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2019 Prophetic Group Words with Discussions

Opening prayer: Lynnette Wolfe

Tonight we sought the Lord for words regarding how Praise Tabernacle is shifting to
being an Apostolic Center and what that means to us. Where and how do we fit in
after experiencing the Homecoming Gathering, Dr. Joseph L. Green, Jr., and the
IMPACT gathering this weekend with Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets and Willie
Jock, where and how do we fit in to the larger picture. We have heard so much
about NJ being a hub and hinge pin for what God is doing. What does that mean to
us as a church/apostolic center in this particular region?

We spent some time discussing the conference in an effort to both understand

better what we heard and to discern what it means to us.

Chuck Pierce spoke about:

 a shift in power system of the northeast in 5 months

 there is a significance about NJ as it pertains to what’s about to take
place in our country
 go from the east to west; we are a gateway
 the 13 original colonies are the battlefields for America
 the ground is being torn up for plowing
 the voice of the earth is crying out for liberty
 we are to be the lightning rod
 the garden first, the first fruit, the kingdom first and first people
connection with all these “firsts”
 God is brooding and hovering over the land

Willie Jock – Native American

 He welcomed the African Americans to this nation as brothers/sisters

because as a First Nations people he had the right to do so
 13 colonies - 13 arrows – each can be broken individually but bundled
together they cannot be broken. On the back of the dollar bill is an eagle
with 13 arrows in its left talon.

Maria Castillo shared the vision she had at church on Sunday. Remember how in
Star Trek when they would land somewhere and to go from the ship the planet or
wherever they were they would stand in this tube that would disintegrate them into
particles that would shoot ahead and then they would get put back together on the
other end. I saw that vision and in that show everything would come back
together. But the Lord was showing me “I’m going to put people and things back
together but not all of it is coming. Like not all of it is invited to come.” There will

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be reconstruction but what’s not needed, it’s like winnowing, and what’s not needed
is not going to make it to the other side.

1. Diane Fowler 32.53

I was just thinking, I was just reflecting, I was just asking and the Lord just laid on
my heart that, and I’m going to start from back, the last thing that He said and
then I’ll start at the front. He said the shift that’s coming, there’s going to be a
shift in our thinking. We have to turn it around, our thinking. And this was meant
by, and I don’t know if He’s talking to me or if there’s a lot of people in the body
here that do have to turn their thinking around, because as He started to think, I’m
thinking ok we are growing to be an apostolic center at Praise and that’s a great
thing. But He said “Praise is going to be the recipient” versus us going out and
starting it. So, He said “I am going to bring honor to Praise for the belief that is
strong for the apostolic. We will be a center to receive and refresh the apostles, to
receive and refresh the apostolic, not to necessarily lead the apostolic going out.
They are going to come to us. Our role is going to be as our vision says People
Restored And Inspired Serving Everywhere. He said “the people are (not us, the
people who are coming here to Praise, kind of like the picture of the Homecoming.)
restored this church and the vision within the church is being restored to its former
self, to its original belief, to its original need.” We are inspired but others are going
to come to us and be our inspiration. They are going to inspire us. Serving, we
will serve those who come. There again, it’s not serving going out, as much as the
Lord says it’s serving to those who are coming in. And everywhere is from
everywhere not to everywhere. So then He said “shift in thinking. Turn it all
around.” Don’t get hung up on we have to go out, and I believe we do, but don’t
get hung up, He says, on needing to go out. Get hung up on bringing it in, being
the apostolic center for those to come to us versus us to go out. Start it here. Now
I’m getting too many words because He just kept talking to me then. And earlier I
was thinking that we have, and I believe this has been spoken a number of times
about the wells that are under us, and there again are under this place. And there
again we so often think that the wells are going to spring up and we’re going, you
know and the water’s going to go. But He said the wells are to refresh those who
come to us. So He just put upon my heart that it’s going to happen here. We don’t
have to “go”. We have to receive those to come. We have to be the apostles that
welcome the people in versus going out.

Discussion: So that’s what He put on my heart. My thinking had been, He said

turn your thinking around. Shift your thinking to internal versus external. We are
going to be an apostolic center for the apostles to come versus the apostolic center
for us to learn to go out. Pay attention to us here and those people out there that

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we have to welcome. LH: I hear the word “hospitality.” We have a gift of

hospitality here in a lot of ways here. A lot of hearts are servant hearts.

DF: And this may not be from the Lord but it’s just something that came to my
heart as He was talking to me about this. The people that are here, I feel strongly
that the members, the body of this church sometimes don’t get excited, I’ve seen it
that nobody is excited about whatever, whatever, and possibly because, and we do
say that everybody has a part and everybody should play their part, but I think
some of us are fearful that our part has to line up with that apostolic center where
we are going to go out and everybody has to go out. And so people and I’m even
one of them, hold back in the excitement of that because we don’t really want to go
out. So there again, shift it. Bring it back here. Get excited for what we can do
here as people come to us or draw the people to us. We all don’t have to go. And
it’s been spoken from the pulpit that we all don’t have to have a mission place. We
all don’t have to go out to another nation. We can do it at our jobs and we can but I
just believe there is so much more that we can turn around and make this place a
better home. That’s what He’s telling me. Turn it around. Inreach instead of

2. Maria Castillo 40.00

I immediately saw a picture of a lot of people shoveling in a field. So many workers

like as far as the eye could see. Shoveling, shoveling to unearth what has been
buried. Shovelers were working in shifts 24/7 as there are layers and layers to be
removed. And in each layer important things will be found. The things that are
unearthed and I don’t know if they are physical things or spiritual things but I heard
this: in and of themselves are not so important. It’s what they reveal that will
matter. And then once they’re discovered and their meaning discerned then they
are to be discarded. And then I wrote heave ho, heave ho.

Discussion: Once it is discerned what they mean then those things are to be
discarded. DF: So it’s not in themselves that is the important part but what they
reveal. So when we know what they reveal we can get rid of it. LH: Here’s why I
fell that it has to be discarded. Because sometimes we can make an altar out of
the relic, an item. God doesn’t want us to hold on to the thing. He wants us to
hold on to the revelation. Otherwise we say oh, well we found this. Isn’t this
awesome? Let’s put it in a glass case in the foyer so everybody can see it. That’s
not what God wants us to do. We get stuck here when He wants us to get moving.
MC: And also, you are making me think too that those things that are discovered
are hateful, let’s say offenses or things that have to be forgiven then you don’t
want to hold on to them. You want to realize the data and ask for repentance or do
what you have to do to make restitution and then it’s out of here. LH: But even

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the revelation of that, the uncovering of that even if it’s a negative is a good thing
but we still don’t want to get stuck there. MC: So it can bring healing. LH: And
let’s move on. Now that we are healed helpers then we don’t need to stay back
there. We don’t need to remember the hurts of the past. Nobody wants to dig up
or carry our old junk around. DF: But it’s interesting that you said that it’s 24/7
and there are workers, so many workers. That’s like, oh Lord, we still have so far
to go in the face of uncovering stuff. MC: But I didn’t hear or see how long the
period is. Maybe it’s a lot of work for a short amount of time. 24/7 and get it

3. Lynnette Wolfe 44.03

I just kept seeing the ground and the sky and the wind and the rain. Anyway so I
see the seed in the ground and the bulb in the ground. We don’t see the bulb or
the seed when it’s in the ground but when the time is right it bursts forth. We don’t
always see what God is doing. Plus the importance of the need for the effects of
the sun and the wind and the rain is God’s hand at work with the elements. And
with the bulb like the daffodil it stays in year after year in the ground and when the
season is right it pushes up. It pushes up and it grows and it flowers. And there
are seasons of the Lord we don’t always see it but it produces in God’s time. And
the Lord just keeps saying to push, push, push through when that season is right.

4. Linda Hart 46.04

I saw a colony of ants. And each one has a job to do. Always moving. Some are
gathering food. Some are building the nest. More chambers are needed. Some
are excavators and they are carving out the dirt. Some are moving the rubble to
the outside. Some are gathering food. Always moving. They form a chain and
hold on to each other so some will walk across them to connect from one place to
another. They are capable of lifting great weight. The ant colony is much larger
than we could imagine. All are working together. They defend the colony as if they
are one being.

Discussion: MC: When you said dirt and colony and earlier you mentioned the 13
original colonies.

5. Delores Eigenmann 47.20

I saw a vision of a lighthouse and I saw the light. God said Praise Tabernacle is a
lighthouse. He said the people are going to run in to it. We are going to minister,
we are going to pray over them and whatever God wants us to do we are there for
them. We are a haven for the people who are coming. We are the lighthouse.

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Discussion: LW: This is similar to what we heard at AGLOW and what God’s doing
in the lighthouse and harbor, safe harbor. Even at Homecoming they kept talking
about the meaning of Egg Harbor. They were talking about the harbor as a place of
safety. LH: I had while we were at the conference when it started. Seaview
Country Club is across the marshes from Atlantic City. I see the vibrations of
worship and words released rippling and skipping across the marshes and water
over Atlantic City to the ocean. But it doesn’t only go east but also up and down
the coast. Starting where the sun rises in the east. Illuminating not only the skies
but also creation. It’s a wake up. Not a wake-up call but a wake-up movement.
It’s an awakening - just as the created wakes in the morning. Not just people. But
it starts with the wind and the waves and things in the sea and in and on the
beach. Wave upon wave of awakening. From the largest to the smallest. From the
most advanced creation – mankind - to the smallest of insects and single celled
creation. Its coming – creeping – peeking – changing - growing awake – growing
stronger. Moving in the rhythm of life.

6. Sister Byrd 49.38

Psalm 7 King James Version (KJV)

7 O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that
persecute me, and deliver me:
Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to
O LORD my God, If I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands;
If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (yea, I have
delivered him that without cause is mine enemy:)
Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my
life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah.
Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, lift up thyself because of the rage of mine
enemies: and awake for me to the judgment that thou hast commanded.
So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about: for their sakes
therefore return thou on high.
The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my
righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me.
Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just:
for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins.

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My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart.
God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.
If he turn not, he will whet his sword; he hath bent his bow, and made it
He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death; he ordaineth his
arrows against the persecutors.
Behold, he travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and
brought forth falsehood.
He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.
His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall
come down upon his own pate.
I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to
the name of the LORD most high.

Discussion: DF: I found it interesting when we were at the conference I got a

vision, word, that when they were talking about New York the Lord showed me the
upper colonies and they were talking about New Hampshire a lot. It wasn’t good
stuff that they were talking about with New Hampshire of all the states. LW: I
thought they said to the effect that there were never any battles on that land. Is
that true? Is that what he said? DF: I don’t know but maybe they didn’t
participate, maybe they were isolated or something. But the Lord showed me that
in New York State was being held back from the lower 13 colonies, from coming
through New Jersey and going south because of New York City. NYC is like a
barrier city to allow the upper colonies to join with the lower colonies. And it was
NYC that He was showing me they are holding them back. NYC is the hand and all
the other states around it rest on NYC because they can’t get through it. But then
what was interesting, and I said ok NYC has so much media, the media mountain,
but not in a good sense with their lifestyle and their glitz and their everything, even
Broadway and the plays. Lynette, didn’t you say there was going to be something
in NYC? LW: Yes, on May 4th pro-life. DF: It just blew me away. It’s going to be
pro-life and it’s going to be big. LW: They are putting up on marquis, the
billboards in Times Square the great big signs; they are putting up a 4-D image of a
baby in the womb so that everyone can see. And the 4-D is even more fine-tuned
of what you can see of this baby. It’s just trying to bring the visual reality to the
people there. It is sponsored by Focus on the Family and it coincides with the
National Day of Prayer. DF: So what it represented to me was like it turned into a
cradle. It was so good to hear that that goodness was going to be displayed in

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NYC. Every single picture depicts something for those people who are non-pro-life
or those who are on the fence. Because then it can be free up. The city itself can
be free, hopefully. Allow the unity to flow. Allow the rest of the state to become
good. MC: There are so many people in NYC waiting for someone to be brave
enough to say it and then get on the bandwagon because it’s scary to go against
the liberal agenda. It really is. They can be very mean. But there must be a big
remnant of Christians living in NYC just waiting for someone to start it. LW: They
have Time Square Church and Hillsong Church and they are definitely doing a good
work for the Lord there. LH: A lot of the people who work in NYC live in NJ in
places like Hackensack and Teaneck and Newark which are bedroom communities
to NYC. Jonathan Cahn is in Wayne which is right outside there also. In some of
the notes I have it says moving into a 10 year war ahead. See it clearly now.
There’s a great war in the prophetic ahead. The original colonies are My battlefield
for America. It’s becoming a battlefield and I’m sending down the big guns. 12
key battles in the Word of God and 12 key battles in the 13 colonies. He didn’t
elaborate what the 12 key battles were in God’s Word. So get ready now its
initiated war. We are the battlefield and we are the lightning rod headed into a
glory conflict. Giants begin to fall. Land must be plowed and there must be an
exchange of blood. Authority in high places. The blood cries out. One of the
things God is doing is partnering the apostolic and the prophetic together. It’s
almost as if they are a team, not separable. So the apostolic and the prophetic
speak to each other. The prophetic may give the word and the apostolic may
execute it. MC: What if we don’t feel the call for the apostolic? DF: That’s what
the Lord was saying to me. We don’t all have the apostolic call but yet the works
we can do are apostolic in nature. We are not all going to hold hands and march
forward. LH: I think what you said is like super key because not everybody is
prepared to go out. Maybe that’s why we have such a hard time getting people to
do evangelistic events. DF: That’s what He was giving me. It wasn’t my thought
when He started all this. And I’m thinking oh my God it’s so true because our
church does hold back. But some of us are supposed to hold back. LH: Maybe
because it says “serving everywhere” we assume everywhere means somewhere
else. But “everywhere” is wherever you are. The key is “serving”. We are
“restored” and we are “serving “. DF: He said “from everywhere”. Those who
come everywhere from everywhere. LH: When you think about it, that
Homecoming Gathering in December was unbelievable off the charts. MC: I didn’t
even know what I was going to, none of us did. LW: We had a taste last year for
those of us who went last year but not that many people went. DF: But it was still
different. There was so much more this year. MC: I went but I was tired because
I worked all week. I didn’t even know what I was going to. And then it took me
like a week to just process all. I just wanted to think about it. What just
happened? LH: I think there was a shift in the heavenlies like fireworks went up

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we don’t really know what happened. You don’t know where all that stuff is falling.
But it cracked open so many different levels between people groups and our
awakening, our enlightening, our knowledge, and just the experience of being in
the room. When they were playing the drums, oh my goodness, wow! DF: And
they had those poles. LH: And a couple times I went up in the balcony and I was
looking down. Now here are people who don’t know each other but they are all
moving like one. When they had the silk flags and it was graceful, it was beautiful
and it was a blend of people from all over the world. One lady when I said where
she is from said California. Oh, well how come you are here? I don’t know. The
Lord told me to come. Literally that is what she said. She got on a plane and she
came here and the next day she went home. DF: I think there was a lot of
shifting. I hope a lot of people saw it in their hearts. MC: And speaking of hearts.
When they handed out the heart pillows it was so sweet. It took me a little out of
my comfort zone to get a pillow and march around the room but they were so
sincere. LH: I think I mentioned that when we were at the meeting afterwards
Papa Fred said one of the women said to him that our facility, our sanctuary is like
a womb. Think on that for a while. It’s a place of conception. It’s a place of
growth. A place of nurturing. MC: Where’s the birth canal? LH: The front doors
and foyer. DF: The water flowing out. LH: We have had words about the tsunami
coming through the doors and going back out. DE: Water does come when you
give birth.


- A shift is coming in our thinking. As an apostolic center we are the hub and
people will be coming to us, not us going out.

- As we dig deeper we will find revelation through the items that are buried.

- Be encouraged that God is always working even though we may not see it yet. It
is in His timing that it becomes evident.

- Everyone is important and has a part in God’s kingdom. Together we can do what
we cannot do alone.

- Praise Tabernacle is a haven for the people who are coming.

- God alone is our righteous judge.

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