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Child Care Center Example Profit & Loss

Replace only blue numbers with your variables

FTE = Full Time Equivalent # of Infants # of Toddlers # of Preschoolers
Total Average FTE Children Enrolled (with CCAP) 36 4 12 20
Number of children with CCAP enrollment 3 1 0 2
Hours of Operation/Day 9.5
Days of Operation/Year 240
CCAP= child care assistance program

Revenues Annual Infant Rate Toddler Rate Preschooler Rate

Parent paid tuition/fees 290,580 800 750 700
State/other subsidies (tuition) 23,820 735 682 625
# of Breakfasts: # of Lunch/Suppers: # of Snacks:
Number of Meals/Snacks 3 1 1 1
State/other subsidies (food) 26,166 5,948.64 17,470.08 2,748
Child Care Grant
Child Care Grant 13,932 Rate: $32.25 32.25 Only if # of CCAP is 1 or 5% of total
State/other subsidies/incentives (other) 0
Fundraising Income -
Total Revenues 354,501

Expenses Annual
# FTE employees including owner 5 Pay rate 1: Pay rate 2: Pay rate 3:
Hourly Rates 11.20 12.70 13.59
Number at each hourly rate 1 1 2
Total Wages 132,634 21,504.00 24,384.00 52,185.60
Holiday and Personal
Worker's Comp. at leave - # of days per
Benefits FICA at .0765: 3% yr:
Mandatory Benefits 14,949 10,738.35 4,211.12 14
Optional Benefits 38,716 7736.96
Total Labor 186,299

Rent 24,000
Electricity 1,800
Heating Oil 4,000 Note: Formulas for grants, food and supplies based on 90% attendance
Propane/Other -
Telephone/Internet/Fax 2,000
Janitorial & Premises Maintenance -
Snowplow/Grounds Maint 500
Other -
Total Occupancy 32,300
Cost per child per day:
Food/Formula 34,992 4.50 Per child
Diapers, Disposables 864 1.00 Per infant
Children's supplies (clay, workbooks, paper,
crayons, etc.) 13,824 2.00 Per Toddler and Preschooler
Cleaning & Paper Products 7,776 1.00 Per Child
Total Food & Consumables 57,456

Accounting Fees 800

Advertising & Promotion 2,500
Continuing Education 2,000
Dues & subscriptions 500
Event Costs (fundraising/other special events 1,000
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Expense (including
durable toys, mats, bedding, etc.) 5,000
Insurance (hazard & liability) 4,000
Legal & Other professional Fees 500
Licenses & Permits 500
Miscellaneous 1,000
Office Supplies 500
Other Professional Fees 500
Postage 500 This is an example of a for-profit child care center. There are fi
Repairs & Maintenance (equipment) 1,500
Travel & Entertainment 1,500
employees. The owner's income is figured at $18 per hour. The
Vehicle Expense 4,000 takes care of administration of the center. Employees and own
Total G&A Expense 26,300 receive 14 days of personal leave, health benefits and 3% of pa
retirement account. In addition to $34,560 annually at $18 per
Total Operating Expenses 302,355 owner realizes a small profit. If this center was also operated o
Earnings Before Taxes, Interest Depreciation &
owner's home, they would realize an additional savings of $32,3
Amortization 52,146 occupancy expenses. Monthly charges for each age of child co
raised to realize higher profits or pay higher wages.
Expense per Child 8,399
Revenue per Child 9,847
Up to 2 meals and 1 snack per day
or 1 meal and 2 snacks per day
Only if # of CCAP is 1 or 5% of total

CAP is 1 or 5% of total

Pay rate 4:

Health premium per mo. per Retirement

employee: percentage
450 3%
27,000 3,979.01

upplies based on 90% attendance

ofit child care center. There are five

ome is figured at $18 per hour. The owner
f the center. Employees and owner all
eave, health benefits and 3% of pay in a
on to $34,560 annually at $18 per hour, the
If this center was also operated out of the
alize an additional savings of $32,300 of the
ly charges for each age of child could be
or pay higher wages.
Child Care Group Home Example Profit & Loss
Replace only blue numbers with your variables
FTE = Full Time Equivalent # of Infants # of Toddlers # of Preschoolers
Total Average FTE Children
Enrolled (with CCAP) 12 0 12 0
Number of children with CCAP
enrollment 2 0 2 0
Hours of Operation/Day 9.5
Days of Operation/Year 240
CCAP= child care assistance

Toddler Preschooler
Revenues Annual Infant Rate Rate Rate
Parent paid tuition/fees 91,632 800 750 700
State/other subsidies (tuition) 16,368 735 682 625
# of Breakfasts: # of Lunch/ # of Snacks: Up to 2 meals and 1 snack per day
Number of Meals/Snacks 3 1 1 1 or 1 meal and 2 snacks per day
State/other subsidies (food) 9,461 2,255.04 6,125.76 1,080 Only if # of CCAP is 1 or 5% of total
Grant Rate:
Child Care Grant 4,644 $32.25 32.25 Only if # of CCAP is 1 or 5% of total
State/other subsidies/incentives
(other) 0
Fundraising Income -
Total Revenues 122,108

Expenses Annual
# FTE employees including owner 1 Pay rate 1: Pay rate 2: Pay rate 3: Pay rate 4:
Hourly Rates 11.20 12.70 13.59 18.00
Number at each hourly rate 0 1 0 0
Total Wages 24,384 - 24,384.00 - -
Holiday and Health
Worker's Personal leave premium per
Comp. at - # of days mo. per Retirement
Benefits FICA at .0765: 3% per yr: employee: percentage
Mandatory Benefits 2,748 1,974.19 774.19 14 450 3%
Optional Benefits 7,554 1422.4 5,400 731.52
Total Labor 34,686

Rent -
Electricity - Note: Formulas for grants, food and supplies
Heating Oil - based on 90% attendance
Propane/Other -
Telephone/Internet/Fax -
Maintenance -
Snowplow/Grounds Maint -
Other -
Total Occupancy -
Cost per child per day:
Food/Formula 12,312 4.75 Per child
Diapers, Disposables - 1.00 Per infant
Children's supplies (clay,
workbooks, paper, crayons, etc.) 5,184 2.00 Per Toddler and Preschooler
Cleaning & Paper Products 2,592 1.00 Per Child
Total Food & Consumables 20,088

Accounting Fees 800

Advertising & Promotion 500
Continuing Education 300
Dues & subscriptions 200
Event Costs (fundraising/other
special events -
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment
Expense (including durable toys,
mats, bedding, etc.) 5,000
Insurance (hazard & liability) 1,800
Legal & Other professional Fees 500
This is an example of a for-profit child care
Licenses & Permits 500
Miscellaneous 1,000 group home. There is one employee. The
Office Supplies 200 owner's income is figured at $18 per hour. The
Other Professional Fees - owner takes care of administration of the center.
Postage 100 Employee and owner all receive 14 days of
(equipment) 500
Travel & Entertainment -
personal leave, health benefits and 3% of pay in
Vehicle Expense 3,000 a retirement account. In addition to $34,560
Total G&A Expense 14,400 annually at $18 per hour, the owner realizes a
small profit. This group home is operated out of
Total Operating Expenses 69,174 the owner's home, which saves occupancy
Earnings Before Taxes, Interest
expenses. Monthly charges for each age of
Depreciation & Amortization 52,933 child could be raised to realize higher profits or
pay higher wages.
Expense per Child 5,765
Revenue per Child 10,176
Child Care Home Example Profit and Loss
Replace only blue numbers with your variables
FTE = Full Time Equivalent # of Infants # of Toddlers # of Preschoolers
CCAP) 8 0 4 4
Number of children with CCAP enrollment 2 0 0 2
Hours of Operation/Day 9.5
Days of Operation/Year 240
CCAP= child care assistance program

Revenues Annual Infant Rate Toddler Rate Preschooler Rate

Parent paid tuition/fees 57,000 800 750 750
State/other subsidies (tuition) 15,000 735 682 625
# of Breakfasts: # of Lunch/Supp# of Snacks: Up to 2 meals and 1 snack per day
Number of Meals/Snacks 3 1 1 1 or 1 meal and 2 snacks per day
State/other subsidies (food) 6,800 1,684.80 4,285.44 829 Only if # of CCAP is 1 or 5% of total
Child Care
Grant Rate:
Child Care Grant 3,096 $32.25 32.25 Only if # of CCAP is 1 or 5% of total
State/other subsidies/incentives (other) 0
Fundraising Income -
Total Revenues 81,899

Expenses Annual
# FTE employees including owner - Pay rate 1: Pay rate 2: Pay rate 3: Pay rate 4:
Hourly Rates 11.20 12.70 13.59 18.00
Number at each hourly rate 0 0 0 0
Total Wages - - - - -
Holiday and premium per
Worker's Personal leave - mo. per Retirement
Benefits FICA at .0765: Comp. at 3% # of days per yr: employee: percentage
Mandatory Benefits - - - 14 450 3%
Optional Benefits - 0 - -
Total Labor -

Rent -
Electricity - Note: Formulas for grants, food and
Heating Oil - supplies based on 90% attendence
Propane/Other -
Telephone/Internet/Fax -
Janitorial & Premises Maintenance -
Snowplow/Grounds Maint -
Other -
Total Occupancy -
Cost per child per day:
Food/Formula 8,208 4.75 Per child
Diapers, Disposeables - 1.00 Per infant
Children's supplies (clay, workbooks, paper,
crayons, etc.) 3,456 2.00 Per Toddler and Preschooler
Cleaning & Paper Products 1,728 1.00 Per Child
Total Food & Consumables 13,392

Accounting Fees 500

Advertising & Promotion -
Continuing Education -
Dues & subscriptions -
Event Costs (fundraising/other special events -
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Expense
(including durable toys, mats, bedding, etc.) 3,000
Insurance (hazard & liability) 1,800
Legal & Other professional Fees 500
Licenses & Permits 500
Miscellaneous 500
Office Supplies 200 This is an example of a for-profit child care home.
Other Professional Fees - There are no employees. The owner's income is
Postage 100 figured at $18 per hour for 10 hours 5 days a week.
Repairs & Maintenance (equipment) 500
The owner takes care of all administration and children.
Travel & Entertainment -
Vehicle Expense 3,000 Owner receives 14 days of personal leave, health
Total G&A Expense 10,600 benefits and 3% of pay in a retirement account. In
addition to $43,200 annually, the owner realizes a very
Total Operating Expenses 23,992 small profit. This child care home is operated out of the
Earnings Before Taxes, Interest
owner's home, which saves occupancy expenses.
Depreciation & Amortization 57,907 Monthly charges for each age of child could be raised
to realize higher profits or pay additional expenses.
Expense per Child 2,999
Revenue per Child 10,237

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