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Cold War Leaders Timeline

Stalin: 1924-1953

Rose to become leader of the Soviet

Union in years after Lenin’s death in 1924
Khrushchev: 1958-1964
General Secretary of the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union from 1923-1953 Serving as premier for Soviet Union
(death) Removal from power because of Cuban
Missile Crisis and failures of policies


Brezhnev: 1964-1982
Mao: 1927-1976 (death)
Reinforced his power after Stalin’s death
in 1953 1927: Led Autumn Harvest Uprising
Became president of the USSR in 1960 1946: under complete control of People’s
Took control of Soviet Union in 1964 Liberation Army
Ruled as president until 1954 - became
Chairman of China until 1976


Gorbachev: 1971- 1995

Rise in communist party - 1971

Deng Xiaoping: 1976-1997
Elected president in 1990 - for 5 year term
Used similar tactics to Mao
Chinese communist leader, most powerful
figure of People’s Republic of China until
his death (1997)

Truman: 1945-1953 Share

Ended WWII in his first months in office by
dropping atomic bomb on Japan Eisenhower: 1953-1961
Role in Cold War - supported foes of
Managed cold war tension
Ended war in Korea


Tito: 1953-1980 (death)

Kennedy: 1961-1963 (death)
Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman
Advocate of civil rights in America
First communist leader in power to defy
the Soviet hegemony Famous for Cuban Missile Crisis, Nuclear
Test-Ban Treaty, and Alliance for Progress
Controversy about death (Nov. 22, 1963)


Johnson: 1963-1969
Nixon: 1969-1974
Passage of civil rights legislation and
Vietnam War Goal was not to win the cold war, but to
Vision was to implement “A Great manage it
Society” for American’s Wanted to improve relations between
United States and its two communist
opponents, Soviet Union and China


Ford: 1974-1977

Entered presidency when the United

Castro: 1976-2008
States and Soviet Union were having
problems Established the first Communist state in
Signed the Helsinki Accords, marking a the west
move towards détente in the Cold War Ruled over Cuba for nearly five decades

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Carter: 1977-1981 Reagan: 1981-1989

Denouncing the Soviet Union’s human Created strategic defense initiative to
rights violation against dissidents and develop weapons based in space to
favoring a policy of confrontation protect the United States from Soviet

Bush Sr.: 1989-1993

Milosevic: 1989-2000
Involved in trying to stop the spread of
communism in Latin America Former president of Serbia
Led the Socialist party in Serbia
In the midst of the NATO bombing, he
was charged for war crime including
genocide and crimes against humanity

Clinton: 1993-2001
First president since Roosevelt, who
didn’t need a strategy for the cold war
Did not need a policy for the Soviet Union
Bush Jr.: 2001-2009

Cold war between U.S and Soviet ended

Share under the administration of Bush


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