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capacity For 300 days/1 year

No of Vehicles- Owned 1
No of Vehicles- rented( Rs 25000 per month) 1
Rent for 1 year (25000*12) 300000

Diesel (Rs 50/litre..running 100Km per day with mileage 8

k/ltr)2*50*(100/8) for 300 days for 2 Vehicles- 625*300*2 375000
Total Transport 675000

Production for in Ltrs @22000 22000 6600000

Transport cost per litre(625000/6600000) 0.10

1) labour - 4 @ Rs 5000 per month 5000 4
2) Supervisor- 2 Nos per month @ Rs 7000 7000 2
3) Drivers- 2 Nos @ Rs 7000 7000 2
5) Security - 2 Nos @ 5000 5000 2

6) Technical Staff- 2 Nos(RO & Moulding , capping) @ Rs 7000 7000 2

7) Office executive/Account 2 nos @ Rs 7000 8000 2
8) Sales & Marketing @ Rs 8000 8000 2
9) Housekeeping @ Rs 2000- 1 No 2000 1
10) Plant Head 20000 1
11) Marketing Head 15000 1
Salary 19
PF Cost
Total Salary + PF 1903500
Cost of Salary per litre for 1 year 0.29
Administrative cost
1)Snacks & Tea -assuming Rs 2000 per month 2000
2)Phone/Mobile & ineternet -bill- assuming Rs 7000 per month 7000
3) Travel @ 5% of total salary for one month 7931.25
4) Conveyance @ 5% of total salary for one month 7931.25
5) Food & Hotel @ 2% of Total salary 3172.5
6) Office Staitionery @ Rs 2000 2000
10) Office Repair & Tax- Assuming 1000 per month 1000
11) Rent- godown in patna @ Rs 5000 per month- 1no 5000
12) Miscellanious Admin Expense+ Misc consultation fee 5000

Totol Administrative Cost per years 492420

Transport+Administrative+Salary 3070920
7) Electircity/Diesel @ 1% of (Transport+admin+Salary) 2621.6 30709.2
8) Marketing & Advertisement- Stationery expense+ Sales
Incentive @ 2% of (Transport+admin+Salary) 5243.2 61418.4
9) Plant & Equipment Maintaince @ 5% of (Transport+admin+S 13108 153546

Total operation Cost 3316593.6

Raw Material for per form- 10000Ltr 10000 2.63
Carton for 1000 Nos- per day 1000 6
Raw material for Glass-1000 Ltr @ 75 Paise (1000ml/250ml=
4000 Nos) 4000 0.75
Raw material for Pouch- Ploythene- 1000 Ltr @ 35 Paise
((1000ml/200ml= 5000 Nos) 5000 0.35
Cap for Bottle & JAR 10000Ltr for 22000 nos 22000 0.5
Total Raw material Cost

Operation cost per litre 0.50

Calculation of 1 Ltr bottle Cost Rate Qty required for 1 bottle in Gm

Preform- Rs .125/gram for 21gm bottle 0.125 21
Cap with Ring Rs.50 0.5 1

Cost of Label ( printing & sticking included) @ Rs.25 on bottle 0.25 1

Operation cost(including salary, Transport, Admin, Mkt)
Cost of Carton @ Rs 6 /piece to pack 12 bottles 6 1000
Daily production of bottles 12000 3600000
Carton required per day (12bottles in one carton) 1000
Cost of Carton @ Rs 6 / for one day (6*1000) 6000 1800000
Cost of carton per litre(6000/12000) 0.50 0.50
Cost of Interest for EMI of Rs 131000 for 75 Lacs Loan amt 131000.00
Cost of Interest per litre
Total Cost of One filled bottle

Calculation of 500 Ml bottle Cost Rate Qty required for 1 bottle in Gm

Preform- Rs .125/gram for 10gm bottle 0.125 10
Cap with Ring Rs.50 0.5 1

Cost of Label ( printing & sticking included) @ Rs.25 on bottle 0.25 1

Operation cost(including salary, Transport, Admin, Mkt)
Cost of Carton @ Rs 6 /piece to pack 12 bottles 5 1000
Daily production of bottles 12000 3600000
Carton required per day (12bottles in one carton) 1000
Cost of Carton @ Rs 6 / for one day (6*1000) 5000 1500000
Cost of carton per litre(6000/12000) 0.42 0.42
Cost of Interest for EMI of Rs 131000 for 75 Lacs Loan amt 131000.00
Cost of Interest per litre
Total Cost of One filled bottle
Calculation of JAR Cost
Cap for Jar 0.5 1

Cost of Label ( printing & sticking included) @ Rs.25 on bottle 0.5 1

Operation cost(including salary, Transport, Admin, Mkt)
Cost of Interest per litre for 1 jar 20ltr(0.20*20Ltr)

Total Cost of One Filled JAR

Calculation of Glass 250 ml Rate

Preform- Rs 100/gram for 05gm Glass 0.1 5
Seal Cap including lable Rs 0.25 0.25 1
Cost of Interest per litre for 1 jar 20ltr(0.20*20Ltr)
Total Cost of One Filled 250 ml Glass

Calculation of Pouch 200 ml Rate

Polyethene with printed label 0.35
Cost of Interest per litre for 1 jar 20ltr(0.20*20Ltr)
Total Cost of One Filled 200ml Pouch
Amount Per month Per day

25000 833

37500 1250
62500 2083

660000.00 22000.00
0.09 0.09

20000 20000 666.67

14000 14000 466.67
14000 14000 466.67
10000 10000 333.33

14000 14000 466.67

16000 16000 533.33
16000 16000 533.33 Incentive
2000 2000 66.67
20000 20000 666.67
15000 15000 500.00
141000 4700.00
17625 587.50
158625 5287.5
0.24 0.24

2000 66.67
7000 233.33
7931.25 264.38
7931.25 264.38
3172.5 105.75
2000 66.67
1000 33.33
5000 166.67
5000 166.67

41035 1367.8333333333

262160 8738.6666666667
2621.6 87.3866666667
5243.2 174.7733333333
13108 436.9333333333

283132.8 9437.76
789000 26300 improvement
180000 6000 improvement

90000 3000

52500 1750
330000 11000
1441500 48050 To be rolled out

0.43 0.43


0.5 depend on Management style

360000 12000

180000 6000
0.50 0.50

0.20 0.20
4.58 Negotiation required- benchmark Rs 4 to 4.2
Sale price 6
Margin 1.43 12000 17100

0.5 depend on Management style

360000 12000

150000 5000
0.42 0.42

0.10 0.93
3.02 Sale price 5
Margin 1.98


5.50 Sale price 20

Margin 14.50 500 7250

0.25 to be checked
0.80 Sale price 2
Margin 1.20 4000 4800

0.39 Sale price 1
Margin 0.61 5000 3050

Total Margin 32200

Days 30
Month 966000


Target for one day 50000

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