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Williamson 1

Crissie Williamson

English 1201.503

Professor Dunham

17 January 2019

Safety of Vaccinations

I have always been interested in the topic of vaccinations and their safety. However, with the

birth of my son Caleb, I became even more interested. My son Caleb was born with Cystic

Fibrosis. This is a chronic condition and causes him to have compromised immunity. I have had

all my kids, including Caleb vaccinated, without any complications. It is very concerning to me

that parents not only put their own children at risk when not vaccinating, but also children like

Caleb at risk as well. I have noticed the trend of non vaccinating parents, and it has me very

concerned. I have heard parents mention that immunizations cause Autism and this seems to be

the reason for the new trend.

I am very interested to start my research on this topic, and gain knowledge so I can accurately

argue my stance with friends and family members. Before I begin my research I believe

vaccinations are safe for most children. I do believe in certain cases some children are too high

risk for such immunizations and I can understand not vaccinating for this reason. I believe my

research will prove how many diseases are nonexistent today because of these vaccinations. I

also believe there is not enough information to back up the claim that these vaccinations cause

children to become Autistic. I know that Polio caused millions of deaths in the 40s and 50s. I

know that Polio today is almost nonexistent. I also know a few years ago Jenny McCarthy
Williamson 2

seemed to have the research to back up the claim of vaccinations being the cause of Autism. I do

remember all of this information was also found to be untrue.

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