society. Islam promised women respect, honor
and safety before and more than any other religion, civilization and
moderation. Islam gave women all rights to women before 15 centuries
which any one can expect in today’s highly modern world. It also
emphasizes the right of entertainment to women. Some people having
wrong perception that Islam binds women in the walls of house and she
has no right to come out for any purpose. In fact this is opposite of Islamic
teachings. It is also her right that she should be treated with love by her

Apart from social and economic securities in Islam, women have also legal
and political securities. In the eyes of law she is as legal person as a man.
she can be witness but her witness is half of man. It is not because she
has half right as an human but due to her sensitive and shy nature. In fact
God made her half responsible than man in all legal witnesses.

In conclusion, women’s rights have become better, but there are still some issues. Women
should have a voice to talk about their problems. That is the major way to solve the
problems. In addition, women should go to areas of high position in politics, business, and
education. Islam is the first sun that embrace women with light of all social, economical,
legal and political rights before 15 centuries.

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