Test12 .6

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I. Explain the words or expressions and then make sentences of your own.

Go on the picket line/ boardroom/ call the shots/ be laid off/ toil/get something off the
ground/workhorse/on the basis of.

II. Complete the sentences using one word only.Sometimes the first letter is given

1. If you have time on your………………….,you could file these papers for me.
2. It’s hard to keep your ………………….on the job if you have problems at home.
3. The minister made a serious political b……………………..when he said he had no sympathy
for the unemployed.
4. He picked up his key and b………………to the door.
5. If you want to do well in this company, you have to keep your nose to the ………………..
6. Sarah brought in a lot of business last month. She should ask for a pay rise while she is still on
7. A lot of school leavers have to go straight on the……………….because there aren’t any jobs
for them.
8. The line is busy at the moment,can I put you on………………..?

III. As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an
important element of individual well-being.
What factors contribute to job satisfaction?
How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all people?

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