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A progress test
progress test

Unit 1
Unit 1
Grammar 3 Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words
in bold.
1 Choose the correct answers.
1 I had never before seen such a beautiful sunset.
1 Did you see Jan at the concert? She wore /
was wearing a red coat.
2 Peter wouldn’t lend me his dictionary because
he didn’t finish / hadn’t finished his 2 We not only went out for a meal but we went
homework yet. dancing too.
3 I saw your sister in town yesterday. She
talked / was talking to a couple of friends.

4 Jake phoned me just after he was leaving /
3 They had no sooner started the exercise than
had left the party.
the lesson bell rang.
5 When the exam results came through we all
were celebrating / celebrated!
6 While I was walking to the shops, it suddenly
started / was starting to get very windy.
7 They had waited / had been waiting for half 4 There has rarely been such a high wind.
an hour by the time David arrived.

8 When I got to the classroom, the teacher already
started / had already started the lesson.

Mark /8 Mark /4

2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect Vocabulary

simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1 I (have) this cold
since I went swimming last Friday. argumentative   grumpy   tolerant   naive
reserved   flexible   stubborn   hot-headed
2 How often (you be) courteous   level-headed
to the USA?
3 I (often wonder) if 1 The staff at the airport were all very
learning another language would be difficult. to us. It was a pleasant
4 Where (you stay) surprise.
for the last few days? 2 My cousin is quite and
5 What (you do) to your doesn’t say much.
hair? It looks great! 3 I was very when I went to
6 How long (you university but I’m much more experienced
go out) with Freddy? now.

7 What (you eat)? 4 Don’t be so ! You can

There are red marks on your shirt. always find something to smile about.

8 Katy and I (know) 5 In today’s society people need to be

each other since we were at primary school and listen to others’ points
together. of view.

Mark /8 6 My dad was very when he

was young and got into a lot of trouble.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests      

progress test

Unit 1

7 I don’t think winning a lot of money will

change Sam. He’s very . IT’S A SMALL WORLD
8 My sister is so you’ll never Picture this: You’re in a boat, a small one, easily
persuade her to apologise to him. 4,000 miles away from home. You’re being
9 You’re being very today! tossed from one wave to another in appalling
You’ve disagreed with everything I’ve said! conditions. Your mast has been damaged in a
fierce storm and you haven’t eaten for two days
10 We’re lucky to have Jill as an employee. She’s whilst trying to fix your craft and remain afloat.
and can change her hours [1 ] You wait, hoping beyond hope that
if we need her to. someone has heard you and can reach you before
Mark /10 conditions worsen still further.
You’re lucky. The message gets relayed to a cruise
liner that is carrying thousands of passengers on
Listening the holiday of a lifetime and just happens to be
5 ≤4.01  Listen to the people talking about in your vicinity. [2 ] You are very grateful.
being lucky. Complete the sentences with the You are taken on board where you’re given food
correct speakers A–E. and medical assistance and start to feel human
again. You travel with the liner safely to land.
1 Speaker saved some money. Your small boat has unfortunately had to be
2 Speaker had a surprising exam result. abandoned in the ocean but you are safe thanks
3 Speaker was successful because he/she to the cruise liner.
was relaxed. So far, a straightforward sea rescue. [3 ]
It’s certainly not unheard of for large vessels to
4 Speaker didn’t expect to achieve what
come to the aid of smaller ones, particularly in
he/she did so quickly.
the big oceans where you can drift for days
5 Speaker doesn’t plan ahead. without seeing another boat. [4 ] The
Mark /10 yachtsman whose boat got into trouble was
John Fielder, a thirty-two-year-old man from a
tiny village on the south coast of England called
Reading Warsash. Last year John was sailing a trimaran
called (appropriately) ‘Dangerous When Wet’
6 Read the text. from the Caribbean island Antigua to Rhode
7 Complete the text with sentences A–F. There is Island, north of New York, when he got into
one sentence you do not need. trouble. [5 ] She was the latest addition
to the fleet of the US based Princess Cruises and
A This happens from time to time when small it was captained by Captain Clark. Captain Clark
boats run into difficulties in heavy weather. and John Fielder had never met before, which is
B But there is a twist to this tale. not surprising. What is surprising is that it turned
C Less than two hours later the enormous boat out the two men live round the corner from each
is alongside you, having altered course to other in that tiny village of Warsash on the south
come to your rescue. coast! In all probability they buy their newspapers
D Finally you admit defeat and put out an SOS call. from the same shop but didn’t meet until their
E He was stunned by the coincidence. paths crossed 4,000 miles away in the middle of
the ocean!
F The cruise liner that came to his assistance
was the Crown Princess. An amazing coincidence! If you can beat that
write in to ‘What a coincidence!’, People Today
Mark /10
Magazines, Bristol. We’re waiting for your story.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests      

progress test

Unit 1

8 Imagine you witness a large fire and see fire-
fighters save a young child from the building.
Write the story of the rescue for a magazine. Use
the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Say what you were doing when the
fire started.
Paragraph 2: Say what happened and describe
the scene.
Paragraph 3: Describe how the fire-fighters
saved the child.
Paragraph 4: Comment on the bravery of the fire-
fighters and what happened to the other people
Mark /10

Total /60

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press  Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests      

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