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Estimation of Quantites

No. Measurements (ft)

S.No Description Quantity Unit
Length width Height
1 Excavation in foundation
A. Outer Walls
Side Walls (Long walls) 2 45 2.5 2.75 618.75 Cu.f
Back wall (Short Walls) 1 20 2.5 2.75 137.5 Cu.f
Front wall (Short Walls) 1 12 2.5 2.75 82.5 Cu.f
B. Inner Walls
i. Horizontal walls
a. Horizontal walls (Short wall) 3 20 3 2.75 495 Cu.f
b. Bath wall (Short wall) 1 1.7083 3 2.75 14.09
ii-Vertical Walls
Wall between Bed&Kitchen 1 8.75 3 2.75 72.1875 Cu.f
Lef side wall of Drawing Room 1 10.125 3 2.75 83.53125 Cu.f
Bath wall 1 8.875 3 2.75 73.21875 Cu.f
Total 1576.781 Cu.ft
2 Lean Concrete (1:8:16) in foundation
A. Outer Walls
Side Walls 2 45 2.5 0.75 168.75 Cu.f
Back wall 1 20 2.5 0.75 37.5 Cu.f
Front wall 1 10.125 2.5 0.75 18.984375 Cu.f
B. Inner Walls
i. Horizontal walls
a. Horizontal walls 3 20 3 0.75 135 Cu.f
b. Bath wall 1 1.7083 3 0.75 3.84 Cu.f
ii-Vertical Walls (Short Wall)
Wall between Bed&Kitchen 1 8.75 3 0.75 19.6875 Cu.f
Lef side wall of Drawing Room 1 10.125 3 0.75 22.78125 Cu.f
Bath wall 1 8.875 3 0.75 19.96875 Cu.f
Total 426.51555 Cu.f
3 Brick Work in foundation
A. Outer Walls
Side Walls (Long walls)
1st step 2 45 1.875 0.5 84.375 Cu.f
2nd Step 2 45 1.5 0.5 67.5 Cu.f
3rd Step 2 45 1.125 0.5 50.625 Cu.f
4th step (up to DPC) 2 45 0.75 3.5 236.25 Cu.f
Back wall (Short Walls)
1st step 1 21.25 1.875 0.5 19.921875 Cu.f
2nd Step 1 22 1.5 0.5 16.5 Cu.f
3rd Step 1 22.75 1.125 0.5 12.796875 Cu.f
4th step (up to DPC) 1 23.5 0.75 3.5 61.6875 Cu.f

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Estimation of Quantites
No. Measurements (ft)
S.No Description Quantity Unit
Length width Height
Front wall (Short Walls)
1st step 1 11.3125 1.875 0.5 10.605469 Cu.f
2nd Step 1 11.875 1.5 0.5 8.90625 Cu.f
3rd Step 1 12.4375 1.125 0.5 6.9960938 Cu.f
4th step (up to DPC) 1 13 0.75 3.5 34.125 Cu.f
B. Inner Walls
i. Horizontal walls
a. Horizontal walls
1st step 3 21.25 1.875 0.5 59.765625 Cu.f
2nd Step 3 22 1.5 0.5 49.5 Cu.f
3rd Step 3 22.75 1.125 0.5 38.390625 Cu.f
4th step (up to DPC) 3 23.5 0.75 3.5 185.0625 Cu.f

b. Bath wall
1st step 1 2.8958 3 0.5 4.34
2nd Step 1 3.4583 1.875 0.5 3.24
3rd Step 1 4.0208 1.5 0.5 3.02
4th step (up to DPC) 1 5.333 0.75 3.5 14.00

Page 2 of 38
Estimation of Quantites
No. Measurements (ft)
S.No Description Quantity Unit
Length width Height
ii-Vertical Walls
Wall between Bed&Kitchen 1 9.875 3 0.75 22.21875 Cu.f
(Short wall) 1st step
2nd step 1 10.25 1.875 0.5 9.609375 Cu.f
3rd step 1 10.625 1.5 0.5 7.96875 Cu.f
4th step (up to DPC) 1 11 0.75 3.5 28.875 Cu.f

Left side wall of Drawing Room 1

1st step 1 11.3125 3 0.75 25.453125 Cu.f
2nd step 1 11.875 1.875 0.5 11.132813 Cu.f
3rd step 1 12.4375 1.5 0.5 9.328125 Cu.f
4th step 1 13 0.75 3.5 34.125 Cu.f
Bath wall
1st step 1 5.875 3 0.75 13.21875 Cu.f
2nd step 1 6.25 1.875 0.5 5.859375 Cu.f
3rd step 1 6.625 1.5 0.5 4.96875 Cu.f
4th step 1 7 0.75 3.5 18.38 Cu.f
Total 1158.7412 Cu.f
4 D.P.C (1:2:4) 1.5" Thick
A. Outer Walls
Side Walls (Long walls) 2 45 0.75 - 67.5 sq.f
Back wall (Short Walls) 1 23.5 0.75 - 17.625 sq.f
Front wall (Short Walls) 1 13 0.75 - 9.75 sq.f
B. Inner Walls
i. Horizontal walls
a. Horizontal walls (Short walls) 3 23.5 0.75 - 52.875 sq.f
b. Bath walls 1 5.333 0.75 - 4.000 sq.f
ii-Vertical Walls
Wall between Bed&Kitchen 1 11 0.75 - 8.25 sq.f
(Short wall)
Left side wall of Drawing Room 1 13.75 0.75 - 10.3125 sq.f
Bath wall (Short wall) 1 7 0.75 - 5.25 sq.f
Total 175.56225 sq.f
5 Brick work in super structure 12'height

A. Courtyard/boundary wall
i- Vertical/side walls (Long walls) 2 7 0.75 7 73.5 Cu.f
ii-Horizontal/back wall (short wall) 1 23.5 0.75 7 123.375 Cu.f
B. G.Floor Walls
i. Vertical Walls (Long walls)
a.side walls 2 38 0.75 12 684 Cu.f
b. central wall bet kitchen & bed 1 11 0.75 12 8.250 Cu.f

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Estimation of Quantites
No. Measurements (ft)
S.No Description Quantity Unit
Length width Height
c.Drawing room lef side wall 1 13.75 0.75 12 10.313 Cu.f
d.Bath wall 1 7 0.75 12 535.500 Cu.f
ii- Horizontal walls (Short walls)
a. Back + two central walls 3 23.5 0.75 12 634.500 Cu.f
b. front wall 1 13 0.75 12 117.000 Cu.f
c. Bath wall 1 5.333 0.75 12 47.997 Cu.f
S.Total 2186.4375 Cu.f
C. Deduction of Doors and Windows
D1 1 4 0.75 7 21.000 Cu.f
D2 2 3.5 0.75 7 36.750 Cu.f
D3 2 3 0.75 7 31.500 Cu.f
D4 1 2.5 0.75 6 11.250 Cu.f
W1 1 8 0.75 5 30.000 Cu.f
W2 1 6 0.75 5 22.500 Cu.f
W3 1 4 0.75 5 15.000 Cu.f
w5 1 3 0.75 1.5 3.375 Cu.f
S.Total 171.375 Cu.f
Deduction of Lintels 28.406
Net Total 1986.656 Cu.f

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Estimation of Quantites
No. Measurements (ft)
S.No Description Quantity Unit
Length width Height

6 R.C.C. Slab (1:2:4) 8" Thick 1 43 30 0.667 860.00 Cu.f

Total 860.00
7 R.C.C. Lintel (1:2:4) 9"x9"
D-1 1 5 0.75 0.75 2.813 Cu.f
D2 2 4.5 0.75 0.75 5.063 Cu.f
D3 2 4 0.75 0.75 4.500 Cu.f
D4 1 3.5 0.75 0.75 1.969 Cu.f
W1 1 9 0.75 0.75 5.063 Cu.f
W2 1 7 0.75 0.75 3.938 Cu.f
W3 1 5 0.75 0.75 2.813 Cu.f
w5 1 4 0.75 0.75 2.250 Cu.f
Total 28.406 Cu.f
8 External Plaster (1:4) 1" thick
a.Court ward 1 39 - 7 273 sq.f

b. Ground Floor
1 150.833 - 12 1809.996 sq.f
S.Total 2082.996 sq.f
Deduction of Openings
D1 1 4 - 7 28.000 sq.f
D2 2 3.5 - 7 49.000 sq.f
D3 2 3 - 7 42.000 sq.f
D4 1 2.5 - 6 15.000 sq.f
W1 1 8 - 5 40.000 sq.f
W2 1 6 - 5 30.000 sq.f
W3 1 4 - 5 20.000 sq.f
w5 1 3 - 1.5 4.500 sq.f
8-b 1" Thick plaster on roof 1 43 30 - 1290.000 sq.f
on side edges of roof 1 146 - 0.667 97.333 sq.f
S.Total 228.500 sq.f
Net Total 1854.496 sq.f
9 Internal Plaster (1:4) 1" Thick
1 39.5 - 12 474.000
a.Kitchen sq.f
b. Bed 1 50 - 12 600.000 sq.f
c.Lounge 1 69 - 12 828.000 sq.f
d.Bath 1 23.167 - 12 278.004 sq.f

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Estimation of Quantites
No. Measurements (ft)
S.No Description Quantity Unit
Length width Height
e.Drawing 1 52 - 12 624.000 sq.f
2804.004 sq.f

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Suppose inside projection of Bed

concrete is for outer walls
L = 25-2(2.5) = 20f
L = 14.5-2.5= 12f

L = 25-2(2.50) = 20
L = (4.5833-1.75-1.125= 1.7083
Suppose bath size (4'-7"x 4')

L = 11-2(1.125) = 8.75f
L= 13-(1.125+1.75)=10.125f
L = 7+(0.75)+(1.125)=8.875f

L = 25-2(2.5)=20f

L = 25-2(2.5)=20f
L= 4.5833+-1.75

L = 7+(0.75)+(1.125)=8.875f

H = 0.5+ 1+2= 3.5f

L= 20+ 2(0.625) = 21.25

L= 21.25+ 2(0.375) = 22
L = 22+2(0.375)=22.75
L= 22.75+2(0.375)=23.50f

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L= 10.125+0.5625+0.625= 11.3125
L= 11.3125+0.18755+0.375= 11.875
L= 11.875+ 0.1875+0.375=12.4375
L= 12.4375+ 0.1875+0.375=13

L = 20+-2(0.625)=21.25
L = 21.25+2(0.375)=22
L = 22+2(0.375)=22.75
L = 22.75+2(0.375)=23.5

L = 1.7083+0.5625+0.625=2.8958
L = 2.8958+(0.375+0.1875)=3.4583
L = 3.4583+(0.375+0.1875)=4.0208
L = 4.0208+(0.375+0.1875)+0.75=5.333

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L = 8.75+2(0.5625)=9.875
L = 9.875+2(0.1875)=10.25
L = 10.25+2(0.1875)=10.625


L = 4.75+2(0.5625)=5.875
L = 2.875+2(0.1875)=6.25
L = 3.25+2(0.1875)=6.625
L=6.25+2(0.1875) = 7


L = 13+0.75(wall) = 13.75f

Assume court yard outer/boundary

walls height is 7'

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L=4+0.75 = 4.75


size of D-1 = 4'x7'

size of D-2 = 3.5'x7'
size of D-3 = 3'x7'
size of D-4 = 2.5'x6'
size of w-1 = 8'x5'
size of w-2 = 6'x5'
size of w-3 = 4''x5'
size of w-5 = 3'x1.5'

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assume projection of slab is 2.5' from

all sides
L = 38+2.5+2.5=43f
w = 25+2.5+2.5=30f

suppose bearing is 6"

Outer Perimeter=7+25+7=39




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Bill of Quantity

S.No Description Unit Quantity

Excavation in foundation of buildings, bridges, and other

structures including layout, dressing, refilling around
1 structures with excavated earth, watering & ramming lead
upto 100 ft. (30m) & lift upto 5 ft. (1.5m)

c- Hard Soil or soft marum Cu.ft 1024.9076

d- Shingle or gravel Cu.ft 551.87334

Providing and laying cement concrete (1:8:16) using

2 Lawrencepur sand and crushed aggregate 3/4" (19mm) & Cu.ft 426.51555
down gauge in foundation including leveling, compacting and
3 Brick Work in foundation Cu.ft 1158.7412
4 D.P.C (1:2:4) 1.5" Thick sq.ft 175.56225

5 Brick work in super structure 12'height Cu.ft 1986.656

6 R.C.C. Slab (1:2:4) 8" Thick

Providing and laying 1:2:4 cement concrete using

Lawrencepur sand and crushed aggregate 3/4" (19mm) and Cu.ft 860.000
down gauge in slabs including formwork and its removal,
compacting and curing.

7 R.C.C. Lintel (1:2:4) 9"x9" Cu.ft 28.406

8 External Plaster (1:4) 1" thick sq.ft

Cement plaster using Lawrencepur sand on soffits of ceiling,

cantilever slabs, sides and soffits of beams, in basement and
ground floor including making edges, corners and curing sq.ft 1854.496
9 Internal Plaster (1:4) 1" Thick sq.ft 2804.004
Total BOQs cost

PKR = Pakistani Rupees

Rate (PKR) Total Cost (PKR)

7.241 7,421
11.023 6,083

239.468 102,137

347.071 402,166

50 8,701

336 667,694

895.009 769,707

398.396 11,317

33.616 62,342

33.616 94,261
Item No. 1
Excavation in foundation of buildings, bridges, and other structures including layout, dressing, refilling around structures wit
watering & ramming lead upto 100 ft. (30m) & lift upto 5 ft. (1.5m)
c) Hard Soid or soft marum

Dresser 0.5 Hrs @

Labourer 2.85 Hrs @

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Income Tax @

Total Composite Rate

Item No.
Excavation 1 buildings, bridges, and other structures including layout, dressing, refilling around structures wit
in foundation of
watering & ramming lead upto 100 ft. (30m) & lift upto 5 ft. (1.5m)
d) Shingle or gravel

Dresser 4.6 Hrs @

Labourer 0.5 Hrs @

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Income Tax @

Total Composite Rate

Item No. 2
Providing and laying cement concrete using Lawrencepur sand and crushed aggregate 3/4" (19mm) & down gauge in founda
leveling, compacting and curing.
e) 1:8:16

1. Labour
Mason 1.50 Hrs @
Labourer 10.00 Hrs @
Bahishti 2.00 Hrs @
Mistri 0.25 Hrs @
s. Total

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Income Tax @
Total Labour Rate:

2. Material
Cement 0.09 M.Ton @
Sand Lawrencepur 0.49 Cu.m @
Crush Local 3/4" & down guage 0.99 Cu.m @
Water Charges @

3. Plant & Equipment

Concrete mixer with operator (5cu.f) 0.5 Hrs @
Vibrator including operator 0.5 Hrs @

Total of 2 & 3
Contractor's Profit & Overhead @
Income Tax @
Total Composite Rate

Calculation of Materia for 1 cu.m of 1:4:8

Cement Sand Aggregate Sum
Ratio 1 8 16 25
Wet Materia 1 Cu.m
Dry Material 1.54 Cu.m
Qty of Cement 0.062 Cu.m 88.704 Kg 0.09 M.ton
Qty of Sand 0.49 Cu.m weight = Vol x Density (Density of cement 1440K
Qty of Aggregate 0.99 Cu.m

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕=(𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕)/(𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐) x Quantity of Concrete

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒂𝒏�=(𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒂𝒏�)/(𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐) x Quantity of Concrete

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒆=(𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 Aggregate)/(𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐) x Quantity of Concrete

Item No. 3

Brick Work: Providing and laying first class solid burnt brick masonry including scaffolding, raking out joints and curing in fou
e) above 4.5" nominal brick work 1:5

1. Labour
Mason 9.00 Hrs @
Labourer 8.00 Hrs @
Bahishti 1.90 Hrs @
Mistri 0.50 Hrs @
s. Total

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Income Tax @
Total Labour Rate:

2. Material
Brick 500 No. @
Mortor 1:5 0.3 Cu.m @
Cement 0.072 M.ton
Sand 0.25 Cu.m
Water Charges @

3. Scaffolding @

Total of 2 & 3
Contractor's Profit & Overhead @
Income Tax @

Total Composite Rate

Brick masonary (1 cu.m)

No. of Bricks 500 Nos
Dry Mortar 0.3 Cu.m
Cement Sand Sum of Ratio
Ratio 1 5 6
Qty of Cement 0.05 Cu.m 72 Kg 0.072
Qty of sand 0.25 Cu.m
Bricks 500 Nos
Item No. 5

Providing and laying first class solid burnt brick masonry including scaffolding, raking out joints and curing in super structure

e) above 4.5" nominal brick work 1:5

1. Labour
Mason 6.00 Hrs @
Labourer 8.00 Hrs @
Bahishti 1.25 Hrs @
Mistri 0.35 Hrs @
s. Total

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Total Labour Rate:

2. Material
Brick 500 No. @
Mortor 1:5 0.3 Cu.m
Cement 0.072 M.Ton @
Sand 0.25 M.Ton @
Water Charges @

3. Scaffolding @

Total of 2 & 3
Contractor's Profit & Overhead @
Income Tax @

Total Composite Rate

Item No. 6
Roof Slab: Providing and laying 1:2:4 cement concrete using Lawrencepur sand and crushed aggregate 3/4" (19mm) and dow
including formwork and its removal, compacting and curing.

a Upto 8" (150mm) thickness

1. Labour
Mason 1.50 Hrs @
Labourer 10.00 Hrs @
Bahishti 4.25 Hrs @
Mistri 0.30 Hrs @
s. Total

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Total Labour Rate:

2. Material
Cement 0.32 M.Ton @
Sand Lawrencepur 0.44 Cu.m @
Crush Margalla 3/4" & down gauge 0.88 Cu.m @
Water Charges @

3. Plant and Equipment

Concrete mixer with operator-5cu.f 0.5 Hrs @
Vibrator including operator 0.5 Hrs @

4. Shuttering
Taking slab = 43x30x0.5 = 645 cu.f
bottom 43x30 = 1290 sq.f
sides 2x43x0.5=43 sq.f
2x30x0.5=30 sq.f
For 1 cu.m 1362 x 35.31 / 645 = 74.56 sq.f @

5. Scaffolding
Surface area 1362 s.f @

Total of 2 ,3,4&5
Contractor's Profit & Overhead @
Income Tax
Total Composite Rate

Calculation of Materia for 1 cu.m of 1:4:8

Cement Sand Aggregate Sum
Ratio 1 2 4 7
Wet Materia 1 Cu.m
Dry Material 1.54 Cu.m
Qty of Cement 0.220 Cu.m 316.800 Kg 0.32 M.ton
Qty of Sand 0.44 Cu.m
Qty of Aggregate 0.88 Cu.m weight = Vol x Density (Density of cement 1440K

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕=(𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕)/(𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐) x Quantity of Concrete

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒂𝒏�=(𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒂𝒏�)/(𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐) x Quantity of Concrete

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒈𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒆=(𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐 𝒐𝒇 Aggregate)/(𝑺𝒖𝒎 𝒐𝒇 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐) x Quantity of Concrete

Item No. 7
Lintel: Providing and laying 1:2:4 cement concrete using Lawrencepur sand and crushed aggregate 3/4" (19mm) and down ga
lintels and cantilevers of required shape or section including formwork and its removal compacting and curing in basement a

1. Labour
Mason 1.50 Hrs @
Labourer 10.00 Hrs @
Bahishti 4.25 Hrs @
Mistri 0.30 Hrs @
s. Total

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Income Tax @
Total Labour Rate:

2. Material
Cement 0.32 M.Ton @
Sand Lawrencepur 0.44 Cu.m @
Crush Local 3/4" & down gauge 0.88 Cu.m @
Water Charges @

3. Plant and Equipment

Concrete mixer with operator-5cu.f 0.50 Hrs @
Vibrator including operator 0.50 Hrs @

4. Shuttering
Beam Surface 92.30 s.f @

5. Scaffolding
Rate taken as 50% 92.30 s.f @

Total of 2 ,3,4&5
Contractor's Profit & Overhead @
Income Tax @

Total Composite Rate

Calculation of Materia for 1 cu.m of 1:2:4

Cement Sand Aggregate Sum
Ratio 1 2 4 7
Wet Materia 1 Cu.m
Dry Material 1.54 Cu.m
Qty of Cement 0.220 Cu.m 316.800 Kg 0.32 M.ton
Qty of Sand 0.44 Cu.m
Qty of Aggregate 0.88 Cu.m
weight = Vol x Density (Density of cement 1440K
Item No. 8
Cement plaster using Lawrencepur sand on soffits of ceiling, cantilever slabs, sides and soffits of beams, in basement and gro
including making edges, corners and curing

iii 1:4

Detail of cost for 10 sq.m

1. Labour
Mason 9.50 Hrs @
Labourer 5.50 Hrs @
Bahishti 1.25 Hrs @
s. Total

Contractor's Profit & Overhead @

Income Tax @
Total Labour Rate:

2. Material
Mortor 0.323 Cu.m @
cement 0.065 Cu.m @
sand 0.258 Cu.m @
Water Charges @

3. Scafolding & Sundries (of Labour Cost)


Total of 2 &3
Contractor's Profit & Overhead @
Income Tax @

Total Composite Rate

Material for 1"(25.4mm) Thick Plaster

sq.m thickness
Wet Vol of Mortar 10 0.0254
Dry Vol

Ratio Cement Sand Sum

1 4 5
Qty of Cement 0.065 Cu.m 92.903 Kg
Qty of Sand 0.258 Cu.m cu.m
sing, refilling around structures with excavated earth,

Unit Rate
60 30
60 171

20% 40.2
6% 14.472

255.67 /cu.m
7.241 /cu.ft

sing, refilling around structures with excavated earth,

Unit Rate
60 276
60 30

20% 61.2
6% 22.032

389.23 /cu.m
11.023 /cu.ft
4" (19mm) & down gauge in foundation including

Unit Rate

95 142.5
60 600
60 120
95 23.75

20% 177.25
6% 63.81

12,400 1099.93
2410 1187.65
2348.45 2314.63
1.50% 69.03

1800 900.00
380 190.00

20% 1152.25
6% 414.81
8455.61 /cu.m
239.468 /cu.ft

x Density (Density of cement 1440Kg/cu.m)

g, raking out joints and curing in foundation.
Unit Rate

95 855
60 480
60 114
95 47.5

20% 299.3
6% 107.748

13 6500.00

12,400.00 892.80
2410 602.50
1.50% 22.43

1.50% 120.27

20% 1627.60
6% 585.94

12255.08 /cu.m
347.071 /cu.ft

joints and curing in super structure - Ground Floor

Unit Rate

95 570
60 480
60 75
95 33.25

20% 231.65

13 6500.00

12,400.00 892.80
2410 602.50
1.50% 119.93

1.50% 121.73

20% 1647.39
6% 593.06

11867.31 /cu.m
336.089 /cu.ft
ed aggregate 3/4" (19mm) and down gauge in slabs

Unit Rate

95 142.5
60 600
60 255
95 28.5

20% 205.2

14,200.00 4,544.00
2410 1060.40
2520 2217.60
1.50% 117.33

1800 900.00
380 190.00

53 3951.68

8 10896.0

20% 4775.40
6% 1719.14
31602.76 /cu.m
895.009 /cu.ft

x Density (Density of cement 1440Kg/cu.m)


ggregate 3/4" (19mm) and down gauge in beams,
mpacting and curing in basement and ground floor.

Unit Rate

95 142.5
60 600
60 255
95 28.5

20% 205.2
6% 73.872

12,400 3968.00
2410 1060.40
2520 2217.60
1.50% 108.69

1800 900.00
380 190.00

18.75 1730.63

2.53 233.5

20% 2289.94
6% 137.40

14067.37 /cu.m
398.396 /cu.ft
x Density (Density of cement 1440Kg/cu.m)
ffits of beams, in basement and ground floor

Unit Rate

95 902.5
60 330
60 75

22% 287.65
6% 95.71

12,400.00 800.00
2410 621.93
1.50% 21.33

5% 72.16

20% 303.08
6% 109.11

361.85 /sq.m
33.616 /sq.ft

0.254 Cu.m
0.323 Cu.m

0.093 M.ton

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