StreamNet Lookup Codes

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StreamNet Lookup Codes as of 6/9/2009 7:56:31 AM

Abund Table
Fields: Abund, Meaning
1 = Outstanding
2 = Substantial
3 = Moderate
4 = Limited
5 = Unknown
6 = High
7 = Low
8 = Moderate
9 = Unknown
98 = N/A

Agency Table
Fields: AgencyID, Agency
0 = Unassigned
1 = Alaska Department of Fish and Game
2 = Bonneville Power Administration
3 = Pacific Salmon Commission
4 = Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program
5 = Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
6 = Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation
7 = Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
8 = Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon
9 = Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee
10 = Idaho Department of Fish and Game
11 = International North Pacific Fisheries Commission
12 = National Marine Fisheries Service
13 = Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho
14 = Northwest Power Planning Council
15 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
16 = Oregon State College
17 = Oregon State Game Commission
18 = Portland General Electric
19 = S.P. Cramer & Associates
20 = Shosone-Bannock Tribes Fisheries Department
21 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
22 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
23 = U.S. Forest Service
24 = Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
25 = Washington Department of Fisheries
26 = Washington Department of Game
27 = Washington Department of Wildlife
28 = Bureau of Indian Affairs
29 = Oregon Fish Commission
30 = Oregon State University
31 = Oregon Wildlife Commission
32 = University of Idaho
33 = University of Washington
34 = Pacific Northwest Regional Commission
35 = Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission
36 = California Department of Fish and Game
37 = Not specified
38 = Other
39 = Fish Commission of Oregon
40 = Pacific Fishery Management Council
41 = Chelan County PUD
43 = Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority
44 = Mobrand Biometrics, Inc.
46 = Battelle - Pacific Northwest Laboratory
47 = National Biological Service
48 = Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
49 = Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
50 = Spokane Tribal Fish and Wildlife Center
51 = Eastern Washington University
52 = Biotech Research and Consulting, Inc.
53 = Resources for the Future
55 = Oregon Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
56 = Bureau of Land Management
57 = Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Indians
58 = James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc.
59 = Don Chapman Consultants, Inc.
60 = Bureau of Reclamation
61 = Central Washington University
62 = Washington State University
63 = Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
64 = Fish Passage Center
65 = American Fisheries Society
66 = Buell and Associates, Inc.
67 = Envirosphere Company
68 = Argonne National Laboratory
69 = Ott Water Engineers, Inc.
70 = BioSonics, Inc.
71 = Water Budget Center
72 = Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
73 = Clearwater Biostudies, Inc.
74 = Northwest Water Resources Advisory Services
75 = Spokane Tribe of Indians
76 = IEC Beak Consultants Ltd.
77 = Oak Ridge National Laboratory
78 = Clatsop Economic Development Committee
79 = Seafood Laboratory
80 = Columbia River Basin Tribes
81 = Fish Management Consultants
82 = General Research Corporation
83 = Enhancement Planning Team
84 = Genetic Resource Consultants
85 = Environmental and Social Systems Analysts Ltd.
86 = Beak Consultants Incorporated
87 = Harza and Associates
88 = Oregon Department of Energy
89 = Montgomery Watson
90 = Colville Confederated Tribes
91 = ICF Resources Incorporated
92 = University of Colorado
93 = BioAnalysts, Inc.
94 = U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
95 = National Park Service
96 = Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission
97 = Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada
98 = N/A
99 = Puget Sound Treaty Indian Tribes
100 = Humboldt State College
101 = Point No Point Treaty Council
102 = Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, B.C.
103 = Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
104 = Kalispell Natural Resource Department
105 = Oregon Health Sciences University
106 = Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
107 = Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
108 = LGL Limited
109 = United States Fish Commission
110 = U.S. Geological Survey
112 = Chehalis Tribe
113 = Colville Tribe
114 = Elwha Tribe
115 = Hoh Tribe
116 = Lummi Tribe
117 = Makah Tribe
118 = Muckleshoot Tribe
119 = Nisqually Tribe
120 = Nooksack Tribe
121 = Port Gamble Tribe
122 = Quileute Tribe
123 = Quinault Tribe
124 = Shoalwater Bay Tribe
125 = Skokomish Tribe
126 = Spokane Tribe
127 = Squaxin Tribe
128 = Stillaguamish Tribe
129 = Suquamish Tribe
130 = Unspecified Tribe
131 = Tulalip Tribe
132 = Upper Skagit Tribe
134 = Yakama Indian Nation
135 = The Nature Conservancy
136 = Idaho Natural Heritage Program
137 = Idaho Department of Fish and Game Conservation Data Center
138 = Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation
139 = Albertson College of Idaho
140 = University of Wyoming
141 = White Horse Associates, Smithfield, UT
142 = Puyallup Tribe
200 = Anonymous private landowner
210 = National Audubon Society
314 = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
323 = Federal Emergency Management Agency
464 = National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
467 = Natural Resources Conservation Service (U.S. Dept. of Interior)
635 = Trout Unlimited
1201 = Idaho Division of Environmental Quality
1202 = Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
1203 = Washington Department of Ecology
8000 = Blackfoot Challenge
8001 = Bighole River Foundation
8002 = Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation
8003 = Montana Department of Transportation
8004 = Walleyes Unlimited
8005 = Mission Valley Conservation Foundation, Inc.
8006 = Montana Department of Environmental Quality
8007 = Montana Power Company
8008 = Plum Creek Timber Company
8009 = Flathead Basin Commission
8010 = American Forest Foundation
8011 = Hydrotech Water Resource Consultants
8012 = Drake and Associates
8013 = Montana Land Reliance
8014 = Joseph Urbani & Associates
8015 = Western Montana Bassmasters
8016 = University of Montana
8017 = Montana Conservation Corps
8018 = Yellowstone Pipeline Co.
8019 = AVISTA
8020 = Fish and Wildlife Foundation
8021 = Bozeman Watershed Council
8022 = Missoula Conservation District
8023 = Flathead Conservation District
8024 = Beaverhead Conservation District
8025 = Elk Creek Watershed Council
8026 = Mineral County Conservation District
8027 = Kootenai National Forest
8028 = Flathead National Forest
8029 = Lolo National Forest
8030 = Bitterroot National Forest
8031 = Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest
8032 = Helena National Forest
8033 = Lewis and Clark National Forest
8034 = Gallatin National Forest
8035 = Custer National Forest
8036 = Stillwater Conservation District
8037 = Carbon Conservation District
8038 = Teton County Conservation District
8039 = Pondera County Conservation District
8040 = Broadwater Conservation District
8041 = Ruby Valley Conservation District
8042 = Teton River Watershed Group
8043 = Trout Creek Watershed Council
8044 = Ashley Creek Watershed Group
8045 = White Pine Creek Watershed Council
8046 = Upper Tenmile Creek Watershed Steering Committee
8047 = Sweet Grass County Conservation District
8048 = Cascade County Conservation District
8049 = Prospect Creek Watershed Council
8050 = Park Conservation District
8051 = Yellowstone River Task Force
8052 = Fergus County Conservation District
8053 = Meagher County Conservation District
8054 = Lewis and Clark Water Quality District
8055 = Lincoln Conservation District
8056 = Glen Lake Irrigation District
8057 = Westech Environmental Services
8058 = Lower Flathead Valley Community Foundation
8059 = Deer Lodge Valley Conservation District
8060 = Daly Ditches Irrigation District
8061 = City of Missoula
8062 = Watershed Consulting
8063 = Flathead Wildlife, Inc.
8064 = Bitterroot Conservation District
8065 = National Forest Foundation
8066 = Stone Creek Restoration Foundation
8067 = Trout Foundation
8068 = Broadwater-Missouriter Users Association
8069 = Meagher County Sportsmen
8070 = Missouri River Fly Casters
8071 = Cascade County
8072 = Chutney Foundation
8073 = Lewis and Clark County
8074 = Deadman's Basin Water Users
8075 = Teton River Basin Resource Group
8076 = Broadwater County
8077 = Huntley Project Irrigation District
8078 = Kootenai River Network
8079 = Big Hole Watershed Committee
8080 = Bobtail Creek Watershed Group
8081 = Townsend Chamber of Commerce
8082 = Tri-state Water Quality Council
8083 = North Powell Conservation District
8084 = Pacific Power and Light Co.
8085 = Green Mountain Conservation District
8086 = Mineral County
8087 = City of Great Falls
8088 = City of Havre
8089 = Powell County
8090 = Fergus County
8091 = Lewis and Clark Conservation District
8092 = U.S. Air Force
8093 = Hi-Line Sportsman's Club
8094 = Toole Conservation District
8095 = Clark Fork Habitat Fund

AgencyType Table
Fields: TypeID, AgencyType
1 = Watershed council
2 = State government agency
3 = Local government agency
4 = Federal government agency
5 = Private landowner - corporate
6 = Private landowner - non-corporate
7 = Conservation group
8 = Other
9 = Soil and water conservation district
10 = Sporting group
11 = Job or volunteer program
12 = Tribe or tribal organization
13 = Private contractor
14 = Private consultant
15 = Professional society
16 = College or university
17 = Primary or secondary school
18 = Natural Resource Commission
19 = Canadian national government
20 = Public utility
21 = Private
22 = City
23 = County
24 = Water or Irrigation District
25 = Sewer District
26 = Port District
27 = Park or Recreation District
28 = Mixed
30 = Nonprofit organization
98 = NA
99 = Unknown

Authorized Table
Fields: AuthorizedID, Authorized
1 = Mitchell Act
2 = Northwest Power Act / Fish & Wildlife Program of the NPPC
3 = LSRCP (Lower Snake River Compensation Plan)
4 = Federal Power Act / FERC mitigation
5 = State statute or program
6 = Tribal statute or program
7 = Dingle-Johnson
8 = Grand Coulee Mitigation
9 = Other federal statute or program
10 = Other
11 = Idaho Power Mitigation
99 = Unknown

BarrierType Table
Fields: BarrierTypeID, BarrierType
1 = Dam
2 = Culvert
3 = Insufficient flow
4 = Water diversion
5 = Hatchery facility-related structure
6 = Falls
7 = Cascades/Gradient/Velocity
8 = Debris jam
9 = Temperature
10 = Tidal gate
11 = Poor water quality
12 = Water diversion: screened
13 = Water diversion: unscreened
14 = Utility crossing
15 = Flow measurement weir
16 = Grade control structure (sill)
97 = Other
99 = Unknown
BenefitLU Table
Fields: BenefitID, Benefit
1 = Primary target species
2 = Secondarily affected species: positive effect
3 = Secondarily affected species: detrimental effect

Calculate Table
Fields: CalcMethID, Method
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown
104 = Estimation - Unknown Type
115 = Estimation Based on Peak Count or Redd Expansion
118 = Estimation Based on Dam Count
119 = Weir Count Expansion
120 = Estimation based on Juvenile Population Size
121 = Estimation based on Spawning Ground Count
122 = Estimation based on Carcass Count Expansion
123 = Estimation based on a Combination of Factors
124 = Estimation based on Redd & Carcass Count Expansion
301 = Estimation based on Weight
302 = Book Estimates
303 = Mark recapture - Petersen Estimates
304 = Actual Physical Counts
305 = Mark recapture - unspecified type
306 = Mark recapture - Schaefer method
307 = Mark recapture - Jolly-Seber method
308 = Estimate based on historical data
309 = Mark recapture - Ricker method
310 = Mark recapture - Chapman method
311 = Mark recapture - Bailey (1951) method
312 = Estimation based on creel survey expansion
313 = Depletion (regression) method
314 = Arithmetic calculation
315 = Run reconstruction
316 = Mark-recapture - Jolly-Dickson method

Category Table
Fields: CategoryID, Category
1 = Adult Return-Peak/Other Spawning Counts
2 = Harvest - Freshwater/Estuary
3 = Harvest - Marine Landings
4 = Dam/Weir Counts (Adult or Juvenile)
5 = Hatchery - Returns
6 = Hatchery - Releases
7 = Juvenile Abundance
8 = Adult Return-Estimates of Spawning Population
9 = Adult Return-Redd Counts
10 = Age Data
11 = Anadromous Fish Reference Data
12 = Adult Return-Spawner/Recruit Estimates
13 = Maps - Build Anadromous Distribution
14 = Maps - Build Resident Distribution
15 = Facilities - Dams
16 = Facilities - Hatcheries
17 = Habitat Restoration/Improvement Projects
20 = Protected Areas
21 = Smolt Density Model Data
23 = Fish Distribution
30 = Fish and Wildlife Projects (BPA)
31 = Distribution Information
32 = Mitigation/Restoration
33 = Water Temperature
34 = Barrier
35 = Annual Implementation Work Plan (AIWP)
36 = Habitat
37 = Hatchery Fraction Data
90 = Data Holdings
101 = Reference
102 = Maps - View Prebuilt Maps
103 = Photographs

Compiler Table
Fields: CompilerID, Compiler
1 = Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
2 = Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
3 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4 = Idaho Department of Fish and Game
5 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
6 = Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
7 = California Department of Fish and Game
8 = Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
9 = Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
10 = Nez Perce Tribe
11 = Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
12 = Colville Confederated Tribes
99 = Unknown compiler

DamPurpose Table
Fields: DamPurposeID, DamPurpose
1 = Irrigation
2 = Hydroelectric
3 = Flood control & storm water management
4 = Navigation
5 = Water supply
6 = Recreation
7 = Fire protection, stock, or small farm pond
8 = Fish and wildife pond
9 = Debris control
10 = Tailings
11 = Other
12 = Water quality
99 = Unknown
DamType Table
Fields: DamTypeID, DamType
1 = Buttress
2 = Concrete gravity
3 = Concrete
4 = Rockfill
6 = Masonry
7 = Multi-arch
8 = Non required
9 = Other
10 = Gravity
11 = Rolled concrete
12 = Earth
13 = Stone
14 = Timber crib
15 = Arch
99 = Unknown

DataType Table
Fields: DataTypeID, DataType
1 = Fish counts
2 = Macroinvertebrate counts
3 = Water temp
4 = Air temp
5 = Soils
6 = Salinity
7 = Instream habitat parameters (channel morphology, substrate, woody
debris, etc.)
8 = Upland vegetation
9 = Riparian vegetation
10 = Dissolved oxygen
11 = Fecal coliform
12 = Suspended sediment
13 = Fish passage effectiveness
14 = Road drainage/culvert effectiveness
15 = Livestock exclusion effectiveness
16 = Water pH
17 = Water flow
99 = Unknown

FishwayStatus Table
Fields: FishwayStatusID, Fishwaystatus
1 = Barrier has no known fishway
2 = Fishway present and functioning
3 = Fishway present but needs work
4 = Fishway not wanted (conflicts w/ hatchery program)
5 = Fishway not wanted (unspecified reason)
6 = No fishway - mitigated by hatchery program
7 = No fishway - mitigation by trap and haul
8 = No fishway - mitigation unspecified
9 = Abandoned fishway - no longer needed
10 = Present (status unknown)
99 = Unknown

FishWayType Table
Fields: FishWayTypeID, FishWayType
32 = Denille
51 = Other
72 = Vertical slot
99 = Unknown
101 = None
201 = Pool and weir
205 = Roughened channel
207 = Mechanical / Trap and haul
210 = Culvert is designed for fish passage
211 = Climbing pass
212 = Downstream bypass system
213 = Hybrid or multiple types
214 = Unspecified fishway

Frequency Table
Fields: FrequencyID, Frequency
1 = Yearly
2 = Monthly
3 = Weekly
4 = Daily
5 = Other
6 = Not expected to be updated
7 = Project completed
99 = Unknown

HistoricStat Table
Fields: HistoricStatID, HistoricStat
1 = All known historic data currently in StreamNet.
2 = Earliest known data not yet in StreamNet.
3 = Earliest known data in StreamNet, but one or more gaps exist between
oldest and newest data in StreamNet: these data known to exist.
4 = Earliest known data in StreamNet, but one or more gaps exist between
oldest and newest data in StreamNet: unknown if these data exist.
99 = Unknown

LandCover Table
Fields: LandCoverID, LandCover
1 = Young forest
2 = Second growth forest
3 = Large timber
4 = Mature forest
5 = Old growth
6 = Active harvest
7 = Partially cut forest
8 = Cropland
9 = Pasture
10 = Ungrazed grasslands
11 = Shrub
12 = Wetland
13 = Barren
14 = Urban
15 = Other
99 = Unknown

LandUse Table
Fields: LandUseID, LandUse
1 = Managed forest
2 = Orchard
3 = Grazing
4 = Row crop agriculture
5 = Rural residential
6 = Urban residential
7 = Urban industrial / commercial
8 = Wildland (recreation/conservation)
9 = Other
10 = Wetland
11 = Shrub
12 = Ungrazed grassland
13 = Wilderness
14 = Mining
99 = Unknown

LengthTypeLU Table
Fields: LengthTypeID, LengthType
1 = Total length
2 = Fork length
3 = Mideye-hypural length
4 = Mideye-posterior scale (MEPS) length
5 = Standard length
6 = Post-orbital to hypural (POH) length

LocSubTypes Table
Fields: LocSubTypeID, LocSubType
98 = N/A
100 = 100k stream
110 = 100k ditch or canal
120 = 24k stream
130 = 24k ditch or canal
140 = 100K coastline feature
150 = 24K coastline feature
200 = 100k wetland
210 = 24k wetland
220 = 100k natural lake or pond
230 = 24k natural lake or pond
240 = 100k constructed lake or pond or reservoir
250 = 24k constructed lake or pond or reservoir
260 = Estuary
270 = Marine area
280 = Pacific Ocean
300 = Marine port
301 = Hatchery facility
302 = Dam
303 = Fish trap
310 = Barrier
320 = Fish passage facility
330 = Culvert
340 = Bridge
350 = Mine or dredged site
360 = Spring
361 = Well
362 = Municipal water supply
364 = PointID of channel not in current hydrography scale
365 = PointID of channel questionable in current hydrography scale
399 = Site temporarily not associated with hydrography
400 = Road
500 = Upland area
501 = HUC
502 = Catchment area
503 = Island
600 = Unknown location within a HUC
601 = Unspecified location within a HUC
621 = Alaska location
622 = California location
623 = Idaho location
624 = Oregon location
625 = Washington location
626 = Montana location
629 = Undetermined body of water
640 = Outside StreamNet hydro coverage
650 = Stream terminates

LocTypes Table
Fields: LocTypeID, LocType
1 = Stream
2 = Standing water
3 = PointID
4 = Non-stream arc
5 = Polygon
6 = Spatially ambiguous
7 = SuperCode

MapFormat Table
Fields: FormatID, FileExtension
1 = gif
2 = jpg
3 = eps.z
4 = gra.z
5 = bmp
MapRank Table
Fields: RankID, Rank
1 = Exactly To Scale
2 = Aggregated (see more)
3 = Subset (see less)
99 = Unknown

MapTheme Table
Fields: ThemeID, Variables
1 = Aerosol Extinction
2 = Aerosol Extinction Profiles
3 = Ash
4 = Dust
5 = Dust Veil Index
6 = Tephra
7 = Volcanic Ash
8 = Volcanic Dust
9 = Air Pollution
10 = Carbon Emissions
11 = Industrial Emission
12 = Methane Emissions
13 = Nitrous Oxide Emissions
14 = Peroxyacetyl Nitrate
15 = Peroxypropionyl Nitrate
16 = Trace Gas Emissions
17 = Turbidity
18 = Visibility
19 = Barometric Altitude
20 = Geopotential
21 = Geopotential Height
22 = Geopotential Height Anomaly
23 = Ground Height
24 = Mixing Height
25 = Planetary Boundary Layer
26 = Station Height
27 = Stratopause
28 = Tropopause
29 = Absorption
30 = Advection
31 = Albedo
32 = Anisotropy
33 = Boundary Layer Dissipation
34 = Convection
35 = Diffusion
36 = Global Heat Flux
37 = Heat Capacity
38 = Heat Flux
39 = Heat Transport
40 = Heating
41 = Heating Rate
42 = Latent Heat
43 = Net Heat Flux
44 = Net Surface Heat Flux
45 = Radiative Flux
46 = Residual Surface Heat Budget
47 = Sensible Heat
48 = Solar Buoyancy Flux
49 = Surface Buoyancy Flux
50 = Surface Latent Heat Flux
51 = Surface Sensible Heat Flux
52 = Thermal Inertia
53 = Total Surface Heat Flux
54 = Air Mass
55 = Anticyclones
56 = Baroclinic Instability
57 = Baroclinicity
58 = Barometric Altitude
59 = Barometric Pressure
60 = Cloud Top Pressure
61 = Cyclones
62 = Density
63 = Differential Pressure
64 = El Nino Southern Oscillation
65 = Isobars
66 = Log Surface Pressure
67 = Mean Pressure
68 = Mean Sea Level Pressure
69 = Meridional Derivative of
70 = Monsoon
71 = Pressure
72 = Pressure
73 = Pressure Anomaly
74 = Pressure Tendency
75 = Static Pressure
76 = Station Pressure
77 = Surface Air Pressure
78 = Surface Pressure
79 = Tendency of Surface Pressure
80 = Zonal Derivative of Surface
81 = 2 m Dew Point Temperature
82 = 2 m Temperature
83 = Anomalies
84 = Boundary Layer
85 = Cloudtop Temperature
86 = CO2 Temperature
87 = Degree Days
88 = Dew Point Depression
89 = Dew Point Temperature
90 = Dew/Frost Point Temperature
91 = Fronts
92 = Frost Point Temperature
93 = Instability
94 = Inversion
95 = Land Surface Temperature
96 = Lapse Rate
97 = Lower Stratosphere
98 = Lower Troposphere Temperature
99 = Maximum 2 m Temperature
100 = Maximum Surface Temperature
101 = Maximum Temperature
102 = Minimum 2 m Temperature
103 = Minimum Temperature
104 = Potential Temperature
105 = Potential Temperature Flux
106 = Propane Static Air
107 = Pseudo Adiabatic Potential
108 = Stability
109 = Static Air Temperature
110 = Stratification
111 = Stratosphere Temperature
112 = Surface (Theta)
113 = Surface Air Temperature
114 = Surface Air Temperature
115 = Surface Temperature
116 = Temperature
117 = Temperature
118 = Temperature
119 = Temperature
120 = Temperature Anomalies
121 = Troposphere Temperature
122 = Ultra Violet Sensor
123 = Upper Air Temperature
124 = Upper Troposphere Temperature
125 = Virtual Temperature
126 = Atmospheric Liquid Water
127 = Atmospheric Longwave
128 = Atmospheric Net Cloud
129 = Atmospheric Solar Cloud
130 = Ceilings
131 = Cloud Amount
132 = Cloud Condensation Nuclei
133 = Cloud Cover
134 = Cloud Forcing
135 = Cloud Liquid Water Content
136 = Cloud Precipitable Water
137 = Cloud Types
138 = Cloud Vertical Distribution
139 = Cloud Water
140 = Condensation
141 = Condensation Nuclei
142 = Content
143 = Convective Cloud Cover
144 = Dew
145 = Fog
146 = Forcing
147 = Forcing
148 = Fraction
149 = High Cloud Cover
150 = Liquid Water Content
151 = Low Cloud Cover
152 = Maximum Convective Cloud Tops
153 = Medium Cloud Cover
154 = Mesoscale Convective Complex
155 = Nucleation
156 = Number of Clear Events
157 = Number of Overcast Events
158 = Sky Cover
159 = Supercooled Liquid Water
160 = Surface Net Cloud Forcing
161 = Surface Solar Cloud Forcing
162 = Top Longwave Cloud Forcing
163 = Top Net Cloud Forcing
164 = Top Solar Cloud Forcing
165 = Top Thermal Cloud Forcing
166 = Top Total Cloud Forcing
167 = Total Cloud Cover
168 = Total Effective Cloud
169 = Evaporation
170 = Evapotranspiration
171 = Surface Evaporation
172 = Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
173 = Atmospheric Methane
174 = Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide
175 = Carbon Dioxide
176 = Carbon Dioxide Emissions
177 = Carbon Dioxide Flux
178 = Carbon Dioxide Gradient
179 = Carbon Emissions
180 = Carbon Monoxide
181 = Carbon Monoxide Flux
182 = Chlorofluorocarbons
183 = Methane
184 = Methane Emission
185 = Methane Flux
186 = Nitrous Oxide
187 = Nitrous Oxide Emissions
188 = Ozone
189 = Trace Gas Emissions
190 = Trichlorofluoromethane
191 = Trichlorotrifluoroethane
192 = Electricity
193 = Lightning Flash
194 = Accumulated Snow Depth
195 = Acid Rain
196 = Convective Precipitation
197 = Droplet Size
198 = Equivalent
199 = Freezing Rain
200 = Ice
201 = Large Scale Precipitation
202 = Precipitation Rate
203 = Rain
204 = Rain Rate
205 = Sleet
206 = Snow
207 = Snowfall Rate Water
208 = Total Precipitation
209 = Water Equivalent of
210 = Acetate
211 = Acetic Acid
212 = Acetone
213 = Acetylene
214 = Active Nitrogen
215 = Ammonia
216 = Ammonium
217 = Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
218 = Atmospheric Methane
219 = Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide
220 = Benzene
221 = Bromide
222 = Butane
223 = Calcium
224 = Carbon
225 = Carbon Dioxide
226 = Carbon Dioxide Emissions
227 = Carbon Dioxide Flux
228 = Carbon Dioxide Gradient
229 = Carbon Disulfide
230 = Carbon Emissions
231 = Carbon Monoxide
232 = Carbon Monoxide Flux
233 = Carbon Tetrachloride
234 = Chemistry
235 = Chloride
236 = Chlorine
237 = Chlorine Compounds
238 = Chlorine Monoxide
239 = Chlorofluorocarbons
240 = Chloroform
241 = Dichlorodifluoromethane
242 = Dimethyl Sulfide
243 = Ethane
244 = Ethene
245 = Ethyne
246 = Formate
247 = Formic Acid
248 = Halons
249 = Hydrocarbon
250 = Hydrogen
251 = Hydrogen Bromide
252 = Hydrogen Chloride
253 = Hydrogen Cyanide
254 = Hydrogen Fluoride
255 = Hydrogen Ion
256 = Hydrogen Peroxide
257 = Hydrogen Sulfide
258 = I_Butane
259 = Isoprene
260 = Layer Mean Ozone
261 = Methane
262 = Methane Emission
263 = Methane Emissions
264 = Methane Flux
265 = Methyl Chloroform
266 = Methyl Nitrate
267 = Methyl Sulfonate
268 = N_Butane
269 = N_Hexane
270 = N_Pentane
271 = Nitrate
272 = Nitric Acid
273 = Nitric Oxide
274 = Nitrogen
275 = Nitrogen
276 = Nitrogen Compounds
277 = Nitrogen Dioxide
278 = Nitrogen Oxides
279 = Nitrous Oxide
280 = Nitrous Oxide Emissions
281 = Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
282 = Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
283 = Oxalate
284 = Oxygen
285 = Oxygen
286 = Ozone
287 = Ozone Concentration Profiles
288 = Ozone Flux
289 = Ozone Mixing Ratio Profiles
290 = Pentane
291 = Perchloroethene
292 = Peroxyacetyl Nitrate
293 = Peroxypropionyl Nitrate
294 = Propane
295 = Propene
296 = Pyruvate
297 = Pyruvic Acid
298 = Sulfate
299 = Sulfur
300 = Sulfur Dioxide
301 = Toluene
302 = Total Hydrocarbons
303 = Total Hydrocarbons Flux
304 = Total Ozone
305 = Total Reactive Nitrogen
306 = Total Reactive Nitrogen Flux
307 = Trace Gas Emissions
308 = Trichlorofluoromethane
309 = Trichlorotrifluoroethane
310 = Absolute Humidity Flux
311 = Column Water Vapor
312 = Columnar Water Vapor
313 = Dew Point Temperature
314 = Frost Point Temperature
315 = Humidity
316 = Humidity Mixing Ratio
317 = Integrated Water Vapor
318 = Liquid Water
319 = Mixing Ratio
320 = Moisture
321 = Precipitable Water
322 = Relative Humidity
323 = Saturation Deficit
324 = Specific Humidity
325 = Specific Humidity
326 = Vapor Pressure
327 = Vertically Integrated
328 = Vertically Integrated
329 = 10 m u-velocity
330 = 10 m v-velocity
331 = 10 m Wind Speed
332 = Absolute Divergence
333 = Absolute Stress
334 = Absolute Vorticity
335 = Acceleration
336 = Advection
337 = Air Flow Angle
338 = Air Mass
339 = Circulation
340 = Convergence
341 = Direction
342 = Divergence
343 = El Nino/Southern Oscillation
344 = Fronts
345 = Geostrophic Drag Coefficient
346 = Jet Stream
347 = Mass Stream Function
348 = Maximum 10m Wind Speed
349 = Mean Forward Velocities
350 = Momentum
351 = Monsoon
352 = Montgomery Stream Function
353 = Oscillation
354 = Planetary Wave
355 = Potential Vorticity
356 = Relative Divergence
357 = Relative Vorticity
358 = Richardson Number
359 = Sea Breeze Circulation
360 = Sigma Coordinate Vertical
361 = Speed
362 = Storm Patterns
363 = Streamfunction
364 = Surface u-stress
365 = Surface v-stress
366 = Surface Wind Analysis
367 = Surface Wind Direction
368 = Surface Wind Speed
369 = Surface Wind Stress Vectors
370 = Torque
371 = Turbulence
372 = Turning Angle
373 = u-Component of Wind
374 = v-Component of Wind
375 = Velocity
376 = Velocity Potential
377 = Vertical Motion
378 = Vertical u-Component Shear
379 = Vertical v-Component Shear
380 = Vorticity
381 = Wind Direction
382 = Wind Gusts
383 = Wind Speed
384 = Winds
385 = Bacteria
386 = Biomass
387 = Blue-green Algae
388 = Chlorophyll
389 = Diatom
390 = Dinoflagellate
391 = Flagellate
392 = Microalgae
393 = Microbenthos
394 = Microbiology
395 = Microphyte
396 = Microplankton
397 = Nanoplankton
398 = Phytoplankton
399 = Picoplankton
400 = Pigment Concentration
401 = Plankton
402 = Protista
403 = Ultraplankton
405 = Algae
406 = Aquatic Flowering Plants
407 = Benthic Communities
408 = Biomass
409 = Chlorophyll
410 = Estuarine Communities
411 = Macroalgae
412 = Macrophyte
413 = Phytoplankton
414 = Pigment Concentration
415 = Riparian Communities
416 = Amphibian
417 = Annelid
418 = Arthropod
419 = Benthic Communities
420 = Benthos
421 = Bioaccumulation
422 = Biomass
423 = Birds
424 = Boring Organisms
425 = Cnidarian
426 = Copepod
427 = Crustacean
428 = Estuarine Communities
429 = Exotic Species
430 = Fish Distribution
431 = Fouling Organisms
432 = Indigenous Species
433 = Insect
434 = Invertebrates
435 = Mammal
436 = Mollusc
437 = Nekton
438 = Nematod
440 = Porifera
441 = Reptile
443 = Sessile Benthos
444 = Vertebrates
446 = County Boundary
447 = Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU's)
448 = FEMAT Boundary
449 = HUC Boundary
450 = Marbled Murrelet Range
451 = Spotted Owl Range
452 = State Boundary
453 = Adaptation
454 = Bioaccumulation
455 = Bioavailability
456 = Bioluminescence
457 = Chemosynthesis
458 = Community Structure
459 = Competition
460 = Consumption
461 = Decomposition
462 = Excretion
463 = Extinction
464 = Food-web Dynamics
465 = Mutation
467 = Parasitism
468 = Photosynthesis
469 = Population Dynamics
470 = Predation
471 = Primary Production
472 = Respiration
473 = Scavenging
474 = Secondary Production
475 = Selection
476 = Succession
477 = Survival
478 = Symbiosis
479 = Toxicity
480 = Trophic Dynamics
481 = Acid Deposition
482 = Agriculture
483 = Aquaculture (Hatcheries)
484 = Biomass Burning
485 = BPA Project Sites
486 = Carbon Dioxide Emissions
487 = Carcinogen
488 = Contaminant
489 = Cultural Features
490 = Dam Location
491 = Deforestation
492 = Desertification
493 = Eutrophication
494 = Food Production
495 = Fossil Fuel Burning
497 = Heavy Metal Contaminant
498 = Industrialization/Urbanization
499 = Irrigation
500 = Land Ownership
501 = Land Use
502 = Nuclear Accidents
503 = Nuclear Tests
504 = Oil Spill
505 = Organic Contaminant
506 = Pollution
507 = Reforestation
508 = Habitat restoration
509 = Rice Cultivation
510 = Toxic Chemicals
511 = Urbanization (Cities)
512 = Water Management
513 = Wildfire
514 = Alkalinity
515 = Alpine
516 = Animal-Plant Interactions
517 = Basal Area
518 = Biomass
519 = Boreal Forest
520 = Calcium
521 = Carbon
522 = Carbon Sequestration
523 = Community Structure
524 = Conifers
525 = Contents of Plants
526 = Demography
527 = Density
528 = Disturbance
529 = Domesticated Plants
530 = Dominance
531 = Dry Weight
532 = Exotic Vegetation
533 = Ferns
534 = Floodplain/Flooding
535 = Flowering Plants
536 = Forest
537 = Forest Composition
538 = Forest Structure
539 = Grasslands
540 = Hardwood
541 = Height
542 = Herbivory
543 = Indigenous Vegetation
544 = Land Classification
545 = Leaf Area Index
546 = Lichens
547 = Mosses
548 = Nitrogen
549 = Normalized Difference
550 = Nutrients
551 = Pollen
552 = Pollen Count
553 = Rangelands
554 = Relative Dominance
555 = Releve
556 = Riparian/Stream Habitat
557 = Shrub
558 = Skin Reservoir of
559 = Stem Diameter
560 = Surface Vegetation
561 = Tree
562 = Tree Damage
563 = Tree Rings
564 = Vegetation Index
565 = Wetland Distribution
566 = Wetlands
567 = Yield
568 = Annelid
569 = Arthropod
570 = Biomass
571 = Bird
572 = Breeding
573 = Diurnal Movements
574 = Domesticated Animals
575 = Feeding Habitat
576 = Herbivore
577 = Home Range
578 = Insect
579 = Land Wildlife
580 = Mammal
581 = Migratory Rates
582 = Migratory Routes
583 = Nematod
584 = Post-Breeding
585 = Range Changes
586 = Reptile
587 = Age Determinations
588 = Degradation
589 = Deposition
590 = Entrainment
591 = Sediment Chemistry
592 = Sediments
593 = Stratigraphy
594 = Suspended Solids
596 = Evaporation
597 = Evapotranspiration
598 = Aquifers
599 = Discharge
600 = Dispersion
601 = Drainage
602 = Flow Rate
603 = Geothermal
604 = Geothermal Energy
605 = Infiltration
606 = Karst
607 = Percolation
608 = Permeability
609 = Saltwater Intrusion
610 = Springs
611 = Water Capability
612 = Water Content
613 = Water Table
614 = Water Yield
615 = Absorption
616 = Adsorption
617 = Albedo
618 = Alkalinity
619 = Amino Acids
620 = Ammonia
621 = Bathymetry
622 = Brightness Temperature
623 = Carbon
624 = Carbon Dioxide
625 = Chemical Precipitation
626 = Chemical Speciation
627 = Chemical Tracers
628 = Chlorides
629 = Chlorophyll
630 = Conductivity
631 = Currents
632 = Discharge
633 = Dissolved Gases
634 = Dissolved Oxygen
635 = Dissolved Solids
636 = Energy Balance
637 = Evaporation
638 = Geopotential Height
639 = Heat Flux
640 = Hydrocarbons
641 = Ice
642 = Inorganic Compounds
643 = Internal Oscillations
644 = Lake Stage
645 = Light Transmission
646 = Methane
647 = Mineralization
648 = Mobilization
649 = Nitrate
650 = Nitric Acid
651 = Nitrite
652 = Nitrogen Dioxide
653 = Nutrient
655 = Organic Compounds
656 = Oxygen
657 = Oxygen Demand
659 = Phosphate
660 = Phosphorus
661 = Precipitation
662 = Precipitation Scavenging
663 = Pressure
664 = Radioisotopes
665 = Resuspension
666 = Sediment
667 = Sedimentation
668 = Seiche
669 = Silicate
670 = Speciation
671 = Storm Surge
672 = Suspended Solids
673 = Temperature
674 = Tides
675 = Trace Elements
676 = Transparency
678 = Turn Over
680 = Waves
681 = Wind
682 = Acid Rain
683 = Droplet Size
684 = Freezing Rain
685 = Ice
686 = Precipitable Water
687 = Precipitation Rate
688 = Rain
689 = Rainfall
690 = Sleet
691 = Snow
692 = Ablation
693 = Accumulation
694 = Direction of Ice Drift
695 = Glacier Mast
696 = Glaciers
697 = Ice
698 = Ice Divergence
699 = Ice Extent
700 = Ice Growth
701 = Ice Motion
702 = Ice Sheets
703 = Ice Thickness
704 = Ice Velocity
705 = Permafrost
706 = Snow Cover
707 = Snow Depth
708 = Snow Depth Change
709 = Snow Facies
710 = Snow Fall
711 = Snow Melt
712 = Snow Temperature
713 = Snow Water Equivalent
714 = Snow-Ice Temperature
715 = u-Component of Ice Drift
716 = v-Component of Ice Drift
717 = Aquifer Recharge
718 = Discharge
719 = Drainage
720 = Flow Rates
721 = Hydropattern
722 = Hydroperiod
723 = Inundation
724 = Lake Level
725 = Lakes
726 = River Discharge
727 = River Runoff
728 = Rivers
729 = Stream Chemistry
730 = Stream Flow
731 = Surface Runoff
732 = Surface Water CO2
733 = Surface Water N2O
734 = Total Surface Water
735 = Water Capability
736 = Water Content
737 = Water Depth
738 = Water Yield
740 = Acid Deposition
741 = Alkalinity
742 = Ammonium
743 = Carcinogens
744 = Contaminants
745 = Dissolved Gases
746 = Dissolved Solids
747 = Heavy Metals
748 = Hydrocarbons
749 = Lead
750 = Mercury
751 = Nitrogen Compounds
752 = Nutrient Cycling
753 = Organic Contaminants
754 = PAH
755 = PCB
756 = PCP
757 = PH
758 = Phosphorous Compounds
759 = Potassium
760 = Silicate Compounds
761 = Sodium
762 = Stream Chemistry
763 = Toxic Chemicals
764 = Toxic Cycling
765 = Water Quality
766 = Aeolian
767 = Coastal
768 = Fluvial
769 = Glacial
770 = Karst
771 = Periglacial
772 = Land Heat Capacity
773 = Land Temperature
774 = Skin Temperature
775 = Surface Temperature
776 = Agriculture
777 = Forest
778 = Human Settlements
779 = Land Capability
780 = Land Classes
781 = Land Management
782 = Land Productivity
783 = Land Resources
784 = Land Suitability
785 = Land Tenure
786 = Landforms
787 = Mines
788 = Roads
789 = Shrubs
790 = Suburban
791 = Urban
792 = Watershed
793 = Absorption
794 = Alkalinity
795 = Calcium
796 = Clay
797 = Ground Wetness
798 = Laterite
799 = Loam
800 = Organic Matter
801 = Peat
802 = Permafrost
803 = Sand
804 = Sediment Chemistry
805 = Silt
806 = Soil Chemistry
807 = Soil Color
808 = Soil Compaction
809 = Soil Consistence
810 = Soil Depth
811 = Soil Fertility
812 = Soil Mechanics
813 = Soil Moisture
814 = Soil Plasticity
815 = Soil Productivity
816 = Soil Profile Carbon Content
817 = Soil Profile Nitrogen Content
818 = Soil Structure
819 = Soil Temperature
820 = Soil Texture
821 = Soil Varibility
822 = Soil Water Status
823 = Water Storage Capacity
824 = Elevation
825 = Geologic Formations
826 = Land Sea Mask
827 = Land Surface Rebound
828 = Landforms
829 = Orography
830 = Surface Roughness Length
831 = Terrain Elevation
832 = Bathymetry
833 = Advection
834 = Antarctic Bottom Water
835 = Baroclinic Mode
836 = Barotropic Mode
837 = Buoy Position
838 = Convection
839 = Convergence
840 = Currents
841 = Density
842 = Density-Driven Current
843 = Depth of Surface Convection
844 = Diffusion
845 = Divergence
846 = Downwelling
847 = Eastern Boundary Current
848 = Eddy
849 = Ekman Circulation
850 = Ekman Transport
851 = El Nino/Southern Oscillation
852 = Entrainment
853 = Friction Velocity
854 = Fronts
855 = Geostrophic Current
856 = Gyre
857 = Instability
858 = Kinetic Energy
859 = Mixed Layer
860 = Mixed Layer Depth
861 = Mixing Processes
862 = Momentum
863 = North Atlantic Deep Water
864 = Oscillation
865 = Overturning
866 = Salt Transport
867 = Stability
868 = Surface Stress
869 = Thermohaline Circulation
870 = Tidal Current
871 = Torque
872 = Turbulence
873 = Upwelling
874 = Velocity
875 = Vorticity
876 = Water Mass
877 = Western Boundary Current
878 = Wind-Driven Circulation
879 = Barrier Island
880 = Beach
881 = Coastal Elevation
882 = Delta
883 = Deposition
884 = Ebb
885 = Erosion
886 = Estuary
887 = Fjord
888 = Flocculation
890 = Gravitational Circulation
891 = High Tide
892 = Inlet
893 = Intertidal Zone
894 = Lagoon
895 = Local Subsidence Trends
896 = Longshore Current
897 = Low Tide
898 = Mangrove
899 = Mean Sea Level
900 = Rocky Coast
901 = Salt Marsh
902 = Saltwater Intrusion
903 = Sea Level
904 = Sea Level Rise
905 = Sediment Transport
906 = Shoal
907 = Shoreline Displacement
908 = Storm Surge
909 = Tidal Range
910 = Tides
911 = Waves
912 = Wetland
913 = Wetland Impact
914 = Abyssal Hill
915 = Abyssal Plain
916 = Benthic Heat Flow
917 = Continental Drift
918 = Continental Rise
919 = Continental Shelf
920 = Continental Slope
921 = Convergent Margin
922 = Divergent Margin
923 = Fracture Zone
924 = Guyot
925 = Hydrothermal Vent
926 = Island Arc
927 = Magnetic Anomaly
928 = Marine Gravity Field
929 = Marine Magnetics
930 = Mid-Ocean Ridge
931 = Plateau
932 = Ridge
933 = Rift Valley
934 = Seafloor Spreading
935 = Seamount
936 = Seamount Chain
937 = Subduction
938 = Submarine Canyon
939 = Transform Fault
940 = Trench
941 = Bacteria
942 = Bioluminescence
943 = Biomass
944 = Blue-green Algae
945 = Chlorophyll
946 = Coccolithophore
947 = Diatom
948 = Dinoflagellate
949 = Flagellate
950 = Foraminifera
951 = Microalgae
952 = Microbenthos
953 = Microphyte
954 = Microplankton
955 = Nanoplankton
956 = Photosynthetically Active
957 = Phytoplankton
958 = Picoplankton
959 = Pigment Concentration
960 = Plankton
961 = Protista
962 = Pteropod
963 = Radiation
964 = Radiolarian
965 = Silicoflagellate
966 = Tintinnid
967 = Ultraplankton
969 = Algae
970 = Biomass
971 = Chlorophyll
972 = Estuarine Communities
973 = Kelp
974 = Kelp Communities
975 = Macrophytes
976 = Mangrove Communities
977 = Marsh Communities
978 = Photosynthetically Active
979 = Phytoplankton
980 = Pigment Concentration
981 = Radiation
982 = Sargassum
983 = Seagrass
984 = Annelid
985 = Arthropod
986 = Benthic Communities
987 = Benthos
988 = Biomass
989 = Birds
990 = Boring Organisms
991 = Cnidarian
992 = Coral
993 = Coral Reef Communities
994 = Crustacean
995 = Echinoderm
996 = Estuarine Communities
999 = Foraminifera
1000 = Fouling Organisms
1001 = Hydrothermal Communities
1003 = Intertidal Communities
1004 = Invertebrate
1005 = Kelp Communities
1006 = Mammal
1007 = Mangrove Communities
1008 = Marsh Communities
1009 = Meiobenthos
1010 = Mollusc
1011 = Nekton
1012 = Nematod
1013 = Paleobiology
1014 = Plankton
1015 = Porifera
1016 = Radiolaria
1017 = Reptile
1018 = Tintinnid
1019 = Vertebrate
1020 = Zooflagellate
1021 = Zooplankton
1022 = Attenuation
1023 = Deep Scattering Layer
1024 = Reflectivity
1025 = Scattering
1026 = SOFAR Channel
1027 = Tomography
1028 = Velocity
1029 = Acidity
1030 = Alkalinity
1031 = Ammonia
1032 = Anoxia
1033 = Biogeochemical Cycles
1034 = Biomedical Chemicals
1035 = Calcium
1036 = Calcium Carbonate
1037 = Carbon
1038 = Carbon Dioxide
1039 = Carbonate
1040 = Carbonate Compensation Depth
1041 = Chemical Precipitation
1042 = Chemical Speciation
1043 = Chemical Tracers
1044 = Chemosynthesis
1045 = Conservative Constituent
1046 = Dissolved Gases
1047 = Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
1048 = Dissolved Inorganic Matter
1049 = Dissolved Organic Carbon
1050 = Dissolved Organic Matter
1051 = Dissolved Oxygen
1052 = Dissolved Solids
1053 = Fluorescence
1054 = Heavy Metals
1055 = Hydrothermal Vent
1056 = Hypoxia
1057 = Marine Inorganic Chemistry
1058 = Marine Organic Chemistry
1059 = Nitrate
1060 = Nitrite
1061 = Nitrogen
1062 = Nitrous Oxide
1063 = Nonconservative Constituent
1065 = Nutrients
1066 = Ocean Carbonate Chemistry
1067 = Ocean-Atmosphere Gas Exchange
1068 = Organic Carbon
1069 = Organic Matter
1070 = Oxidation
1071 = Oxygen
1072 = Oxygen Minimum Zone
1073 = Particulate Inorganic Carbon
1074 = Particulate Inorganic Matter
1075 = Particulate Organic Carbon
1076 = Particulate Organic Matter
1078 = Phosphate
1079 = Radiocarbon
1080 = Radioisotopes
1081 = Redfield Ratio
1082 = Reduction
1083 = Silicate
1084 = Stable Isotopes
1085 = Trace Compounds
1086 = Trace Elements
1087 = Tracers
1088 = Advection
1089 = Bowen Ratio
1090 = Condensation
1091 = Conduction
1092 = Convection
1093 = Diffusion
1094 = Evaporation
1095 = Heat Capacity
1096 = Heat Flux
1097 = Heating Rate
1098 = Latent Heat
1099 = Radiative Flux
1100 = Sensible Heat
1101 = Aphotic Zone
1102 = Backscatter
1103 = Bioluminescence
1104 = Extinction Coefficient
1105 = Gelbstoff
1106 = Light Attenuation
1107 = Light Transmission
1108 = Ocean Color
1109 = Optical Depth
1110 = Photic Zone
1111 = Photosynthetically Active
1112 = Radiation
1113 = Secchi Depth
1115 = Baroclinic Instability
1116 = Baroclinic Mode
1117 = Barotropic Mode
1118 = Isobars
1119 = Pressure
1120 = Sea Level Pressure
1121 = Isotherms
1122 = Mixed Layer
1123 = Mixed Layer Depth
1124 = Potential Temperature
1125 = Sea Surface Temperature
1126 = Skin Surface Temperature
1127 = Surface Air Temperature
1128 = Temperature
1129 = Thermocline
1130 = Thermocline Anomaly
1131 = Thermocline Depth
1132 = Chlorinity
1133 = Conductivity
1134 = Density
1135 = Density Anomaly
1136 = Desalinization
1137 = Halocline
1138 = Potential Density
1139 = Pycnocline
1140 = Salinity
1141 = Salt Transport
1142 = Sea Surface Density
1143 = Sea Surface Salinity
1144 = Sigma Theta
1145 = Sigma-T
1146 = Age
1147 = Albedo
1148 = Brine Production
1149 = Compactness
1150 = Concentration
1151 = Concentration
1152 = Conductive Heat Flux
1153 = Cover
1154 = Direction of Ice Drift
1155 = Drift
1156 = Edge
1157 = Emissivity
1158 = Extent
1159 = First Year Ice
1160 = Fraction
1161 = Growth Rate (Thick Sea Ice)
1162 = Growth Rate (Thin Sea Ice)
1163 = Heat Export
1164 = Ice Compactness
1165 = Ice Divergence
1166 = Ice Drift
1167 = Ice Export
1168 = Ice Floe
1169 = Ice Motion
1170 = Ice Pack
1171 = Ice Thickness
1172 = Ice Velocity
1173 = Iceberg
1174 = Leads
1175 = Motion
1176 = Multi-Year Sea Ice
1177 = Over Ice
1178 = Polynya
1179 = Roughness
1180 = Sea Ice Concentration
1181 = Sea Ice Depth
1182 = Sea Ice Extent
1183 = Sea Ice Form
1184 = Sea Ice Stage Development
1185 = Sea Surface Temperature
1186 = Skin Temperature
1187 = Snow Depth Over Sea Ice
1188 = Speed of Ice Drift
1189 = Temperature
1190 = Thickness
1191 = Total Sea Ice Concentration
1192 = Geopotential Height
1193 = Geopotential Thickness
1194 = Sea Level
1195 = Tides
1196 = Biogenous Sediments
1197 = Bioturbation
1198 = Calcium Carbonate
1199 = Carbonate
1200 = Carbonate Sediments
1201 = Deposition
1202 = Diagenesis
1203 = Evaporites
1204 = Hydrogenous Sediments
1205 = Iron-manganese Nodules
1206 = Sediment Flux
1207 = Sediments
1208 = Silica
1209 = Siliceous Sediments
1210 = Suspended Solids
1211 = Terrigenous Sediments
1212 = Turbidites
1214 = Astronomical Tide
1215 = Diurnal Tide
1216 = Ebb
1218 = Macrotide
1219 = Mesotide
1220 = Meteorological Tide
1221 = Microtide
1222 = Mixed Tide
1223 = Neap Tide
1224 = Semidiurnal Tide
1225 = Spring Tide
1226 = Storm Surge
1227 = Tidal Component
1228 = Tidal Current
1229 = Tidal Datum
1230 = Tidal Height
1231 = Tidal Range
1232 = Advection
1233 = Continuity
1234 = Convection
1235 = Diffusion
1236 = Divergence
1237 = Evaporation
1238 = Fresh Water Flux
1239 = Humidity
1240 = Mixing
1242 = Surface Runoff
1243 = Vertical Mixing
1244 = Water Flux
1245 = Breaker
1246 = Capillary Wave
1247 = Diffraction
1248 = Fetch
1249 = Gravity Wave
1250 = Inertial Wave
1251 = Interference
1252 = Internal Wave
1253 = Kelvin Wave
1254 = Reflection
1255 = Refraction
1256 = Rossby Wave
1257 = Sea State
1258 = Sea Surface Feature
1259 = Seiche
1260 = Significant Wave Height
1261 = Surf Beat
1262 = Swell
1263 = Tsunami
1264 = Wave Direction
1265 = Wave Frequency
1266 = Wave Height
1267 = Wave Period
1268 = Wave Speed
1269 = Waveform
1270 = Wavelength
1271 = Waves
1272 = Cambrian
1273 = Carboniferous
1274 = Cenozoic
1275 = Cretaceous
1276 = Devonian
1277 = Eocene
1278 = Holocene
1279 = Jurassic
1280 = Mesozoic
1281 = Miocene
1282 = Oligocene
1283 = Ordovician
1284 = Paleocene
1285 = Paleozoic
1286 = Permian
1287 = Pleistocene
1288 = pliocene
1289 = Precambrian
1290 = Quaternary
1291 = Silurian
1292 = Tertiary
1293 = Triassic
1294 = Air Bubbles
1295 = Carbon Dioxide
1296 = Ions
1297 = Isotope Records
1298 = Methane
1299 = Volcanic Deposits
1300 = Cave Deposits
1301 = Fossils
1302 = Glaciation
1303 = Isotope Records
1304 = Loess
1305 = Macrofossils
1306 = Microfossils
1307 = Paleomagnetic Data
1308 = Paleosols
1309 = Paleovegetation
1310 = Pollen
1311 = Pollen Count
1312 = Pollen Sample Age
1313 = Radiocarbon
1314 = Stratigraphy
1315 = Tree Rings
1316 = Volcanic Deposits
1317 = Coral Deposits
1318 = Isotope Records
1319 = Lake Level
1320 = Lake Level Age
1321 = Lake Levels
1322 = Lake Sediments
1323 = Macrofossils
1324 = Marine Plankton Age
1325 = Marine Plankton Data
1326 = Microfossils
1327 = Oxygen Isotopes
1328 = Paleomagnetic Data
1329 = Radiocarbon
1330 = Sediments
1331 = Stratigraphy
1332 = Varve Deposits
1333 = Gamma Ray
1334 = Infrared
1335 = Sensor Counts
1336 = Microwave
1337 = Sensor Counts
1338 = Coherent Radar Backscatter
1339 = Complex Radar Backscatter
1340 = Radar
1341 = Radar Backscatter
1342 = Radar Cross-Section
1343 = Sensor Counts
1344 = Radio Wave
1345 = Nadir UV
1346 = Sensor Counts
1347 = Ultraviolet
1348 = Zenith UV
1349 = Sensor Counts
1350 = Visible
1351 = X-Ray
1352 = Aerosol Extinction
1353 = Attenuation
1354 = Light Transmission
1355 = Optical Depth
1356 = Scattering
1357 = Turbidity
1358 = Antenna Temperature
1359 = Brightness Temperature
1360 = Land Surface Emissivity
1361 = Level-1A
1362 = Level-1A Radiances
1363 = Level-1B
1364 = Level-1B Backscatter
1365 = Level-2
1366 = Photosynthetically Active
1367 = Radiant Flux
1368 = Radiation
1369 = Radiative Processes
1370 = Raw Radiances
1371 = Temperature
1372 = Ultra Violet Sensor
1373 = Albedo
1374 = Anisotropy
1375 = Bidirectional Reflectance
1376 = Emissivity
1377 = Emitted Infrared
1378 = Glint
1379 = Incidence
1380 = Land Surface Emissivity
1381 = Land Surface Reflectance
1382 = Reflectance
1383 = Reflectivity
1384 = Sea Surface Reflectance
1385 = Spectral Reflectance
1386 = Active Regions
1387 = Corona Holes
1388 = Coronal Properties
1389 = Events
1390 = Filaments
1391 = Flares
1392 = Imagery
1393 = Oscillations
1394 = Prominences
1395 = Sunspots
1396 = Synoptic Maps
1397 = Velocity Fields
1398 = Alpha Particles
1399 = Composition
1400 = Density
1401 = Differential Flux
1402 = Distribution Functions
1403 = Electron Flux
1404 = Energetic Particles
1405 = Energy Deposition
1406 = Flux
1407 = Heavy Ions
1408 = Proton Flux
1409 = Speed
1410 = Temperature
1411 = Absorption
1412 = Anisotropy
1413 = Energy Flux
1414 = Heat Flux
1415 = Heat Transport
1416 = Heating
1417 = Heating Rate
1418 = Net Heat Flux
1419 = Radiative Flux
1420 = Thermal Inertia
1421 = Insolation
1422 = Irradiance
1423 = Photosynthetically Active
1424 = Radiation
1425 = Solar Irradiance
1426 = Sunshine
1427 = Surface Solar Irradiance
1428 = Coal
1429 = Natural Gas
1430 = Petroleum
1431 = Exchange
1432 = Fixation
1433 = Hydration
1434 = Isotopes
1435 = Land Chemistry
1436 = Oxidation
1437 = Reduction
1438 = Release
1439 = Weathering
1440 = Control Surveys
1441 = Crustal Movements
1442 = Gravity
1443 = Ocean Crust Deformation
1444 = Photogrammetry
1445 = Polar Motion
1446 = Reference Systems
1447 = Geomagnetism
1448 = Magnetic Anomaly
1449 = Paleomagnetism
1450 = Electric Field
1451 = Geopotential
1452 = Gravity Field
1453 = Magnetic Field
1454 = Geothermal
1455 = Age Determinations
1456 = Bedrock Lithology
1457 = Calcium C
1458 = Goniometry
1459 = Igneous Rocks
1460 = Lattice Parameters
1461 = Lithology
1462 = Metamorphic Rocks
1463 = Petrology
1464 = Phase Equilibria
1465 = Pleochroism
1466 = Sedimentary Rocks
1467 = Body Waves
1468 = Earthquake Dynamics
1469 = Earthquake Parameters
1470 = Earthquake Predictions
1471 = Earthquakes
1472 = Land Crustal
1473 = Seismic
1474 = Surface Waves
1475 = Anticlines
1476 = Breccia
1477 = Cleavage
1478 = Continental Tectonics
1479 = Core Processes
1480 = Crustal Motion
1481 = Deformation
1482 = Dip
1483 = Faults
1484 = Folds
1485 = Foliation
1486 = Fractures
1487 = Geologic Formations
1488 = Land Surface Rebound
1489 = Lithosphere Dynamics
1490 = Shear Zones
1491 = Strain
1492 = Stress
1493 = Structural Geology
1494 = Synclines
1495 = Ash Deposit
1496 = Dust Veil Index
1497 = Eruption Mechanisms
1498 = Eruption-Plume
1499 = Lava-Flow
1500 = Magma Migration
1501 = Tephra
1502 = Volcanic Ash
1503 = Volcanic Dust
1504 = Acid Deposition
1505 = Biomass Burning
1506 = CO2 Emission
1507 = Deforestation
1508 = Desertification
1509 = Fossil Fuel Burning
1510 = Gas Flaring
1511 = Nuclear Accidents
1512 = Nuclear Tests
1513 = Oil Spill
1514 = Pollution
1515 = Avalanche
1516 = Cyclones
1517 = Drought
1518 = Earthquakes
1519 = Fires
1520 = Floods
1521 = Freeze
1522 = Frost
1523 = Gas Flaring
1524 = Hoarfrost
1525 = Hurricane
1526 = Monsoons
1527 = Sinkholes
1528 = Storms
1529 = Tornado
1530 = Tropical Depression
1531 = Tropical Storms
1532 = Typhoons
1533 = Volcanoes
1534 = Water Release
1535 = Waterspout
1536 = Whiteout
1537 = ESA Review Species
1538 = Fish Blockages
1539 = Fish Identification
1541 = Shellfish Identification
1542 = Zooplankton
1543 = Oxygen Demand
1544 = Riparian Communities
1545 = Zooplankton
1546 = Nutrient Cycling
1547 = Turbidity
1548 = Nutrient Cycling
1549 = PH
1550 = Turbidity
1551 = Upwelling
1552 = Wetlands
1553 = Flood
1554 = Zooplankton
1555 = Exotic Species
1556 = Indigenous Species
1557 = Nutrient Cycling
1558 = PH
1559 = Turbidity
1560 = Turbidity
1561 = Flood
1562 = Precipitation
1563 = Fish Distribution
1564 = Hatchery Facility
1565 = Hatchery Operations
1566 = Fish Sampling
1567 = Fish Tagging
1568 = Habitat Destruction
1569 = Fisheries (commercial/recreational/tribal)
1570 = Fish Ladders
1571 = Fish Screens, and Juvenile Bypass Facilities
1572 = Water Diversion
1573 = Marine Organisms
1574 = Salmon Spawning/Redds
1575 = Salmonid Development/Life Cycle
1576 = Historical Photo
1577 = Water/Nutrient Cycling
1578 = Education/Community Involvement
1579 = Juvenile Stranding
1580 = PIT-Tagging Equipment/Facilities
1581 = CWT-Coded Wire Tagging Information
1582 = Barging/Trucking Juvenile Salmon Smolts Columbia River
1583 = Angling/Recreation

MonitoringType Table
Fields: MonitoringID, MonitoringTyp
1 = Fish sampling
2 = Other aquatic or terrestrial species
3 = Macroinvertebrate sampling
4 = Vegetation
5 = Physical instream habitat
6 = Water quality/quantity
9 = Other
10 = None (certain none was collected)

ParcelType Table
Fields: ParcelTypeID, ParcelType
1 = Federal
2 = State
3 = Tribal
4 = City
5 = County
6 = Private industrial
7 = Private nonindustrial
8 = Mixed
99 = Unknown

PrjGoalLU Table
Fields: GoalID, Goal
1 = Stream habitat integrity/complexity protection or improvement
2 = Riparian or floodplain function protection or improvement
3 = Wetland habitat protection, creation or improvement
4 = Estuary habitat protection, creation or improvement
5 = Upland habitat protection or improvement
6 = Stream sediment reduction
7 = Water quality improvement (chemical or nutrients)
8 = Water quality improvement (temperature)
9 = Stream flow improvement
10 = Reduce entrainment of fish into diversion
11 = Fish passage improvement
12 = Reservoir or lake habitat protection, creation or improvement
13 = Increase food resources for fish
14 = Spawning habitat protection, creation or improvement
15 = Marine habitat protection, creation or improvement
97 = Other goal
99 = Unknown
1001 = Research
1002 = Education, training
1004 = Organizational support
1005 = Monitoring
1006 = Habitat restoration project maintenance or repair
1007 = Planning or watershed assessment
1008 = Land/water right acquisition
1009 = Fish rescue
1010 = Fish rearing and release

PrjHabCategoryLU Table
Fields: HabCategoryID, HabCategory
1 = Instream
2 = Riparian
3 = Upland
24 = Wetland
25 = Estuary
26 = Road
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown

PrjLandCoverLU Table
Fields: LandCoverID, LandCover
1 = Young forest
2 = Second growth forest
3 = Large timber
4 = Mature forest
5 = Old growth
6 = Active harvest
7 = Partially cut forest
8 = Cropland
9 = Pasture
10 = Ungrazed grasslands
11 = Shrub
12 = Wetland
13 = Barren
14 = Urban
15 = Other
16 = Forest - unknown age
17 = Rural residential
18 = Urban industrial/commercial
19 = Urban residential
20 = Residential
21 = Mine
22 = Wilderness
99 = Unknown

PrjParticipantLU Table
Fields: ParticipantID, Participant
12 = NOAA Fisheries
21 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
22 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
23 = U.S. Forest Service
28 = Bureau of Indian Affairs
36 = California Department of Fish and Game
38 = Other
46 = Battelle - Pacific Northwest Laboratory
48 = Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
56 = Bureau of Land Management
60 = Bureau of Reclamation
63 = Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
65 = American Fisheries Society
70 = BioSonics Incorporated
73 = Clearwater Biostudies, Incorporated
89 = Montgomery Watson
95 = National Park Service
98 = Five-Counties Salmonid Conservation Program
99 = Unknown
103 = Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
110 = U.S. Geological Survey
134 = Yakama Indian Nation
200 = Private landowner
635 = Trout Unlimited
8002 = Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conserva
8008 = Plum Creek Timber Company
8022 = Missoula Conservation District
8023 = Flathead Conservation District
8050 = Park Conservation District
8096 = Unassigned/Unknown
9003 = California Conservation Corps, AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards
9004 = Arana Gulch Watershed Alliance
9005 = Art Frazier
9010 = Bar-O-Boys Ranch
9011 = Bass Lake Fishing Club
9012 = Bear River Regional Resources Conservancy
9013 = Bioengineering Associates
9016 = Bob Wunner
9018 = Butte County Office of Education
9021 = Cachuma Operation and Maintenance Board
9022 = California Conservation Corps
9023 = California Conservation Corps, Klamath Service District
9024 = California Cooperative Fishery Research Unit
9025 = California Council of Trout Unlimited
9028 = California Department of Food and Agriculture
9029 = California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
9030 = California Department of Parks and Recreation
9032 = California Department of Transportation
9033 = California Department of Water Resources
9034 = California Department of Water Resources Northern District
9036 = California Karuk Tribe
9038 = California Salmon Council
9039 = California Salmon Steelhead and Trout Restoration Federation
9040 = California State Parks
9041 = California Striped Bass Association
9042 = California Trout, Inc.
9043 = California Youth Authority
9044 = Carmel River Steelhead Association
9046 = Casitas Municipal Water District
9047 = Cathy Klinesteker
9048 = Center for Education and Manpower Resources
9049 = Center for Environmental Economic Development
9050 = Central Coast Resource Conservation & Development Council
9051 = Central Coast Salmon Enhancement
9054 = Cimarron Construction Company
9055 = Circuit Rider Productions
9059 = City of Arcata
9060 = City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Department
9061 = City of Pacifica
9062 = City of San Luis Obispo
9063 = City of Santa Rosa
9064 = City of Willits
9066 = Coastal Headwaters Association
9067 = Coastal Land Trust
9068 = Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District
9069 = Coastal Stream Restoration Group
9070 = Coastal Watershed Council
9071 = Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County
9073 = Cosumnes River College
9074 = Humboldt County
9075 = Mendocino County
9076 = Monterey County
9078 = Santa Cruz County
9079 = Covelo Indian Community Council
9081 = Danielle Plumb
9082 = David and Deborah Reiels
9084 = Del Norte County
9088 = Diamond H Ranch
9090 = Don Pedro Recreation Association
9091 = Dry Creek Conservancy
9092 = E Center
9093 = Eagle Ranch
9095 = East Bay Regional Park District
9099 = Eel River Salmon Restoration Project, PCFFA
9100 = Eel River Watershed Improvement Group
9102 = Elk River Timber Company
9103 = ENT Forestry
9104 = Entrix, Incorporated
9105 = Eureka City Schools
9107 = Evergreen School District
9108 = Family Water Alliance
9109 = Federation of Fly Fishers
9110 = Fish Farm and Forest Communities Forum
9112 = Fishery Foundation of California
9113 = Flycasters Incorporated
9115 = Fort Ross Environmental Restoration
9116 = Fresno Bass Club
9117 = Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed
9118 = Friends of Five Creeks - Urban Creek Council
9121 = Fruit Growers Supply Company
9122 = Garberville Rotary Club
9124 = Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District
9125 = Golden State Adopt-A-Lake Conservancy
9126 = Golden State Bass Club
9127 = Granite Bay Flycasters
9128 = Great Northern Corporation
9129 = Greater Lakeport Chamber of Commerce
9130 = Greenfield Ranch Association
9131 = Greenspace, The Cambria Land Trust
9133 = Gualala River Steelhead Project
9135 = Habitat Restoration
9136 = Hackett Timber & Livestock
9137 = Hoopa Valley Business Council
9138 = Hoopa Valley Tribal Council
9139 = Regents of the University of California - Division of Agriculture
and Natural Resources
9141 = Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District
9143 = Humboldt County Resource Conservation District
9144 = Humboldt Fish Action Council
9145 = California State University, Humboldt
9146 = California State University, Humboldt Foundation
9149 = Institute for Sustainable Forestry
9150 = Inter-Fluve Incorporated.
9151 = Inter-Tribal Sinkyone Wilderness Council
9152 = Jack Monschke Watershed Management
9153 = Jacoby Creek Canyon Community
9156 = John Ford
9158 = Jughandle Creek Farm and Nature Center
9159 = Karina Junge
9160 = Karuk Tribe of California
9161 = Kathryn Hannay
9165 = Kidder Creek Outdoor School/Etna Elementary School
9174 = Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County
9177 = Lindsay Creek Watershed Group
9179 = Mainstem Eel River Group
9180 = Marin Conservation Corps
9181 = Marin County Office of Education
9182 = Marin County Resource Conservation District
9183 = Marin Municipal Water District
9185 = Mark Gary
9188 = Mattole Restoration Council
9189 = Mattole Salmon Group
9190 = Mattole Watershed Salmon Support Group
9191 = Meadowbrook Conservation Associates
9193 = Mendocino County Fish and Game Advisory Committee
9194 = Mendocino County Resource Conservation District
9195 = Mendocino County Water Agency
9197 = Mendocino Woodlands Camp Association
9198 = Merced Irrigation District
9199 = Michael D. Morford
9202 = Monterey Bay Salmon and Trout Project
9205 = Mullins Restoration
9206 = Napa County Resource Conservation District
9207 = Natural Resources Management Corporation
9209 = New Growth Forestry
9210 = New Hogan Lake Conservancy
9211 = North Coast Fisheries Restoration
9212 = North Coast Railroad Authority
9213 = Northcoast Salmon Habitat Restoration Group
9214 = Northern California Indian Development Council
9215 = Northwest Biological Consulting
9216 = Orleans Karok Council
9217 = Orleans Rod and Gun Club
9218 = Ouzel Enterprises
9220 = Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations
9221 = Pacific Coast Fish Wildlife and Wetlands Restoration Association
9222 = Pacific Lumber Company
9223 = Pacific Watershed Associates
9224 = Paradise Intermediate School Science Department
9225 = Paul and Jo Anne Luckey
9227 = Peak Northwest
9228 = Petaluma School District
9230 = Plumas Corporation
9232 = Point Reyes National Seashore Association
9234 = Prunuske Chatham
9238 = Redwood Community Action Agency
9239 = Redwood National Park
9240 = Regents of the University of California
9241 = Regents of the University of California Davis
9242 = Regents of the University of California Davis - Bodega Bay
9243 = Regents of the University of California Berkeley
9244 = Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains
9245 = Revegetation and Wildlife Management Center
9249 = Ridge to River
9252 = Robert Will
9253 = Roger Raynal
9256 = Ross Taylor and Associates
9257 = Rotary Club of Garberville
9258 = Round Valley Indian Tribes
9259 = Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery
9261 = Rural Human Services
9262 = Salmon Restoration Association of California
9265 = Salmon River Restoration Council
9266 = Salmon Trollers Marketing Associates Incorporated
9267 = Salmonid Restoration Federation
9269 = San Jose Conservation Corps
9271 = San Luis Obispo County Parks Department
9274 = San Mateo County Resource Conservation District
9275 = Santa Barbara County Flood Control District
9277 = Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation Department
9279 = Santa Cruz County Planning Department
9281 = Scott River Watershed CRMP
9282 = Scott Valley Builders
9283 = Scott's Creek Watershed Council
9287 = Shasta Natural Science Association
9288 = Shasta River CRMP
9289 = Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
9290 = SHN Consulting Engineers & Geologists
9292 = Siskiyou County Office of Education
9293 = Siskiyou County Resource Conservation District
9294 = Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
9295 = Smith River Alliance
9296 = Smith River Anglers' Association
9297 = Soil Conservation Service
9298 = Sonoma County Water Agency
9299 = Sonoma Ecology Center
9300 = Sotoyome Resource Conservation District
9302 = Southern Humboldt Unified School District
9303 = Southern Sonoma County RCD
9305 = Stanislaus Fly Fishermen
9308 = Stevenson Brown
9309 = Streaminders Chapter of the Izaak Walton League
9310 = Streaminders Environmental Education Program
9311 = Suisun Resource Conservation District
9312 = Susan McClatchy
9314 = Teri Jo Barber - Ridge to River
9316 = The Nature Conservancy
9321 = Tomales Bay Association
9323 = Trinidad Fishermen's Salmon Enhancement
9326 = Trinity County Planning Department
9327 = Trinity County Resource Conservation District
9328 = Trinity Fisheries Consulting
9329 = Trinity Fisheries Improvement Association
9330 = Trinity River Consulting
9332 = Turlock Irrigation District
9333 = Twin Parks Lumber Company
9334 = Tyee Foundation
9335 = Tyler Ledwith
9342 = U.S. Forest Service Angeles National Forest
9343 = U.S. Forest Service El Dorado National Forest
9344 = U.S. Forest Service Happy Camp Ranger District
9345 = U.S. Forest Service Inyo National Forest
9346 = U.S. Forest Service Klamath National Forest
9347 = U.S. Forest Service Klamath National Forest Salmon River Ranger
9348 = U.S. Forest Service Klamath National Forest Scott River Ranger
9349 = U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
9350 = U.S. Forest Service Lassen National Forest
9351 = U.S. Forest Service Los Padres National Forest
9353 = U.S. Forest Service Mendocino National Forest
9355 = U.S. Forest Service Modoc National Forest
9357 = U.S. Forest Service Oak Knoll Ranger District
9361 = U.S. Forest Service Plumas National Forest
9362 = U.S. Forest Service San Bernardino National Forest
9363 = U.S. Forest Service Sequoia National Forest
9364 = U.S. Forest Service Shasta-Trinity National Forest Weaverville
Ranger District
9365 = U.S. Forest Service Sierra National Forest
9366 = U.S. Forest Service Six Rivers National Forest
9367 = U.S. Forest Service Six Rivers National Forest Lower Trinity
Ranger District
9368 = U.S. Forest Service Six Rivers National Forest Orleans Ranger
9369 = U.S. Forest Service Stanislaus National Forest
9370 = U.S. Forest Service Stanislaus National Forest Miwok Ranger
9371 = U.S. Forest Service Tahoe National Forest
9372 = U.S. Forest Service Toiyabe National Forest
9374 = U.S. Soil Conservation Service
9375 = United Anglers
9377 = United Anglers of California Research Institute
9378 = United Anglers of Casa Grande High School
9379 = United Water Conservation District
9380 = University of California Cooperative Extension
9381 = University of California, Davis
9383 = Urban Creeks Council
9385 = Watershed Science
9387 = Western Canal Water District
9388 = Western Timber Service
9390 = William Carmen
9391 = William Huber & Associates
9392 = Willow Creek Community Services District
9393 = Woodman Creek Association
9394 = Yurok Tribe Natural Resources Department
9395 = Siskiyou Training and Employment Program, Inc.
9397 = Mattole Soilbankers
9400 = On-the-Job-Training
9401 = Bob King
9402 = North Coast Association of River Guides
9403 = Simpson Timber Company
9404 = Deadwood Conservation Camp
9406 = Arcata Redwood Company
9407 = Etna High School
9408 = Private landowner(s) (non-corporate)
9410 = Morris Elementary School
9411 = Marin County Fire Department
9412 = College of the Redwoods
9413 = State Coastal Conservancy
9414 = Pacific Gas and Electric Company
9415 = California Army National Guard
9416 = Chevron USA, Inc
9417 = Western Oil and Gas
9418 = Wetland Engineering and Technology
9419 = Industrial Electric Service Company
9420 = Reed Construction
9421 = Humboldt Area Foundation
9422 = Redmont Construction
9423 = City of Yreka
9424 = California Department of Boating and Waterways
9425 = Merced County
9427 = Santa Clara County
9428 = Standard Oil
9429 = Salmon Stamp Funds
9430 = Paradise Unified School District
9431 = U.S. Army
9433 = Trout Unlimited - California Council
9434 = City of San Diego
9436 = Holland Construction
9437 = Jelcon
9438 = Reedley Landscape Center
9439 = Monterey County Parks Department
9440 = R & R Backhoe Service
9441 = Paragon Company
9442 = Willits High School Forestry Class
9443 = B. J. Rowland Construction
9444 = Volunteer(s)
9445 = Marin Rod and Gun Club
9446 = Dick Jordan Blasting
9447 = Trustees of the California State University
9448 = Eldridge Equipment
9449 = Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Foundation
9450 = Altman General Engineering
9451 = University of California, Santa Barbara
9453 = Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
9454 = Dana Gray School
9455 = U.S. Forest Service Shasta-Trinity National Forest McCloud Ranger
9456 = Sacramento County
9458 = Environmental Restoration Services
9459 = Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission
9460 = John Hundley
9461 = Institute for Fisheries Research
9462 = Nevada Department of Wildlife
9463 = Wildlife Conservation Board
9464 = Diede Construction
9465 = Bert Endicott Trucking
9466 = Exegetics
9467 = Clearlake Bassmasters
9468 = Louisiana Pacific Corporation
9469 = Bodega Land Trust
9470 = William R. McBride Logging
9471 = Restoration Forestry, Inc.
9472 = Seely Creek Watershed Association
9473 = Gilbert Gregori
9474 = Esquivel Grading and Paving
9475 = Doyle and Company
9476 = Regents of the University of California, Hopland Research and
Extension Center
9477 = Forest, Soil and Water, Incorporated
9478 = Cazadero Performing Arts Camp
9479 = Mill Valley Watershed Project/Center for Ecoliteracy
9480 = Land Partners Through Stewardship
9481 = Moat Creek Managing Agency
9482 = Port San Luis Harbor District
9483 = Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance
9484 = South Coast Productions
9485 = National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
9486 = Mary Crocker Trust
9487 = EQIP
9488 = Fish America Foundation
9489 = George Ypsilantis
9490 = California Department of Parks and Recreation, North Coast
Redwoods District
9491 = Rellim Redwood Company
9492 = Georgia Pacific Corporation
9493 = Dragon Fly Stream Enhancement
9494 = East Bay Municipal Utility District
9495 = City of Santa Paula
9496 = Santa Barbara County Parks Department
9497 = California Bay-Delta Authority
9498 = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
9499 = Adopt-A-Watershed
9500 = Klamath River Inter-Tribal Fish and Water Commission
9501 = French Creek Outdoor School/Etna Elementary School
9502 = California State University, Fresno Foundation
9503 = Bear Creek Canyon Road Association
9504 = Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works
9505 = For the Sake of the Salmon
9506 = Morro Bay National Estuary Program
9507 = Save-the-Redwoods League
9508 = Beginnings, Incorporated
9509 = Barbara A. Domanchuk
9511 = Proposition 12
9512 = Pacific Coastal Salmonid Initiative
9513 = William Lettis and Associates
9514 = Mendocino Redwood Company, LLC
9515 = Cachuma Conservation Release Board
9517 = Buckeye Conservancy
9518 = McLean Foundation
9519 = C. Bussman
9520 = Napa County
9522 = San Francisquito Creek Coordinated Resource Management and
Planning (CRMP) Process
9523 = Resource Management
9524 = Campbell Timberland Management
9525 = Occidental Arts and Ecology Center
9526 = Mendocino County Department of Transportation
9527 = H.T. Harvey and Associates
9528 = Santa Clara Valley Water District
9530 = Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
9531 = Marin County, FishNet 4C Project
9532 = Mattole Unified School District
9533 = Les Fearrien
9534 = McBain and Trush
9535 = Natural Resources Conservation Service
9536 = Alexandre EcoDairy Farms
9537 = Sonoma County Fish and Wildlife Commission
9538 = Matilija Coalition
9539 = Surfrider Foundation
9540 = Friends of the Ventura River
9541 = Environmental Defense Center
9542 = Environmental Coalition of Ventura County
9543 = CalTrout
9544 = Friends of the River
9545 = American Rivers
9546 = Patagonia, Incorporated
9547 = Eden Productions
9548 = Wallis Foundation
9549 = Trust for Public Land
9551 = Davis Ranches
9552 = Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation District
9554 = Peninsula Open Space Trust
9555 = Upper Eel Watershed Forum
9557 = Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works
9559 = Barnum Timber Company
9560 = Santa Barbara Channelkeeper
9562 = Sanctuary Forest, Incorporated
9563 = Arcanum Pottery
9565 = City of Santa Cruz
9566 = California Polytechnic State University Foundation
9567 = Institute for Fisheries Resources
9569 = Hanson Ranch Road Association
9570 = Marin County
9571 = Tomales Bay Watershed Council
9572 = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
9573 = Northwest Resource
9574 = Northcoast Co-op
9575 = Sentry Market
9576 = Safeway Food and Drug
9579 = Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force
9581 = Trees Foundation
9582 = Salmon Protection and Watershed Network
9583 = Yurok Tribe Watershed Restoration Department
9584 = NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center
9586 = San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
9589 = Indian Creek Ranch
9591 = Harris Environmental Science
9593 = Napa County Public Works
9594 = Steiner Environmental Consulting
9595 = Bay Institute of San Francisco
9597 = Gualala Redwoods, Incorporated
9599 = Tri-County FISH Team
9600 = Marin County Open Space District
9601 = California Farmland Conservancy
9603 = San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority
9604 = Monterey County Public Works
9605 = Growing Solutions, Restoration Education Institute
9606 = Siskiyou Research Group
9607 = U.S. Forest Service Smith River National Recreation Area
9608 = Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
9610 = Cereus Fund
9611 = Mead Foundation
9613 = PacifiCorps
9614 = Irmulco Road Corporation
9615 = Cachuma Resource Conservation District
9616 = Carpinteria Creek Watershed Council
9618 = Carmel River Watershed Conservancy
9619 = Proposition 13
9620 = U.S. Forest Service Redwood Sciences Laboratory
9623 = California State University, Chico Research Foundation
9626 = Sonoma County Open Space District
9627 = West Lake Resource Conservation District
9628 = Round Valley County Water District
9629 = Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program
9630 = U.S. Forest Service Shasta-Trinity National Forest
9631 = Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries
9632 = Lagunitas Creek Technical Advisory Committee
9634 = Bioengineering Institute
9635 = Gray Creek Road Association
9636 = Sotoyome Resource Conservation District, Board of Directors
9637 = Sonoma County Regional Parks
9638 = Kahn Properties
9639 = California Conservation Corps, Los Padres Service District
9640 = American Watersheds
9641 = Marla Morrissey
9642 = Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District
9643 = Uppers Salinas Watershed Coalition
9644 = Muir Beach Community Services District
9645 = Private sources
9646 = Humboldt County Public Works Department
9647 = Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District
9648 = Berry's Sawmill
9649 = Northern Aggregates
9650 = Steve Hackett
9651 = Ducks Unlimited
9653 = Balance Hydrologics
9654 = Siskiyou County Department of Public Works
9655 = California Waterfowl Association
9656 = San Gregorio Environmental Resource Center
9659 = Shasta Water Association
9661 = San Mateo County, Department of Public Works
9662 = Schlumpberger Consulting Engineers
9664 = San Mateo County Department of Public Works
9666 = City of Capitola
9667 = Eel River Sawmills
9668 = Cascade Earth Sciences
9670 = VanderHorst Forestry
9671 = Industrial Forestry Association Nursery
9672 = Wagner Land Co.
9673 = Smith River Advisory Council
9674 = Santa Cruz County Public Works
9675 = East Branch Watershed Association
9676 = Reed Mountain Road Association
9677 = San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Division
9678 = San Pedro Creek Watershed Cooperative
9679 = Northern California Ecosystem Training Center
9680 = Sonoma Creek Adopt-A-Watershed
9681 = Big Sur Land Trust
9682 = Monterey County Planning Department
9683 = Federal Emergency Management Agency
9684 = Pescadero-Butano Watershed Coordinated Resources Management
Planning Process Group
9686 = Golden Rule Church Association
9688 = Carpy-Conolly Ranch, LLC
9689 = Mailliard Ranch
9690 = Kelly Road, LLC
9691 = Crane Consulting
9692 = Swanton Pacific Ranch
9693 = Tiburon Lab
9695 = Hopland Research and Extension Center
9696 = Russian River Property Owners Association
9697 = Sonoma State University
9698 = NOAA Fisheries, Santa Cruz Laboratory
9700 = Redwood Empire
9701 = Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
9702 = Topanga Creek Watershed Committee
9703 = Santa Monica Bay Restoration Plan
9704 = City of Ventura
9705 = Phillipsville Quarry
9706 = Baker Creek Quarry
9707 = Yager/Van Duzen Environmental Stewards
9708 = North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
9709 = French Ranch
9710 = Richard French
9711 = Wild River Conservancy
9712 = Goldman Foundation
9713 = San Jose State University Foundation
9714 = California State University, San Francisco
9715 = University of California, Berkeley
9716 = National Science Foundation
9717 = C. Beecham Company
9718 = Morro Group, Inc.
9719 = Harvey's Honey Huts
9720 = Alderpoint-Blocksburg-Casterlin Community Center
9721 = California State University, Monterey Bay
9722 = Steelhead and Stream Recovery Coalition of the South Central
California Coast
9723 = Scott River Watershed Council
9724 = Redtree Properties, L.P.
9725 = Alameda County Water District
9726 = Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration
9727 = Hagar Environmental Science
9728 = CH2MHill
9729 = Michael Love and Associates
9730 = J. Milstein, Attorney
9731 = Little Horse Ranch
9732 = San Lorenzo Valley Water District
9733 = Brooktrails Township CSD
9734 = Jeffrey Hedin
9735 = Piercy Watersheds Association
9736 = South Fork Trinity CRMP
9737 = Stimson Lumber Company
9738 = Susan McBride
9739 = Weaverville Elementary
9740 = Sierra Pacific Industries
9742 = Alice A. Rich and Associates
9743 = U.S. Forest Service, Salmon River Ranger District
9744 = Ukiah Rod and Gun Club
9745 = Yurok Tribe of California
9746 = U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Biological Science Center
9747 = Winzler and Kelly
9748 = Wages Creek Campground
9749 = Trinity County Department of Transportation
9750 = Tetra Tech/MFG Inc.
9751 = Susan Firor
9752 = Karen and Bill Bartleson
9753 = Wendt Construction
9754 = State Parks Interpretive Society
9755 = California Department of Conservation
9756 = Salmon Trollers Advisory Committee
9757 = Etna Elementary School District
9760 = Ventura County, Public Works Agency
9761 = City of St. Helena
9763 = San Pedro Creek Watershed Coalition
9768 = California Wildlife Foundation
9769 = Six Rivers National Forest
9772 = Northcoast Regional Land Trust
9773 = Trinity County Planning Department, Natural Resources Division
9774 = Lompico Watershed Conservancy
9778 = Jacoby Creek Land Trust
9782 = Western Shasta Resource Conservation District
9783 = Mud Creek Ranch
9785 = Concerned Resource and Environmental Workers dba The C.R.E.W.
9787 = Cottonwood Creek Watershed Group
9791 = California State University at Monterey Bay Foundation
9793 = California State Parks, Bay Area District
9796 = San Francisquito Watershed Council
9797 = ABC Community Center
9800 = Graham Matthews and Associates
9801 = Land Trust for Santa Barbara County
9802 = Trout Unlimited, North Bay Chapter 903
9803 = California State Parks, Santa Cruz District
9804 = Sustainable Conservation
9805 = Garrapata Creek Watershed Council
9806 = City of Ojai, Public Works Department
9807 = Valley Women's Club
9810 = Mendocino Land Trust, Inc.
9811 = Trust for Wildland Communities
9812 = National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Program
9814 = California Rangeland Trust
9815 = Rockefeller Foundation
9816 = David and Lucile Packard Foundation
9817 = Hewlett Foundation
9818 = Irvine Foundation
9819 = Bank of America Foundation
9820 = Helen C. Kleberg Foundation
9821 = Mendocino Unified School District
9822 = California Department of Education
9823 = Big River Watershed Alliance
9824 = Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
9826 = Sanford Lowry Ranch
9827 = Westside Resource Conservation District
9828 = Tuolumne County Land Trust
9829 = California Transportation Commission
9830 = Livestock Memorial Research Fund
9831 = Friant Water Users Authority
9832 = Save San Francisco Bay Association
9833 = Community Foundation Silicon Valley
9835 = California Native Plant Society
9837 = Association of Bay Area Governments
9838 = Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
9839 = Friends of the Laguna
9840 = Omware Inc
9841 = Sonoma Land Trust
9842 = Matrix of Change
9843 = Gualala Aggregates
9844 = Point Arena Schools
9845 = Horicon School
9846 = Creative Environmental Conservation
9847 = City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department
9848 = Americorps National Civilian Community Corps
9849 = Kelly and Associates
9850 = Friends of Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve
9851 = StreamKeepers
9852 = Calaveras County Office of Education
9853 = Calaveras County Department of Parks and Recreation
9854 = San Joaquin Resource Conservation District
9855 = Woodbridge River Co.
9856 = Muir Heritage Land Trust
9857 = State of California Agricultural Land Stewardship Program
9859 = Glenn County Office of Education
9860 = Sacramento River Partners
9861 = Community Action Volunteers in Education
9862 = University of California Bodega Marine Laboratory
9863 = Alameda County Public Works Agency
9864 = Castro Valley Unified School District
9865 = Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
9866 = Palmdale Water District
9867 = National Forest Foundation
9868 = Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
9869 = Weeden Foundation
9870 = California State University, Fresno
9871 = Mother Lode Job Training
9872 = The Trust for Public Land
9874 = AKT Development Corporation
9875 = Yolo Basin Foundation
9876 = Dean Witter Foundation
9877 = Sonoma County Community Education
9879 = Bechtel Foundation
9880 = American River Conservancy
9881 = Mountains Restoration Trust
9882 = Lindsay Wildlife Museum
9883 = City of Walnut Creek
9884 = Colusa County RCD
9885 = Colusa County Department of Public Works
9886 = Colusa County Basin Drainage District
9887 = Colusa County Board of Supervisors
9888 = Nevada County Resource Conservation District
9889 = Yuba Watershed Council
9893 = Region II Water Quality Control Board
9894 = Sacramento City-County Office of Metropolitan Water Planning
Water Forum
9895 = Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency
9896 = Sacramento County Parks
9897 = California Center for Public Dispute Resolution
9898 = Surface Water Resources, Inc
9899 = Jones and Stokes Associates
9900 = Ayres Associates, Inc
9901 = HDR Engineering
9902 = EDAW, Inc
9903 = Stillwater Sciences
9904 = Specialty Appraisals
9905 = Packard Foundation
9906 = California Cattlemen's Assn.
9907 = Deer Creek and Tule River Authority
9908 = Lower Tule River Irrigation District
9909 = Audubon Society
9910 = Restore America's Estuaries
9911 = City of Salinas
9912 = Craig Bell
9913 = California State University, Chico
9914 = Alameda County Resource Conservation District
9915 = L.C. Lee & Associates
9916 = Central Valley Habitat Joint Venture
9917 = Point Reyes Bird Observatory
9918 = Save the Bay
9919 = Audubon Baylands Program
9920 = The Coastal Conservancy
9921 = City of Sutter Creek
9922 = Amador County
9924 = Sutter Creek Lions Club
9925 = Amador County Unified School District
9926 = City of Davis
9927 = Yolo County Office of Education
9928 = Bizline Associates, Inc.
9929 = Team Arundo of the Upper Sacramento (TAUS)
9930 = Glenn County
9931 = City of Chico
9933 = Little Chico Creek Watershed Working Group
9934 = California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES)
9935 = City of Red Bluff
9936 = Yolo Bypass Working Group
9937 = State Levee Flood Protection Program
9938 = Delta In-Channel Islands Work Group
9940 = DCC Engineering
9941 = Kjeldsen/Sinnock/Neudeck
9942 = Kjeldsen and Kjeldsen
9943 = H.A.R.T., Inc.
9944 = Levine-Fricke
9945 = Mitchell Swanson
9946 = Andrew Leiser
9948 = Borcalli and Associates
9949 = Ray Toney Associates
9950 = ECORP Consulting, Inc.
9951 = Yolo County Resource Conservation District
9953 = Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
9954 = UCCE
9956 = Reclamation District 2035
9957 = West Yost & Associates
9958 = Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District
9959 = Tyson Holmes, PhD
9960 = The Bioengineering Group, Inc.
9961 = Robbin B. Sotir & Associates
9962 = Kjeldsen, Sinnock & Neudeck, Inc.
9963 = Robert Miller & Associates
9964 = Keith Whitener
9965 = Anadromous Fisheries Restoration Program
9966 = California Wildlife Conservation Board
9967 = May Consulting Services
9968 = LSA Associates, Inc.
9969 = Debra Lynn Smith
9970 = Butte Creek Watershed Project
9971 = Mill Creek Conservancy
9972 = Mill Creek Watershed Advisory Committee
9973 = Los Molinos High School
9974 = Moffatt & Nichol Engineers
9975 = Hultgren-Tillis Engineers
9976 = Habitat Assessment & Restoration Team, Inc.
9977 = Steve Shanner, Ph.D.
9978 = Mark Rosenberg
9979 = John Tomko
9980 = Aqua Science, Inc.
9981 = Dean and Black Public Relations
9982 = City of Sacramento
9983 = Sierra Environmental Lab
9984 = Central Valley Project Improvement Act
9985 = Land and Water Conservation Fund
9986 = Bi-County Irrigation
9987 = E.F. Larrabee & Associates
9988 = Kyle Keer
9989 = Pacific Farms and Orchards, Inc.
9990 = Del Terra
9991 = Chicago Title Co.
9992 = Hydroikos Associates
9993 = Hydmet, Inc.
9994 = Bailey Environmental
9995 = Wildlands, Inc.
9997 = Placer County
9998 = Comprehensive Resource Management Plan Committee
9999 = WRC Environmental
90000 = Battle Creek Watershed Conservancy
90001 = City of San Jose - Environmental Services Department
90002 = California Department of Parks and Recreation, Gold Mines Sector
90003 = Placer County RCD
90004 = Theroux Environmental
90005 = Hal Voege
90006 = Otis Wollan
90008 = Sierra Orchards
90009 = Rominger Bros. Farms Inc.
90010 = Mokelumne River Technical Advisory Committee
90011 = KEA Environmental
90012 = Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission
90013 = California State University, Sacramento
90014 = Sacramento Watersheds Action Group
90015 = Feather River Coordinated Resource Management
90016 = Forest Community Research
90017 = Maidu Cultural and Development Group
90018 = Panoche/Silver Creek CRMP
90019 = MFG, Inc.
90022 = Merced County Planning and Development Department
90023 = Contra Costa RCD
90024 = Alhambra Creek Watershed Planning Group
90025 = Environmental Alliance
90026 = City of Martinez
90027 = Contra Costa County
90028 = Martinez School District
90029 = A. A. Rich & Associates
90031 = Sonoma County Probation Camp
90032 = Casa Grande High School
90033 = The William Buchanan Company, Inc.
90034 = Compton Foundation, Inc.
90035 = Environment Now
90036 = Monterey County RCD
90037 = Greenville Foundation
90038 = Community Foundation for Monterey County
90039 = Water Quality Protection Program
90040 = South Yuba River Citizens League
90041 = Conservation Alliance
90042 = Individual Donor(s)
90043 = REI, Inc.
90045 = Summit High School
90046 = City of Concord
90047 = Tarleton Institute for Marine Education
90049 = Lyman Jewett
90050 = John Jewett Fencing
90052 = Summer Youth Employment Training Program
90053 = Natural Resources Employment Program
90054 = Boy Scouts of America
90055 = Windsor Unified School District
90056 = Clos du Bois Winery
90057 = Big Creek Lumber
90058 = Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program
90059 = San Leandro Unified School District
90060 = Hayward Area Recreation and Park District
90061 = Friends of the Estuary
90062 = Santa Cruz County Fish and Game Commission
90063 = Citizens for Responsible Forestry
90064 = California Association of River Guides
90065 = Newman's Own
90066 = Tuolumne River Preservation Trust
90067 = The Goldman Fund
90068 = The General Service Foundation
90069 = Tuolumne River Technical Advisory Committee
90070 = American Land Conservancy
90071 = University of California, Davis Watershed Management Program
90072 = Integrated Environmental Restoration Services
90073 = Wilbur Hot Springs
90074 = Consulting in the Public Interest
90075 = Lynne Israel and Associates
90076 = Monte Bell Agricultural Consultant
90077 = Fouts Spring Ranch
90078 = Ward Investments
90079 = Monsanto Company
90080 = Dow AgroSciences
90081 = Blue Ridge Berryesa Natural Area Conservation Partnership
90082 = Colusa County Cooperative Extension
90083 = Conservation Technology Support Program
90084 = Jil Zilligen
90085 = Sanger High School
90086 = San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust
90087 = Ashley Payne Ranch
90088 = Colusa County Public Works
90089 = Tri-County Weed Management Area
90090 = Rowdy Creek Moblie Home Park
90091 = Sacramento River Discovery Center
90092 = Red Bluff Union High School
90093 = Los Robles Native Plants
90094 = California Native Grass Society
90095 = Lake County Land Trust
90096 = Lake County
90097 = Rodman Ranch Vineyard
90098 = North American Wetlands Conservation Fund
90099 = Marin County Foundation
90100 = Inverness Foundation
90101 = Marin Agricultural Land Trust
90102 = City of Redding
90103 = Great Valley Center
90104 = Cantara Trustee Council
90105 = Sustainable Land Stewardship Institute
90106 = Aqua Bonita Water Education Services
90107 = Greenvale Tree co.
90108 = Cadre of Corps
90109 = Anza-Borrego Foundation
90110 = Offield Foundation
90111 = Heller Foundation
90112 = James S. Copley Foundation
90113 = Parker Foundation
90114 = The Wild Salmon Center
90115 = Oregon Trust
90116 = Ecotrust
90117 = Homeland Foundation
90118 = Westside Cattlemens Protective Association
90119 = Birdwell Ranch
90120 = Coalinga High School
90121 = Sierra Foothill Conservancy
90122 = Intermountain Nursery
90123 = D. Margaret Studley Foundation
90124 = John E. McAmis
90125 = Butte Creek Watershed Conservancy
90127 = Pacifica's Environmental Family
90129 = Heal the Bay
90130 = Audubon Society California
90131 = FARMS Leadership, Inc.
90132 = Jim and Susan Webster Farming
90152 = Woodside Elementary School District
90153 = David and Maureen Brown
90154 = Woodside School Foundation
90155 = Jobs-in-the-Woods
90157 = CalForest Nurseries
90164 = Terra Wave Systems, Inc.
90165 = Butte Creek Farms
90167 = Sierra View Divers
90168 = Ancient Forest International
90169 = Outdoor Industry Conservation Alliance
90170 = Columbia Foundation
90171 = Panther Gap Watershed Association
90172 = Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
90173 = Long Beach City College
90175 = U.S. Navy
90176 = Friends of Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge
90177 = Tree of Life Nursery
90178 = Breitburn Energy Company, Inc.
90180 = RS Engineering
90182 = Friends of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation
90183 = City of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Department
90184 = Ulistac Natural Area
90185 = Mendocino County Agriculture Office
90186 = Sonoma County Agricultural Office
90187 = Siskiyou County Department of Agriculture
90188 = Aquatic Outreach Institute
90189 = Earth Care
90190 = East Bay Community Foundation
90191 = Mira Vista Elementary School
90192 = City of Richmond Recreation and Parks Department
90193 = Contra Costa County Teacher Action Grant
90194 = Bevill Vineyard Management LLC
90195 = Sonoma County Community Foundation
90196 = Windsor High School
90197 = Healdsburg High School
90198 = Geyserville Buena Vista Continuation High School
90199 = Student and Landowner Education and Watershed Stewardship
90201 = Dendra, Inc.
90202 = Agri Chemical and Supply, Inc.
90203 = Fallbrook Land Conservancy
90204 = Pestmaster Services
90206 = Rainbow Municipal Water District
90208 = Fallbrook Public Utility District
90209 = California State University, San Diego
90210 = San Luis Rey Watershed Council
90213 = Anonymous Private Donor
90214 = La Tour Landscaping
90215 = Carlson Construction and Grading
90216 = Doug Veerkamp
90217 = Earl McGuire, P.E.
90218 = Whitecap Foundation
90222 = Stream Wise
90224 = Trinity High School
90225 = Trinity River Restoration Program
90226 = Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District
90228 = Chico State University Foundation
90229 = State Water Resources Control Board
90230 = California Resources Agency
90232 = Spring-run Chinook Salmon Workgroup
90234 = Jenifer Altman Foundation
90235 = Dr. G. Mathias Kondolf
90236 = Siskiyou County Fish and Game Commission
90237 = Community Impact
90240 = Salinas Valley Health
90242 = Nautilus Institute
90243 = Sierra Club Foundation
90244 = Hut Foundation
90245 = Yurok Tribe
90246 = Farrow Ranch
90247 = Sempervirens Fund
90249 = Gary Edmundson & Associates
90250 = Volunteer Centers of Santa Cruz County
90251 = Earthlinks, Inc.
90252 = Peninsula Flyfishers Association
90253 = Central Coast Wilds
90255 = Santa Cruz City Schools
90256 = Deer Creek Watershed Conservancy
90257 = Collins Pine Company
90258 = Chester High School
90259 = Chester Elementary School
90260 = Sonoma Valley Vinters & Growers Alliance
90262 = Sonoma County Public Works
90263 = Sacramento River Conservation Association
90264 = U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
90265 = Michigan State University
90266 = Natural Heritage Institute
90268 = City of Brentwood
90269 = Switzer Foundation
90270 = San Francisco Bay Fund
90271 = Contra Costa Flood Control District
90274 = IBIS Environmental, Inc.
90276 = Ecological Farming Association
90277 = California Clean Growers
90278 = Community Alliance with Family Farmers
90279 = California Integrated Waste Management Board
90280 = Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment
90281 = Fees for Service
90282 = Robert Brownlee Foundation
90284 = Corp. for National Service
90285 = Gerald Lieberman, Ph.D.
90286 = Rob Wade
90287 = Nancy Jones
90288 = Ulatis Resource Conservation District
90289 = Solano County Water Association
90291 = East Merced Resource Conservation District
90292 = Four Seasons Ag. Consulting
90293 = Robinson Cattle Company
90294 = Merced River Stakeholders Group
90295 = Los Angeles Campus Institute of the Environment
90296 = Battle Creek Adaptive Management Technical Team
90297 = Natural Resource Scientists, Inc.
90298 = Big Eagle & Associates, Inc.
90299 = Balfour Beatty Construction
90300 = Kiewit Pacific Company
90301 = MWH Americas, Inc.
90302 = Saber Engineering
90303 = Ensign & Buckley Consulting
90304 = Kleinfelder
90305 = Landon Engineering and Surveying
90306 = Power Systems Engineering
90307 = Pala Indian Reservation
90308 = City of Oceanside
90309 = Pardee Nursery
90311 = Dudek Environmental Consulting
90312 = U.S. Department of Defense
90313 = Santa Margarita and San Luis Rey Watersheds Weed Management Area
90314 = Carlmont High School
90316 = Association for Community Based Education, Inc.
90317 = Agricultural Land-Based Training Association, Inc.
90318 = University of California, Santa Cruz
90322 = Coldwater Conservation Fund
90324 = Proposition 70
90325 = Northwest Pacific Railroad
90326 = Shasta Land Trust
90327 = Sierra Valley Resource Conservation District
90328 = Proposition 204
90329 = Sierra County
90330 = Sierra Economic Development District
90332 = Yuba County Water Agency
90333 = University of California, Davis John Muir Institute of the
90334 = Cosumnes River Preserve Partners
90335 = Wichita State University
90337 = California Department of Food and Agriculture, Integrated Pest
Control Branch
90340 = Whiskeytown Environmental School
90341 = Shasta College
90342 = Shasta-Tehama Bioregional Council
90343 = Sierra Pacific Foundation
90345 = East Stanislaus Resource Conservation District
90346 = Humboldt County Planning Department
90347 = McKinleyville High School
90348 = North Fork Outdoor Environmental Education Center
90349 = San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
90350 = Bay Area Action
90351 = Friends of Sausal Creek
90352 = San Francisquito Coordinated Resource Management
90353 = NOAA Fisheries Southwest Region
90354 = Round Valley School District
90357 = Stewards of Slavianka
90359 = Dutch Bill Creek Watershed Group
90360 = Performance Excavators
90362 = Marin Conservation League
90363 = Trikey & Associates
90364 = Nute Engineering
90365 = San Geronimo Valley Golf Course
90366 = Save the Valley
90367 = Sierra Club - Marin Group
90370 = Discovery Center of Sonoma County
90371 = Committee for Restoring Santa Rosa Creek
90372 = Hidden Valley Elementary School
90373 = Proctor Terrace Elementary School
90374 = Douglas Whited Elementary School
90375 = Montgomery High School
90376 = Golden Bear Biostudies
90377 = Sonoma County ReLeaf
90378 = Morro Estuary Greenbelt Alliance
90379 = San Luis Obispo Conservation District
90380 = Steelhead Coalition of the Central Coast
90381 = McKinleyville Parks and Recreation
90382 = City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Public Works
90383 = Port of Los Angeles
90384 = Jordan Vineyard and Winery
90386 = Georgetown Divide Resource Conservation District
90387 = El Dorado County Resource Conservation District
90388 = South Fork American River Watershed Group
90389 = South Fork Dialogue Group
90390 = El Dorado County
90391 = El Dorado National Forest
90392 = Mennen Foundation
90393 = JL Foundation
90394 = Natomas Mutual Water Company
90395 = Miriam Green Associates
90397 = Patterson Irrigation District
90399 = San Francisco Estuary Field Station
90400 = Parsons, Brinckeroff, Quade, and Douglas, Inc.
90401 = Ecosystem Restoration Sciences, Inc.
90402 = Earth Island Istitute/Estuary Action Challenge
90403 = West Contra Costa County School District
90404 = Berkeley Unified School District
90407 = Contra Costa County Clean Water
90408 = Chico Unified School District
90409 = California Regional Environmental Education Community Network
90410 = Colusa High Environmental Academy
90411 = Friends of Butte Creek
90412 = Placer County Outdoor Science Program
90413 = Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance
90414 = Contra Costa Watershed Forum
90415 = City of Pittsburg
90416 = Contra Costa County Farm Bureau
90418 = Friends of the Creek
90420 = Cosumnes River Task Force
90421 = Mokelumne Cosumnes Watershed Alliance
90424 = Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc.
90425 = San Joaquin Council of Governments
90426 = City of Vallejo Sanitation District
90427 = Marin-Sonoma Counties Mosquito Abatement District
90428 = Shell Oil Spill Litigation Settlement Trustee Committee
90430 = San Francisco Estuary Project
90431 = BayKeeper
90432 = David Gold Foundation
90433 = University of California, Davis Toxicology Laboratory
90434 = DeltaKeeper
90435 = University of the Pacific and Delta College
90436 = Solano County Department of Environmental Management
90437 = City of Winters
90438 = Lower Putah Creek Coordinating Committee
90439 = Putah Creek Streamkeeper
90440 = San Francisco Foundation
90444 = Friends of Napa River
90445 = Vintage High School
90446 = Giles W. and Elise G. Mead Foundation
90447 = McKinleyville Community Services District
90449 = Foundation Contractors
90450 = North Bay Construction
90451 = Van Midde & Son Concrete
90452 = R.W. Davis & Associates Land Surveyors
90453 = Shamrock Materials
90454 = Denbeste Transportation
90455 = Peterson
90456 = Bruce Fiock
90457 = Corri Shoong Polloc
90458 = Los Angeles County Proposition A2 Funds
90460 = Joanna Foundation
90461 = Oracle Foundation
90462 = Joseph R. Parker Foundation
90463 = Marin Community Foundation
90464 = Bewley-Motluck Foundation
90466 = Mendocino County Fish and Game Commission
90468 = Jacoby Creek School
90469 = Freshwater Farms
90470 = Bayside Grange
90471 = Jacoby Creek Protection Association
90474 = Richmond High School
90475 = City of San Pablo
90477 = West Contra Costa County Integrated Waste Management Authority
90478 = Creek Keepers
90481 = Sonoma County Agriculture Preservation and Open Space District
90482 = Cross and Crown Luthern School
90483 = Morrison Brothers Dairy
90484 = San Diego Park Foundation
90485 = San Diego Landfill Systems
90486 = Friends of Mission Valley Preserve
90487 = Urban Corps of San Deigo
90488 = Mission Valley Community Council
90489 = San Diego River Coalition
90490 = Wetlands Recovery Project
90493 = Conception Coast Project
90494 = Klamath River Education Program
90495 = Scott Valley Resource Conservation District
90497 = Federal Highway Administration
90498 = Whale Gulch School
90500 = Zone 7 Water District
90501 = Alameda Creek Fisheries Restoration Workgroup
90503 = Stag's Leap Wine Cellars
90504 = Robert Mondavi, Inc.
90505 = Samuelson Ranch
90506 = Working Assets
90507 = Coffee Creek Elementary
90508 = Lompico County Water District
90509 = Lompico Community Center
90510 = Santa Barbara Fish & Game Commission
90511 = Klamath Service District
90512 = Kerrington Ranch
90513 = Humboldt County Parks
90514 = Ken Wallen Construction
90515 = John Niel
90516 = Dr. Bill Trush
90518 = Napa Valley Wine Company
90519 = Trinity River Basin Fish and Wildlife Restoration Grant Program
90521 = Klamath River Basin Conservation Area Restoration Program
90522 = Black Oak Ranch
90523 = Hawthorne Timber Company
90524 = North Carolina State University
90525 = Santa Barbara County Water Agency
90526 = Carpinteria Creek Watershed Coalition
90527 = Section 205j Funding
90528 = Fixing Stream Habitats Technical Assistance Program
90529 = Arroyo Grande Watershed Forum
90530 = California Department of Parks and Recreation, Russian River
90533 = Hawks and Associates
90535 = California Forest Improvement Project
90536 = Natural Resources Education Program
90538 = Sommarstrom and Associates
90540 = Pacific Salmon Watershed Fund
90541 = California Department of Fish and Game, Adaptive Watershed
Management Program
90542 = Turtle Bay School
90543 = Sequoia Middle School
90544 = Chico Watershed Education Program
90545 = Walter & Elise Haas Fund
90546 = Upper Cosumnes River Basin Conservation Partnership
90547 = Texas A&M University
90549 = Lowney Associates
90551 = Cosumnes Research Group, Center for Integrated Watershed Science
and Management
90552 = Evergreen Middle School
90553 = M&T Staten Ranch
90554 = Municipal Water Quality Investigations Program (DWR)
90555 = San Joaquin County Office of Education
90556 = San Joaquin County Audubon Chapter
90557 = Fresno State University
90558 = Central Valley Agricultural Literacy Project
90559 = Santa Rosa Junior College
90560 = Davis Environmental
90561 = Hydrologic Research Center
90562 = Georgia Water Resources Institute
90563 = NOAA Office of Global Programs
90564 = Marin Audubon Society
90565 = Meridian Farms Water Company
90566 = Montgomery Watson and Harza Engineering Company
90567 = Steve Clifton Associates
90568 = Portland State University
90569 = Edward Gross
90570 = Bitterroot Restoration, Incorporated
90571 = Mid Klamath Watershed Council
90573 = Santa Monica Mountains RCD
90575 = El Capitan Ranch
90577 = City of Eureka
90580 = Ventura County
90582 = California Sportfishing Protection Alliance
90587 = California Conservation Corps, Del Norte Center
90592 = Santa Paula Creek Fish Ladder Authority
90597 = Tim Broadman
90599 = City of Malibu
90600 = Trinity County
90781 = Humboldt County Department of Public Works
90853 = Mendocino County RCD
91000 = City of Oakland
91001 = Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center
91002 = Castlemont High School
91003 = Creek Crew Center
91004 = Friends of Arroyo Viejo Creek
91005 = Arthur Gimmy International
91006 = Bay Foundation
91007 = Central Coast Natural History Association
91008 = Carpinteria Creek Foundation
91009 = Hammock, Arnold, Smith and Company
91010 = Land Trust Alliance
91011 = Dean Strupp and Associates
91012 = Terraserve Biological Consulting
91013 = Spatial Graphics
91014 = Legato Design
91015 = Deep Time
91016 = City of Albany
91017 = Morita Landscaping
91018 = Greenscape
91019 = Ransome Company
91020 = Ghilotti Brothers Construction Incorporated
91021 = Leptien, Cronin, Cooper Morris and Poore Incorporated
91022 = Daily Pacific Builder
91023 = Versital Enterprises Incorporated
91024 = McGuire and Hester
91025 = Civic Bank of Commerce
91026 = Wolfe Mason Associates
91027 = RMI Resource Management
91028 = Barton - Aschman
91029 = Alameda County Clerk
91030 = Bay Conservation and Development Commission
91031 = William H. Donner Foundation
91032 = Oakland Museum of California
91033 = Greenbelt Alliance
91035 = International City Escrow, Incorporated
91036 = Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Public Advisory
91037 = Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Wetlands Managers
91038 = San Diego County Task Force
91039 = Orange County Task Force
91040 = Los Angeles County Task Force
91041 = Ventura County Task Force
91042 = Santa Barbara County Task Force
91043 = RT Plane, LAX-Sac
91044 = Dwyer, Lynn E.
91046 = Ellison and Schneider
91047 = Contri Construction
91048 = Public Advisory Committee
91049 = Eureka Redevelopment Agency
91051 = Friends of the L.A. River
91052 = Watson Electric, Incorporated
91053 = City of Los Angeles
91054 = Riparian Repairs
91055 = Peter H. Bloom
91056 = Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council
91057 = City of Fullerton
91058 = Eco Village Farm Center
91059 = Coastwalk
91060 = Greenfiled Management Strategies
91061 = David Tattersall and Company
91062 = Conservation Fund, The
91063 = Rondal Snodgrass
91064 = Erler and Kalinowski, Incorporated
91065 = Corps of Engineers, The
91067 = West Family Trust
91068 = California Quartet
91069 = Oakland Unified School District
91070 = College of Alameda
91072 = Sierra Club Youth in Wilderness Fund
91073 = Golden Gate Audubon Society
91074 = NOAA Fisheries Community Restoration Fund
91075 = Grassetti Environmental
91076 = San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program
91077 = U.S. Department of Agriculture
91078 = Greater Vallejo Recreation District
91079 = City of Vallejo
91080 = San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
91081 = Zentner and Zentner
91082 = Mountain Pacific
91083 = M.P.A. Design
91084 = Subsurface Consultants, Incorporated
91085 = Philip Williams and Associates
91086 = Bay Area Open Space Council
91087 = Diablo Ridgelands Protection Working Group
91088 = Blue Ridge/Berryessa Natural Area Working Group
91089 = Solano County Organizational and Financial Capacity Building for
the Establishment of a Countywide Park and Open Space District
91090 = Haas Foundation
91091 = Solano County Economic Development Corporation
91092 = City of Solano
91093 = Solano County Farmlands and Open Space Foundation
91095 = California Farmlands Preservation Conservancy
91096 = If Not Now When Foundation
91101 = Mad River Biologists
91102 = Marylou Scavarda, M.S.W.
91105 = Santa Monica Bay Watershed Council
91106 = Dr Graphics
91107 = Cal Poly Pomona Foundation, Incorporated
91108 = Hoffman Vance Worthington
91109 = Interactive Planning and Management
91110 = Fish Passage Forum
91111 = Integra Dore, Curry and Marshall
91112 = Northwest Hydraulic Consultants, Inc.
91113 = City of Novato
91114 = Earth Island Institute
91115 = Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
91116 = Novato Sanitary District
91117 = Northwest Information Center of the California Historical
Resources Information System at Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
91118 = Native American Heritage Commission
91119 = Coast Miwok Tribe
91120 = State Historic Preservation Office
91121 = State Lands Commission
91123 = CSW Stuber Strough
91124 = Youngdahl Consulting Group, Incorporated
91125 = Geomatrix Consultants
91126 = Independent
91127 = Hulberg and Associates
91128 = San Luis Obispo County
91130 = University of California, Natural Reserve System
91131 = Pendergrast Masonry
91133 = City of Carpinteria
91134 = Sandyland Cove Trust
91135 = Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers
91136 = California Coastal Commission
91137 = Sandyland Protective Association
91138 = Nimmer Pictures
91139 = Pat Saley and Associates
91140 = Ecological Restoration Services
91141 = David M. Hubbard
91142 = Larry R. Wilcoxon
91143 = Martin, Northart and Spencer, Incorporated
91144 = City of Long Beach
91145 = Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
91146 = Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
91147 = Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
91148 = Eco-link
91149 = North East Trees
91151 = Albion
91152 = Caldwell Architects
91153 = Lynn Capouya, Incorporated
91154 = Onsite Environmental
91155 = Digital Mapping, Incorporated
91156 = Bill Car Surveys, Incorporated
91157 = Shannon Klohr
91158 = San Francisco Estuary Institute
91159 = U.S. Department of Agriculture Weed Control Lab
91160 = Team Spartina
91161 = Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
91162 = Bay Area County Commissioners
91163 = Benicia State Recreation Area
91164 = Western Alliance for Nature
91165 = River Project, The
91166 = Miller Brooks Environmental, Incorporated
91167 = Environmental Science and Planning
91168 = Everest International Consultants, Incorporated
91169 = Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
91171 = Campbell and Campbell
91173 = Rhodes/Dahl
91174 = Verna Jigour Associates
91175 = On Line Engineering
91176 = In-Situ Incorporated
91177 = W. Tom Foster Surveys
91178 = David Evans and Associates, Incorporated
91179 = Wallace Laboratories
91180 = Hydrologue, Incorporated
91181 = Environmental Data Resources, Incorporated
91182 = American Title Company
91183 = Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Center
91185 = Martin Luther King, Jr. March and Rally Committee
91186 = East Bay Regional Park Foundation
91187 = Michael Willis Architects, Incorporated
91188 = Bay Area Economics
91189 = Barbara Lee
91190 = Napa County Land Trust
91191 = City of American Canyon
91192 = Jack and Bernice Newell
91193 = Bay Area Ridge Trail Council
91194 = Albion Surveys
91195 = Gagen, McCoy, McMahon and Armstrong
91196 = Pacific Aerial Surveys
91197 = Bruce Randolph Anderson and Associates
91199 = Delta Science Center
91200 = Ironhouse Sanitary District
91201 = FarWest Restoration Engineering
91202 = Stuart Siegel, Wetlands Water Resources
91203 = Greeninfo Network
91204 = Emily Chan
91205 = Bill Wells
91206 = Matt Wickland
91207 = William S. Wells Design
91208 = Ronald Greenwell and Associates, Incorporated
91209 = Vollmar Consulting
91210 = Steve Barbata
91211 = Ibis Environmental Services
91212 = City of Pasadena
91213 = University of Southern California
91214 = Occidental College
91215 = Arroyo Seco Foundation
91216 = Daniel S. Cooper
91217 = Harza Engineering Company
91218 = Stoecker Ecological Consulting
91219 = Arthur Golding and Associates
91220 = PCR Services Corporation
91221 = Southern California Wetlands Clearinghouse
91222 = Kauttu Validation
91223 = Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board
91224 = San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
91225 = Pacific Meridian Resources
91226 = DHI Water and Environment
91227 = Towill, Incorporated
91228 = Jensen-Van Lienden Associates, Incorporated
91229 = City of Pismo Beach
91230 = Firma
91231 = Garing Taylor and Associates
91232 = Cannon Associates
91234 = Napa County Watershed Task Force
91235 = Friends of the Napa River
91236 = Cooper Testing Lab
91237 = California Department of Transportation, District 1
91238 = Humboldt County Association of Governments
91239 = Humboldt Bay Harbor
91240 = Wiyot Tribe
91241 = Manilla Community Services District
91242 = League of Women Voters
91243 = Humboldt Trails Coalition
91244 = Keep Eureka Beautiful
91245 = Net Gain
91246 = Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz
91247 = San Diego Association of Governments
91248 = Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment
91249 = Coastal Sediments Management Workgroup
91250 = Horton Elementary School
91251 = Young Men's Christian Association
91252 = Elementary Institute of Science School
91253 = California Energy Commission
91254 = Estrada - Kea Partnership
91255 = San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
91256 = Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Board of Governors
91257 = San Diego County
91258 = Oceanographic and Engineering Consulting
91259 = Columbia Analytical Services
91260 = Beta Analytic Incorporated
91261 = City of Palo Alto
91262 = Shoreline at Mountain View
91263 = Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control
91264 = 111th Aerial Photography Squadron
91265 = California State University, San Francisco Romberg Tiburon
91266 = Noble Consultants
91267 = Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Incorporated
91268 = Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
91269 = Lennox Foundation
91270 = Academy Studios
91271 = Native Vegetation Network
91272 = Santa Cruz Port District
91273 = Mesiti-Miller
91274 = Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project
91275 = California Environmental Protection Agency
91276 = D.W. Alley and Associates
91277 = Strelow Consulting
91278 = Toni Danzig
91279 = MWH Laboratories
91280 = Interim Management Plan Working Group
91281 = Chris Trudel
91282 = SECOR International Incorporated
91284 = Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
91285 = Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project Science Advisory
91286 = S.H. Cowell Foundation
91287 = John Marsh Historic Trust
91288 = National Trust for Historic Preservation
91289 = Save Mount Diablo
91290 = California Environmental Enhancement Program
91292 = Woodside Partners
91293 = Rheem Creek Planning Coalition
91294 = Cad Masters
91296 = Working in Concert
91297 = Katherine Zaremba
91298 = Coast Dairies Planning Team
91299 = Applied Marine Sciences
91300 = Cambria Community Services District
91301 = Mid-State Bank
91303 = Monterey County Water Resources Agency
91304 = Real Images
91305 = Bioregional Planning Associates
91306 = Morro Bay Task Force
91307 = Morro Bay Watershed Landowners Committee
91308 = Glen Park Association
91309 = San Francisco Recreation and Park Department
91310 = Thomas Wang
91311 = San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners
91312 = Ed's Excavating
91313 = Farm Supply Company
91314 = Melanie Coyne
91315 = Watershed Institute, The
91316 = North Monterey County High School
91317 = North Monterey County Unified School District
91318 = David Magney Environmental Consulting
91319 = Calleguas Creek Watershed Management Plan Committee
91320 = Geo InSight
91321 = Hamilton/Broadway Signs
91322 = Donahue and Company
91323 = Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy
91324 = Dana Property Analysis, Limited Liability Company
91325 = Edwin Nutt and Associates, Incorporated
91326 = Elkhorn Slough Foundation
91327 = Monterey County Agricultural and Historic Land Conservancy
91328 = University of California, Santa Cruz, Agro Ecology Department
91329 = Trihey and Associates Incorporated
91330 = Friends of Cabrillo Marine Museum
91331 = California State University, Long Beach
91332 = Los Angeles Harbor Department - Environmental Monitoring
91333 = Golden Gate National Park Association
91334 = Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Incorporated
91335 = Daniel Gildea
91336 = Hanna and Associates
91337 = Joan Hartmann
91338 = Aurora Ramirez
91339 = John Bouyea and Associates
91340 = John Thelen Steere
91341 = San Francisco Bay Joint Venture
91342 = Metz Consulting, Incorporated
91343 = Zack Kaldveer
91344 = Nina L. Lisowski
91345 = Rasa Gustaitas
91346 = T.D. Schwartzenburg
91347 = Hal Hughes
91348 = Keane Rothermich Group
91349 = Old Republic Title Company
91350 = Schenberger, Taylor, McCormick and Jecker
91351 = Santa Ynez River Technical Advisory Committee
91352 = Interface Planning
91353 = Environmental Science Associates
91354 = City of Lompoc
91355 = Rodriguez Enterprises
91356 = Central Coast Consulting
91357 = David H. Anderson
91358 = Computer Doctor, Incorporated
91359 = Interface-Dudek
91360 = Bobbi Willis Bookkeeping
91361 = Arteique Incorporated
91362 = Marianne Royston
91363 = Gilmore Publications
91364 = Land Trust for Santa Clara County
91365 = Hydrex Pest Control Company
91366 = Santa Clara County Open Space Authority
91367 = City of San Jose
91368 = Coast Dairies Steering Committee
91369 = Andrew Mills
91370 = Scharffenberger Land Planning and Design
91371 = Lawrence I. Grossman
91372 = Land Trust of Santa Cruz County
91373 = Trash Out
91374 = Fidelity National Title Insurance Company
91375 = Wildcat Underground and Engineering
91376 = McKinleyville Land Trust
91377 = Leonel Arguello
91378 = Martha Ruhe
91379 = Mediation Institute
91380 = Patty Madigan
91381 = Teresa Sholars
91382 = Joe P. Moura Construction Company
91383 = Mendo-Lake Termite Control
91384 = First American Title Company
91385 = Mia Lehrer and Associates
91386 = Michael Drennan Associates, Incorporated
91388 = Monterey County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
91389 = Habitat Restoration Group, The
91390 = Wetlands Research Association
91391 = Thomas Reid and Associates
91392 = University of California, Agricultural Extension
91393 = Monterey Coast Resource Conservation District
91394 = Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District
91395 = California State University, Foundation of Monterey Bay
91396 = Jerry J. Smith
91397 = Moss Landing Harbor District
91398 = Peter Grenell and Associates
91399 = Harding Lawson Associates
91400 = Crawford Multari Clark and Mohr
91401 = Chestnut
91402 = City of National City
91403 = Kimball Elementary School
91404 = National City Parks and Recreation Department
91405 = Schmidt Design Group, Incorporated
91406 = Nilsen Real Estate Appraisals
91409 = Irvine and Clarke Foundation
91410 = Robert H. Goodman, Junior
91411 = Marcelo N. Pires
91412 = Ken Watanabe
91413 = DCV Consultants
91414 = Airborne Systems, Incorporated
91415 = Geofirm
91416 = City of Irvine
91417 = City of Newport Beach
91418 = Irvine Company
91419 = Newport Conservancy
91420 = University of California, Irvine
91421 = Irvine Ranch Water District
91422 = Simons, Li and Associates, Incorporated
91423 = Premiere Communications, Incorporated
91424 = RBF Consulting
91425 = Pacifica Land Trust
91426 = Case and Associates
91427 = City of Paramount
91428 = Santa Cruz Title Company
91429 = Eric W. Larsen Ph.D.
91430 = John A. Dracup
91431 = Port of San Francisco
91432 = San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
91433 = Bauman Landscape, Incorporated
91435 = Hamilton Restoration Group
91436 = Eric Polson, P.E.
91437 = Concept Marine
91438 = Tenera, Incorporated
91439 = Sycamore Associates Limited Liability Company
91440 = Gahagan and Bryant Associates, Incorporated
91441 = Beverly Schwartzenberg
91442 = Hyden Associates
91443 = Phyllis M. Faber
91444 = Rick Ryba
91445 = Santa Clara County Land Trust
91446 = Brady and Associates
91447 = Stephen Benneth Ruth
91448 = BMM Biological Consulting Services
91449 = G. Mathias Kondolf
91450 = Riverside County Flood Control
91451 = Riverside County
91452 = Clayton Group Services
91453 = Camp Pendleton - U.S. Marine Corps
91454 = City of Temecula
91455 = California State University, San Diego Foundation
91456 = Tijuana Estuary Management Authority
91457 = Woodward-Clyde
91458 = Donald Collacott
91459 = Berryman and Henigar, Incorporated
91460 = Tierra Environmental Services
91461 = Varanus Biological
91462 = Sea Dyn
91463 = Photo Geodetic Corporation
91464 = California State University, San Diego Department of Geological
91465 = Grey Owl Pictures, Incorporated
91466 = David Egger Equipment
91467 = Donovan McIntire
91468 = Jim Jackson Backhoe
91469 = Coastline Electric
91470 = Nelson and Sloane
91471 = Jeffrey Patty Photography
91472 = Carol Ann Moorhead
91473 = George Mansolf
91474 = Art'e Fact
91475 = EDCO Water and Recycling Service
91476 = Napa-Sonoma Marsh Restoration Steering Committee
91478 = Santa Barbara County
91480 = Benner and Carpenter
91481 = Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Prevention Program
91482 = Peninsula Community Foundation
91483 = George F. Jewett Foundation
91484 = Oracle
91485 = Alameda County Clean Water Program
91486 = Bernard Osher Foundation
91487 = Nancy Schaefer
91488 = Seventeenth Street Studios
91490 = Daniel Sicular
91491 = Stanley S. Skeehan
91492 = Hanson and Associates
91493 = Sonoma County
91494 = Pipeline Excavators
91495 = Aerometric surveys
91496 = AN West Consultants
91498 = Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association
91499 = Hamilton Reuse Planning Authority
91500 = Joan Vilms
91501 = Conservation Biology Institute
91502 = Steven Haskins
91503 = Klein-Edwards Professional Services
91504 = David J. Yerke, Incorporated
91505 = Spanish Speaking Unity Council
91506 = University-Oakland Metropolitan Forum
91507 = University of California, Berkeley Rowing Team
91508 = RHAA
91509 = Kevin Sweeney
91510 = Residential Repair and Construction
91511 = Christina McLean
91512 = Eclectic Multimedia
91513 = Mystic Wanderer Images
91514 = Peter Knapp
91515 = Brian Feeney
91516 = Willamette Industries
91517 = Josh Metz
91518 = Jiri Fiala
91519 = East Bay Conservation Corps
91520 = Ned Kahn Studios
91521 = Yolanda S. Walther-Meade
91522 = Land Restoration Associates
91523 = Carlos Varela Fotographia
91524 = Eco-Sol
91525 = Zuzzette Foglio
91526 = Pacific Western
91527 = California Department of Toxic Substances Control
91528 = Santa Monica Bay Foundation
91530 = Malibu Lagoon Task Force
91531 = Las Virgenes Municipal Water District
91534 = University of California, Los Angeles Department of Microbiology
91535 = University of California, Davis Regents
91536 = City of Ukiah
91537 = RRM Design Group
91538 = City of Richmond
91539 = Stege Elementary School
91541 = Friends of Baxter Creek
91542 = Wallace M. Riddle Construction
91543 = NV Landscape
91544 = Vice Appraisal Company
91545 = Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation
91546 = Kelly Land Company
91547 = City Wide Electronic Systems, Incorporated
91548 = Project Design Consultants
91549 = Wilkinson Design Group
91550 = Acme Floors
91551 = Kirk Nicholson
91552 = City of Carlsbad
91553 = ChemDry of North County
91554 = Power Plus
91555 = Southern California Caulerpa Action Team
91556 = Cabrillo Power I, Limited Liability Company
91557 = Alameda County
91559 = Wilmont Sweeney Juvenile Detention Facility
91560 = City of Berkeley
91561 = Katherine Mortimer
91562 = Waterways Restoration Institute
91563 = American Farmland Trust
91564 = Architectural Resources Group
91565 = Aquatic Adventures Science Education Foundation
91566 = Avocet Research Associates
91567 = Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation
91568 = Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
91569 = Todd Murphy
91570 = Coastal Resources Grant
91572 = Padre Associates, Incorporated
91573 = Bay Foundation of Morro Bay
91574 = Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board
91575 = A-1 Septic Tank Service, Incorporated
91576 = Dimensional Images
91577 = Fred Gellert Family Foundation
91578 = Peter Baye
91579 = City of Benicia
91580 = DK Environmental
91581 = East Shore State Park
91582 = Law Offices of Zad Leavy
91583 = City of Brisbane
91584 = Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation
91585 = Wootton Land Consultants
91586 = C.A. Larsen Company
91587 = Calleguas Municipal Water District
91588 = Ventura County Flood Control District
91591 = Suisun Creek Restoration Team
91592 = Solano County Water Agency
91593 = Solano County Community College
91594 = Laurel Marcus and Associates
91595 = Dennis Jackson
91596 = Property Owner
91597 = Ticor Title Insurance
91598 = Center for Natural Lands Management
91601 = City of Heraldsburg
91603 = Maya T. Conrad
91604 = Swanson Hydrology and Geomorphology
91605 = Biotic Resources Group
91606 = Laurie McCann
91607 = Community Conservancy International
91608 = Jim Cokes Graphic Design
91609 = Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Foundation
91610 = Bravo Helicopters and Wing, Incorporated
91611 = Baldwin Hills Conservancy
91612 = Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends
91613 = Community Environmental Council
91614 = Darlene Chirman
91615 = Elizabeth C. Price
91616 = McPherson, Clarke and Stevens
91618 = Cate School
91619 = Mission Creek Restoration Partnership
91620 = Wendy P. McCaw Foundation
91621 = Douglas Family Preserve Advisory Committee
91622 = Hackett Appraisal Service
91624 = Mountain View Sanitary District
91625 = Rhodia
91626 = Shell Marsh Technical Advisory Committee
91627 = Cooper Crane and Rigging, Incorporated
91628 = Salinas River Lagoon Task Force
91629 = Dole Company
91630 = Merill Farms
91631 = L. Scattini and Company
91632 = City of Culver City
91633 = Los Angeles County
91634 = Ballona Creek Watershed Task Force
91635 = Chambers Group
91636 = Allen Associates
91637 = John D. Oeltman and Associates
91638 = Blackbird Associates
91639 = Cabaniss Tile and Mosaic Company
91640 = Platypus
91641 = Bill's Signs
91642 = Southern California Edison
91643 = Van Atta Associates
91644 = Vaughan Surveys, Incorporated
91645 = Golden State Aerial Surveys, Incorporated
91646 = Central Coast Spray Services
91647 = Butcher and Chambers
91648 = Go Green
91649 = Takahashi Landscaping and Maintenance
91650 = Native Sons
91651 = AGP Video
91652 = Sign Place, The
91653 = D'Alfonso's Landscapes
91654 = Karleskint-Crum, Incorporated
91655 = John Chestnut
91656 = Whitaker Contractors Incorporated
91657 = Garcia and Associates
91658 = Engineering Development Associates
91659 = GeoSolutions, Limited Liability Company
91660 = Fairbrother Construction
91661 = Goofy Graphics
91662 = Smith River Rancheria
91663 = Elk Valley Rancheria
91664 = Dow Chemical Corporation
91665 = Harvey Sorenson Foundation
91666 = Oro Loma Sanitary District
91667 = Arroyo Del Valle Youth Camp and Environmental Education Center
91668 = Taylor Family Foundation
91669 = California Waste Management Board
91670 = Ecocity Builders
91671 = Friends of Strawberry Creek
91672 = Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare District
91673 = California State University, Monterey Bay Watershed Institute
91674 = S.F. Pacific Properties Incorporated
91675 = City of El Cerrito
91676 = Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
91677 = Regency Centers, Incorporated
91678 = Rural Development Center
91679 = National Resources Conservation Service
91680 = Duke Mitigation Fund
91681 = City of Encinitas
91682 = Cottonwood Creek Conservancy
91683 = Moonlight State Beach Park
91684 = Bay Shore Mall
91685 = Jules Evans
91686 = City of Fort Bragg
91687 = Friends of Recreation and Parks
91688 = Lake Merced Task Force
91689 = Friends of the Santa Clara River
91690 = Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks, Incorporated
91691 = City of Huntington Beach
91692 = City of Costa Mesa
91693 = City of San Francisco
91694 = Friends of Visitacion Valley
91695 = Visitacion Valley Watershed Committee
91696 = Friends of the Urban Forest
91697 = San Francisco Water Department
91698 = Save the Golden Gate Windmills
91699 = GAIA Consulting
91700 = Cargill
91701 = Senator Dianne Feinstein
91702 = Moore Foundation
91703 = Marin Resource Conservation District
91704 = Cuesta Title Company
91705 = Erik Grijalva
91706 = Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center
91707 = Dunes Forum
91708 = Dunes Council
91709 = Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee
91710 = Chubb
91711 = Dunes Stewardship Collaborative
91712 = City of Half Moon Bay
91713 = Harrison and Associates
91714 = Malibu Creek Stream Team
91715 = University of California, Los Angeles
91716 = Humboldt Botanical Gardens Foundation
91717 = Dornbusch and Company
91718 = Humboldt Bay Harbor Resource Conservation District
91720 = Beth Huning
91721 = BBI Construction
91722 = Foster Enterprises
91723 = McGrath Associates
91724 = Channel Coast Corporation
91725 = Orange County Environmental Management Agency
91726 = California Earth Corps
91727 = City of Imperial Beach
91728 = San Diego Baykeeper
91729 = Oaktree Escrow
91730 = California-American Water Company
91731 = California Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of
91732 = Isla Vista Recreation and Park District
91733 = Santa Barbara County Redevelopment Agency
91734 = Santa Barbara County Arts Commission
91735 = Jones, Roach and Caringella, Incorporated
91736 = Kamman Hydrology and Engineering, Incorporated
91737 = Aqua-Flo Supply
91738 = Agromin
91739 = David Fee
91740 = Live Oak Solar
91741 = KTEH-TV Foundation
91742 = La Ballona Creek Renaissance Program
91743 = City of Laguna Woods
91744 = Laguna Canyon Foundation
91745 = Greenbelt Authority
91746 = Landpaths
91747 = Land Trust of Napa County
91748 = Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy
91749 = Batchelor Family
91750 = University of California, Davis Information Center for the
91751 = Farm Bureau
91752 = Goleta Valley Land Trust
91753 = Santa Barbara Foundation
91754 = John S. Kiewit Memorial Foundation
91755 = Looker Foundation, The
91756 = Terri Chernick Charitable Fund
91757 = Koffler Family Foundation
91758 = Authur Rupe Foundation
91759 = Crawford Idema Family Foundation
91760 = Audubon Society Santa Barbara Chapter
91761 = Teton-Landis Family Foundation
91762 = Hvolboll Family Trust
91763 = Citizens for the Carpinteria Bluffs
91764 = Friends of Colorado Lagoon
91765 = Los Angeles County Flood Control District
91766 = California State Park Foundation
91767 = City of Santa Clarita
91768 = Los Penasquitos Lagoon Foundation
91769 = California State University, San Diego Pacific Estuarine
Research Laboratory
91770 = LTD Engineering, Incorporated
91771 = Pacific Bell Foundation
91772 = City of Manhattan Beach
91773 = American Youth Hostels
91774 = Arcata School District
91775 = First American Title Company of Marin
91776 = Ielmorini/Moody Dairy
91777 = California Land Title of Marin
91778 = Barboni Family Trust
91780 = Cape Mohican Oil Spill Settlement
91781 = Agland
91782 = Marin Bayland Advocates
91783 = Glenn Parks DBA Shoreline Ranch
91784 = STRAW
91785 = Seadrift Association
91786 = Marsh Risk and Insurance Services
91787 = Mattole River and Range Partnership
91788 = Middle Mattole Conservancy
91789 = Mattole Fire Safe Council
91791 = City of Maywood
91792 = Jess Esparza and Associates
91793 = OMMPR
91794 = Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens
91795 = Navarro Advisory Group
91796 = Garcia River Watershed Advisory Group
91797 = Mendocino Coast Parks
91798 = Mission Resource Conservation District
91799 = California State University, San Diego Field Station
91800 = Resources Legacy Fund Foundation
91802 = Port of Long Beach
91803 = Tuna Canyon Corporation
91804 = Little League of America
91805 = Ebensteiner Family Trust
91806 = San Pablo Peninsula Open Space Joint Partnership
91807 = Trails for Richmond Action Committee
91808 = Pacific Gas and Electric Community Foundation
91809 = Crockett Community Foundation
91810 = Carquinez Strait Heritage Area Committee
91811 = Benicia Parks and Recreation Department
91812 = Carquinez Regional Environmental Education Center
91816 = Port Costa Conservation Society
91817 = Vallejo Chamber of Commerce
91818 = City of Monterey
91819 = U.S. Department of Transportation
91820 = Stewart Title Company
91821 = Malibu-Encinal Homeowners Association
91822 = Santa Clara River Trustee Council
91823 = City of Oxnard
91825 = City of Napa
91826 = Napa, Parks and Recreation Department
91827 = Richardson Bay Audubon Center and Sanctuary Volunteer Labor
91828 = Brewster West Foundation
91829 = Russ Revere Tree Removal
91830 = Mostly Natives
91831 = Santa Clara River Joint Powers Authority
91832 = City of Oakley
91833 = Cambria Forest Committee
91835 = Mobil Foundation
91836 = Audubon Society, Audubon San Francisco Restoration Program
91838 = Upper Mattole River and Forest Cooperative
91839 = Humboldt Land Title Company
91840 = North Coast Interpretive Association
91841 = Leventhal, Schlosser, Architects
91842 = I.L. Welty and Associates
91843 = Matson Construction
91844 = California Endowment Fund
91845 = Wiyot Tribe - Table Bluff Reservation
91846 = Humboldt Water Resources
91847 = North Coast Seafoods
91848 = Indian Island Advisory Committee
91850 = South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Science Panel
91851 = South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Technical Committee
91852 = Denise Reed
91853 = Jerry Schubel
91854 = Sam Luoma
91855 = John Teal
91856 = Michael Erwin
91857 = Si Simenstad
91858 = Jorg Imberger
91859 = Lake Merritt Institute
91860 = Ocean Institute
91861 = Ocean Education Center
91862 = Gail M. Odom
91863 = Ojai Valley Land Conservancy
91864 = Olofson Environmental, Incorporated
91865 = City of Lake Forest
91866 = Serrano Creek Conservancy
91867 = City of Laguna Beach
91868 = Laguna Greenbelt
91869 = San Diego Creek Watershed Committee
91870 = Orange County Coastal Coalition
91871 = Oscar Larson and Associates
91872 = City of Trinidad
91873 = Tsurai Ancestral Society
91874 = Cartwright Aerial Surveys
91875 = California Trails and Greenways Foundation
91876 = McDonough, Holland and Allen
91877 = Cal Fish Program
91879 = Pacific Forest Trust, Incorporated
91880 = Hackett Family
91881 = Cima del Mundo Limited Liability Company
91883 = Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors
91884 = R. G. Self Home Inspection Service
91885 = Monterey County Water Management Agency
91887 = Carmel Area Wastewater District
91888 = Peninsula Conservation Center Foundation
91889 = Arlie Land and Cattle
91890 = Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau
91891 = City of Petaluma
91892 = Petaluma Wetlands Park Alliance
91893 = Petaluma River Watershed Council
91894 = HydroScience Engineers, Incorporated
91895 = City of Grover Beach
91896 = Five Cities Mens Club
91897 = David Pritchett
91898 = Point Cabrillo Lightkeepers Association
91899 = Gabilan Foundation
91900 = Tides Foundation
91901 = Rintels Charitable Trust
91902 = San Francisco Bird Observatory
91903 = Palomarin Field Station
91904 = Long-Term Management Strategy Steering Committee
91905 = California Environmental Trust, Incorporated
91906 = California Department of Corrections, Prison Industry Authority
91907 = Rau and Associates, Incorporated
91908 = Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County
91909 = Flower Fields
91910 = San Diego International Floral Trade Center
91911 = Paul and Magdalena Ecke Poinsettia Foundation
91912 = Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation
91913 = Carlmart, L.P.
91914 = G and G Growers
91915 = San Diego County Farm Bureau
91916 = California Floriculture Growers Association Incorporated
91917 = Thompson Rose Company, Incorporated
91918 = Carlsbad Village Business Association
91919 = W. Allan Kelly
91920 = Dramm and Echter
91921 = San Diego County Flower and Plant Association
91922 = Gary Akira Omori
91923 = Solana Recyclers, Incorporated
91924 = Shelley Celeste Grossman
91925 = Steindorf Produce Company
91926 = Carlsbad Aquafarm, Incorporated
91927 = MiraCosta Community College District
91928 = Committee for Sustainable Agriculture
91929 = California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
91930 = Rolling Hills Ranch
91931 = San Diego Flower and Plant Association
91932 = Mountains Recreation Trust
91933 = Redwood Coast Land Conservancy
91934 = AmeriCorps
91935 = Humboldt Bay Watershed Advisory Committee
91936 = Loleta Community Services District
91937 = Eureka Municipal Golf Course
91938 = CourseCo, Incorporated
91939 = Senestraro Family
91940 = Reardon Ranches
91941 = Regents of the University of California, Irvine
91942 = City of Calabasas
91943 = Richmond Development Agency
91944 = San Francisco Bay Trail Project
91945 = Kaiser Permanente
91946 = Forest City Residential West
91947 = Richmond Museum of History
91948 = City of Crescent City
91949 = Frontier Contracting, Incorporated
91950 = Gizmo Art Production
91951 = Digital Pond
91952 = Wild Birds Unlimited
91953 = Bothin Foundation
91954 = Edward Pohlman
91955 = Anne Young
91956 = Carlenzoli and Associates
91957 = BACE Geotechnical
91958 = Randy Judy Construction
91959 = Clear Heart Construction
91960 = Bailey Grading and Underground
91961 = Consolidated Landscape Service, Incorporated
91962 = Ari Salomon
91963 = San Bruno Mountain Watch
91964 = Friends of San Bruno Mountain
91965 = Heart of the Mountain
91966 = Shelterbelt Builders Incorporated
91967 = Two Guys
91968 = Dan Peeples
91969 = Questa Engineering Corporation
91970 = Jane Valerius Environmental Consulting
91971 = J.A.Gonsalves and Son Construction
91972 = Marr Olsen, Incorporated
91973 = Foss Environmental
91974 = KVO Industries
91975 = Jim Signs
91976 = North Coast Laboratories Limited
91977 = McCullough Construction, Incorporated
91978 = City of San Buenaventura
91979 = Audubon Society Ventura Chapter
91980 = Crestridge Mitigation Bank
91981 = City of Chula Vista
91982 = San Diego County Department of Parks and Recreation
91983 = Commonwealth Title Company
91984 = San Diego River Park - Lakeside Conservancy
91985 = City of Escondido
91986 = Escondido Creek Conservancy
91987 = City of Solana Beach
91988 = Wetlands and Water Resources
91989 = San Jose Redevelopment Agency
91990 = Metropolitan Transportation Commission
91991 = San Jose City, Disability Advisory Committee
91992 = Walk San Jose
91993 = Guadalupe River Park and Gardens Corporation
91994 = San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society
91995 = Bair Island Technical Review Team
91996 = City and County of San Francisco, Recreation and Parks
91997 = San Francisco Airport Authority
91998 = San Francisco Mayor's Office
91999 = City and County of San Francisco
92000 = San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
92001 = California State University, San Francisco Foundation
92002 = City of East Palo Alto
92003 = City of Menlo Park
92004 = University of Stanford
92005 = San Mateo County Flood Control District
92006 = San Luis Obispo County Land Conservancy
92007 = San Mateo County
92008 = San Mateo County Environmental Health
92009 = McNee Ranch Volunteers
92010 = All Metals Welding
92011 = Acorn Group, The
92012 = San Mateo County Harbor District
92013 = Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
92014 = Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
92015 = Half Moon Bay Fisherman's Association
92016 = Half Moon Bay Yacht Club
92017 = Half Moon Bay High School
92018 = City of Santa Barbara
92019 = Wilcox Advisory Council
92020 = Project Clean Water
92022 = Santa Barbara Development Partnership
92023 = Santa Barbara Municipal Airport
92024 = Federal Aviation Administration
92025 = Goleta Slough Management Committee
92026 = U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services Division
92027 = Goleta West Sanitary District
92028 = URS Corporation
92029 = Penfield and Smith
92030 = Furgo West
92031 = A.J. Diani Construction
92032 = Flemming Surveys
92033 = Geosyntec Consultants
92034 = San Lorenzo Urban River Plan Task Force
92035 = Royston, Hanamoto, Alley, and Abey
92036 = Santa Cruz County Environmental Health and Water Resources
92038 = Santa Cruz County Fisheries Resources
92039 = Environmental and Ecological Services
92040 = Greening Associates
92041 = Katie Burdick
92042 = Soquel Creek Watershed Management Group
92043 = Soquel Creek Task Force
92044 = Don Alley
92045 = Santa Cruz County Community Foundation
92046 = California Regional Transportation Commission
92047 = Depot Site Plan Task Force
92048 = Blue Circle
92049 = Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
92050 = Guadalupe Oil Field Settlement Water Quality Project Trust
92051 = City of Santa Monica
92052 = Lawyers Title Company
92053 = Jim Sarro
92054 = Dorothy Wright
92055 = North American Title Company
92056 = City of Sausalito
92057 = Waldo Point Harbor
92058 = Trustee Council
92059 = Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan Steering
92060 = City of Seal Beach
92061 = Tettemer and Associates
92062 = City of Sebastopol
92064 = Hanson Environmental
92066 = Pacific Shores Water District
92067 = Solano County Parks Department
92068 = Modern Method Roofing
92069 = Light Energy Systems
92070 = Frank's Septic Service Incorporated
92071 = Culligan
92072 = Greiner Heating and Air Conditioning
92073 = Western Ecological Service Company, Incorporated
92074 = Wetland Construction
92075 = Solano Lumber Company
92076 = Solar Self-Help Incorporated
92077 = Foster Lumber Company
92078 = Sign Shoppe, The
92079 = S and W Paving Incorporated
92080 = Dennis R. Hansen, ASLA
92081 = Creenan and D'Angelo
92082 = Kennedy/Jenkins/Chilton
92083 = Frost Construction
92084 = Andy's Rototilling and Tractor
92085 = Cal-West High Tensile Fence
92086 = Solano Land Trust
92087 = Tri-City and County Joint Powers Agreement
92088 = Public Utilities Commission
92089 = City of Cloverdale
92090 = Siri Grading and Paving, Incorporated
92091 = West County/Coastal Collaborative Acquisition Working Group
92092 = Bodega Harbour Homeowners Association
92093 = Adele Harrison Middle School
92094 = Sonoma Valley High School
92095 = Marin/Sonoma County Vector Control District
92096 = California Northern Railroad Company
92097 = Hanford Company
92098 = Dewar Family
92099 = Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
92100 = Mendocino County Farm Bureau
92101 = Mendocino County Winegrowers Alliance
92102 = Ruzicka Associates
92103 = Campbell Grading
92104 = Tom Origer and Associates
92105 = Wheeler Excavation
92106 = California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and
92107 = North Coast Watershed Assessment Program
92108 = Steelhead Restoration and Monitoring Program
92109 = Gualala River Watershed Council
92110 = Earth Corps Trust
92111 = Sonoma Creek Watershed Conservancy
92112 = Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory
92113 = Habitat West Incorporated
92114 = Fill Dirt Incorporated, d.b.a. Roberts Engineering
92115 = Roberts Engineering Contractors
92116 = City of San Diego Development Services Department
92117 = San Diego Archaeological Society
92118 = Pattillo and Garrett
92119 = Grupo Deseno Urbano
92120 = Union Point Task Force
92121 = Cox Family Foundation
92122 = City of Torrance
92125 = San Diego Trout
92126 = Half Moon Bay Open Space Trust
92127 = Friends of the Last Wild Canyon
92128 = Regional North Coast Land Trust Steering Committee
92130 = System Science Application
92131 = Pinole Redevelopment Agency
92132 = Friends of Pinole Creek Watershed
92133 = Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation
92134 = Audubon Society, Mendocino Coast
92135 = Bay Institute
92136 = San Pablo Baylands Partnership
92137 = Vallier Design Associates
92138 = Novato Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
92139 = Kister, Savio and Rei, Incorporated
92140 = Malibu Foundation
92141 = Harrell Fletcher
92142 = Ventura County Resource Conservation District
92143 = AMEC Earth and Environmental, Incorporated
92144 = Ventura County Watershed Protection District
92145 = Ventura County Arundo Task Force
92146 = Office of Emergency Services
92147 = Simpson Resource Company
92149 = Air Flight Service
92150 = University of California, Davis Spartina Lab
92151 = M3 Civil, Incorporated
92152 = Peggy Rose
92153 = Richard Wayman
92154 = California State University, Northridge
92155 = Richard Ambrose
92156 = Anderson Valley Land Trust
92157 = Pacific Geographic Information Systems
92158 = Royce Lambert
92159 = Chipping Geological Services
92160 = Joseph Bond and Associates
92161 = Environmental Council of Santa Cruz County
92162 = Zeller Appraisal Services
92164 = Guadalupe Community Redevelopment Agency
92165 = City of Larkspur
92166 = Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
92167 = Wendy Eliot
92168 = Copy Max/Office Max
92169 = Psomas and Associates
92170 = California State University, San Diego Department of Biology
92171 = Whittier College
92172 = Rick Alexader Company
92173 = Flake Construction
92174 = Dudek & Associates
92175 = Bay Cities Paving and Grading
92176 = Interpretive Graphics Signs and Systems
92177 = Seth Zuckerman
92179 = Pyramid Bridging
92180 = Michael Brandman & Associates
92181 = Committee to Save the View Site
92182 = Ford Foundation
92183 = Friends of Arcata Marsh
92184 = Redwood Empire Aggregates
92185 = Terratech, Inc.
92186 = Gordon R. Hensley
92187 = City of Morro Bay
92188 = Crawford, Multari & Starr
92189 = R.B. Clark Company
92190 = Andy Leahy
92191 = Brent Anderson
92192 = Daniel Hautala
92193 = John Swett Unified School District
92194 = Clearwater Hydrology
92195 = Go Native Nursery
92196 = Hastings Landscape Conservation Services
92197 = Rob Billerbeck Consulting
92198 = Charles Rairdan
92199 = Claire B. Greensfelder
92200 = East Bay Parks Foundation
92201 = Peggy Fielder
92202 = Baker Engineering
92203 = Hamilton Wetlands Restoration Planning Group
92204 = Ventura Appraisal Consulting Corporation
92205 = Tamara J. Peters & Associates
92206 = Neil Havlik
92207 = Sierra Club
92208 = Friends of Soquel Creek
92209 = Frank Perry
92210 = Santa Cruz Bird Club
92211 = John Maciuika
92212 = Kate J. Goodnight
92213 = Aerial Surveys
92214 = KRDC Inc.
92215 = Seasonal Wetland Enhancement Committee
92216 = Fanfa Engineering, Inc.
92217 = Geo CADD surveys
92218 = Wilkinson Engineering
92219 = Levine-Fricke-Recon
92220 = Gary Marciel
92222 = Tom Yang, Consulting Engineer
92223 = Galindo Construction Company
92224 = Lettieri-McIntyre
92225 = California Institute of Man in Nature
92226 = Erica L. Fielder
92227 = Stephanie Kroninger
92228 = Arellanes Company, Inc.
92229 = City of Suisun
92230 = Antioch paving Company Inc.
92231 = Affinis
92232 = Patrick Higgins, Consulting Fishery Biologist
92233 = Jason Lyon Johnson, Watershed and Wetland Restoration Consultant
92234 = The Nature School
92235 = Dune Lakes Ltd.
92236 = Spatial Technologies
92237 = San Diego Gas & Electric Company
92239 = SourcePoint (chartered by SNDAG)
92240 = San Dieguito River Land Conservancy
92241 = Dr. Alan Thum
92242 = Anthony Ambrose
92243 = Cameron Park
92245 = Chaudhary & Associates
92246 = Marjorie Dobkin
92247 = Gary Page
92248 = Intermodal Surface Transprotation Efficiency Act
92249 = Martyn Field Services
92250 = Schwan Brothers Excavating
92251 = Union Engineering
92252 = Dannatt & Associates
92253 = Polaris Research and Development
92254 = Hargreaves Associates
92255 = Ballona Lagoon Marine Preserve
92256 = Terra-Cal Construction, Inc.
92257 = Williamson & Schmidt
92258 = Agresearch, Inc.
92259 = MEC Analytical
92260 = Bolsa Chica Conservancy
92261 = Amigos de Bolsa Chica
92262 = Rocco Construction
92263 = Florian Martinez Associates
92264 = Asphault Brothers Corporation
92265 = Williams Scotsman
92266 = M. Kondolf
92267 = San Francisco Conservation Corps.
92268 = Friends of Islais Creek
92269 = San Francisco Department of Public Works
92270 = Merrill & Associates
92271 = Mitchell Wilks
92273 = Stacy & Witbeck
92274 = Jeffery Brown
92275 = Small Wilderness Area Preservation
92276 = Native Way
92277 = AT&T
92278 = Morro Coast Audubon Society
92279 = Carolyn B. Leach
92280 = Fran Demgen
92281 = Rob Schonholz
92282 = Peter Bey
92283 = Eugenia McNaughton
92284 = Josh Collins
92286 = Sonja Foree
92287 = Bill Maslach
92288 = John G. Wright
92289 = Mckeehan Escrow Company
92290 = First American Title Company of Los Angeles
92291 = Southland Title Corporation
92292 = City Per Capita Grant Funds
92293 = Architects West
92294 = Jerry A. Zimmer
92295 = W.T. Thompson Construction
92296 = ABAG/Bay Trail
92297 = Mel Lane
92299 = Acterra
92301 = Aspen Envitonmental Group
92302 = Anchor Environmental CA. L.P.
92303 = Calscience Environmental Laboratories
92304 = Hellman Properties
92305 = Brooks Appraisal Service
92306 = Solano County
92308 = Bay West Cove LLC
92309 = Wetlands Research Associates, Inc.
92310 = Northgate Consultants
92311 = California Institute for Biodiversity
92312 = Fremont, City of
92313 = Alameda County Fish and Wildlife Commission
92314 = NPDES
92315 = Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
92316 = Harmony Union School District
92317 = Mendocino Fisheries Program
92318 = International Community Foundation
92319 = David Emmons
92322 = General Cousel
92324 = Connolly Ranch Personell
92325 = Running Grass
92326 = Napa Valley College
92327 = Acorn Soupe
92328 = Napa Valley Unified School District
92329 = Ag in the Classroom
92330 = Los Angeles Conservation Corps
92331 = Urban Wildlands Group, Inc., The
92332 = Santa Monica Development Company
92333 = Ocean Song Farm and Wilderness Center
92334 = Philip T. Northen
92335 = Linda Esposito
92336 = Gateway Title Company
92337 = Power Engineering, Inc.
92338 = Wollborg Michelson
92339 = Brown & Caldwell
92340 = Glenn Gibson
92341 = Pescadero Conservation Alliance
92343 = Remediation Risk Management, Inc.
92344 = San Diego Earthworks
92345 = KTU+A
92346 = Susan Hector
92347 = Merkel and Associates
92348 = San Francisco Community Initiative Funds
92349 = Claudia Cohan
92350 = Jennifer Bevington
92351 = Land America Lawyers Title Company
92352 = Storrer Environmental Services
92353 = Steve Ritchie
92354 = National Highway Administration
92355 = Unassigned Super project funding contributors
92356 = Cadwell Family
94001 = Douglas George
94002 = Art Haschak
94003 = Wright Logging
94006 = Rutherford Dust Society
94007 = Marin Open Space District
94009 = Burchiel Farms
94010 = Surprise Valley Ranch, Inc.
94012 = Mark Moore
94015 = ABC Community Center, Main Stem Eel River Group
94016 = Charles Mattila
94017 = Stephen Allen, Winzler and Kelley Consulting Engineers
94018 = Henry and Edna Fischer
94019 = Rock Logging
94020 = Camp Fire USA – Northern California Council
94022 = Ventura County, Parks Department
94024 = University of Wisconsin - Madison
94025 = Mike McDonald Construction
94026 = Stephens' Construction
94027 = McCanless Earth Care and Excavation
94028 = Alsco Irrigation
94029 = Kernen Construction
94030 = Remy, Thomas & Moose, LLP
94031 = Trinity Title Company
94032 = Hunt Land Surveying, Inc.
94033 = Ninyo & Moore
94034 = Planwest Partners
94035 = Haling and Associates
94036 = Mendocino County Information Technology
94037 = Half Moon Bay Grading and Paving, Inc.
94038 = Jackson Excavating
94039 = Freeman Rock Enterprise
94040 = Peter Nesbitt
94041 = Arcata High School
94042 = Scott Brennan Smith
94043 = Casterlin Elementary School
94044 = Cummings Creek Watershed Advisory Council
94045 = Pescadero Conservation Council
94046 = Green Gulch Farm
94047 = Joy Ridge Homeowners Association
94048 = Atascadero/Green Valley Creek Watershed Council
94049 = Bishop's Ranch
94050 = Navarro Watershed Community Group
94051 = Round Valley Resource Center
94052 = Humboldt County Fish and Game Advisory Commission
94053 = Tenera Ecological Consultants
94054 = ECOSLO
94055 = Share the Road Association
94056 = Butler Family Fund
94057 = EIP Associates
94058 = City of Sonoma
94059 = Sonoma Valley Unified School District
94060 = Nathanson Creek Task Force
94061 = Stream Stewards of Nathanson Creek Park
94062 = Harold Smith and Sons, Inc.
94063 = McCormick Sanctuary, Inc.
94064 = Intake Screens, Inc.
94065 = Russian River Watershed Council
94066 = Sacramento River Watershed Program
94067 = Guerneville Elementary School
94068 = Salmon Creek Middle School
94069 = Simon Limited Partnership
94070 = Central Labor Council of Humboldt County
94071 = Audubon Society - Redwood Region
94072 = North Coast Restoration Jobs Initiative
94073 = Wishtoyo Foundation
94074 = Los Angeles County Department of Beach and Harbors
94075 = California Deer Association
94076 = River Network
94077 = Edward Sanchez
94078 = William Finch School
94079 = Granite Peak Labs
94080 = Scott Valley Irrigation District
94081 = Marrone Construction
94082 = Nehalem Marine
94083 = Crescent City Public Works Department
94084 = Bengal Engineering LP
94085 = MendoSoma Unit II, Subdivision Roads Committee
94086 = Daniels Steel
94087 = Woods Rogers, Inc.
94088 = L & P Consultants
94089 = Foster Gill
94090 = U.S. Department of Transportation - Highway Bridge Replacement
and Rehabilitation Program
94091 = California State Parks, Mendocino Coast District
94092 = California State Parks - Humboldt Redwoods State Park
94093 = U.S. Department of Agriculture Environmental Quality Incentives
94094 = Students and Teachers Restoring a Watershed (STRAW)
94095 = Willow Creek Technical Advisory Committee
94096 = Trinity County Resource Advisory Committee
94097 = California State Parks - North Coast Redwoods District
94098 = NOAA California Salmon Partnership
94099 = Holmes Ranch Road Association
94100 = Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration
94101 = Coastal Impact Assistance Program
94102 = Topanga Creek Stream Team
94103 = California Sea Grant College Program
94104 = Rutherford Dust Restoration Team
94105 = Lower Eel River Delta Local Watershed Advisory Group
94106 = National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
94107 = Big Springs Irrigation District
94108 = Forks of Salmon School
94109 = Junction Elementary School
94110 = Proposition 50
94111 = U.S. Department of Agriculture Small Watershed Program
94112 = Marin County Public Works
94113 = Santa Barbara County Water Resources Division
94114 = Rincon Creek Watershed Council
94115 = California Department of Parks and Recreation, Channel Coast
94116 = Dr. Galen Rathbun
94117 = California Department of Housing and Community Development
94118 = Mark Johnson
94119 = Trout Unlimited, South Coast Chapter
94120 = California Conservation Corps, Northern Service District,
Fortuna Center
94121 = The Bay Foundation of Morro Bay
94122 = U.S. Forest Service, Scott River Ranger District
94123 = Healing Earth Productions
94124 = Sonoma County Vineyards
94125 = Sonoma County Grape Growers Association
94126 = Healdsburg Center for Independent Studies
94127 = Healdsburg Community School
94128 = Wildlife Stewards
94129 = San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
94130 = Friends of the Dunes
94131 = Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex
94132 = Solano County Resource Conservation District
94133 = Fouts Springs Youth Facility
94134 = Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
94135 = U.S. Forest Service Cleveland National Forest
94136 = COM3 Consulting
94137 = Coyote Valley Tribe
94138 = Home Depot Corporation
94139 = Sand County Foundation
94140 = City of Port Hueneme
94141 = Michael Fawcett, Ecologist
94142 = City of Goleta
94143 = Zachary S. Larson
94144 = Yolo Land Trust
94145 = James H. Rapp
94146 = Bohan Canelis – Austin Creek Ready Mix Inc.
94147 = Bud McMahan
94148 = Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency
94149 = Baywood Golf and Country Club
94150 = Sierra Business Council
94151 = Riverside Land Conservancy
94152 = Oak Valley Partners
94153 = River Partners
94154 = San Joaquin River Conservancy
94155 = City of Rio Dell
94156 = Sacramento River Conservation Area Forum
94157 = City of Fremont
94158 = City of Milpitas
94159 = San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority
94160 = City of Vacaville
94161 = Central Valley Project Conservation Program
94162 = Sacramento Valley Open Space Conservancy
94163 = McConnell Foundation
94164 = Turtle Bay Exploration Park
94165 = City of Fresno
94166 = O'Neill Sea Odyssey
94167 = Jack O'Neill Associates
94168 = Sierra Los Tulares Land Trust
94169 = Paul Brinkman
94170 = San Joaquin River and Parkway Trust
94171 = Lincoln High School
94172 = City of Duarte
94173 = Open Space Alliance
94174 = Farm Services Agency
94175 = City of Monrovia
94176 = City of San Jacinto
94177 = Yolo County
94178 = Conejo Recreation and Park District
94179 = Shea Homes Limited Partnership
94180 = Nor Cal Resource Center
94181 = River Exchange Center
94182 = Schools (various)
94183 = Watershed Organizations (various)
94184 = NorCET
94185 = Siskiyou County Resource Advisory Committee
94186 = University of California, Davis Ag Extension
94187 = Collier Interpretive & Information Center
94188 = Margaret Keeting Elementary School
94189 = CA/NV Fish Health Center
94190 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Arcata FWO)
94191 = Four Creeks Land Trust
94192 = QVIR
94193 = Fall River Wild Trout Foundation
94194 = Kern County
94195 = California Duck Stamp
94196 = Castle Land and Cattle
94197 = Sunroad Otay Partners
94198 = University of California, Davis Genomic Variations Laboratory
94199 = Federal Student Aid
94200 = Salmon River Fire Safe Council
94201 = San Diego County Water Authority
94202 = Crewmember(s)
94203 = Tides Center
94204 = Orleans Volunteer Fire Dept.
94205 = California Fire Safe Council
94206 = Orleans/Somes Bar Fire Safe Council
94207 = Private Landowners (corporate)
94208 = Riverside County Public Financing Authority
94209 = Yreka High School District Agriculture and Natural Resources
Career Pathways Program
94210 = Sacramento County, Department of Regional Parks, Recreation, and
Open Space
94211 = Wildlife Cooperator(s)
94212 = Northern California Resource Center
94213 = Water Education Foundation
94214 = Klamath Tribe
94215 = Don Flickinger Ph. D.
94216 = Bogus Elementary School
94217 = Butte Valley High School
94218 = Discovery High School
94219 = Sawyers Bar Elementary School
94220 = Tulelake High School
94221 = Yreka High School
94222 = Tom Hesseldenz & Associates
94223 = Carl Mesick Consultants
94224 = Napa County RCD
94226 = Landowners
94227 = Information Center for the Environment/CERES
94228 = Watershed Stewards Project
94229 = Scott River High School
94230 = Yreka High School District
94231 = Golden Gate Fisherman's Association
94232 = Coastside Fishing Club
94233 = Beringer Blass Wine Estates
94234 = Green Diamond Resource Company
94235 = Joe Rice
94236 = Forsgren Association
94237 = San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Foundation
94238 = University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural
94239 = Rocco Fiori
94240 = Smart Family Foundation
94241 = Siskiyou County
94242 = Infineon Raceway
94243 = Doug Simmonds
94244 = Alan Levine
94245 = Jeff Anderson and Associates
94246 = Redwood Creek Landowners Association
94247 = California Department of Fish and Game, Central Valley Bay-Delta
94248 = Grant Elementary School
94249 = Dows Prairie Elementary School
94250 = Bloomfield Elementary School
94251 = Lafayette Elementary School
94252 = Loleta Elementary School
94253 = Eagle Prairie (Rio Dell) Elementary School
94254 = Murphy, Stanwood A. (Scotia) Elementary School
94255 = McNab Ranch Road Association
94256 = Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
94257 = Cache Creek Casino
94258 = Forest Soil and Water
94259 = Rose Foundation
94260 = National Wildlife Federation, NNRC
94261 = T and T Construction
94263 = University of California, Santa Cruz, Institute of Marine
94264 = Orange County
94265 = California State Parks, Angeles District
94266 = Trout Unlimited
94267 = Central Coast Salmon Enhancement
94268 = Greg Fisher
94269 = China Creek Road Association
94270 = JKR Ranch
94271 = Skaggs Family Trust dtd 12-21-92
94272 = Steve Dazey
94273 = Boyett Petroleum
94274 = Burnt Stump Road Association
94275 = California State University, Sacramento Foundation
94276 = Hayes and Sons, Inc.
94277 = Ken's Water Tender
94278 = Del Norte Solid Waste Management Authority
94279 = Stevens' Construction
94280 = Humboldt Bay Keeper
94281 = Eyak Preservation Council
94282 = Titus Land Construction
94283 = L.D. Giacomini Enterprises
94284 = Stephenson Brown Resources
94285 = Del Norte High School
94286 = Crescent City Natural Resource Club
94287 = Bob Johnson Construction
94288 = Blencowe Forestry Consulting
94289 = Bella Vista Foundation
94290 = Thomas B. Dunklin
94291 = Mike Stapleton
94292 = County of Santa Barbara Agricultural Commissioner's Office
94293 = Windsor Construction
94294 = Osmosis Enzyme Bath and Spa
94295 = William McBride
94296 = Larabee Creek Association
94297 = Snooze Shavings
94298 = California Conservation Corps, Ukiah Center
94299 = U.S. Army National Guard
94300 = John Neill Construction
94301 = Jean-Pierre Wolff
94302 = LLP and Hunt Land Surveying
94303 = Engineering Demolition, Inc.
94304 = Conlin Fence Company
94305 = Botanical Dimensions
94306 = McKenzie Creek Road Association
94307 = SOUZA Construction
94308 = ACACIA Landscaping and Erosion Control, Inc.
94309 = SK Fencing
94310 = NW Enterprises
94311 = Napa County Conservation, Development and Planning Department
94312 = McCaw Foundation
94313 = Edson Foulke Ditch Association
94314 = Rancho Mission Viejo
94315 = Flycasters Education Foundation
94316 = Siskiyou County Department of Transportation
94317 = Siskiyou County Transportation Commission
94318 = Timberlock Ranch, LLC
94319 = URS Greiner-Woodward Clyde
94320 = A. Silva
94321 = ACT Camp
94322 = Adele Ryan
94323 = Agnes Elgin
94324 = Agustin Nuneeus
94325 = AHR Ranch
94326 = Al White
94327 = Albert Newton
94328 = Alberto Zamora
94329 = Alderpoint Blocksburg Casterlin Community Center
94330 = Alex and Becky Bowlds
94331 = Alexander
94332 = Alexandra Hubbard
94333 = Alexandre EcoDairy
94334 = Alison Pearson
94335 = Allan Camp
94336 = Allan Deforno
94337 = Allen Camp
94338 = Allen Janusz
94339 = Allen R. Crockett
94340 = Alliance Redwood Campground
94341 = Alma Fiscalini
94342 = Alme Allen
94343 = Alvin Gambonini
94344 = Ambrose Property
94345 = Anderson Family Trust
94346 = Andrea Chevalier
94347 = Andrea Cohen
94348 = Andrew Caruaida
94349 = Andrew Condey
94350 = Andy Stanbury
94351 = Anita Hulse
94352 = Ann and Neal Maxwell
94353 = Ann Cassidy
94354 = Ann F. Baker
94355 = Ann Prescott-Maxwell
94356 = Anna Garbiotti
94357 = Anna McGinnis
94358 = Anna Robbins
94359 = Anne Danzer
94360 = Anni Yne
94361 = Anthony Eredia
94362 = Anthony Iemma
Anthony Iemma
94363 = Anthony J. Mache
94364 = Anthony Mackie
94365 = Aoki's
94366 = Arkely
94367 = Arlin Grandy
94368 = Arthur A. Haschak
94369 = Ashley Waters
94370 = B.W. and Viann R. Turner
94371 = Bailey
94372 = Ball
94373 = Bank of America
94374 = Bar 717 Ranch, Youth Camp
94375 = Barney Cox
94376 = Barney Hoguenstat
94377 = Barnum
94378 = Bar-O Boys Ranch
94379 = Bary Tucker
94380 = Battuello Family Trust
94382 = Bayside Knolls Partnership
94384 = Beller Stewart Tretal
94385 = Ben Pill
94386 = Ben Tozier
94387 = Benjamin Wilson
94388 = Bernard Flynn
94389 = Bernice H. Porter
94390 = Betsy Watson
94391 = Betty Frederickson
94392 = Beverly Tobias
94396 = Bill and Bette Nelson
94397 = Bill and June Thompson
94398 = Bill Burnside
94399 = Bill Cook
94400 = Bill Fulton
94401 = Bill Hay
94402 = Bill Ivey
94403 = Bill Krum
94404 = Bill Ransom
94405 = Bill Shipman
94406 = Bill Shoemaker
94407 = Bill Tevendale
94408 = Bill Walton
94409 = Billye Skye
94410 = Bixby Ranch Company
94411 = Black Mountain Ranch
94412 = Black Oak Ranch Partnership
94413 = Blair Hart
94414 = Blake Alexandre
94415 = Blue Chip Milling
94416 = Bob Barnum
94417 = Bob Falge
94418 = Bob Gianni
94419 = Bob Hayden
94420 = Bob Neale
94421 = Bob Satterlee
94422 = Bob Veith
94423 = Bobby Rex Goforth
94424 = Bobby Thorne
94425 = Bond
94426 = Borras/Terteling/Stetler Land Group
94427 = Bourbon
94429 = Brad Lange
94430 = Bran Starbuck
94431 = Bray Oil Company
94432 = Breihan Family Trust
94433 = Brian Doyle
94434 = Brian Ferguson
94435 = Brian N. Morris
94436 = Brian Rice
94437 = Brightman Ranch
94438 = Brooks Ranch
94440 = Browne
94441 = Browning Ferris Industries, Inc.
94442 = Bruce and Boyd Fiock
94443 = Bruce and Viann Turner
94444 = Bruce Burton
94445 = Bruce Cakebread
94446 = Bruce Lamoreaux
94447 = Bruce McDougal
94448 = Bruce Walker
94449 = Brutacao Vineyards
94450 = Burbank Family
94451 = Bureau of Land Management - Arcata Resource Area
94452 = Bureau of Land Management - King Range National Conservation
94453 = Burlington Northern Santa Fe
94454 = Burrough Family
94455 = Burt Clark
94456 = Burt Malech
94457 = Burtchett, Frazier, Mullen Family Partnership
94458 = Cabrillo Power I, Limited Liability Corporation
94459 = Cadwell Trust
94461 = Calaveras Big Trees State Park
94462 = Calcagno
94463 = California American Water Company
94464 = California Army National Guard, Camp San Luis Obispo
94467 = California Department of Parks and Beaches
94468 = California Department of Parks and Recreation - Jedediah Smith
94469 = California Department of Parks and Recreation - Santa Cruz
Mountains District
94470 = California Lands Commission
94471 = California National Guard
94472 = California Polytechnic State University
94474 = California Western Railroad
94475 = CalTrans
94476 = Cam and Kate Baker (Larkmead Vineyards)
94477 = Cameron
94478 = Cameron and Charlotte Cleaves
94479 = Campfire Boys and Girls of Humboldt County
94480 = Camsco Produce, Inc.
94481 = Cardoza
94482 = Caren Peterson
94483 = Carl Treece
94484 = Carnevale
94485 = Carol and Kevin Murphy
94486 = Carol E. West
94487 = Carol Fisch
94488 = Caroline LecTo
94489 = Carolyn Tooles
94490 = Catellus
94491 = Catellus Development Corporation
94492 = Centerville Naval Oceanographic Station
Centerville Naval Oceanographic Station
94493 = Cernokui, Cerlotti
94494 = Chadwick
94495 = Chadwick Trust
94496 = Chang K.P. and Chang C.K.C.
94497 = Chapman
94498 = Charles and Clara Watson
94499 = Charles Butterworth
94500 = Charles Hope
94501 = Charles Ruell
94502 = Charles Solo
94503 = CharlesSleight
94504 = Charlie Greenfield
94505 = Charll Stoneman
94506 = Cheryl Oakes
94507 = Cheryl Schultz
94508 = Chester Maksim
94509 = Chestine Anderson
94510 = Chevron
94511 = Chris Johnson
94512 = Chris Powell
94513 = Chris Wilson
94514 = Christina Ann Sears
94515 = Christopher Clarke
94516 = Christopher J. Neary
94517 = Chuong Nam Kim
94518 = City and County of San Francisco; Hetch Hetchy Water and Power
94519 = City of Blue Lake
94520 = City of Fairfax
94521 = City of Gilroy
94522 = City of Mill Valley
94523 = City of Napa Parks and Recreation Department
94524 = City of Roseville
94525 = City of San Anselmo
94526 = City of Santa Clara
94528 = City of South Gate
94529 = City of Ukiah Water Treatment Plant
94531 = City of Watsonville
94532 = Clarke
94533 = Claude and Bertha Young
94534 = Claude Huffman
94535 = Claude McAlexander
94536 = Cleo Forry
94537 = Clint Eastwood
94538 = Clinton Folger
94539 = Clorina Paine
94540 = Clos du Bois Winery and Vinyards
94541 = Coast Dairies and Land Company
94542 = Coastal Berry Company
94543 = Cochran
94544 = Collette Conolly Gamble
94545 = Colum and Monica Coyne
94546 = Colusa Basin Drainage District
94547 = Condiotti Corps
94548 = Congaree River Limited Partnership
94549 = Conrad Smeeth
94550 = Consuelo Evans
94552 = Conway Family
94553 = Cotter
94554 = County
94571 = County of Ventura
94572 = Covelo Indian Community - Round Valley Reservation
94573 = Craig and Allan Wiley
94574 = Craig Strong
94575 = Cresta Blanca Winery
94576 = Cross Family Trust
94577 = Crummer Corporation
94578 = Cuesta College
94579 = Cuesta County Park
94580 = Curtis d. Quinones and Patricia A. Quinones
94581 = Cynthia Alison Jones
94582 = D.W. Mierau
94583 = Dahlstrom and Watt Bulb Farms
94584 = Dale Eversen
94585 = Dale Gatlin
94586 = Dale Kuck
94587 = Dale Silva
94588 = Dan Averill
94589 = Dan Craighead
94590 = Dan Ferguson
94591 = Dan Griffith
94592 = Dan Hayden
94593 = Dan Mills
94594 = Dan Pfarr
94595 = Dan Rakestraw
94596 = Daniel Gribi
94597 = Daniel Schoenfeld
94598 = Daniel Shoenfeld
94599 = Danny C. Teague
94600 = Darren and Megan Mierau
94601 = Dave Black
94602 = Dave Newman
94603 = Dave Stephenson
94604 = David and Anita Huff
94605 = David and Madeline McMurray
94606 = David and Nancy Smith
94607 = David and Peggy Wellock
94608 = David Burbank
94609 = David Butler
94610 = David Butler and Esther Baruch
94611 = David Garden
94612 = David Horwitz
94613 = David J. and Linda. R. Byers
94614 = David Keniston
94615 = David Lawranson
94616 = David Lippman
94617 = David Morton
94618 = David Nixon
94619 = David Reiels
94620 = David Stevenson
David Stevenson
David Stevenson
94621 = David Trobitz
94622 = David Watson
94623 = David Wood
94624 = Dean Edell
94625 = Deborah Deer
94626 = Debra O'Brien
94627 = Debra Sommer Barnard
94628 = Dee Beattie
94629 = Del McCain
94630 = Del Norte County School District
94631 = Del Norte Redwoods State Park
94632 = Delia Moon
94633 = Denise Goforth
94634 = Dennis Hargett
94635 = Dennis Kingsbury
94636 = Dennis O'Leary
94637 = Dennis Rael and Carol Fulkenthol
94638 = Denziel Reynolds
94639 = Derik Veenhuis
94640 = Dews
94641 = Diamond 'D' Ranch
94643 = Diamond R Ranch
94644 = Diana Denham
94645 = Diana Wansick
94646 = Diane Rowland
94647 = Diane Wilsey
94648 = Dianna Stockton
94649 = Dick Dews
94650 = Dick Drewry
94651 = Dillon
94652 = Dominick C. McGrath Family
94653 = Don Borthwick
94654 = Don Brazil
94655 = Don Gomes
94656 = Don Jacobson
94657 = Donald and Elizabeth Clausen
94658 = Donald Bauer
94659 = Donald L. Harling
94660 = Donald Mayberry
94661 = Donna d'Terra
94662 = Donna Roberts
94663 = Doug and Stephanie Bliss
94664 = Doug McCauley
94665 = Doug White
94666 = Douglas Collier
94667 = Douglas George and Bonnie Burgess
94668 = Doyle and Helen Cogburn
94669 = Dr. Phil Nyberg
94670 = Dr. Watson
94671 = Dr. William Shapeero
94672 = Dreier
94673 = Duane Allen
94674 = Dubay
94675 = E. Immitt
94676 = E. Schimps
94677 = E.G. Maize Trust
94678 = Eagan
94679 = Earl and Maryanne Stenberg
94680 = Earl H. and Ailene D. Lewis
94681 = Earl Rosenblum
94682 = Easton Ranch
94683 = Ed Abreu
94684 = Ed Craig
94685 = Ed Gozzarino
94686 = Ed Haber
94687 = Ed Mendes
94688 = Edith Fearrien
94689 = Edna M. Learned
94690 = Edward and Erlyne Schmidbauer
94691 = Edward H. Smith Jr. and Susan M. Smith
94692 = Edward J. Herriman
94693 = Edward Neal
94694 = Edward W. Pickels
94695 = Edwin Z. Kereta and Mildred L. Kereta Trust
94696 = Egger-Ghio, Incorporated
94697 = Elaine Honig
94698 = Eleanor Darbee
94699 = Eleanor Romanini
94701 = Elodea Massolini
94702 = Elvie Thayer
94703 = Emerson Family
94704 = Eric Peters
94705 = Erickson
94706 = Erika Mee
94707 = Estelle Fennel
94708 = Estero Bay Properties
94709 = Etna Union High School
94710 = Eugene M. Gaffney
94711 = Eugene R. Kirkham
94712 = Eureka Sand and Gravel
94713 = Evans
94714 = Everett Fiock
94715 = Ewell and Virginia Baker
94716 = Falk Tree Farm Trust
94717 = Fall Creek State Park
94718 = Fearrien Ranch
94719 = Feather River Nature Center
94720 = Federal
94721 = Federal Land Bank Association of Salinas
94722 = Fenton Materials Company
94723 = Fern Rock Trust
94724 = Fetterly
94725 = Finley
94726 = Finley Ranch
94727 = Forest Tilly
94728 = Fowler
94729 = Francis Carrington
94730 = Francis Pasalacqua
94731 = Francis Sweet
94732 = Frank Hayden
94733 = Frank J. Konyn
94734 = Frank Landergen
94735 = Frank Passalaqa
94736 = Frank Rust
94737 = Frank Teiche
94738 = Frank Van Orden
94739 = Franklin Delaney
94740 = Frannie M. Pautz
94741 = Frannie Pautz
94742 = Fred and Phyllis Mervine
94743 = Fred D. Pillon
94744 = Fred Dolcini
94745 = Fred Jacobs
94746 = Fred Nielsen
94747 = Fred Thorngate
94748 = Frei
94749 = Freida Crenna
94750 = Fresh Run Farm
94751 = G. Burke
94752 = G. Milton Cole
94753 = G.F. Tittmann
94754 = Gabriela McCord
94755 = Gabrielle Cohen
94756 = Gabrielle O'Connell
94757 = Gaiam, Inc.
94758 = Galvin Family
94759 = Gareth Plank
94760 = Garrapata Trout Farm
94761 = Garry Glassman
94762 = Gary and Maureen Glassman
94763 = Gary Bravo
94764 = Gary Freeman
94765 = Gary Jurin
94766 = Gary Rainey
94767 = Gary Sacks
94768 = Gary West
94769 = George Hoffman
94770 = George Mullins
94771 = George Schmidbauer
94772 = George Truett
94773 = Gerard Blue
94774 = Ghisletta Family
94775 = Gil Gregori
94776 = Gil Wallan
94777 = Gilbert Family
94778 = Gilbert J. Gregori
94779 = Gilbert Moss
94780 = Gilbert Wallan
94781 = Gladys E. Cole
94782 = Glen Blakesley
94783 = Glenn Town
94784 = Golden Gate National Recreation Area
94785 = Gordon and Virginia Bruno
94786 = Granite Construction
94787 = Gray Creek Landowners' Association
94788 = Greg Betsworth
94789 = Greg Dougherty
94790 = Greg Nelson
94791 = Greg Picard
94792 = Greg Smith
94793 = Gregory Beaver
94794 = Gregory Gratzel
94795 = Grider Creek Land Company
94796 = Grizzley Creek State Park
94797 = Gromes
94798 = Grossi Family
94799 = Gualala Homeowners Association
94800 = Gualala Ranch Association
94801 = Gualala Redwoods Company
94802 = Guild Wineries
94803 = Guthridge
94804 = Gutleben
94805 = Guy Hohstadt
94806 = Gwen
94807 = H. and A. Andriotti
94808 = Hackett Timber and Livestock
94809 = Hal Hale
94810 = Hal Lepeff
94811 = Halston Hale
94812 = Hank and Mary Fetzer Skade
94813 = Hank Westbrook
94814 = Hanna
94815 = Hanna Brothers
94816 = Hanna Ranch
94817 = Hardwood Lumber Company
94818 = Harold and Rhonda English
94819 = Harold and Wendy Hardin
94820 = Harold C. Dunlop
94821 = Harold Foster
94822 = Harold Wainscott
94823 = Harry and Cicilia Hicks
94824 = Harry Frey
94825 = Harry Merlo
94826 = Harry Vaughn
94827 = Harvey and Lorraine Brown
94828 = Harvey Harper
94829 = Harwood Investment Company
94830 = Haven Logan
94831 = Hayden Brothers Ranch
94832 = Hazel Gravem
94833 = Hedrick Ranches
94834 = Heidi and Vernon Wilson
94835 = Heinz Kersh
94836 = Helen Libeu
94837 = Helen Munson
94838 = Helen W. Barnum Trust
94839 = Hellman Ranch Company
94840 = Henry and Mary Trobitz
94841 = Henry Brumley
94842 = Henry Gundling
94843 = Henry Tsarnas
94844 = Henry Wendt
94845 = Herb Kay
94846 = Herb Schwartz
94847 = Herbert L. Kendall
Herbert L. Kendall
94848 = Homer Dunn
94849 = Homer McCrary
94850 = Hoong-Yee Tang
94851 = Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation
94852 = Hopland Research and Extension Center, University of California
94853 = Howar Scanlan, Jr.
94854 = Hugh and Hazel Mitchell
94855 = Humboldt Auction Yard
94856 = Humboldt Bay Harbor Recreation and Conservation District
94857 = Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
94858 = Humboldt Redwoods State Park
94859 = Humboldt State University
94860 = Ielmorini and Moody
94861 = International Boundary and Water Commission
94862 = Irving Schroeder
94863 = Irwin and Dorothy Kelly
94864 = Isaac Weaver
94865 = J. H. Ranch
94866 = J. M. Rasmason
94867 = J. Marino
94868 = J. Mathers Rowley
94869 = Jack and Pat Foster
94870 = Jack Barnard
94871 = Jack Burke
94872 = Jack Cowley
94873 = Jack Cox
94874 = Jack Flasher
94875 = Jack Florence
94876 = Jack Lauderback
94877 = Jack Mason
94878 = Jack Monschke
94879 = Jack Noble
94880 = Jack Shaw
94881 = Jackson P. Pinkham
94882 = James and Charla Flemming
94883 = James and Gayle Cavendar
94884 = James and Judith O'Hanen
94885 = James and Leslie Freeman
94886 = James Beck
94887 = James Blake
94888 = James Clyde Van Dyke
94889 = James Connerton
94890 = James H. Peat
94891 = James Hargreaves
94892 = James Hollister III
94893 = James Huber
94894 = James M. Moore
94895 = James R. Wilson
94896 = James Robinson
94897 = James Schlotter
94898 = James Valentine
94899 = Jan Derksen
94900 = Jane Finnigan
94901 = Jane Rector
94902 = Janet Andrews
94903 = Janet Cook
94904 = Jared Gerstein
94905 = Jarra Bingham
94906 = Jason Farley
94907 = Jay and Kate Hill
94908 = Jay and Raelene Phelps
94909 = Jean Thomas
94910 = Jeanette Dwyer
94911 = Jeb Cotter
94912 = Jeff Crispin
94913 = Jeffrey Bovee
94914 = Jennifer Appel
94915 = Jennifer Davis Marx
94916 = Jennifer Davis-Marx and Bill Marx
94917 = Jensen
94918 = Jerold and Bettie Phelps
94919 = Jesse Hill
94920 = Jessica Taylor
94921 = Jessie Wheeler
94922 = Jim and Canela Valentine
94923 = Jim and Lisa Denoyer
94924 = Jim Eggel
94925 = Jim Groom
94926 = Jim Harville
94927 = Jim O'Hanen
94928 = Jim Rice
94929 = Jim Russ
94930 = Jim Smith
94931 = Jim Taylor
94932 = Jim Timmons
94933 = JMD Ranch
94934 = Jo Hanson
94935 = Joan Becker
94936 = Joan C. Moore
94937 = Joan von Weien
94938 = Joann Dixen
94939 = Joanne Bower
94940 = Joe Anastasi, Jr.
94941 = Joe Capp
94942 = Joe Massei
94943 = Joe Schaffer
94944 = Joe Smith
94945 = Joe Swaner
94946 = Joe Yull
94947 = Joel Rankin
94948 = Johann Kobler
94949 = John and Cathy Mills
94950 = John and Marcia Kreidler
94951 = John and Mary Daigle
94952 = John and Rebecca Schenone
94953 = John and Tracie Lyons
94954 = John Beatty
John beatty
94955 = John Behrens
94956 = John Crain
94957 = John Devincenzo
94958 = John E. Olsen
94959 = John F. Hedrick
94960 = John Farnsworth
94961 = John Greiser
94962 = John Letton
94963 = John Magrath
94964 = John Mahoney
94965 = John Max
94966 = John Mayer
94967 = John McCullogh
94968 = John McGrath
94969 = John Menke
94970 = John Phillips
94971 = John Rice
94972 = John Rogers
94973 = John Schultz
94974 = John Sinclair
94975 = John Stark
94976 = John Stock
94977 = John Swift
94978 = John Thomas
94979 = John Thrasher
94980 = John West
94981 = John Wiester
94982 = John Williams
94983 = John Winzler
94984 = Johnson State Forest
94985 = Jon Baber
94986 = Jon R. Martin
94987 = Jon Weiderman
94988 = Jonathan Whitman
94989 = Jorgen Danielsen
94990 = Jose Baer
94991 = Joseph Carlisle
94992 = Joseph Mead Vineyard
94993 = Joseph P. Reis
94994 = Joseph Reis
94995 = Joseph Wallace
94996 = Joy Anderson
94997 = Juanita Joy Riddell
94998 = Judith Graves
94999 = Judy Dixon
95000 = Judy Kygar
95001 = Jules Litwak
95002 = Julie Hill
95003 = Julie Rosa
95004 = Junction School
95005 = K. Anne Conrad-Antoville and Anthony Antoville
95006 = Kalin Flournoy
95007 = Kappner Family
95008 = Kapteyn Dozier
95009 = Karamu Corporation
95010 = Karen Calvert
95011 = Karen Walsh
95012 = Kathleen Bray
95013 = Kathleen Bunting
95014 = Kathleen Creager
95015 = Kathy Glass
95016 = Kathy Orcutt
95017 = Kathy Short
95018 = Kay Licina
95019 = Kaylin Flournoy
95020 = Kazimi Forest Partners, LLP
95021 = Keet Nerham
95022 = Keith Whipple
95023 = Kelly Road LLC
95024 = Ken Bareilles
95025 = Ken Cline
95026 = Ken Forden
95027 = Ken Fowle
95028 = Ken Jorgenson
95029 = Ken Kline
95030 = Ken Wallan
95031 = Kendell Rhodes
95032 = Kenneth Leigh
Kenneth Leigh
95033 = Kent Rasmussen Winery
95034 = Kermit C. Miller
95035 = Kerry Winegarden
95036 = Khoaghali and Buggy Club
95037 = Kidder Creek Orchard Camp
95038 = Kidder Creek Outdoor School
95039 = Kimberly Phelps
95040 = Kirt Morse
95041 = Krum
95042 = Kuck
95043 = Kurt Gilg
95044 = L and M Ranch
95045 = L. Coleman
95046 = L.G. Scharnberg
95047 = L.L. Etter
95048 = LaFitte
95049 = Laguna Foundation
95050 = Lance Bone
95053 = Larabee Valley Road Association
95054 = Larkmead Vineyard
95055 = Larry and Linda Burgh
95056 = Larry and Paula Fugman
95057 = Larry and Peggi Alexander
95058 = Larry Chapman
95059 = Larry Chapman Limited Family Partnership
95060 = Larry Nash
95061 = Larry Venturi
95062 = Lars Wallevik
95063 = Larson
95064 = Laura Glauberman
95065 = Laura J. Walker
95066 = Laurie Rose
95067 = Lawrence and Pilar Davis
95068 = Lawrence Bliss
95069 = Lawrence Crain
95070 = Lawrence Mailliard
95071 = Leah and Nadia King
95072 = Lechuza Villas West, L.P.
95073 = Ledgewood
95074 = Lee Simonson
95075 = Lee Walker
95076 = Lehmann
95077 = Lela Bricarelli
95078 = Leland Mora
95079 = Len Wolff
95080 = Leonard Charles
95081 = Leota Card
95082 = Les Barnwell
95083 = Lesa Coleman
95084 = Leslie D. Sutherland
95085 = Leslie Taylor
95086 = L'Esta Montgomery
95087 = Lester and Betty Phelps
95088 = Lewis Lester
95089 = Lia Vip
95090 = Liddy (CNL Farms)
95091 = Lillian Howland
95092 = Linda and Guy Gray
Linda and Guy Gray
95093 = Linda And Michael Howe
95094 = Linda Filer
95095 = Linda Nusser and Perry Mancusi
95096 = Lloyd Huss
95097 = Lloyd Jones
95098 = Lompico County Water Agency
95099 = Lonnie Owens
95100 = Loren Amelang
95101 = Lorne and Margaret MacDonald
95102 = Lorraine Carolan
95103 = Lost Coast Ranch
95104 = Lou Preston
95105 = Louis Picardo
95106 = Lucchesi
95107 = Lucien Eddisferd
95108 = Lucille Sandholt Ferguson
95109 = Lucille Way
95110 = Lynn Overtree
95111 = M.J. Ruddy
95112 = Mabel Anderson
95113 = Mae Dorrell
95114 = Mahoney
95115 = Maillard Ranch
95116 = Maino Family
95117 = Manuel Brazil
95118 = Marathon U.S. Realities, Incorporated
95119 = Marc Jameson
95120 = Marc Regan
95121 = Marcia Mendels
95122 = Margaret Lewis
95123 = Margaret Morrison Fox
95124 = Margaret Smith
95125 = Marian Esponson
95126 = Marie Gerard
95127 = Marie Rusert
95128 = Marie Zarilla
95129 = Marilyn Goode
95130 = Mariposa School
95131 = Marjorie Alden
95132 = Mark and Sylvia Cobb
95133 = Mark Brucker
95134 = Mark Evans
95135 = Mark Walter
95136 = Market Fixtures Unlimited, Incorporated
95137 = Marti Witter
95138 = Martin Family
95139 = Marvin Stewart
95140 = Mary Ann Agosti
95141 = Mary Ann Stenberg
95142 = Mary Scalvini
95143 = Marylyn Scott-Brandon
95144 = Mason
95145 = Massei
95146 = Matt and Dustin Smith
95147 = Maureen Roche
95148 = McCormick and Learned Limited Partnership
95149 = McCrary Family
95151 = McNab Ranch Landowners Association
95152 = Meamber Ranch
95153 = Meca Wawona
95154 = Mendocino Land Trust
95155 = Mendocino Redwood Company
95156 = Mendosoma Unit III Road Management Committee
95157 = Mercer Family
95158 = Merv Satori
95159 = Mervin McDonald
95160 = Michael Ahola
95161 = Michael and Bobbi Kaslow
95162 = Michael and Judith Wilwand
95163 = Michael and Marsh Cloney
95164 = Michael Balt
95165 = Michael Brennan
95166 = Michael Cough
95167 = Michael D. and Majery R. McCracken
95168 = Michael Deering
95169 = Michael Guerriero
95170 = Michael Jakubal
95171 = Michael LaBonte
95172 = Michael Miller
95173 = Michael Molinaro Leland and Beverly Hancock
95174 = Michael Thamer
95175 = Mike and Sally Gale
95176 = Mike Boer
95177 = Mike Bryan
95178 = Mike Draxton
95179 = Mike Evanson
95180 = Mike Gorby
95181 = Mike Napolitano
95182 = Mike Wilwand
95183 = Miller Redwood
95184 = Miller Redwood Company
95185 = Milton A Childers
95186 = Milton G. Cole
95187 = Miriam Awenius
95188 = Mishka Straka
95189 = Modesto Irrigation District
95190 = Monans Rill Community
95191 = Monastery of the Redwoods
95192 = Monica Coyne
95193 = Monte Rio Park and Recreation
95195 = Monterey Sand Company
95196 = Monterey View Development
95197 = Monty Beck
95198 = Mora Victoria Ranch
95199 = Morgan
95200 = Morro Bay and Land Company
95201 = Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center
95202 = Mount Tamalpais State Park
95203 = Mr. and Mrs. Nystrom
95204 = Ms. Nancy Frymire
95205 = Mueller Family
95206 = Nancy Giffin
95207 = Nancy Hettick
95208 = Nancy Jackson
95209 = Nancy Peregrine
95210 = Naomi Engstrom
95211 = Napolitano Family Trust
95212 = Narendra Patel
95213 = Nash Ranch Road Association
95214 = Nat Childs
95215 = National Audubon Society
95217 = Nature Conservancy
95218 = Navarro Ranch
95219 = Neese
95220 = Nels Sterling Peterson
95221 = Nelson Randall
95222 = New land Trust
95223 = Niccoletti Ranch
95224 = Nicholas Marlowe
95225 = Nina Benson
95226 = Nina Blasenheim
95227 = Noble Yacht Group, Inc.
95228 = Norm Satterlee
95229 = Norman and Bob Satterlee
95230 = Norman Fiock
95231 = Norman Kobler
95232 = North Coast Paving
95233 = North Coast Regional Land Trust
95234 = Oakdale Irrigation District
95235 = Ohe Gravel Quarry
95236 = Oji Brothers Farms
95237 = Onis Peebles
95238 = Orrin Thiessen
95239 = Owens
95240 = P. Karl Rowly
95241 = Pacific Power & Light
95242 = Palmer Creek Fire Association
95243 = Palmer Westbrook Dairy
95244 = Palomares Elementary School
95245 = Pam Wilen
95246 = Pamela Mendela
95247 = Pamela Shaw
95248 = Pat Davidson
95249 = Pat Hopper
95250 = Pat Metohnen
95251 = Patricia Aho
95252 = Patricia Dorn
95253 = Patricia Marangoni
95254 = Patricia Martin
95255 = Patricia O'Neil
95256 = Patrick Fisher
95257 = Patrick Mehtonen
95258 = Paul and Michelle Degenkolb
95259 = Paul Garvin
95260 = Paul Kolec
95261 = Paul Korb
95262 = Paul Pencoast
95263 = Paula Kesenheimer
95264 = Peggy Iris
95265 = Peggy North
95266 = Perry Potter
95267 = Petaluma High School District
95268 = Pete Bates
95269 = Pete Gray
95270 = Peter and Betty Lee
95271 = Peter Bradford
95272 = Peter Childs
95273 = Peter Cooper
95274 = Peter Jebens
95275 = Peter Lindstrom
95276 = Peter Stephens
95277 = Peters Ranch
95278 = Philip Schafer
95279 = Phillip Lee
95280 = Piersall
95281 = Platts
95282 = Poe
95283 = Point Four Ranch
95284 = Poker Bar Property Owners Association
95285 = Port of Oakland
Port of Oakland
95286 = Private Conservation and Local Public Agency Lands
95288 = Prosper Ridge Land and Cattle Co.
95289 = Provolts
95290 = Punta Arena Dairy
95291 = Q. Tobias
95292 = R & J Lumber Company
95295 = R. Garrison
95296 = R. V., Jr., and Marian Hayden
95297 = R.E. and Hattie Burton
95298 = R.H. Emmerson and Son
95299 = Rabyn Blake
95300 = Rae Matthews
95301 = Rajcher
95302 = Ralph N. Highsmith
95303 = Ralph Smith
95304 = Ralph Watson
95305 = Rancho Del Sol
95306 = Rancho San Clemente
95307 = Randal Meredith
95308 = Randy Axell
95309 = Randy Neufeld
95310 = Rathbun
95311 = Ray Ekstrom
95312 = Ray Guaraglia
95313 = Ray Lingel
95314 = Raymond Etter
95315 = Reams
95316 = Reclamation District 563
95318 = Redwood Empire Company
95319 = Redwoods Monastery
95320 = Reeve C. Williams
95321 = Reginald B. Oliver
95322 = Reservation Ranch
95323 = Rex and Ruth Rathbun
95324 = Rex Rathbun
95325 = Rex Timber Inc.
95326 = Rhone-Poulenc Incorporated
95327 = Rich Holland
95328 = Richard and Arlene Wilkenson
95329 = Richard and Maureen Bishop
95330 = Richard and Patricia Treadwell
95331 = Richard and Sally Taylor
95332 = Richard Barnes
95333 = Richard Baxter
95334 = Richard Bishop
95335 = Richard Burchiel
95336 = Richard Burns
95337 = Richard Cooper
95338 = Richard David Finch
95339 = Richard Handley
95340 = Richard King
95341 = Richard Miller
95342 = Richard Moore
95343 = Richard Preston
95344 = Richard Steidlmayer
95345 = Richard W. Ackerly
95346 = Rick Barnes
95347 = Rick Hawley
95348 = Rick Klein
95349 = Rick Storre
95350 = Robbie Weir
95351 = Rober Will
95352 = Robert Albiez
95353 = Robert and Brigitt Bankay
95354 = Robert and Evelyne Dolcini
95355 = Robert and Marion Hoyle
95356 = Robert Bennett
95357 = Robert Berry
95358 = Robert Bradford
95359 = Robert C. Mann
95360 = Robert C. McKee
95361 = Robert Cleary
95362 = Robert Covey
95363 = Robert Dunaway
95364 = Robert Gianni
95365 = Robert J Veith
95366 = Robert J. Burke
95367 = Robert J. Kammerer
95368 = Robert Lashinger
95369 = Robert Mahoney
95370 = Robert Manley
95371 = Robert Naylor
95372 = Robert P. Falge
95373 = Robert P. Gunsalves
95374 = Robert Roney
95375 = Robert Rosetti
95376 = Robert T. Doyle
95377 = Robert Tedsen
95378 = Robert Tierney
95379 = Robert Torres
95380 = Robin Renner
95381 = Roger and Johanna Rodoni
95382 = Roger Hopfensberger
95383 = Roger Safier
95384 = Rolf Vanderswaan
95385 = Romanini
95386 = Ron and Gwenda Taylor
95387 = Ron and Seejoy Berkowitz
95388 = Ron Cleave
95389 = Ron Combest
95390 = Ron Litzler
95391 = Ron Sunoway
95392 = Ronald and Ethel Woodruff
95393 = Ronald and Waneve Kendrick
95394 = Roscoe Morris
95395 = Rose D. Ulman
95396 = Rosemary Duncan
95397 = Rossmoor Partners
95398 = Round Vineyards
95399 = Rowdy Creek Fish Hatchery, Inc.
95400 = Roxy Rapp
95401 = Roy and Bev Schmunk
95402 = Royle and Edith Kent
95403 = Rudolph and Linda Light
95404 = Russ Ranch and Timber Company, LLC
95405 = Russ Sartori
95406 = Russal Emal
95407 = Russel Emal
95408 = Russell Finley
95409 = Ruth Zimmer
95410 = Ruthelma Jacobsen
95411 = Rutherford River Ranch
95412 = RY Ranch
95413 = Sally Gale
95414 = Salt Flat Owners Association
95415 = Sam Kim
95416 = Samuel Iemma
95417 = Samuel Ordway
95418 = Samuel P. Taylor State Park
95419 = San Bruno Mountain County Park
95420 = San Francisco Zen Center
95421 = San Geronimo Golf Club
95422 = San Luis Obispo Regional Parks Department
95423 = San Mateo County Parks
95425 = Sand City Development Corporation
95426 = Sandra A. White
95427 = Sandra Learned-Perry
95428 = Sandy Binns
95429 = Sanford E. Lowry
95430 = Sanford Lowry
95431 = Sanger C. Hedrick, Jr.
95432 = Santa Angelina Ranch
95434 = Santa Fe Pacific Timber Company
95435 = Sara Comma
95436 = Sara Reeder
95437 = Sarah and Robert Nobles
95440 = Schenone
95441 = Scotia Pacific Holding Company
95442 = Scott Finley
95443 = Scott Murrison
95444 = Scott Stone
95445 = Scott Sway
95446 = Segalle
95447 = Seventh Day Adventist Church
95448 = Shapeero
95449 = Sharal Byd
95450 = Sharon Arnot
95451 = Shaw Revocable Trust
95452 = Shea/Vickers Development
95453 = Sheila Larson
95454 = Sheridan
95455 = Shuck/Troutman
95456 = Sienna Fisher
95457 = Sierra Pacific Industry/RHE
95458 = Sierra Rangeland Trust
95459 = Signal Bolsa Corporation
95460 = Sigurd Anderson
95461 = Silacci Family
95462 = Silva Ranch
95463 = Simon Partnership
95464 = Sisters of Presentation
95467 = Sooper-Wheeler
95468 = Soper Company
95469 = Sorge Real Estate Trust
95470 = Spanos
95471 = Spaulding and Sons
95472 = Spencer
95473 = St. Anthony's Seminary
95474 = St. Mary's Retreat House
95475 = St. Stephens Episopal Church
95476 = Stan and Irene Randall
95477 = Stan Eisner
95478 = Stan Randall
95479 = Star Route Farms
95480 = State of California
95481 = Stephen Coons
95482 = Stephen Halfward
95483 = Stephen Weissbluth
95484 = Stephens
95485 = Steve and Leslie Cardone
95486 = Steve and Paulette Parker
95487 = Steve and Sharon Amirault
95488 = Steve Beck
95489 = Steve Bruner
95490 = Steve Estes
95491 = Steve Gomes
95492 = Steve Norton
95493 = Steve Renner
95494 = Steve Smith
95495 = Steven Hubbard
95496 = Steven Miller
95497 = Steven Wise
95498 = Stornetta Brothers
95499 = Stover Ranch
95500 = Stuart Bewley
95501 = Stuhlmuller Vineyards
95502 = Sue Maurer
95503 = Sullivan
95504 = Summa Corporation
95505 = Susan Ashlock
95506 = Susan Barland
95507 = Susan Caruaida
95508 = Susan Euphrat
95509 = Susan Massina
95510 = Susan Pepperwod
95511 = Susan Seitz
95512 = Swift Family Trust
95513 = Syar Industries
95514 = T. Robert Burke
95515 = T.J. McTague
95516 = Tamalpais Union High School District
95517 = Tara Mahoney
95518 = Taylor Westbrook
95519 = Ted Simon
95520 = Tedsen Dairy
95521 = Teri Kalder
95522 = Terra Bella Irrigation District
95523 = Terry Bennett
95524 = Terry Ranch
95525 = Tex Sawyer
95526 = Texaco Corporation
95527 = Thomas and Cynthia Fetherston
95528 = Thomas and Stephanie O'Keeffe
95529 = Thomas Grundman
95530 = Thomas Hartman
95531 = Thomas Ielmorini
95532 = Thomas Kisliuk
95533 = Thomas Meyer and Rebecca Husband
95534 = Thomas Moore
95535 = Thomas P. Jordan
95536 = Thomas Payne
95537 = Thomas W. Reed
95538 = Thorton Smith and Margaret Robinson
95539 = Tim Gill
95540 = Tim Mason
95541 = Tim Metz
95542 = Tim Renner
95543 = Timber Products Company
95544 = Timber Realization Company
95545 = Timothy Day
95546 = Timothy Osmer
95547 = Tino Luchetti
95548 = Tobias
95549 = Todd Acheson
95550 = Todd and Pam Phelps
95551 = Tom Bess
95552 = Tom Bessette
95553 = Tom Bigger
95554 = Tom Dimitre
95555 = Tom East
95556 = Tom Harris
95557 = Tom Hill
Tom Hill
95558 = Tom Kazyaka
95559 = Tom Kraus
95560 = Tom Leonard
95561 = Tom Loughry
95562 = Tom Palley
95563 = Tom Shelton
95564 = Tom Tobias
95565 = Tom Wyszomirski
95566 = Tony and Jacque Carlson
95567 = Tracy Livingston
95568 = Tribe or Tribal Organization
95569 = Trinity County Public Works Department
95570 = Truax
95572 = Truttman
95573 = Tuano Mork
95574 = U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
95576 = U.S. Forest Service Gasquest Station
95578 = U.S. Forest Service Six Rivers National Forest (Lower Trinity
95579 = U.S. Navy, Weapons Support Facility, Seal Beach
95580 = Ukiah Municipal Golf Course
95581 = Ukiah Unified School District
95582 = United Lily Growers
95583 = University of California
95584 = University of California Berkeley Forestry Camp
95585 = University of California Davis - Hopland Field Station
95586 = USA Waste
95587 = Valdon Miller
95588 = Valeria Huneeus
95589 = Valley Oak Vineyard LLC
95590 = Van Spraybroeck
95591 = Vance
95592 = Velma Marshall
95593 = Vera McGovern
95594 = Vern Bowham
95595 = Vernon Harling
95596 = Vernon Renner
95597 = Vic and Maggie Weaver
95598 = Victor and Janwan Molinaro
95599 = Victor Bacci
95600 = Victor Daniels
95601 = Virginia Dimmick
95602 = W. Dudley
95604 = Wallace/Byron Farmer
95605 = Wally and Floyd West
95606 = Wally West
95607 = Walter Damkroger
95608 = Walter Hansen
95609 = Walter West
95610 = Wanda Swenson
95611 = Warren Dutton
95612 = Waters
95613 = Wayne and Joan Kremser
95614 = Wayne and Kathy Stark
95615 = Wayne Bloom
95616 = Wayne Mason
95617 = Wayne Stark
95618 = Weaver Family Trust
95619 = Webb
95620 = Webb Harpe
95621 = Wendy Crandall
95622 = Westbrook Land and Timber
95623 = Western Farm Credit Bank
95624 = Western Sand & Gravel
95626 = Westminster Woods
95627 = Westport County Water District
95628 = Whitney Newland
95629 = Whitton Family
95630 = Wickland Oil Company
95632 = Wilber and Shirley Vallotton
95633 = Will Randall
95634 = William Beal
95635 = William Bowen
95636 = William Bowker
95637 = William Bransteter
95638 = William Carlson
95639 = William Crosby
95640 = William E. Shoemaker
95641 = William E. Tevendale
95642 = William J. Blinn Trust
95643 = William Landergen
95644 = William Marx
95645 = William R. McBride
95646 = William Ransom
95647 = William Rector
95648 = William Shoemaker
95649 = Williamson
95650 = Willits Redwood Company
95651 = Wilson
95652 = Winding Brook Farm
95653 = Women's Forest Sanctuary
95654 = Wong
95655 = Yoli and Eagle Rose
95656 = Yvonne Nielson
95657 = Zac Stempson
95658 = Zacks Incorporated, dba Sausalito Marine
95659 = Zullo
PrjResultLU Table
Fields: ResultID, Result
1 = Stream length protected by acquisition, easement, lease or agreement
2 = Stream length treated
3 = Stream length benefited
4 = Stream length opened for fish passage
5 = Sediment prevented from entering stream
6 = Sediment removed from stream
7 = Riparian or floodplain area protected by acquisition, easement,
lease or agreement
8 = Riparian or floodplain area treated
9 = Wetland area protect by acquisition, easement, lease or agreement
10 = Wetland area created or treated
11 = Estuarine area protected by acquisition, easement, lease or
12 = Estuarine area created or treated
13 = Upland area protected by acquisition, easement, lease or agreement
14 = Upland area treated
15 = Water flow acquired
16 = Water flow protected by screens
17 = Area opened up that is presumed spawning habitat
18 = Area opened up that is presumed rearing habitat
19 = Area protected by acquisition, easement, lease, or agreement
20 = Area treated

PrjRoleLU Table
Fields: RoleID, Role
1 = Funder
2 = On-ground implementor
3 = Land owner
4 = Administrator/Contracting agent
5 = Provider of technical advice/products
6 = Primary coordinator/Grant recipient
7 = Data source
99 = Unknown

PrjTreatmentLU Table
Fields: TreatmentID, Treatment
1 = Large wood anchored in place (log, rootwad, etc.)
4 = Log weir installed (not below culvert)
5 = Pool created (unknown method)
7 = Stream bank stabilized: unknown method
8 = Boulders placed in stream
9 = Brush bundle(s) placed in stream
10 = Off-channel habitat created (alcove, side channel, pond, etc.)
11 = Rock weir installed (not below culvert)
12 = Flow deflector installed: type unspecified
13 = Fishway created (other than ladder)
14 = Fish ladder installed
15 = Fish screen installed
16 = Spawning gravel placed in stream
17 = Stream bank stabilized: rock gabion installed
20 = Pushup dam permanently removed
21 = Fish barrier (type unknown) removed
22 = Fish barrier installed (type unknown)
23 = Fish ladder improved
24 = Off-channel habitat reconnected or access improved (alcove, side
channel, etc.)
28 = Water management (storage and release timing)
29 = Loosened/cleaned spawning gravels (gravel ripping with bulldozer)
31 = Concrete weir installed (not below culvert)
32 = Main stream channel modified/created (can include reconnecting
historic channel)
33 = Improve ford (low-water traffic crossing)
34 = Culvert replaced with bridge
35 = Culvert replaced with open-bottom arch culvert
36 = Culvert replaced with closed-bottom culvert (round or pipe-arch)
37 = Culvert retrofitted with baffles or weirs
38 = Weir installed below culvert outlet to raise pool level and provide
passage through culvert
39 = Bridge installed
40 = Culvert or other stream crossing removed and not replaced
41 = Trees planted (unknown type)
42 = Planting (unknown type)
47 = Large wood placement (log, rootwad, etc. Not anchored, or not
known if anchored.)
48 = Weir installed (unknown type, not below culvert)
49 = Stream bank stabilized: log revetment installed
50 = Stream bank stabilized: rock and log revetment installed
51 = Stream bank stabilized: bioengineering (living building materials)
52 = Flow deflector installed: log
53 = Flow deflector installed: rock/boulder
54 = Pool excavated or blasted
55 = Carcasses or other nutrients added to stream/bank
56 = Log jam removed
57 = Dam removed
58 = Fence maintenance
59 = Livestock stream access/crossing created or improved
60 = Voluntary riparian tree retention (extra trees left during harvest
beyond law requirements)
61 = Irrigation water recycled (tailwater recaptured)
62 = Culvert replaced with box culvert
63 = Culvert replaced with open-bottom box culvert
64 = Culvert replaced with closed-bottom box culvert
65 = Invasive plant control
66 = Culvert replaced
97 = Other treatment
99 = Unknown
101 = Conifers planted
102 = Hardwood stand converted to conifers
103 = Livestock rotation
104 = Beavers introduced
105 = Hardwoods planted
106 = Fencing/livestock exclusion
107 = Livestock off-channel watering facility developed
112 = Dam repaired
113 = Riparian restoration
115 = Grass planted
116 = Stream bank stabilized: riprap (rock revetment) installed
118 = Sediment-trap dam installed
119 = Sediment removed from stream
120 = Stream bank stabilized: stream bank resloped
121 = Shrubs or herbaceous vegetation planted
122 = Flow deflector installed: rock and log
123 = Pool scour structure installed
124 = Culvert or bridge upgraded (unknown method)
201 = Road modified to reduce impacts to streams
202 = Road ditch and drainage culvert maintenance (removing debris)
203 = Road drainage culvert installed/replaced/improved
206 = Road decommissioned/obliterated
209 = Mine site restoration
302 = Upland erosion control
303 = Upland vegetation management changed
304 = Irrigation system improved
306 = Agricultural or grazing practices modified
401 = Dike breached
402 = Wetland created
403 = Previously filled or drained wetland restored
404 = Existing wetland improved
407 = Wetland vegetation planted
501 = Land purchased, leased, or easement acquired
502 = Water right purchased or leased
503 = Repair/maintenance of existing restoration project structure (non-
601 = Estuarine area created
602 = Tidegate altered/removed
603 = Previously-filled or drained estuary restored
604 = Freshwater flow in estuary increased
10001 = Restoration project effectiveness monitoring
10002 = Watershed organization support
30000 = Survey, study, research
30003 = Education, training, workshops
30005 = Educational video, display, interpretive facilities
30007 = Salmon enhancement: Collect/raise/transport/plant fish
30008 = Watershed assessment and planning
30011 = Wildlife management, trapping, transport (except beaver
30013 = Monitoring of watersheds and fisheries
30014 = Fish rescue

Prod Table
Fields: ProdID, Production
1 = Hatchery
2 = Natural
3 = Mixed
99 = Unknown

Province Table
Fields: ProvinceID, ProvinceName
1 = Columbia River Estuary
2 = Lower Columbia
3 = Columbia Gorge
4 = Columbia Plateau
5 = Columbia Cascade
6 = Intermountain
7 = Mountain Columbia
8 = Blue Mountain
9 = Mountain Snake
10 = Middle Snake
11 = Upper Snake
98 = Outside the Columbia basin
99 = Unknown

Publisher Table
Fields: PubID, Publisher
2 = Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage, AK
3 = Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Douglas, AK
4 = Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Kodiak, AK
5 = California Department of Fish and Game
6 = California Department of Fish and Game, Rancho Cordova, CA
7 = California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA
8 = Chelan County Public Utility District
9 = Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
10 = Idaho Coop. Fish. Res. Unit, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
11 = National Marine Fisheries Service
12 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Roseburg, OR
13 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Central Point, OR
14 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis, OR
15 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Enterprise, OR
16 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, John Day, OR
17 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, La Grande, OR
18 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Newport, OR
19 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Pendleton, OR
20 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, OR
21 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Seaside, OR
22 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, The Dalles, OR
23 = Pacific Fishery Management Council
24 = Pacific Gas and Electric Company
25 = Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
26 = Portland General Electric
27 = Quinault Indian Nation
28 = Shosone-Bannock Tribes Fisheries Department, Fort Hall, ID
29 = Washington Department of Fisheries, Yakima, WA
30 = Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
34 = Bonneville Power Administation, Portland OR
39 = Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program, Astoria, OR
40 = Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Portland, OR
43 = Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Pendleton,
44 = Umatilla Tribe
45 = Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, Warm
Springs, OR
48 = Don Chapman Consultants Inc., Boise, ID
49 = Department of the Environment, Fisheries Research Board of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada
54 = Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game, Boise, ID
60 = International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, Vancouver, BC,
61 = Fishery Bulletin, NMFS, Washington DC
63 = National Marine Fisheries Service, Coastal Zone and Estuarine
Studies Division, Seattle WA
65 = Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho, Lapwai, ID
67 = Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR
68 = Oregon Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Corvallis, OR
69 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Columbia River Management,
Clackamas, OR
72 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, OR
80 = Parties of the Columbia River Fish Management Plan (chair was Don
Swartz, ODFW)
81 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Springfield, OR
84 = Fish Commission of Oregon, Clackamas, OR
92 = Fish Commission of Oregon, Management and Research Division,
Portland, OR
93 = Fish Commission of Oregon, Portland, OR
98 = N/A
102 = Oregon State Game Commission, Portland, OR
104 = Oregon State University Thesis, Corvallis, OR
105 = Oregon State Water Resources Board, Salem, OR
108 = Pacific Northwest Fish Health Protection Committee
109 = Pacific Northwest Regional Commission
110 = Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission
111 = Portland General Electric, Portland, OR
112 = S.P. Cramer & Associates, Corvallis, OR
113 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
114 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland OR
and Walla Walla, WA
119 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Dworshak-Kooskia National Fish
Hatchery complex, Ahsahka, ID
121 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vancouver, WA
122 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lower Snake River Compensation
Plan Office, Boise, ID
123 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR
125 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
126 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
Biology Laboratory, Seattle, WA
131 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington D.C.
134 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
Washington D.C.
135 = U.S. Forest Service, Orofino, ID
136 = University of Idaho Graduate School, Moscow, Idaho
137 = University of Washington, Seattle WA
139 = Washington Department of Fisheries, Battle Ground, WA
147 = Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA
150 = Washington Department of Fisheries, Olympia, WA
155 = Washington Department of Game, Olympia, WA
158 = Washington Department of Wildlife, Dayton WA
160 = Washington Department of Wildlife, Kelso, WA
162 = Washington Department of Wildlife, Olympia, WA
163 = Oregon State College, Engineering Experiment Station, Corvallis,
166 = Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation,
Toppenish, WA
169 = Canadian Journal of Zoology
170 = Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Battleground, WA.
171 = Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK
172 = Research Briefs, Fish Commission of Oregon
173 = Oregon Wildlife Commission, Portland, OR
174 = Unpublished
175 = Enhancement Planning Team
176 = Idaho Research Foundation
177 = Direct Services Industries, Inc.
178 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Charleston, OR
179 = Battelle Memorial Institute
180 = Oregon Fish Commission
181 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bend, OR
182 = Pacific Salmon Commission
183 = Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo, British Columbia
184 = Department of Fisheries and Oceans, New Westminster, British
185 = California Fish and Game
186 = Point No Point Treaty Council
187 = Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority
188 = Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
189 = Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission
190 = California Department of Fish and Game, Unpublished
191 = California Department of Water Resources
90459 = North Coast Fisheries Restoration
90464 = National Park Service
90527 = Humboldt State University, Arcata, California
90529 = Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program, California
90530 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Shasta-Trinity
National Forest, Big Bar Ranger Station, CA
200001 = Ablex Pub. Corp., Norwood, N.J.
200002 = Academic Press, UK
200003 = AFSEEE, Eugene, OR
200004 = Agricultural Experiment Station of the Alabama Polytechnic
Institute, Auburn, Ala.
200005 = Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University,
200006 = Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,
200007 = AIRI Press, Oakland, CA
200008 = Alaska Department of Fish and Game
200009 = Alaska Forest Research Center, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Juneau, Alaska
200010 = Alaska Northwest Books, Anchorage
200011 = Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska,
Fairbanks, Alaska
200012 = Alto Video, Lake Oswego, OR
200013 = Amer. Museum of Natural History, New York
200014 = American & World Geographic Pub., Helena, MT
200015 = American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington
200016 = American Fisheries Society, Washington, D.C.
200017 = American Fisheries Society U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Bethesda, Md. Washington, D.C.?
200018 = American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists available
from J.W. Reintjes, Alaska? More head City, NC
200019 = American Public Health Association, New York, N.Y.
200020 = American Wilderness Alliance, Englewood, Colo.
200021 = American Wildlife Institute, Washington, D.C.
200022 = Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich.
200023 = Annual Reviews, Palo Alto
200024 = Annual reviews Inc., Palo Alto, Calif.
200025 = Aquatic Ecology Section, Ecosystems Department, Environmental
and Life Sciences Division, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific
Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Wash.
200026 = Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, Wa.
200027 = Aster Consulting Associates, Binghamton, N.Y.
200028 = Atherton Press, New York
200029 = Atlantic Salmon Association, Montreal
200030 = Atlantic Salmon Federation National Coalition for Marine
Conservation, Ipswich, Mass. Savannah, Ga.
200031 = Australian Acedemy of Science, Collingwood
200032 = Available from W. Miller, Smartsville, CA
200033 = Avon Books, New York
200034 = AWRA, Bethesda, Md.
200035 = Barakat & Chamberlin, Portland, Or.
200036 = Battelle Memorial Institute, Richland, Wash.
200037 = Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific Northwest Laboratories
Available from Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical
Information, Richland, Wash. Springfield, Va.
200038 = Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
Richland, Washington
200039 = Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
Richland, Wash.
200040 = Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest Laboratory
repr. by National Technical Information Service, Richland, Wash.
Springfield, Va.
200041 = Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Wash.
200042 = Battelle Press, Columbus
200043 = BATTELLE, Columbus Laboratories Distributed by National
Technical Information Service, Columbus, Ohio Springfield, Va.
200044 = Belhaven Press, London Boca Raton, Fla.
200045 = Berkley Books, New York
200046 = Big Eagle & Associates, Red Bluff, CA
200047 = BIG Productions
200048 = Binford & Mort Pub., Portland, OR.
200049 = Binfords & Mort, Portland, OR.
200050 = Biological Board of Canada, Ottawa
200051 = Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, St. Andrews,
200052 = Biological Station, Fisheries Research Board of Canada,
Nanaimo, B.C.
200053 = Biometrics Section, Fish Commission of Oregon, Clackamas, Or.
200054 = BioSonics, Seattle, Wash.
200055 = BioSonics, Inc., Seattle, Wash.
200056 = Biosystems Analysis, Inc., San Francisco
200057 = Blackwell Science, Cambridge, MA
200058 = Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc.
200059 = Bonneville Power Administrataion, Division of Fish and
Wildlife, Portland, Ore.
200060 = Bonneville Power Administration, s.l.
200061 = Bonneville Power Administration Coastal Zone and Estuarine
Studies Division, Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, National Marine
Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Portland, Or.? Seattle, Wash.
200062 = Bonneville Power Administration, Division of Fish and Wildlife,
Portland, OR.
200063 = Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. Dept. of Energy,
Washington, D.C.?
200064 = Boyer Printing Co., Portland
200065 = BPA, Portland, Or.
200066 = British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, B.C.
200067 = Bureau of Business Research, School of Business Administration,
University of Oregon, Eugene
200068 = Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Washington
200069 = Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological Laboratory, Seattle,
200070 = Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Division of Economic Research,
200071 = Bureau of Fish Culture, New York State Conservation Department,
200072 = Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington
200073 = Bureau of Reclamation, Boise, Idaho
200074 = Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region, Boise, Idaho
200075 = Butterworth Publishers, Boston
200076 = Butterworths, Washington
200077 = C. F. Banfield, Victoria
200078 = C.C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill. Baltimore, Md.
200079 = California Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Humboldt State
University, Arcata, Calif.
200080 = California Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Humboldt State
University?, Arcata, Calif.?
200081 = California Trout, inc., San Francisco, Calif.
200082 = Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England New York
200083 = Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Forestry, Fisheries Service,
Vancouver, B.C.
200084 = Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Forestry, Fisheries Service,
Pacific Region, Ottawa?
200085 = Canada Dept. of the Environment, Fisheries Service, Pacific
Region, Vancouver, B.C.
200086 = Canada, Department of the Environment, Fisheries Service,
Pacific Region, Northern Operations Branch, Vancouver, B.C.?
200087 = Canadian Forest Service, Ottawa
200088 = Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa
200089 = Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, World Data Center-A
for Atmospheric Trace Gases, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
200090 = Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, World Data Center-A
for Atmospheric Trace Gases, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,
200091 = Caxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho
200092 = Center for the Study of the Environment, Santa Barbara, Calif.
200093 = Center for World Indigenous Studies, Kenmore, U.S.A.
200094 = CH2M Hill, Redding, Calif.
200095 = CH2M Hill Department of the Interior, Redding, Calif.
Portland, Or.?
200096 = CH2M Hill, inc.?, Seattle, Wash.?
200097 = Chapman & Hall, New York
200098 = Chapman and Hall, London New York
200099 = Chelan County Public Utility District, Fish & Wildlife
Operations, Wenatchee, Wash.
200100 = ChemRisk, Portland, OR.
200101 = Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons Island, Md.
200102 = Chesapeake Research Consortium, inc., s.l.
200103 = City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities, Light Division,
Tacoma, Wash.
200104 = Clackamas Research Laboratory, S.l.
200105 = CLE International, Seattle, Wash.
200106 = Clearwater BioStudies, inc., Canby, Or.
200107 = Coastal Zone & Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest Fisheries
Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle
200108 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies, Seattle
200109 = CZES Division, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service,
Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center Environmental and Technical
Services Division, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest
Regional Office, Seattle, Wash. Portland, Or.
200110 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest and
Alaska Fisheries Center, Seattle, Wash.
200111 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest and
Alaska Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle,
200112 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest and
Alaska Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Wash. (2725 Montlake
Blvd. East, Seattle, Wash. 98112)
200113 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest and
Alaska Fisheries Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Seattle, Wash.
200114 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Center, Seattle, Wash.
200115 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Wash.
200116 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Seattle, Wash.
200117 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Wash.
200118 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle,
200119 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Wash.
200120 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Northwest
Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Seattle, Wash.
200121 = CZES Division, NW and Alaska Fisheries Center, NMFS, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental and Technical
Services Division, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration,
Northwest Regional Office, Seattle, Wash. Portland, Or.
200122 = CZES Division, NW and Alaska Fisheries Center, NMFS, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental and Technical
Services Division, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, NW
Regional Office, Seattle, Wash. Portland, Or.
200123 = Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies, Northwest and Alaska
Fisheries Center, Seattle
200124 = College of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle
200125 = College of Forest Resources, University of Washington
University of Washington, Institute of Forest Resources, Seattle, Wash.
200126 = College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of
Idaho, Moscow
200127 = Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Fort
Collins, CO
200128 = Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Authority, Portland, OR.
200129 = Columbia Basin Institute, Portland, OR
200130 = Columbia Gorge Coalition
200131 = Columbia River Bioregion Campaign, Science Working Group, Walla
Walla, Wash.
200132 = Columbia River Estuary Data Development Program, Astoria, Or.
200133 = Columbia River Fisheries Council, Portland, Or.
200134 = Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Portland, Or.
200135 = Columbia RIver Inter-Tribal Fish Commission: distributed by
Wild Hare Media, Portland, OR
200136 = Columbia River System Operation Review Interagency Team,
Portland, Or.
200137 = Columbia River Water Management Group, Portland, Or.
200138 = Columbia University Press, New York
200139 = Committee for the National Institute for the Environment,
Washington, DC
200140 = Comstock Pub. Associates, Ithaca
200141 = Confluence Press The Tribe, 1996, Lewiston, ID Lapwai, ID
200142 = Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment For sale
by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Washington, DC
200143 = Corps of Engineers North Pacific Division, Portland, Ore.
200144 = Corps of Engineers Portland District, Portland, Or.
200145 = Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, Ore.
200146 = Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Portland, Or.?
200147 = Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Office of the District Engineer,
Portland, OR.
200148 = Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Office of the District Engineer,
Portland District, Portland, OR.
200149 = Cortex Consultants, Victoria, B.C.?
200150 = Cottonwood Resource Area, Cottonwood, Idaho
200151 = Council of Biology Editors, Bethesda, Md.
200152 = Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the
President, Washington, D.C.
200153 = CRC Press, Boca Raton
200154 = Croom Helm, London
200155 = Crown Publishers, New York, N.Y.
200156 = Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch,
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
200157 = Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Biological Station,
Nanaimo, B.C.
200158 = Department of Fisheries, Division of Scientific Research, State
of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200159 = Depletions Task Force, Columbia River Water Management Group,
Portland, Or.
200160 = Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington
200161 = Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service for sale by the Supt.
of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Seattle, Wash. Washington, D.C.
200162 = Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service : for sale by the
Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington
200163 = Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers, North
Pacific Division, Portland, OR.
200164 = Dept. of Environmental Quality, Portland, OR.
200165 = Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, Ore.
200166 = Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources, College of Forestry,
Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
200167 = Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources, University of Idaho,
Moscow, Idaho
200168 = Dept. of Fisheries, Olympia, Wash.
200169 = Dept. of Fisheries State Printing Plant, Olympia, Wash.
200170 = Dept. of Fisheries and Forestry, Fisheries Service, Pacific
Region, Nanaimo, B.C.?
200171 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa
200172 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Sciences Branch,
Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B.
200173 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Biological Station, St. Andrews,
200174 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries and Marine Service,
Resource Services Branch, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C.
200175 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Fisheries Research Branch,
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C.
200176 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, B.C.,
200177 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Resource Services Branch,
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C.
200178 = Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Resource Services Branch, West
Vancouver Laboratory, West Vancouver, B.C. (4160 Marine Drive, West
Vancouver, B.C. V7V IN6)
200179 = Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Or.
200180 = Dept. of Fisheries, Management and Research Division, Olympia?
200181 = Dept. of Game, State of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200182 = Dept. of the Army, Portland District, Corps of Engineers,
Portland, Or.
200183 = Dept. of the Army, Walla Walla District, Corps of Engineers,
Walla Walla, Wash.
200184 = Dept. of the Environment Fisheries and Marine Service, Ottawa
200185 = Dept. of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service :
available from Information Canada, Ottawa
200186 = Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
200187 = Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Washington,
200188 = Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington
200189 = Division of Engineering, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.
200190 = Division of Marine Resources, University of Washington, Seattle
200191 = Division of Project Compliance and Administration, Washington,
DC (825 North Capitol St., N.E., Washington 20426)
200192 = Don Chapman Consultants Inc., Boise, Idaho
200193 = Don Chapman consultants, inc., Boise, Idaho
200194 = Doubleday, New York
200195 = Dover Publications, New York
200196 = Dynatech R/D Company, Cambridge, Mass.
200197 = E. Arnold, London
200198 = Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Wash.
200199 = Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC
200200 = Ecosystems Department, Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific
Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Wash.
200201 = Ecotrust Pacific GIS Conservation International, Portland,
Ore. Washington, D.C.
200202 = Edison Electric Institute, New York
200203 = Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, Calif.
200204 = Elsevier Science, Inc.
200205 = Elway Research, s.l.
200206 = Engineering Experiment Station, Oregon State System of Higher
Education, Oregon State College, Corvallis
200207 = Environment Canada, West Vancouver, B.C.
200208 = Environment Canada, Dept. of Fisheries and Environment, Field
Services Directorate, Pacific Region, Vancouver, B.C.
200209 = Environmental Defense Fund, Oakland, CA
200210 = Environmental Defense Fund Confederated Tribes of the Warm
Springs Reservation of Oregon, New York Warm Springs, Or.
200211 = Environmental Media, Chapel Hill, NC
200212 = Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Office of
Modeling, Monitoring Systems, and Quality Assurance, Office of Research
and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio
200213 = Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, Ga.
200214 = EPRI, Palo Alto, Calif.
200215 = ESSA Technologies Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.
200216 = Estuary Working Group, Dept. of Fisheries and the Environment,
Regional Board Pacific Region, West Vancouver, B.C.
200217 = Faculty Association, Utah State University, Logan
200218 = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.?
200219 = Federal Highway Administration, Washington
200220 = Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo.
200221 = Federal Water Pollution Control Administration; for sale by the
Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington
200222 = Field Operations Directorate, Pacific Region, Nanaimo, B.C.?
200223 = Field Operations Directorate, Pacific Region, Fisheries and
Marine Service, Vancouver, B.C.
200224 = Fish and Wildlife Dept., College of Forestry, Wildlife and
Range Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
200225 = Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington
200226 = Fish Commission, Salem, Ore.
200227 = Fish Commission of Oregon, Portland?
200228 = Fish Commission of Oregon, Division of Fish Culture, n. p.
200229 = Fish Division, Corvallis, Or.
200230 = Fish Division, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, OR.
200231 = Fish Division, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, 1987,
Portland, OR.
200232 = Fish Division, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Research and
Development Section, Corvallis, Or.
200233 = Fish Management Program, Washington State Dept. of Fish and
Wildlife, Olympia, Wash.
200234 = Fish Passage Development and Evaluation Program, Corps of
Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland, OR.
200235 = Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Lake Oswego, Ore.
200236 = Fisheries and Environment Canada, Ottawa
200237 = Fisheries and Environment Canada, Field Operations Directorate,
Pacific Region, Vancouver, B.C.
200238 = Fisheries and Environment Canada, Fisheries and Marine Service,
200239 = Fisheries and Environment Canada, Fisheries and Marine Service,
Pacific Region, Vancouver, B.C.
200240 = Fisheries and Marine Service, Ottawa
200241 = Fisheries and Marine Service, Dept. of the Environment, Ottawa,
200242 = Fisheries and Marine Service, Field Services Branch, South
Coast Division, Vancouver, B.C.
200243 = Fisheries and Marine Service, Resource Services Branch, South
Coast Division, Vancouver, B.C.
200244 = Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Ont.
200245 = Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. Andrews, N.B.
200246 = Fisheries and Oceans Canada Environment Canada, West
Vancouver, B.C.
200247 = Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Vancouver, B.C.
200248 = Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Enhancement Services Branch,
Vancouver, B.C.
200249 = Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Salmonid Enhancement Program,
Vancouver, B.C.
200250 = Fisheries Field Directorate, Pacific Region, Vancouver, B.C.?
200251 = Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa
200252 = Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Biological Station,
Nanaimo, B.C.
200253 = Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Freshwater Institute,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
200254 = Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Pacific Biological Station,
Nanaimo, B.C.
200255 = Fisheries Research Center, Fort Collins, Colo.
200256 = Fisheries Research Institute, Seattle, WA
200257 = Fisheries Research Institute, College of Fisheries, University
of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200258 = Fisheries Research Institute, School of Fisheries, College of
Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200259 = Fisheries Research Institute, School of Fisheries, University
of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200260 = Fisheries Research Institute, School of Fisheries, University
of Washington School of Marine Affairs, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA
200261 = Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington,
Seattle, Wash.
200262 = Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, College
of Fisheries, Seattle
200263 = Fisheries Research Institute, University of Washington, School
of Fisheries, Seattle, WA
200264 = Fisheries Technology Program, Peninsula College, Port Angeles,
200265 = Fisheries-Engineering Research Program, Corps of Engineers,
North Pacific Division, Portland
200266 = Fishery Division, Oregon Wildlife Commission, Portland
200267 = Fishing News Books Office for Official Publications of the
European Communities, Oxford Luxembourg
200268 = Fishing News for the Food and Agriculture Organization, West
Byfleet, Eng.
200269 = FishPro, Port Orchard, Wash.
200270 = FishPro, Inc.
200271 = Florida Sea Grant College Program, Gainesville, FL, USA
200272 = Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome
200273 = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome
200274 = For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
200275 = For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.,
Washington, Arlington, Va.
200276 = Forest Practices Program, Oregon Dept. of Forestry, Salem, Or.
200277 = Forest Service, Portland, Or.
200278 = Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, University of
Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
200279 = Forest, Wildlife, and Range Experiment Station, University of
Idaho, Moscow
200280 = Freeman, San Francisco
200281 = Friends of the Earth Elephant Mountain Arts, New York White
Salmon, Wash.
200282 = G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200283 = Government of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans,
Fisheries and Marine Service, Nanaimo, B.C.
200284 = Government of Canada, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, Nanaimo,
200285 = Government of Canada, Fisheries and Oceans, West Vancouver,
200286 = Government Printing Office, Washington
200287 = Govt. Print Off., Washington, D.C.
200288 = Govt. Print. Off., Washington
200289 = Great Eagle Pub., Issaquah, WA
200290 = Green Fire Productions, Eugene, OR
200291 = Grossman Publishers, New York
200292 = H. Holt, New York
200293 = H. Regnery Co., Chicago
200294 = Harper & Row, New York
200295 = Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
200296 = HARZA Northwest, Inc., Portland, Or.
200297 = Heritage Research Associates, Eugene, Or.
200298 = Heritage Research Associates, Inc., Eugene, Or.
200299 = High Country News, Paonia, CO
200300 = Historical Research Associates, Inc. The Division, Seattle,
Wash. Bonneville, Ore.?
200301 = Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
200302 = Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow,
200303 = Idaho Department of Fish & Game, Boise?
200304 = Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise?
200305 = Idaho Dept. of Fish & Game, Idaho
200306 = Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game, Boise?
200307 = Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game in Cooperation with Lake Pend
Oreille Idaho Club, Boise
200308 = Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare, Division of Environment,
Bureau of Water Quality, Boise?
200309 = Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare, Division of Environmental
Quality, Boise, Idaho
200310 = Idaho Fish & Game, Idaho
200311 = Idaho Fish & Game U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Boise, Idaho?
Washington, D.C.
200312 = Idaho Fish & Game Department, Boise?
200313 = Idaho Fish & Game Department, Fisheries Division, Boise?
200314 = Idaho Fish & Game Dept., s.l.
200315 = Idaho Fish & Game Dept., Fisheries Division, Boise?
200316 = Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Boise, Id.
200317 = Idaho Fish and Game Department, Boise
200318 = Idaho Fish and Game Dept., Boise?
200319 = Idaho Fish and Game Dept., 1971, Boise?
200320 = Idaho Fish and Game Dept., 1974, Boise?
200321 = Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho,
200322 = Idaho Water Resources Research Institute?, S.l.
200323 = Indiana Univ, Bloomington
200324 = Information and Consumer Service, Department of Fisheries of
Canada, Ottawa
200325 = Institute for Fishery Resources, Eugene, Or.
200326 = Institute of Animal Resource Ecology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver
200327 = Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA
200328 = Institute of Fisheries, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, B.C.
200329 = Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Reno
200330 = Intermedia Arts Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
200331 = Intermountain Region, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture, Ogden, Utah?
200332 = International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management,
Manila, Philippines
200333 = International Co-operative Publishing House, Fairland, Md.
200334 = International Columbia River Engineering Board
200335 = International Pacific Halibut Commission, Seattle, Wash.
200336 = International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Cmmission, New
Westminister, B.C.
200337 = International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, Westminster,
200338 = International textbook company, Scranton, Pa.
200339 = Interscience Publishers, New York
200340 = Island Press, Washington, D.C.
200341 = Israel Program for Scientific Translations available from the
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and
Technical Information, Jerusalem Springfield, Va.
200342 = Israel Program for Scientific Translations available from the
Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington,
200343 = Israel Program for Scientific Translations available from the
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and
Technical Information, Springfield, Va., Jerusalem
200344 = Israel Program for Scientific Translations; available from the
Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington,
200345 = IUCN--the World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland
200346 = IUCN--the World Conservation Union United Nations Environment
Programme World Wide Fund for Nature, Gland, Switzerland
200347 = J. Wiley, New York
200348 = J. Wiley & Sons, inc. Chapman & Hall, limited, New York London
200349 = James Martin Report, Marblehead, Mass.
200350 = JG Press, inc., Distributed by World Publications, North
Dighton, Ma.
200351 = Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
200352 = KCTS TV, Seattle, WA
200353 = Kluwer Academic Publishers for the Commission of the European
Communities, Dordrecht Boston
200354 = Knopf, New York
200355 = Konecky & Konecky, New York, N.Y.
200356 = Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, Mich.
200357 = Los Alamos National Laboratory Available from NTIS, Los
Alamos, N.M. Springfield, Va.
200358 = M. Bell, Portland, Or.?
200359 = Malheur National Forest, John Day, OR
200360 = ManTech Environmental Research Services, Corp., Corvallis, Or.
200361 = McGraw-Hill, New York London
200362 = McGraw-Hill Co., Inc., New York
200363 = Meridian Minerals Company, Salmon, Idaho
200364 = Meyer-Zangri Associates, Inc., s.l.
200365 = Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich.
200366 = Minnesota Sea Grant, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN (208
Washburn Hall, Duluth 55812)
200367 = Mobrand Biometrics, Vashon Island, WA
200368 = Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Helena?
200369 = Montana Fish and Game Dept., Helena?
200370 = n.p., Chicago Ill.
200371 = National Academy Press, Washington, DC
200372 = National Fisheries Research Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Seattle, Wash.
200373 = National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash.
200374 = National Marine Fisheries Service, Coastal Zone and Estuarine
Studies Division, Seattle, Wash.
200375 = National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest and Alaska
Fisheries Center, Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Seattle,
200376 = National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science
Center, Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Seattle, Wash.
200377 = National Oceanic and Atmopsheric Administration, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash.
200378 = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C.
200379 = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Region, Portland, Or..
200380 = National Park Service, Seattle, Wash.
200381 = National Research Council Canada Dept. of Fisheries and
Oceans, Ottawa
200382 = National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa
200383 = Native American Science Education Association
200384 = Natural History Museum of Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.
200385 = Natural History Survey Division, Urbana, Ill.
200386 = Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Ottawa
200387 = Natural Resources Institute, University of Maryland, College
200388 = Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, Neb.
200389 = NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest and Alaska
Fisheries Center, Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Seattle,
200390 = North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Division of
Inland Fisheries, Raleigh
200391 = North Pacific Division, Corps of Engineers, Portland, Or.?
200392 = North Pacific Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland,
200393 = Northern Alaska Environmental Center, Fairbanks, AK
200394 = Northern Pacific Division, Corps of Engineers, Portland Or.
200395 = Northern Wasco County People's Utility District, The Dalles,
200396 = Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, Seattle, Wash.
200397 = Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, Coastal Zone and
Estuarine Studies Division, Seattle
200398 = Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, National Marine
Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Seattle, Wash.
200399 = Northwest Biological Science Center, National Biological
Survey, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Seattle, Wash.
200400 = Northwest Environment Watch, Seattle, Wash.
200401 = Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries
Service, Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division, Seattle, Wash.
200402 = Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, Olympia, WA
200403 = Northwest Irrigation Utilities, Portland, OR.
200404 = Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, OR.
200405 = Northwest Resource Information Center, s.¾.
200406 = Norton, New York
200407 = O'Reilly & Associates, Sebastopol, CA
200408 = Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
200409 = Oak Ridge National Laboratory Available to the public from the
National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Oak
Ridge, Tenn. Springfield, VA
200410 = Ocean Pollution Data and Information Network, Central
Coordination and Referral Office, U.S. Dept of Commerce, NOAA, National
Environmental Satellite, and Information Service, National
Oceanographic Data Center, Washington, D.C.
200411 = Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.
Dept. of the Interior, Washington D.C.
200412 = Office of the Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C.
200413 = Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Service, General Services Administration For sale by the Supt. of
Docs., U.S. G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200414 = Office of Water Programs, State of Washington, Dept. of
Ecology, Olympia, Wash.
200415 = Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh
200416 = Oregon Art Institute|Northwest Film & Video Center, Portland,
200417 = Oregon Business Council, Portland, Or.?
200418 = Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Corvallis, OR
200419 = Oregon Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Corvallis?
200420 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, s.¾.
200421 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Anadromous Fish,
Columbia River Management, Portland, Or.
200422 = Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Division,
Portland, Or.?
200423 = Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, Salem, OR
200424 = Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Portland, Or.
200425 = Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Fish Division, Portland, OR.
200426 = Oregon Dept. of fish and Wildlife, Salem?
200427 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Management
Section, Salem, Or.?
200428 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Division, Portland, OR.
200429 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Division, Anadromous
Fish Section, Portland, Or. (P.O. Box 3503, Portland 97208)
200430 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Division, Columbia
River Management, Portland, Or.?
200431 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Division, Research and
Development Section, Portland, Ore.
200432 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fisheries Division,
Portland, OR.
200433 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Hatchery Practices Group,
Corvallis, Or.
200434 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Region, Newport, Or.
200435 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Population Dynamics and
Statistical Services Section, Corvallis, Or.
200436 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Research and Development
Section, Portland, Or.
200437 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Research and Development
Section Dept. of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or.
200438 = Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Research Section, Tillamook
200439 = Oregon Environmental Council, Portland, OR.
200440 = Oregon Fish & Wildlife, Portland, OR.
200441 = Oregon Fish Commission, Portland, Or.
200442 = Oregon Fish Commission Washington Dept. of Fisheries,
Portland, Or.?
200443 = Oregon Forest Industries Council, Salem, Or.
200444 = Oregon Historical Society
200445 = Oregon Historical Society Press, Portland, Or.
200446 = Oregon State Forestry Department
200447 = Oregon State Game Commission, Salem, Or.
200448 = Oregon State Game Commission, Fishery Division, Portland, Ore.
200449 = Oregon State Game Commission, Research Division, Portland, OR.
200450 = Oregon State Game Commmission, Portland
200451 = Oregon State Parks and Recreation Division, Salem, Or.
200452 = Oregon State Univ., Corvallis
200453 = Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or.
200454 = Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Or.
200455 = Oregon State University Press : Oregon State University Sea
Grant College Program, Corvallis, Or.
200456 = Oregon State University, Sea Grant College Program, Corvallis,
200457 = Oregon State Wildlife Commission, Portland, OR.
200458 = Oregon Wildlife Commission, Portland, Ore.
200459 = Oregon Wildlife Commission, Research Division, Portland, Or.?
200460 = Osborne McGraw-Hill, Berkeley
200461 = Ott Water Engineers, Inc., Bellevue, Wash.
200462 = Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
200463 = Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Marine Service,
Research and Resource Services, Nanaimo, B.C.
200464 = Pacific Fisheries Enhancement Corp., Charleston, Or.
200465 = Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, OR.
200466 = Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission, Portland?
200467 = Pacific Norhtwest Laboratory, Richland, Wash.
200468 = Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station,
Portland, OR.
200469 = Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, U.S.
Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Portland, OR.
200470 = Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Wash.
200471 = Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Wash.
200472 = Pacific Northwest Region USDA-Forest Service, Portland, Or.
200473 = Pacific Northwest Region, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture, Portland, Or.
200474 = Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission, Vancouver, Wa.
200475 = Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee, Portland,
200476 = Pacific Rivers Council, Eugene, Or.
200477 = Pacific Salmon Commission, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
200478 = Pacific Salmon Commission Library, Vancouver, B.C.
200479 = Pacific Salmon Commission, Coho Technical Committee, Vancouver,
B.C., Canada
200480 = Pacific Salmon Commission, United States Section, Seattle,
200481 = Pacific Sea Grant College Program Pacifc Fishery Management
Council, s.l.
200482 = Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Gladstone, OR
200483 = Pastiche Productions Limited, Victoria, B.C.
200484 = Payette National Forest, Intermountain Region, Forest Service,
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Ogden, Utah?
200485 = PBS Video, Alexandria, VA
200486 = Penguin Books, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
200487 = Perennial Library, New York
200488 = Plenum Press, New York
200489 = Portland District, Corps of Engineers, Portland, OR.
200490 = Portland District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland, OR.
200491 = Post Production Facilities Mediaworks, Tumwater, WA
200492 = Prentice Hall, New York
200493 = President's Council on Sustainable Development, Washington,
200494 = President's Council on Sustainable Development U.S. GPO,
Washington, D.C. (730 Jackson Pl., NW, Washington 20503)
200495 = Press Pub. Co. (The New York World), New York
200496 = Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J.
200497 = Printed by C. F. Banfield, Victoria, B.C.
200498 = Printed by D. McDiarmid, printer for the King, Victoria, B.C.
200499 = Printed by Diggon's Ltd., Victoria, B.C.
200500 = Printed by Washington Department of Fisheries, Olympia, Wash.
200501 = Province of British Columbia, Victoria, Ont.
200502 = Pub. by the University of Florida under the auspices of the
Committee on university publications, Gainesville, Fla.
200503 = Public Power Council, Portland, Or. (500 N.E. Multnomah, Suite
729, Portland 97232)
200504 = Public Utility District no. 2 of Grant County, Ephrata? Wash.
200505 = Public Utility District No.1 of Chelan County, Wenatchee, Wash.
200506 = Public Utility District of Grant County, Ephrata, Wash.
200507 = Publications Dept., Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge,
200508 = published by the United States Department of the Interior,
Division of Information U.S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, D.C.
200509 = Published for Resources for the Future by Johns Hopkins Press,
Baltimore, Md.
200510 = Published for Resources for the Future by the Johns Hopkins
Press, Baltimore
200511 = Published for the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology
and Coastal Research by the University of South Carolina Press,
Columbia, S.C.
200512 = published for the International Biological Programme, by
Blackwell Scientific, Oxford Edinburgh
200513 = Published for the National Science Foundation, Washington, by
the Israel Program for Scientific Translations; available from the
Office of Technical Services, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington,
200514 = Quality of the Environment Division, Resources for the Future,
c1990, Washington, D.C.
200515 = Queen's Printer, Ottawa
200516 = Rainbow Film & Video Productions, Portland, OR
200517 = Regional Ecosystem Office, Portland, OR
200518 = Regional Mark Processing Center, Pacific Marine Fisheries
Commission, Portland, OR.
200519 = Regional Mark Processing Center, Pacific States Marine
Fisheries Commission, Portland, OR
200520 = Research and Development Section of the Oregon Dept. of Fish
and Wildlife, Portland, Or.
200521 = Research and Development Section, Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife, Portland, OR.
200522 = Research and Development Section, Oregon Dept. of Fish and
Wildlife, Portland, Or.
200523 = Research Section, Fisheries Management Division, Washington
Dept. of Game, Olympia, WA
200524 = Research Section, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Portland
200525 = Resources for the Future, Washington
200526 = River Network, Portland, OR.
200527 = RMC Environmental Services, Inc., Drumore, Pa.
200528 = RMC Environmental Services, Inc.?, Drumore, PA?
200529 = s.n, S.l.
200530 = s.n., Vancouver, B.C.
200531 = s.n. distributed by Public Utility District No.2 of Grant
County, s.l. Ephrata, Wash.
200532 = s.n. Corvallis, OR Order from Accounting Office, College of
Forestry, Oregon State University, S.l.
200533 = S.P. Cramer & Associates, Inc., Gresham, Or.
200534 = Salmon and Steelhead Advisory Commission, National Marine
Fisheries Service, Seattle, Wash.
200535 = Salmon for All, Astoria, Or.
200536 = Sasquatch Books, Seattle, Wash.
200537 = Saunders, Philadelphia
200538 = School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
200539 = School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
200540 = Scott, Foresman, Chicago
200541 = Sea Grant College Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis,
200542 = Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass.
200543 = Snake River Salmon Recovery Team, Portland, OR?
200544 = Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture : for sale
by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington
200545 = SOR Interagency Team, Portland, OR
200546 = Southwest Region, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Portland,
200547 = Sport Fishing Institute, Washington
200548 = Springer-Verlag, New York
200549 = State Game Commission, Portland, Oregon
200550 = State of California, Dept. of Fish and Game, Sacramento
200551 = State of Idaho, Dept. of Fish and Game, Idaho
200552 = State of Illinois Dept. of Registration and Education, Natural
History Survey Division, Urbana
200553 = State of Michigan Dept. of Conservation, Lansing
200554 = State of Washington Department of Fisheries, s.l.
200555 = State of Washington Department of Fisheries State Print.
Plant, Olympia
200556 = State of Washington Dept. of Ecology, Olympia
200557 = State of Washington Dept. of Fisheries, Olympia?
200558 = State of Washington Dept. of Fisheries, Management and Research
Division, Olympia
200559 = State of Washington Water Research Center, Pullman, Wash.
200560 = State of Washington, Department of Fisheries, Olympia? Wash.
200561 = State of Washington, Department of Fisheries, 1976, Olympia?,
200562 = State of Washington, Department of Fisheries, 1978, Olympia?
200563 = State of Washington, Department of Fisheries, 1980, Olympia,
200564 = State of Washington, Dept. of Ecology, Olympia, Wash.
200565 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA
200566 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Seattle?
200567 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries,, Olympia, WA
200568 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Habitat Management,
Olympia, Wash.
200569 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Habitat Management
Division, Olympia, Wash.
200570 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Management and
Research Division, Olympia
200571 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Marine Fish and
Shellfish Program, Olympia, WA
200572 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Marine Fish Program,
Olympia, WA
200573 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Marine Fish/Shellfish
Program, Olympia, Wash.
200574 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Planning, Research &
Harvest Management Program, Olympia, WA
200575 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Planning, Research,
and Harvest Management Program, Olympia, Wash.
200576 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Shellfish Division,
Olympia, WA
200577 = State of Washington, Dept. of Fisheries, Shellfish Program,
200578 = State of Washington, Dept. of Game, Seattle
200579 = State Printing Department, Salem, Or.
200580 = State printing dept., Salem, Or.
200581 = State Printing Plant, Olympia, Wash.
200582 = State Water Resources Board, Salem, OR
200583 = Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200584 = Sverdrup Corporation
200585 = Taylor Video Communications, Wauwatosa, WI
200586 = Technical Information Center, Office of Public Affairs, Energy
Research and Development Administration, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
200587 = Technical Services, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife,
Clackamas, Or.
200588 = Tetra Tech, Inc., Redmond, Wash.
200589 = Texas A&M University Press, College Station
200590 = Texas Coastal and Marine Council, Austin
200591 = The Administration, Portland, OR.
200592 = The Agency Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor,
Washington, D.C.?
200593 = The Association, Denver, Colo. (3333 Quebec Street, Suite 3000,
Denver, Colo., 80207)
200594 = The Authority?, Portland, Or.?
200595 = The Biological Board of Canada, Ottawa
200596 = The Board, Ottowa, Ont.
200597 = The Bureau, Washington, D.C.?
200598 = the Bureau?, s.l.
200599 = The Center, Portland, Or.
200600 = The Center for the Study of the Environment, Santa Barbara,
200601 = The College, Seattle
200602 = The Commission, Vancouver? B.C.
200603 = The Commission For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.,
Washington, D.C.
200604 = The Committee, Seattle, Wash.?
200605 = The Corporation, Cordova, Alaska
200606 = The Corps, Walla Walla, Wash.?
200607 = The Council, Portland, OR.
200608 = The Department, Vancouver, B.C.
200609 = The Department The Club, Idaho
200610 = The Department?, Nevada?
200611 = The Dept., Olympia, Wash.
200612 = The District, Wenatchee, Wash.
200613 = The Division, Washington, D.C.
200614 = The Force, s.l.
200615 = The Forest, Gresham, Or.
200616 = the Group, s.l.
200617 = The Institute, Seattle
200618 = The Institute?, United States
200619 = The Laboratory Available from National Technical Information
Service, Richland, Wash. Springfield, Va.
200620 = The Office, Washington, D.C.
200621 = The Office The Office distributor, Washington, D.C.
Gaithersburg, MD (P.O. Box 6015, Gaithersburg 20884-6015)
200622 = The offices, Washington, D.C.
200623 = The Program Copies from Sea Grant Communications, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR
200624 = The Region, Ogden, Utah
200625 = The Regional Mark Committee, Pacific States Marine Fisheries
Commission, Portland, OR
200626 = The Service, Washington, D.C.?
200627 = The Service The Bureau, Washington, D.C.
200628 = The Society, Washington DC
200629 = The Station, Fort Collins, Colo.
200630 = The Task Force Distributed by U.S. Geological Survey, Office
of Water Data Coordination, Washington, D.C. Reston, VA
200631 = the Task Force?, S.l.
200632 = The Travelers Research Corporation, Hartford, Conn.
200633 = The Trust, Washington, D.C. Bar Harbor, Me. : The Exchange
200634 = The University, Ann Arbor, Mich.
200635 = The University Library, Toronto, Ont.
200636 = The Video Project, Oakland, CA
200637 = The Wilderness Society, Washington, DC
200638 = Thoreau Institute, Oak Grove, OR
200639 = Timber Press, Portland, OR.
200640 = Timber, Fish & Wildlife, Olympia, Wash.
200641 = Trumbley, Vernon, B.C., Canada
200642 = TSP Technical Steering Panel of the Hanford Environmental Dose
Reconstruction Project, Olympia, Wash.
200643 = U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Olympia, Wash.
200644 = U.S, Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service,
200645 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C.
200646 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Pacific Division, Portland,
200647 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Wash.
200648 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland,
200649 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Portland, Or.
200650 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Operations
Division, Fisheries Field Unit, Bonneville Lock & Dam, Cascade Locks,
200651 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, Walla
Walla, Washington
200652 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District National
Marine Fisheries Service, Walla Walla, WA Portland, OR
200653 = U.S. Army Engineer District, Portland, Corps of Engineers,
Portland, Or.?
200654 = U.S. Army Engineer District, Portland, Fisheries Office,
Bonneville Lock and Dam, Cascade Locks, Or.
200655 = U.S. Army Engineer District, Walla Walla, Walla Walla, Wash.
200656 = U.S. Army Engineer Division, North Pacific, Portland, OR.
200657 = U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS
200658 = U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Available from
National Technical Information Service, Vicksburg, Miss. Springfield,
200659 = U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division,
Portland, Or.
200660 = U.S. Defense Mapping Agency, Washington, D.C.
200661 = U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
200662 = U.S. Dept of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of
Commercial Fisheries, Washington, D.C.
200663 = U.S. Dept, of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
200664 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S.
G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200665 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, D.C.?
200666 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C.
200667 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service ; U. S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
200668 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Clearwater National
Forest, Powell Ranger District, Orofino, Idaho
200669 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Pest
Management Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, OR.
200670 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest
and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah
200671 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain
Region, Salmon, Idaho
200672 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain
Region, Boise National Forest, Cascade Ranger District, Boise, Idaho?
200673 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain
Region, Payette National Forest, McCall, Idaho?
200674 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain
Region, Sawtooth National Forest, Sawtooth National Recreation Area
U.S. Government Printing Office, Ketchum, Idaho Washington, D.C.
200675 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain
Region, Soil and Water Management, Ogden, Utah?
200676 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain
Research Station, Ogden, Utah
200677 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Region,
Missoula, Mont.?
200678 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, Or.?
200679 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Region, Wenatchee, Wash.
200680 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Region For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. GPO, Portland, OR
Washington, D.C.
200681 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Research Station, Portland, Oregon
200682 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Policy Analysis,
Washington, D.C.
200683 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo.
200684 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Intermountain Region, Forest
Service, Payette National Forest, McCall, Idaho
200685 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Forest System, Forest
Service Research, Portland, Or.
200686 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Forestry and Economic
Assistance, Portland, OR.
200687 = U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service,
Washington, D.C.
200688 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
200689 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service,
Seattle, Wash.
200690 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmoospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Available from U.S.
Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Seattle, WA
Springfield, VA
200691 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmoospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service U.S. Dept. of
Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Seattle, WA
Springfield, VA
200692 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmosperic
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA
200693 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Admiminstration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Scientific
Publications Office Available from U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National
Technical Information Service, Seattle, Wash. Springfield, Va.
200694 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Washington, D.C.
200695 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C.
200696 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information
Service, National Oceanographic Data Center, Washington, D.C. (1825
Connecticut Ave., NW, Rm. 415, Washington, 20235)
200697 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information
Service, Washington, D.C.?
200698 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information
Service National Technical Information Service distributor, Washington,
D.C. Springfield, VA
200699 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Washington, D.C.?
200700 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Available from
National Technical Information Service, Washington, D.C. Springfield,
200701 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Available from the
National Technical Information Service, Honolulu, Hawaii Springfield,
200702 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Available from the
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Seattle,
Wash. Springfield, Va.
200703 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Available from U.S.
Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Seattle,
Wash. Springfield, Va.
200704 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service for sale by the Supt.
of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print Off., Seattle, WA
200705 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service for sale by the Supt.
of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Seattle Washington
200706 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service U.S. Govt. Printing
Office, Washington, DC
200707 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service User Services Branch,
Environmental Science Information Center, NOAA distributor, Seattle,
Wash. Rockville, Md.
200708 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service ; Springfield, Va.
Available from National Technical Information Service, Seattle, Wash.
(7600 Sand Point Way NE, BIN C 15700, Seatle 98115-0070)
200709 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service ; Springfield, Va.
National Technical Information Service distributor, Seattle, Wash.
200710 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Available from the
National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Seattle,
Wash. Springfield, VA
200711 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service For sale by the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Silver
Spring, Md.
200712 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Columbia Fisheries
Program Office, Economic Feasibility Section, Portland, OR.
200713 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries
Science Center Available from National Technical Information Service,
Seattle, Wash. Springfield, Va.
200714 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries
Science Center Available from the National Technical Information
Service, Seattle, WA Springfield, VA
200715 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Scientific
Publications Office, Seattle, WA
200716 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science
Center, Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division Available from the
National Technical Information Service, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Seattle,
Wash. Springfield, VA
200717 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Northwest Regional Office, National Marine Fisheries
Service, Portland, Or.
200718 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Office of Marine Resources : for sale by the Supt. of
Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington
200719 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanographic Data Center,
Washington, D.C.
200720 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service,
Springfield, Va.
200721 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, National Environmental Satellite,
Data, and Information Service, National Oceanographic Data Center, Ocean
Pollution Data and Information Network, Central Coordination and
Referral Office, Washington, D.C.
200722 = U.S. Dept. of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. National Marine Fisheries Service, Rockville,Md.
200723 = U.S. Dept. of Energy, Washington, D.C.
200724 = U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration,
Portland, Or.
200725 = U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division
of Fish & Wildlife, Portland, OR.
200726 = U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division
of Fish & Wildlife U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Dworshak Fisheries Assistance Office, Portland, OR Ahsahka,
200727 = U.S. Dept. of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, Division
of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, OR.
200728 = U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health
Service, Bureau of State Services, Division of Water Supply & Pollution
Control, Cincinnati
200729 = U.S. Dept. of Interior, Portland, Or.
200730 = U.S. Dept. of the Army Corps of Engineers North Pacific
Division, Portland, Ore.
200731 = U.S. Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers, North Pacific
Division, Portland, Or.
200732 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C.
200733 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bonneville Power Administration,
Portland, OR.
200734 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
Washington, D.C.
200735 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
1965, Washington
200736 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management,
Washington, DC
200737 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Oregon
State Office, Portland, OR.
200738 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Salmon
District, Salmon, Idaho
200739 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington,
200740 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Wildlife, Washington
200741 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlfe Service, Chicago
200742 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Fish
and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries : for sale by the
Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington
200743 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service,
Washington, D.C.
200744 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service For sale
by the Supt. of Docs. U.S. G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200745 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau
of Commercial Fisheries, Washington, D.C.
200746 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau
of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Washington, D.C.
200747 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, Washington
200748 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey available from
National Technical Information Service, Portland, Ore. Springfield, Va.
200749 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey National
Technical Information Service, distributor, Portland, Or. Springfield,
200750 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey National
Technical Service, distributor, Tacoma, Wash. Springfield, Va.
200751 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey, Water Resources
Division, Oregon District, Portland, OR.
200752 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service, Denver
Service Center, Denver, CO
200753 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Washington, D.C.
200754 = U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Washington, D.C.
200755 = U.S. Dept. ofthe Interior, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
200756 = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
200757 = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office for Science and
Technology, Standards and Applied Science Division, Washington, DC
200758 = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water,
Washington, DC
200759 = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands,
Oceans, and Watersheds, Washington, D.C.
200760 = U.S. Fish ad Wildlife Service, Washington
200761 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Washington
200762 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC
200763 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Abernathy Salmon Cultural
Development Center, Longview, Wash.
200764 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries,
Washington, D.C.
200765 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and
Wildlife, Washington, D.C.
200766 = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Klamath River Fishery Resource
Office, Yreka, Calif.
200767 = U.S. Forest Service, Oregon
200768 = U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Or.
200769 = U.S. G.P.O, Washington, D.C.
200770 = U.S. G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200771 = U.S. G.P.O. For sale by the Supt. of Docs., Congressional
Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O., Washington
200772 = U.S. G.P.O. Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor,
Washington, D.C.
200773 = U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C.
200774 = U.S. Geological Survey Books and Open-File Reports
distributor, Raleigh, N.C. Denver, Colo.
200775 = U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Information Services
distributor, Portland, Or. Denver, Colo.
200776 = U.S. Geological Survey Earth Science Information Center, Open-
File Reports Section distributor, Portland, Or. Denver, CO
200777 = U.S. Geological Survey U.S.G.S. Earth Science Information
Center, Open-File Reports Section distributor, Raleigh, N.C. Denver,
200778 = U.S. Geological Survey, National Center, Reston, Va.
200779 = U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Menlo Park,
200780 = U.S. Geological Survey, Western Region, Menlo Park, Calif.
200781 = U.S. Govt. Print Off., Washington
200782 = U.S. Govt. Print. Off., Washington, DC.
200783 = U.S. Govt. Print. Off. For sale by the Superintendent
Documents, Washington, D.C.
200784 = U.S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, D.C.
200785 = U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
200786 = UBC Press, Vancouver
200787 = United States Commission on Civil Rights For sale by the Supt.
of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., Washington, D.C.
200788 = United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Or.
200789 = United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon
200790 = United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service United
States Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Washington, D.C.
200791 = United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service,
Intermountain Research Station, Washington, D.C.
200792 = United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Region, s.l.
200793 = United States Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Region, Malheur, Umatilla, and the Wallowa-Whitman National
Forests, Oregon?
200794 = United States Dept. of Commerce ; National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration ; National Marine Fisheries Service For sale
by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. G.P.O., Seattle, WA Washington,
200795 = United States Dept. of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries
Service, Seattle, Wash.
200796 = United States Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Commercial
Fisheries, Washington, D.C.
200797 = United States Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service,
Washington, D.C.
200798 = United States Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service,
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Washington, D.C.
200799 = United States Dept. of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs,
Division of Forestry and Grazing, Los Angeles, Calif.
200800 = United States Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Washington, D.C.
200801 = United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.
200802 = United States Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.
200803 = United States Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
200804 = United States, Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Lolo,
200805 = United States, Dept. of the Interior, Geological Suvey,
Washington, D.C.
200806 = Univ. of Washington, Seattle
200807 = Universitetsforlaget Distribution, Columbia University Press,
Oslo Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.
200808 = University Library, Toronto, Ont.
200809 = University of Arizona Press, Tucson
200810 = University of British Columbia, Institute of Animal Resource
Ecology, Vancouver
200811 = University of California Press, Berkeley
200812 = University of Chicago Press, Chicago
200813 = University of Colorado, Natural Resources Law Center, Boulder,
200814 = University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
200815 = University of Manitoba Press, Winnipeg, Man.
200816 = University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor
200817 = University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln
200818 = University of Nebraska Press in cooperation with the American
Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington,
200819 = University of Nevada Press, Reno
200820 = University of Oklahoma Press, Norman London
200821 = University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia
200822 = University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ont.
200823 = University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
200824 = University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200825 = University of Washington Press, Seattle, Wash.
200826 = University of Washington Press Douglas & McIntyre, Seattle
200827 = University of Washington, College of Fisheries, Fisheries
Research Institute, Seattle, Wash.
200828 = University of Washington, Division of Marine Resources,
Washington Sea Grant Program, Seattle
200829 = University of Washington, Fisheries Research Institute,
Seattle, Wash.
200830 = University of Washington, School of Fisheries, Fisheries
Research Institute, Seattle?, Wash.
200831 = University Press, Cambridge Eng.
200832 = US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, Wash.
200833 = US Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division, Portland,
200834 = US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Portland, Or.
200835 = US Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District, Seattle, Wash.
200836 = US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, Walla Walla,
200837 = USDA Forest Service, Northern Region, Missoula, Mont.?
200838 = USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, Or.
200839 = USDA Forest Service, Pacific Yew EIS Project, Portland, OR
200840 = USDA Forest Service, Region 5, s.l.
200841 = USDA-Forest Service, Challis National Forest, Challis, Idaho
200842 = Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan
200843 = Utah State Dept. of Fish and Game, Salt Lake City
200844 = Van Nostrand Reinhold, London Chapman & Hall New York, NY
200845 = Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, Tenn.
200846 = VCH, Weinheim New York
200847 = W. C. Brown, Dubuque, Iowa
200848 = W. C. Brown Co, Dubuque
200849 = W. H. Freeman, San Francisco
200850 = W.C. Brown Co, Dubuque, Iowa
200851 = W.W. Norton, New York
200852 = Walla Walla District Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, Wa.
200853 = Washingtion State Dept. of Fisheries, Seattle, Wash.
200854 = Washington (State) Dept. of Fisheries, Seattle
200855 = Washington Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA
200856 = Washington Department of Fisheries, Olympia
200857 = Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Wash.
200858 = Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fisheries Management
Program, Olympia, WA
200859 = Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Hatcheries Program,
Olympia, WA
200860 = Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Hatcheries Program,
Assessment and Development Division, Olympia, WA
200861 = Washington Dept. of Fisheries, Olympia, Wash.
200862 = Washington Dept. of Fisheries, Washington Dept. of Wildlife,
and Western Washington Treaty Indian Tribes, Olympia, Wash.
200863 = Washington Dept. of Game, Olympia
200864 = Washington Dept. of Game, Habitat Management Division, Applied
Research Section, Olympia, WA?
200865 = Washington Dept. of Wildlife, Olympia? Wash.
200866 = Washington Dept. of Wildlife, Fish Management Division,
Olympia, WA
200867 = Washington Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries Management Division,
Olympia, Wash.
200868 = Washington Pollution Control Commission, Seattle?
200869 = Washington Sea Grant Marine Advisory Services, Seattle, Wash.
200870 = Washington Sea Grant Program Distributed by the University of
Washington Press, Seattle
200871 = Washington Sea Grant Program, College of Ocean and Fishery
Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
200872 = Washington Sea Grant Program, University of Washington, Seattle
200873 = Washington State Department of Fisheries, Olympia, Wa.
200874 = Washington State Dept. of Ecology, Olympia, Wash.
200875 = Washington State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Management
Program, Resource Assessment Division, Olympia, WA
200876 = Washington State Dept. of Fisheries, Olympia, Washington
200877 = Washington State Dept. of Game?, Olympia? Wash.
200878 = Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources, Olympia, Wash.
200879 = Washington State Game Department, Olympia? Wash.
200880 = Washington State Game Department, Fisheries Management
Division, Olympia? Wash.
200881 = Washington State Game Dept., Olympia? Wash.
200882 = Washington State Game Dept., Fisheries Management Division,
Olympia, Wash.
200883 = Washington State University Press, Pullman, Wash.
200884 = Washington State, House of Representatives, Office of Program
Research, Olympia
200885 = Water Resources Department, Salem, OR
200886 = Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona, College
of Agriculture, Tucson, Ariz.
200887 = Water Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Or.
200888 = Water Resources Research Institute, University of Wyoming,
200889 = Watershed Planning, Olympia, WA (115 General Administration
Bldg., Olympia 98506)
200890 = West Pub. Co., St. Paul, Minn.
200891 = Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Portland, OR
200892 = Western Governors' Association, Denver, Col.
200893 = Western Imprints (Oregon Historical Society)
200894 = Western Resources Conference, Boulder, Colo.
200895 = Westview Press, Boulder
200896 = Weyerhaeuser Company, Pulp and Paperboard Division, Research
Dept., Longview, Washington
200897 = Wilderness Society, Washington, D.C.
200898 = Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C.
200899 = Wiley, New York
200900 = Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England New York
200901 = Wiley-Interscience, New York
200902 = World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C.
200903 = World Wildlife Fund, Toronto, Ont., Canada
200904 = Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C.

Region2001 Table
Fields: Region2001ID, Region
4 = Columbia River Above Chief Joseph
5 = Columbia River - Bonneville to Priest Rapids
6 = Columbia River - Mouth to Bonneville
7 = Columbia River - Priest Rapids to Chief Joseph
9 = North Oregon Coast
10 = Northern California
14 = Puget Sound
15 = South Oregon Coast
16 = Entire Snake River Basin
17 = Southern California
18 = Washington Coast
19 = Missouri River Drainage
21 = Great Basin
22 = Oregon Closed Basin
23 = Snake River - Mouth To Hells Canyon
24 = Entire Columbia River Basin
25 = Columbia River Above Bonneville (All)
26 = Columbia River Above Bonneville (Anad Only)
27 = Snake River Above Hells Canyon
28 = Bear River (Great Basin)
31 = Central CA-NV Border
32 = Central California Coast
33 = Modoc Plains
34 = Mohave-Salton Sea
35 = Mono-Owens
36 = North California Coast
37 = Northern CA Rouge
39 = Sacramento Valley
40 = SF Bay Area
41 = South California Coast
42 = Tahoe-Walker
43 = Warner Lakes
44 = CA-AZ Border
47 = British Columbia Canada
48 = Wyoming
49 = Eastern Montana
50 = California (general)
1503 = Lower Colorado
1604 = Black Rock Desert-Humboldt
1605 = Central Lahontan
1606 = Central Nevada Desert Basins
1710 = Oregon-Washington Coastal
1712 = Oregon Closed Basins
1801 = Klamath-Northern California Coastal
1802 = Sacramento
1803 = Tulare-Buena Vista Lakes
1804 = San Joaquin
1805 = San Francisco Bay
1806 = Central California Coastal
1807 = Southern California Coastal
1808 = North Lahontan
1809 = Northern Mojave-Mono Lake
1810 = Southern Mojave-Salton Sea

ReleaseType Table
Fields: RelTypeID, ReleaseType
1 = Experimental
2 = Production
3 = Both experimental and production
4 = PSC key indicator stock
5 = Other
99 = Unknown

Run Table
Fields: RunID, Run
1 = Spring
2 = Summer
3 = Fall
4 = Winter
5 = Hybrid
6 = Landlocked
12 = Odd year pink
13 = Even year pink
15 = Sea-run (coastal cutthroat)
16 = Mixed
17 = Spring/summer
18 = Resident
19 = Mixed sea-run and resident (coastal cutthroat)
20 = Mixed anadromous & resident
21 = Upstream migrant
22 = Downstream migrant
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown

Sample Table
Fields: SampMethID, Method
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown
101 = Fixed wing aerial
102 = Boat
103 = Dam
105 = Ground
106 = Helicopter
108 = Seine/ electroshocking combination
109 = Hatchery rack/ weir
110 = Rotary screw trap
111 = Weir/ trap
112 = Sonar
114 = Snorkel
116 = Electroshocking
117 = Air/ ground combination
201 = Commercial fish ticket
202 = Tribal fish ticket
203 = Punch card
204 = Postal survey
205 = Creel survey
206 = Air or lighthouse boat count
207 = Combination
208 = Gill net
209 = Gaffing
210 = Hook and line
211 = Commercial & tribal fish tickets
212 = Punch card supplemented with creel survey statistics
213 = Aerial (unspecified aircraft)
214 = Boat and ground
215 = Sport fishing reward tags
216 = Seine
217 = Surber sampler
218 = Hess sampler
219 = Kick screen
220 = D-frame kick net (stationary)
221 = D-frame kick net (travelling)
222 = Rock basket
223 = Portable invertebrate box sampler
224 = Ekman grab
225 = Ponar grab
226 = Peterson dredge
227 = Core sampler
228 = Drift net
229 = Multiplate artificial substrate (Hester Dendy)
230 = Onset Hobo with on-board thermister
231 = Onset Hobo with external probe
232 = Onset Stowaway with on-board thermister
233 = Onset Stowaway with external probe
234 = Ryan TempMentor with on-board thermister
235 = Ryan TempMentor with external probe
236 = Unspecified analog thermograph

Sex Table
Fields: Sex, Type
1 = Male
2 = Female
3 = Male & Female
4 = Jack
5 = Jenny
6 = Mini-jack
99 = Unknown

SiteType Table
Fields: SiteTypeID, SiteTypeDesc
1 = Springs, watering holes, troughs, wells
2 = Basin (i.e. whole watersheds)
3 = Classroom (meeting room, information center)
4 = Dam (hydroelectric, reclamation, diversion, etc.)
5 = Roads, bridges, culverts, campgrounds
6 = Riparian zone
7 = Right of way (transmission line)
8 = Hatchery (acclimation ponds, release site, etc)
9 = Labs (research centers, etc.)
10 = Mine, dredged site
11 = Office (business, headquarters, university)
12 = Passage (ladders, screens)
13 = Reservoir (includes lakes, ponds, etc.)
14 = Stream (river, creek, canal, etc.)
15 = Upland (wildlife sites, vegetative management sites)
16 = Wetland (marsh, bog, swamp)
17 = Other
18 = Lake or pond (natural origin)
19 = Canal
20 = Estuary
99 = Unknown

Specie Table
Fields: SpecieID, Specie
1 = Chinook salmon
2 = Coho salmon
3 = Steelhead
4 = Sockeye salmon
5 = Chum salmon
6 = Pink salmon
7 = Cherry (masu) salmon
8 = Cutthroat trout
9 = Rainbow trout
10 = Brown trout
11 = Brook trout
12 = White sturgeon
13 = Atlantic salmon
14 = Bull trout
15 = Lamprey (code discontinued)
16 = Dolly Varden/Arctic char
17 = Coastal cutthroat trout
18 = Bonneville cutthroat trout
19 = Fine spotted Snake River cutthroat trout
20 = Lahontan cutthroat trout
21 = Westslope cutthroat trout
22 = Yellowstone cutthroat trout
23 = Redband trout
24 = Arctic grayling
25 = Walleye
26 = Northern pike
27 = Mountain whitefish
28 = Blue sucker
29 = Paddlefish
30 = Pallid sturgeon
31 = Pearl dace
32 = Finescale dace
33 = Shorthead sculpin
34 = Shortnose gar
35 = Sicklefin chub
36 = Spoonhead sculpin
37 = Sturgeon chub
38 = Mountain sucker
39 = Mixed salmon
40 = Rainbow X cutthroat hybrid
41 = Common carp
42 = Northern pikeminnow
43 = Chiselmouth
44 = Green sturgeon
45 = Golden trout
46 = Sculpin, unknown freshwater spp.
47 = Largemouth bass
48 = Black crappie
49 = Channel catfish
50 = Smallmouth bass
51 = Bluegill
52 = White crappie
53 = American shad
54 = Miscellaneous marine species
55 = Miscellaneous freshwater species
56 = Lake trout
57 = Pumpkinseed
58 = Lake whitefish
59 = Bridgelip sucker
60 = Largescale sucker
61 = Longnose dace
62 = Yellow perch
63 = Redside shiner
64 = Sand roller
65 = Speckled dace
66 = Kokanee
67 = Longnose sucker
68 = Tench
69 = Burbot
70 = Peamouth
71 = Brown bullhead
72 = Black bullhead
73 = Yellow bullhead
74 = Flathead catfish
75 = Lake chub
76 = Threespine stickleback
77 = Crappie, unknown species
78 = Pygmy whitefish
79 = Black bass
80 = Striped bass
81 = Vegetation: riparian
82 = Vegetation: upland
83 = Vegetation: unspecified
84 = Muskellunge
85 = Tiger muskie
86 = Torrent sculpin
87 = Slimy sculpin
88 = Sacramento sucker
89 = California roach
90 = Sacramento pikeminnow
91 = Goldfish
92 = Fathead minnow
93 = Not specified
94 = Mixed lamprey
95 = Mixed resident salmonids
96 = Mixed anadromous salmonids
97 = Wildlife
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown fish
100 = Western mosquitofish
101 = Warmouth
102 = Reticulate sculpin
103 = Prickly sculpin
104 = Grass carp
105 = Eulachon
106 = Smelt, unknown species
107 = Pacific giant salamander
108 = Tailed frog
109 = Green sunfish
110 = Klamath smallscale sucker
111 = Rainbow/redband/steelhead trout
112 = Unidentified trout
113 = Lamprey (unspecified)
114 = River lamprey
115 = Modoc brook lamprey
116 = Pit-Klamath brook lamprey
117 = Lake lamprey
118 = Miller Lake lamprey
119 = Pacific brook lamprey
120 = Western brook lamprey
121 = Klamath River lamprey
122 = Pacific lamprey
123 = Arctic lamprey
124 = Miscellaneous salmonids
125 = Other
126 = Amphibian
127 = Reptile
128 = Bird
129 = Mammal
130 = Modoc sucker
131 = Goose Lake sucker
132 = Klamath largescale sucker
133 = Tahoe sucker
134 = Warner sucker
135 = Shortnose sucker
136 = Malheur sculpin
137 = Margined sculpin
138 = Pit sculpin
139 = Klamath Lake sculpin
140 = Slender sculpin
141 = Lost River sucker
142 = Alvord chub
143 = Sheldon tui chub
144 = Oregon lakes tui chub
145 = Hutton tui chub
146 = Catlow tui chub
147 = Summer Basin tui chub
148 = Borax Lake chub
149 = Goose Lake lamprey
150 = Pit roach
151 = Oregon chub
152 = Umpqua chub
153 = Umpqua dace
154 = Mottled sculpin
155 = Colorado River cutthroat trout
156 = White catfish
157 = Redear sunfish
158 = Crayfish
159 = California red-legged frog
160 = Tidewater goby
161 = Delta smelt
162 = Longfin smelt
163 = Topsmelt
164 = Splittail (Sacramento splittail)
165 = Shiner perch
166 = Arroyo chub
167 = Tule perch
168 = Russian River tule perch
169 = Clear Lake tule perch
170 = Sacramento-San Joaquin tule perch
171 = Sacramento blackfish
172 = Amur goby
173 = Wood River Sculpin
201 = Dolly Varden
202 = Arctic char
1000 = Mixed invertebrate

Stage Table
Fields: StageID, Stage
1 = Egg (unspecified)
2 = Emergent fry or larvae
3 = Fed fry
4 = Fingerling
5 = Sub-yearling (age 0)
6 = Yearling (age 1)
7 = 2 year old migrant
8 = Jack or subadult
9 = Adult
10 = Adults and jacks
11 = Egg (eyed)
12 = Egg (green)
13 = Fry (unspecified)
14 = Juvenile (unspecified)
15 = Spawner
16 = Smolt
17 = Carcass
18 = Parr
20 = Mini-jack (2 year old)
21 = Ages 1 and 2
22 = 2 year old
23 = Unfed fry
24 = Half-pounder
25 = Adults and half-pounders
26 = Macroinvertebrate larva/nymph/naiad
27 = Pupa
28 = Sub-imago (dun)
29 = All stages
30 = Not specified
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown

State Table
Fields: StateID, State
1 = Alaska
2 = California
3 = Idaho
4 = Oregon
5 = Washington
6 = Montana
7 = British Columbia
8 = Utah
9 = Wyoming
10 = North Dakota
11 = South Dakota
12 = Nevada
13 = Arizona
15 = District of Columbia
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown

StatusLU Table
Fields: StatusID, Status
1 = Completed
2 = Ongoing
3 = Proposed
4 = Not funded
5 = Terminated/Cancelled
10 = Withdrawn
11 = Combined
99 = Unknown

Subbasin2001 Table
Fields: Subbasin2001ID, Name
11 = Columbia estuary
12 = Grays
13 = Elochoman
21 = Cowlitz
22 = Kalama
23 = Lewis
24 = Columbia lower
25 = Willamette
26 = Washougal
27 = Sandy
31 = Columbia Gorge
32 = Wind
33 = Little White Salmon
34 = Big White Salmon
35 = Hood
36 = Klickitat
37 = Fifteenmile
40 = Columbia lower middle
41 = Deschutes
42 = John Day
43 = Umatilla
44 = Walla Walla
45 = Snake lower
46 = Palouse
47 = Tucannon
48 = Yakima
49 = Crab
51 = Columbia upper middle
52 = Wenatchee
53 = Entiat
54 = Lake Chelan
55 = Methow
56 = Okanogan
61 = Columbia upper
62 = Sanpoil
63 = Spokane
64 = Pend Oreille
65 = Coeur D'Alene
71 = Clark Fork
72 = Bitterroot
73 = Blackfoot
74 = Flathead
75 = Kootenai
81 = Snake Hells Canyon
82 = Asotin
83 = Grande Ronde
84 = Imnaha
91 = Clearwater
92 = Salmon
98 = Outside Columbia Basin
100 = Snake lower middle
101 = Powder
102 = Burnt
103 = Weiser
104 = Snake upper middle
105 = Payette
106 = Malheur
107 = Boise
108 = Owyhee
109 = Bruneau
111 = Snake upper
112 = Snake headwaters
113 = Snake upper closed basin

SubRun Table
Fields: SubRunID, SubRun
1 = A run
2 = B run
3 = S type - Early
4 = N type - Late
5 = Tule
6 = Upriver bright
7 = S type & N type (coho)
8 = Late run
9 = Early run
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown

TrendStat Table
Fields: TrendStatID, TrendStat
1 = Data currently collected for Trend table
2 = No data currently collected, but data may be collected in the future
3 = Run of fish still exists, but data collection has ceased
4 = Run of fish extinct; data collection ceased
5 = Inactive aggregate trend; current data in independent trends
6 = Inactive independent trend; current data in aggregate trend
7 = Most recent data have been requested but are not yet ready for
8 = Production of these fish stopped at this hatchery
9 = Facility closed or removed
10 = Data collection discontinued
99 = Unknown

TrendType Table
Fields: TrendTypeID, TrendType
1 = Index
2 = Random
3 = Supplemental
4 = Spot Check
5 = Incidental
6 = Exploratory
98 = N/A
99 = Unknown

Type Table
Fields: TypeID, Type
99 = Unknown
101 = Redd count
102 = Redds per mile
103 = Peak redd count
104 = Total live fish
105 = Fish per mile
106 = Peak live fish
107 = Total live fish returned above hatchery
108 = Carcass
109 = Carcass per mile
110 = Peak carcass
111 = Fish days
112 = Spawner/recruit estimates
113 = Index of live fish
114 = Peak live & dead fish
115 = Resting hole count
116 = Total live and dead fish
117 = Peak per mile
118 = Peak per pool
201 = Ocean troll
202 = Treaty troll
203 = Ocean sport
204 = Estuary sport
205 = Freshwater sport
206 = Freshwater treaty
207 = Freshwater sport release
208 = Ocean net
210 = Total sport, commercial & treaty
211 = Total net: commercial & treaty
212 = Freshwater commercial
213 = Agency test fishery
214 = Ocean sport (charter)
215 = Ocean sport (private)
216 = Estuary sport (jetty)
217 = Freshwater sport (snag)
218 = Ocean troll (non-treaty)
219 = Ocean troll (day boat)
220 = Ocean troll (trip boat)
221 = Ocean (mixed net & seine)
222 = Ocean troll (treaty and non-treaty)
223 = Estuary sport (private)
224 = Estuary sport (charter)
225 = Coastal gillnet
301 = Off-site direct hatchery release
302 = Off-site volitional hatchery release
303 = On-site direct hatchery release
304 = On-site volitional hatchery release
305 = Non hatchery tag group release
306 = On-site hatchery release
401 = Parr density (#/100m2)
402 = Total parr abundance estimate
501 = Freshwater: ocean age

UnitLU Table
Fields: UnitID, Unit
1 = acre
2 = acre-foot
3 = baffle
4 = bale
5 = barrier
6 = board
7 = board-foot
8 = boulder
9 = bridge
10 = cfs
11 = crossing
12 = cubic foot
13 = cubic yard
14 = cubic yards / year
15 = culvert
16 = dam
17 = each
18 = foot
19 = kilometer
20 = log
21 = meter
22 = mile
23 = pool
24 = pound
25 = screen
26 = seedling
27 = site
28 = square foot
29 = square meter
30 = square mile
31 = square yard
32 = structure
33 = ton
34 = tree
35 = yard
36 = Percent
99 = Quantity unknown
UseType Table
Fields: UseTypeID, UseType
1 = Spawning and rearing
2 = Rearing and migration
3 = Migration only
4 = Year-round use
5 = Foraging
6 = Nodal (adult residence)
7 = Pioneer spawning
99 = Unknown

WorkType Table
Fields: WorkTypeID, WorkTypeDesc
1 = Instream work
2 = Riparian work
3 = Upland work
4 = Survey, study, research
5 = Fencing
6 = Instream & bank construction
7 = Screen / ladder (model, plan, construct)
8 = Site restoration (mine, road, campground)
9 = Site purchase (including study, management planning)
10 = Building (plan, construction)
11 = O & M
12 = Harvest control, buy back
13 = Education, training, workshops
14 = Fish protection (predator control, law enforcement)
15 = Audiovisual (video, display)
16 = Management / administration
17 = Water management (release, store, irrigation)
18 = Agricultural or grazing modification
19 = Collect, raise / transport / plant fish
20 = Consult, model / plan develop, gather data
21 = Rental /purchase (rooms, equipment, supplies)
22 = Secretarial, misc. overhead
23 = Fish Traps (build, operate)
24 = Wetland work
25 = Road work
26 = Water site develop. (spr, pond, tank, well)
27 = Vegetation management (plant, log, burn)
28 = Wildlife management, trapping, transport
29 = No work done, not funded
99 = Undetermined

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