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A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body

The Latin saying “mens sana in corpore sano,” which translates to “a healthy mind in
a healthy body,” is more relevant now than ever. New studies have tackled this subject,
concluding that the duration and intensity of physical activity can undoubtedly improve
cognitive agility.
The body and the mind are inexorably linked together; you cannot separate one from
the other. A healthy body allows you to accomplish what you need to accomplish; it lets the
brain work for you, thinking better, processing information better and more.
It works the other way also; a healthy brain – one that is informed, curious, always learning –
keeps a person feeling young and vital, and lets you exercise, move around, and be active.
A healthy mind keeps you vibrant. A healthy body keeps you free and alive. Both
together makes a satisfying life.
Lifelong exercise can lead to improved brain function in later life, a study has shown.
People perform better in mental tests at the age of 50 if they have engaged in regular intense
activity, such as playing sport, running, swimming or working out in the gym, since
More than 9,000 individuals took part in the research from the age of 11. Interviews
were conducted at regular age intervals to monitor levels of exercise. Participants also
undertook tests of memory, attention and learning.
Those who had exercised two to three times per month or more from the age of 11
scored higher in the tests than those who had not.

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