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Jackson Absent

Halleigh Very shy at first, but then has opened up so much after just a few

Makayla Absent

Kallen Very shy, and knows how to express what he wants and needs.

Brandyn Does not like to share, and knows how to express his feelings.

Alexa Very independent, likes to work by herself.

Grayson Excellent communicating with what he needs, and loves playing

with his friends.

Zander Needs to work on sharing with his friends, and express what he

Isobel Does centers by herself most of the time in the morning, and
then opens up as she progresses.
Aubrianna Works independently most of the time, good with working with

Everlyn Very shy, independent.

Riley She is very outgoing, gets along good with others.

Ryan He is very shy but opens up as time goes on. He gets along great
with others.

Joseph Needs to learn how to share and listen to directions.

Abagail Very shy at first, has opened up to me.

Mason Not there yet.

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