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Alexa Goerlach

Journal November 16th- December 15th

November 16th- My first day not training.

Today literally felt like the new kid in school all over again. I walked in, clocked in and yes I was
intimidated. New leaders, new coordinators, new coworkers, I didn’t know what to really expect. I
walked on the floor and I was instantly overwhelmed. The store was packed and it was only 12 in the
afternoon. I got on register and I was just like to myself okay you can do this. My first couple guest went
by and I thought to myself this isn’t too bad. There was a lot to remember because I learned a lot in
training but all the knowledge was defiantly put to the test on the first day. From home shipping to
resort shipping to just the flow of what it is like to be a merchandise worker. The day flew by before I
knew it. I made quick friends and easy conversations with both the leaders and coordinators so I felt

November 17th-19th

On November 18th I took on my first floor stock shift. This meant I was the person in control of the
section I was placed in. I don’t know if it was because I was knew or just to get my feet wet but I was
placed in spider, which was Christmas. Christmas merchandise obviously is all guest want at the
moment, which means it was crazy and needed a lot of attention. From running all over to help guest
finds there sizes, find their right shirt, find their ornaments; to keeping everything stocked and
organized, I was exhausted. Floor stocking gave me a whole knew appreciation for those who work in
the merchandise industry because you never get a chance to breathe, you’re just constantly on the
move. Guest come in and want and need and they will never understand what goes on behind the
scenes. What I thought was really cool is that if you are floor stocking there comes a time in your shift
that you have a floor meeting. This meeting goes over the revenue and the guest count and helps keep
you in the loop of what’s going on in between all the chaos. The meeting ends with a positive group talk
about how we as floor stock are doing which was awesome.

November 20th-22nd

As the days went on I didn’t feel so new anymore. The tasks became easier, people even asked me for
help or relied on me to make sure things got done. Thanksgiving was here and nothing in me wanted to
go to work. It was beyond weird to not be spending the holiday with my family. Usually if I was to work, I
would go home and spend the rest of the night eating with my family. Janelle and her family came to
Disney for thanksgiving and I planned to visit them but unfortunately I got called into work early because
we were so busy. I sat in the basement and folded shirts for three extra hours and yes I was sad. After
my shift, I got home I called my family and they asked what I had for dinner…. I said oatmeal and legit
cried. Totally home sick.

November 23rd

Luckily I made the greatest of friends here, we had Friendsgiving the day after. It was the only day we all
either had off or only worked in the morning which made me feel better.

November 24th- 27th

Another busy week ahead of me, working over 40 hours in my new location. This week there just so
happened to be a basketball tournament so we were intended to be extremely busy. Guest are very
challenging to deal with. Especially younger guest. They run all over the store, putting things anywhere
they want. These basketball kids were a challenge unlike no other. They would interrupt you as you
were talking to another guest, but you can’t just ignore them but you also can’t be rude to the guest you
are currently with. Huge test for my patience but I did it and I was proud of myself.

November 28th-30th

Truly the most humbling experience in my life. I had just gotten to my register when a guest approached
me almost in tears. I looked at her and just asked if she was okay. She began to tell me how her and her
family had just gotten to the park when her daughters shoe had broken. Normally, it’s easy to find a new
pair of shoes for a child but her child suffered from muscular foot issue where she could only wear a
certain shoe and there was just no way she could go back to their hotel without the other children being
upset they had to leave so I made it my goal to work with this child and find her something that would
work. We went through every pair of shoes both boys and girls tile we finally found a pair that worked
but the issue wasn’t done yet. The child now needed socks but the socks needed to be seamless. We
tried on socks after socks tile she was comfortable in a pair, once we found that pair of socks, I then cut
the seems out of them. I called my leaders and explain what the situation was and we were able to give
the family and that child the socks and shoes for free instead of spending over 80 dollars because that’s
Disney’s prices for you. The mother hugged me and cried for all my help. I got back to my register and I
was with that family for 45 mins. Next thing I know my leaders all came over to me and gave me a four
keys card for going above and beyond for that guest but to me it was not about being recognized but to
help them have the day they came to Epcot to have. That easily made my whole day and I could do
nothing but smile and be thankful.

December 1st-3rd

Because of my recent experience with guest my leaders now trusted me and saw what I can do. I was
given a guest engagement shift which most new hires don’t get for a while. Guest engagement is simply
walking around the store with iPad to help any guest at any time find what they need in the store and if
we don’t have it find it at another store for them. Being given this responsibility was amazing. I had a
great shift, interacting with so many people and not only helping them find merchandise but also getting
to hear their stories (my favorite part).

December 4th-7th

My first expeditor shift. Oh I was scared. This meant everything from the basement that was sent up to
be put on the floor, I had to separate and send out. Yes, I know the store but its constantly being
changed because the leaders say it always needs to be change or the floor would flow better this was. I
had some coworkers get mad at me for putting things in the wrong spots but I was just confused and
overwhelmed. Luckily I had someone else come in after me who was able to help and understand why
this spot was hard for me and got me through it.

December 8th-11th

Just a cool story. So I was on register when a two women approached me asking if we had any more of
the holiday train sets. I said if we did they would be in the back of the store but let me walk you there.
We didn’t have any on the floor so I went into the stock and sure enough it was there. As I was walking
back to them with the train I noticed that there was two men as well as a child with them, all filled with
smiles because of this train. They began to tell me it was for Santa, the Santa that works in epoch. All’s I
could think about was how cool, I just sold the train for the Christmas scene we have at the park. BUT
little did I realize that the youngest guest played Jackson in fuller house AHAHAH.

December 12th-15th

Time is sure flying by. There is no more excuse of being knew, or not knowing where something is. This
job has been extremely stressful but very rewarding at times. When checking out a guest you are to ask
if they have any discounts with us, this guest was just purchasing two sodas but I asked anyway. It just
so happened he was a cast member! So the normal question back is “where do you make magic”, he
responded with ESPN. I was all like ESPN the restraint or like ESPN ESPN??? He responded with LIKE
ESPN EPSN and I was like OMG that’s amazing, he was confused and proceed with why so cool? I told
him my story and how I am going to school for sports management and how that would be a legit
dream. I left that transaction with his email and a new connection with trying to get a win, in a HUGE
business. I was so happy and I am still. We have been emailing and I’m hoping to make an impression so
that I can get an opportunity no matter how small.

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