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Please complete one form for each goal and objectives and submit to your faculty advisor and site
supervisor for discussion and approval.

Date: 01/28/2019

Name: Sarah Fetzer

Site: Central Piedmont Community College/Online
Site Supervisor: Mark Coltrain

Goal: I will become proficient in providing online reference chat service in an academic

Objectives to meet goal:

• I will gain access to LibChat and receive a brief training in the program by January 16th.
• I will read stored chat transcripts to understand how chat service is provided at CPCC by
January 31st.
• I will provide chat service every other week from 7-9pm on Sundays and during other
multiple daytime hours during the week from January 28th, 2019 until May 12th, 2019.

Number of hours planned for completion: 65 hours

Resources needed and how to obtain (use NA if not applicable):

• Access to Springshare’s LibChat application, gained through my site supervisor

Evaluation of completion/measurement(s) of success:

Date completed: Final number of hours:

Supervisor’s signature:


Please complete one form for each goal and objectives and submit to your faculty advisor and site
supervisor for discussion and approval.

Date: 01/28/2019

Name: Sarah Fetzer

Site: Central Piedmont Community College/Online
Site Supervisor: Mark Coltrain

Goal: I will gain the skills necessary to plan and conduct a webinar about research skills for
students at an academic institution.

Objectives to meet goal:

• I will observe a webinar planned and held by my site supervisor, Mark Coltrain, on January
29th, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
• I will complete a learning tutorial on about hosting a webinar by February 15 th.
• I will complete a learning tutorial on WebEx about hosting a webinar by February 15 th.
• I will plan and hold webinar for students in my embedded courses by March 31st.

Number of hours planned for completion: 8 hours

Resources needed and how to obtain (use NA if not applicable):

• Access to, provided through CPCC

Evaluation of completion/measurement(s) of success:

Date completed: Final number of hours:

Supervisor’s signature:


Please complete one form for each goal and objectives and submit to your faculty advisor and site
supervisor for discussion and approval.

Date: 01/28/2019

Name: Sarah Fetzer

Site: Central Piedmont Community College/Online
Site Supervisor: Mark Coltrain

Goal: I will improve my skills with the suite of Springshare products commonly used in

Objectives to meet goal:

• I will receive a short training about providing reference chat services through the
LibAnswers application by January 22nd.
• I will use the LibAnswers FAQ function to create FAQs about common assignments to
assist desk staff with helping students by March 31 st.
• I will set up my availability in the LibCal application in order to allow students to set one
on one appointments with me by January 31 st.
• I will create a subscription in my calendar through the LibStaffer application to keep track
of my scheduled chat hours by January 22nd.

Number of hours planned for completion: 8 hours

Resources needed and how to obtain (use NA if not applicable):

• Access to Springshare products, provided by CPCC

Evaluation of completion/measurement(s) of success:

Date completed: Final number of hours:

Supervisor’s signature:


Please complete one form for each goal and objectives and submit to your faculty advisor and site
supervisor for discussion and approval.

Date: 01/28/2019

Name: Sarah Fetzer

Site: Central Piedmont Community College/Online
Site Supervisor: Mark Coltrain

Goal: I will successfully serve as an embedded librarian in several online courses at CPCC
both for the entire semester and for the second eight-week short session.

Objectives to meet goal:

• I will receive training on the Blackboard LMS given by Mark Coltrain by January 16 th.
• I will shadow Mark Coltrain and Laura Mansfield in their embedded courses to better
understand the process and responsibilities of embedded librarianship for the initial four to
six weeks of the semester.
• I will serve as an embedded librarian for two ENG111 courses for the entire semester
ending May 12th.
• I will serve as an embedded librarian in additional courses for the second short session
between March 17th and May 12th.
• I will offer one on one appointments for students in person, over the phone, through email,
or on WebEx between January 28, 2019 and May 12, 2019.

Number of hours planned for completion: 80 hours

Resources needed and how to obtain (use NA if not applicable):

• Access to the Blackboard LMS, provided by CPCC.

Evaluation of completion/measurement(s) of success:

Date completed: Final number of hours:

Supervisor’s signature:


Please complete one form for each goal and objectives and submit to your faculty advisor and site
supervisor for discussion and approval.

Date: 01/28/2019

Name: Sarah Fetzer

Site: Central Piedmont Community College/Online
Site Supervisor: Mark Coltrain

Goal: I will improve my confidence in acting as an information authority to students at an

academic institution.

Objectives to meet goal:

• I will practice serving as an authority in student interactions by offering one on one
appointments to assist students with research and citations through WebEx, phone, email, or
in person between January 28, 2019 and May 12, 2019.
• I will serve as an embedded librarian for two ENG111 courses for the entire semester
ending May 12th; I will serve as an embedded librarian in additional courses for the second
short session between March 17th and May 12th.
• I will host a live webinar over WebEx for students struggling with the research process by
March 31st.
• I will provide reference chat services for students through LibChat between January 28,
2019 and May 12, 2019.

Number of hours planned for completion: 120 hours

Resources needed and how to obtain (use NA if not applicable):

• Access to Springshare products, provided by CPCC
• Access to the Blackboard LMS, provided by CPCC
• Access to WebEx, provided by CPCC

Evaluation of completion/measurement(s) of success:

Date completed: Final number of hours:

Supervisor’s signature:

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