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Carrol Community Colege NURS 233 - Nursing Concepts 3 SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation Wilt, oysia Dste_971/18__Week# 2 Faculty _Minnema isfctory eds ipravenend” | U = Unsislacon | NAZWA apliabo 1 () Crea avr —] ‘Students who meet any ofthe folowing criteria wil Be given a remadllion plan and may be placedon probation, Failure to progress in tose areas may result in fale ofthe course, -One unsatslaciory grace na cca behavior Two needs improvement ina ciel behavior “Two unsatstactoy grades ino non-ciical behavior Four needs imorovernents ‘Sideat | Tinton Sot. | Evalot Outcome + Eval | Stugent ‘Analyze efleciveness othe lan of care (CO1) snvu_| “smu 4._“Prortizes patient care based on assessment wh aly as a resource . Ss 2. "Demonstrates sociale patent aesessment sls = Ss '3._Analyzes and incorporates data rom the pales medical recordin the provision af eare | s 4. Uses patent assessmont daia fo mplementindhviualzeg plan of care wih Tacuy a5 @ N resource Page 4 of nursing assessment lacked RED FLAG lab data regarding Patient's Li feval of ©:3mEgiL (therapeutic range = O.SmEQIL.) Statement meeting therapeutic range... didnot accurately describe the clinical significance of thelithium level. No plan of care documented/eummarized on ‘nursing assessment form, (See comments below). s 5 Esiablshes sopropiste nursing proses Ist based on Solecied evidence and patent assessment wif fly a8 a resource Establishes measurabe patient outcomes bated on nursing prores wi TaouTy 08 @ 7. Establishes sppropiate nursing ntereriions based on assessment with ecu ae @ 3. Evaluates paiont response to care and rovees plan 88 needed wih facaly as a resource ‘Outcome 2 ‘Seek coportntes tha pronote rofssional grown (C02), 8._Demonstrates professional behavior and appeerance ‘0, Seeks input fom patent, nstucter, and Reakheare tam in te daivery of patent comtered care | 11 Demonstrates accourtabilty and accepts responsibly fr own adions and ativdes 12. "Adneres to stendence coli 48, Pap ates acta nal cnical experiences 14, Engages in se/-etlecion and communcates leaning needs lo inetuctor 15. Conletes sssgnents a8 required end eubrs oo ne $6, Demonstrates lifaben assisting peers ant healthcare team members in the encase Outcome 3 Provide patient-centered car with faculty as a ure» (C08) 17. *imolements appropiate tection control precautions 18. Provides cutualy sensitive cae 19, Documents patent are accurately 20. Uses therapeute communication 21. Follows trough wih al patent care poponed 2414 Roe 107044 042016 98678 Carroll Community College NURS 233 ~ Nursing Concepts 3 ‘SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation 22, Demonstrates rowed of medications for assigned patos 3 |S 23. *Admirsters medication safely using sc rghs of medestion administration NA_| NA 24, Demonsvates caring behaviors = Ss 26, Uses SBAR ofocv s_| NA 25. Acts as. an advocate or pallets and fries = Ss 27. ~Demonstates physical and mental competence 3 s 28. “denies safely coneems and nates Instructor and appropiate healthcare Tearh s members s [28 Demonstrates tne management echniques 5 s_| 30_ Implements patent and family edvcaton and evatateseffecveness of leeching s s 31. “Updates instructor and healthcare team regarding changes in the patient's condition s s '32. “Provides nursing care based onthe goes and procedures ofthe fac ss 33, “Provides ausing caren ocordance wih the Maryand Nurse Practice Ack . s 24. “Adheres to HIPAA culelines s Ss 35, “Provides care according to ANA Scope and Sandards of Nursing Pracice = Ss ‘Siosont | insirucior Sele | Evalof Outcome 4 Eval | Student | nplemers nursing care based on scientific evidence (C04) sniy_| SIU. 36, Incorporates evidence based ratonsle hat suppers the patent's lan of are . Ss | Student Reection (Thoroughy answer a questions) How nas tis cle rtetin helped fo dene your role a2 nurse? Pease explain ‘est iound abot mysel ad feet ike Lam Deter propared to care foc a patent with mental nesses. Yinicn objective id you accomplish during this rteton’? How a you do fam sil working oni but ffecve therapeutic communtcstion assist he patient and telr needs the best can What ore your goat for your next ein! rotation? Conte te werk on communtction and understanding of priory of care, Faciy Commons] Stat Learning Goals [Sous Ts bo sao erent perfomance SaSTAGOT. fants ee torted asi ocU.nanave comments are necessary fo day stsent prormance ing with goals to mprove perfomenee) Crystal your confidence athe dalivery of mental Raith nursing cre Sino over the wo weeks youve beating caso patents in vaca! rtaon You brveyconronted Be persnal sapere, eared va you ae capa of proving aoa cre Good J, Based on your nurs assessment this second woek, you seemed to have a good grasp on your patient's and required nursing care, An area ‘additionally, documentation issues also occurred wth 1* week discharge planning assignment, and again with documenting 2 week discharge care in nursing assessment form. Continue working on documentation ‘hat is sccurat, clear, and specific, Assessment documentation needs to suppor nursing care decisions. “The good news is the Focused interaction (leaching assignment) this week did wall to address pationt teaching Tegarding the medication, Lithium, Final score ~ 41148, See Fl grading form. Overall, Crystal Wolf has satisfactorily met the required student learning outcomes for psychiatric mental health inca at Howard County General Hospi Student Signature: _ | Crystal Wolf Instructor Signature: | f Mauna, pero S244, Reet OOM; OH20%5 ana

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