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Shamir et al JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013

104. Catherine NLA, Ko JJ, Barr RG. Getting the word out: advice on disorders often are extensively investigated and treated with
crying and colic in popular parenting magazines. J Dev Behav Pediatr multiple dietary changes and use of medications of uncertain
2008;29:508–11. benefit. Other FGIDs, which occur in the first 24 months of life,
105. Headley J, Northstone K. Medication administered to children from include infantile dyschezia, rumination syndrome, functional diar-
0 to 7.5 years in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children rhea, cyclic vomiting syndrome, and functional constipation. The
(ALSPAC). Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2007;63:189–95. prevalence of these conditions seems to be similar in different
106. Perry R, Hunt K, Ernst E. Nutritional supplements and other com-
countries characterized by diverse socioeconomic factors, health
plementary medicines for infantile colic: a systematic review. Pedia-
trics 2011;127:720–33. care structure, and dietary habits. This article represents an over-
107. Aviner S, Berkovitch M, Dalkian H, et al. Use of a homeopathic view of some of the main FGIDs in infancy (Table 1). Infant colic is
preparation for ‘‘infantile colic’’ and an apparent life-threatening extensively discussed in this supplement; cyclic vomiting syndrome
event. Pediatrics 2010;125:e318–23. and functional constipation are more common in older children and
108. Rogovik AL, Goldman RD. Treating infants’ colic. Can Fam Physi- do not have any peculiar characteristic when presenting earlier in
cian 2005;51:1209–11. life and are not addressed.
109. Landgren K, Kvorning N, Hallstrom I. Feeding, stooling and sleeping The common factor in all of the FGIDs of infancy, much like
patterns in infants with colic—a randomized controlled trial of mini- in other FGIDs in older children, is the lack of a biological marker.
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mal acupuncture. BMC Complement Altern Med 2011;11:93. Thus, as in the field of psychiatry, another discipline with rare
110. Olafsdottir E, Forshei S, Fluge G, et al. Randomised controlled trial of
demonstrable abnormal findings on diagnostic laboratory or radio-
infantile colic treated with chiropractic spinal manipulation. Arch Dis
Child 2001;84:138–41. logic testing, pediatricians and subspecialists rely on clusters of
111. Underdown A, Barlow J, Stewart-Brown S. Tactile stimulation in symptoms to make a positive diagnosis. The Rome symptoms-
physically healthy infants: results of a systematic review. J Reprod based criteria for FGID were published to facilitate diagnosis of
Infant Psychol 2010;28:11–29. such disorders and avoid extensive, usually fruitless, testing.
112. Barr RG, Barr M, Fujiwara T, et al. Do educational materials change Initially developed for adult conditions only, the Rome criteria
knowledge and behaviour about crying and shaken baby syndrome? A have been adapted to children and have become widely used in
randomized controlled trial. CMAJ 2009;180:727–33. pediatrics. One of the Rome III committees specifically addressed
113. Cassidy J, Woodhouse SS, Sherman LJ, et al. Enhancing infant FGIDs in the infant and toddler periods (1). Such criteria, initially
attachment security: an examination of treatment efficacy and differ- based mostly on expert opinion, have undergone several iterations
ential susceptibility. Dev Psychopathol 2011;23:131–48.
in an attempt to become more evidence based.

Infant regurgitation often is considered responsible for
Other Functional Gastrointestinal multiple GI and extraintestinal symptoms. The evidence disputes
some of these beliefs, and it has been suggested that there has been
Disorders in Infants and an overtreatment of what should actually be considered a normal
Young Children physiologic event (2). In young infants, daily regurgitation is
within the range of expected behaviors, and the great majority of
regurgitating infants are thriving and do not develop any disease.
Carlo Di Lorenzo Infant regurgitation seems to peak at 4 to 6 months and decreases
in frequency during the second semester of life (3). At 1 year of
age, <10% of infants still exhibit daily regurgitation. Despite the

F unctional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are conditions

defined by clusters of symptoms related to a disorder in
function at the level of the GI tract and/or in the central processing
high prevalence of this symptom and the overall well-being of
affected infants, almost 25% of the parents are concerned enough
to seek medical advice because they are worried about the severity
of information originating from the GI tract. Although FGIDs are of the regurgitation (4). Exclusively breast-fed infants seem to
common in adults and children, they are often considered by the lay regurgitate less than partially breast-fed babies (5). The forceful-
public and by many medical providers to be rare in infants and ness of regurgitation or its outflow through the mouth or nares
toddlers. Indeed, conditions that would readily be accepted as carries little diagnostic relevance. Alarm signs that should trigger
benign in older children, such as constipation or regurgitation, an evaluation for gastroesophageal reflux (GER) disease include
often prompt extensive workup by concerned physicians and failure to thrive, food refusal, swallowing difficulties, hematem-
anxious parents. Among the most common FGIDs in the first esis, apnea, and recurrent pneumonia. Bilious emesis and delayed
few months of life are infant regurgitation and infantile colic, neurodevelopmental progress necessitate prompt referral for more
2 conditions that are usually time limited and resolve or improve in-depth testing. Regurgitation persisting past the first year of life
by 6 to 8 months of age. Despite their favorable prognosis, such justifies the use of imaging studies to exclude an anatomical
abnormality, such as a malrotation or a gastric outlet obstruction.
From the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and In 2009, the North American and the European Societies for
Nutrition, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Ohio State University, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition jointly
Columbus. published practice guidelines that discuss evidence for when to
Correspondence to Carlo Di Lorenzo, MD, Division of Pediatric evaluate and treat an infant with regurgitation and suspected GER
Gastroenterology, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Dr, (6). The guidelines expressly stated that GER ‘‘is not a common
Columbus, OH 43205 (e-mail: carlo.dilorenzo@nationwidechildrens.
cause of unexplained crying, irritability, or distressed behavior in
The author reports no conflicts of interest. otherwise healthy infants.’’ Treatment directed at gastric acid
Copyright # 2013 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, suppression exerts little effect on infantile regurgitation and may
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric be associated with adverse effects (7). Thickening the formulas
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition with cereals or using ‘‘antiregurgitant’’ formulas decrease over-
DOI: 10.1097/01.mpg.0000441933.15093.c3 regurgitation (8,9).


Copyright 2013 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013 Infant Crying, Colic, and GI Discomfort in Early Childhood

TABLE 1. FGIDs of infants and toddlers

Disorder Prevalence Pathophysiology Treatment Outcome

Infant regurgitation 24% of 4- to 6-mo-old High-volume liquid feedings, Education, smaller feedings, Resolves in 90% by
infants regurgitate immaturity of gut motility, feeding thickening 12 mo of age
4 times/day infant positioning
Infant rumination Uncommon (decreasing?) Emotional and sensory deprivation Behavioral interventions, Unknown
improved nurturing, jejunal
tube feedings
Infant dyschezia Common Uncoordinated defecation dynamics Education and reassurance, Resolves in most cases
avoidance of anal stimulations by 6–7 mo of age
Functional diarrhea Common Dietary and motility abnormalities; Education, dietary changes Usually resolves by
increased mucosal secretion? 4 y of age

Infant colics are described elsewhere and cyclic vomiting and functional constipation are similar in younger and older children. FGIDs ¼ functional
gastrointestinal disorders.

INFANT RUMINATION intervention every time the grunt reoccurs. Failure to coordinate
Infant rumination has been defined as a disorder that must increased intraabdominal pressure with relaxation of the pelvic
include all of the following aspects: repetitive contractions of the floor is thought to be the underlying pathophysiological mechanism
abdominal muscles, diaphragm, and tongue; regurgitation of gastric in infant dyschezia. The simultaneous contractions of abdominal
content into the mouth, which is either expectorated or rechewed and gluteal muscles are not conducive to successful passage of
and reswallowed; onset between 3 and 8 months; does not respond stools and some infants struggle in acquiring the necessary beha-
to treatment of GER or formula changes; is not associated with signs vioral skills needed for a pleasant defecation. Unlike infant colic,
of distress; and does not occur during sleep or when the infant is the distress occurs only during the act of defecation. The symptoms
interacting with individuals in the environment (1). It is unclear how begin in the first months of life and resolve spontaneously after a
common this condition is, but it has received little attention in the few weeks, once the infant has mastered more effective defecation
past 2 decades in the medical literature. It is probably most common dynamics. The clinician must provide effective reassurance to the
in infants with severe neurodevelopmental delay. The most com- parents that there is no disease and no testing or treatment is
prehensive review of the topic is attributed to Fleisher, who in 1994 necessary. Reassurance includes listening to the parents’ worries,
discussed the difference among ‘‘innocent vomiting’’ (an entity performing a thorough physical examination (including anal inspec-
which is probably akin to infant regurgitation), ‘‘nervous vomit- tion), providing a plausible explanation for the symptom, and
ing,’’ and infant rumination syndrome (10). Nervous vomiting was expressing an expectation for spontaneous recovery. Repeated anal
thought to accompany other symptoms of impaired maternal–infant stimulation is discouraged so as not to delay the infant’s learning the
reciprocity and often associated with failure to thrive. Fleisher correct defecation process.
described infant rumination as an acquired skill used by an emotion-
ally deprived infant for the purpose of self-stimulation and needs
satisfaction. According to Fleisher and in line with initial reports in FUNCTIONAL DIARRHEA
the medical literature (11,12), this condition was often lethal, unless Functional diarrhea (commonly also known as toddlers’
improved mothering and increased environmental stimulation was diarrhea or chronic nonspecific diarrhea) is defined by the daily
provided. It is likely that the condition described as infant rumina- painless passage of 3 large, unformed stools for 4 weeks with
tion syndrome in the Rome criteria includes both Fleisher’s nervous onset between 6 and 36 months of age (1). The stooling occurs
vomiting and rumination syndrome. Behavioral therapy with use of during waking hours and there is no failure to thrive if the diet has
aversive techniques and positive reinforcement has been shown to adequate calories (15). Parents often become concerned that their
be an effective treatment for rumination syndrome (12,13). Once child may have malabsorption when they find in the stools mucous
the nutritional deficiencies are corrected and the ruminant behavior or easily identifiable pieces of undigested food (usually vegetable
has improved, it usually does not recur (14). matter) eaten just a few hours earlier. Although the frequency of the
defecations may increase and the stools may become looser, the
child does not seem to be in pain, and the condition resolves
INFANT DYSCHEZIA spontaneously by school age. A dietary history often uncovers
Infant dyschezia is a condition that despite being extremely overfeeding, excessive carbohydrate ingestion (especially fruit
common had received little or no attention in the medical literature juice and sorbitol), and low fat intake. In the absence of failure
until the Rome Committee attempted to define it based on charac- to thrive, malabsorption is unlikely. Pathophysiology has been
teristic symptoms (1). It also is known as ‘‘grunting baby syn- thought to involve abnormalities in the control of postprandial
drome,’’ based on the behavior of the infant, who seems to struggle motility, increased activities of (Naþ-Kþ)-adenosine triphosphatase
to have a bowel movement. Parents describe otherwise healthy and percentage of activation and basal activity of adenylate cyclase,
infants with dyschezia as straining for several minutes, often crying, and bile salt malabsorption (16–18). Behavioral problems relating
and turning red or purple in the face with effort. The symptoms to sleep, crying and irritability, activity, and discipline also were
persist until there is passage of soft or liquid stool. Often well- found to be significantly more frequent or severe in a group of
meaning parents try to alleviate the child’s perceived pain by children with chronic nonspecific diarrhea (19). Therapeutic inter-
stimulating the anus with a suppository or a thermometer, an act ventions for functional diarrhea should focus on increasing dietary
that usually leads to stooling and resolution of the distressed fiber and fat intake and avoid excessively restrictive diets that may
behavior. This ‘‘success’’ then leads the parents to replicate the cause calorie deprivation. S37

Copyright 2013 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Shamir et al JPGN  Volume 57, Supplement 1, December 2013

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Correspondence to Ralf G. Heine, MD, Department of Gastroenterology &
Young Children Clinical Nutrition, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville
3052, Victoria, Australia (e-mail:
The author reports no conflicts of interest.
Ralf G. Heine Copyright # 2013 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric

I nfants and young children may present with a diverse range of

gastrointestinal (GI) allergies and intolerances that are triggered
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1097/


Copyright 2013 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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