Answers Key - SIYLEP - Version 1

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1. Closed Questions

No. Questions Answer

1. What does “SIYLEP” stand for ? Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leadership Exchange Program
2. When is the program conducted
November (2017), August (2018),
3. Who will participate in the program ? 20 Indonesian and 20 Singaporean Youth Delegates who
are leaders in their own communities
4. What national / international institution is National Youth Council, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
in charge to host the program ? Singapore dan Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI,

5. How long does the program take time? 2 weeks, a week for each Indonesian phase and
Singaporean phase
6. a) How many delegates will be in the a. 40 delegates,
program ? b. 22-27 yo
b) What is the range of age required to
take the program ?
7. a) When was the program conducted for a. November 2017
very first time ? b. Not any, yet
b) How many delegates from West c. No one, yet
Kalimantan have taken part in the
program ?
c) Mention who are the former
delegates of this program from West
Kalimantan ! (at least 2)
8. What are the activities in the program ? 1. Pre Departure Training
2. Opening Ceremony
3. Courtesy Call
4. Discussion
5. Company Visits
6. Homestay
7. Excursion
8. Re-entry
9. What are the focuses of the program
Innovation, Enterprise, Tech, Bussiness, start-up
10. Mention the VIP(s) will you meet in the 1. The Minister of Culture, Community and Youth of
program ! (at least 2) 2. The Minister (or Reperesentative )of Youth and Sport
of Republic of Indonesia
3. Deputy of Indonesian Ambassador of in Singapore
4. CEOs

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