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 Nuclear fission
 Components of a nuclear reactor
 From one generation to the next
 Fourth generation of reactors

From fission to power generation

LES RÉACTEURS NUCLÉAIRES 1 La fission nucléaire
Summary Introduction

Introduction Managing energy supplies is a key issue for the

03 world’s future. Various power generation systems
exploiting different sources of energy already operate
side by side today, i.e. renewable energy (hydraulic, As early as 1945, the CEA
wind, solar, etc.), thermal combustion (coal, gas, oil)
and nuclear. These generation systems (excepting was behind the development
Nuclear fission From one generation photovoltaics) cannot function without power plants,
04-06 to the next which all follow the same principle based on the of the French nuclear
operation of a turbine coupled to an alternator to
12-17 generate electricity. These power plants differ by the power industry.
Fissile atoms that... 05
way the turbine is driven.
... release energy 05 Generation and technology:
Neutrons and chain reaction 06 two separate notions 13 It is the water from a dam that drives the turbine in
Four generations of nuclear reactors 13 a hydraulic power plant. It is the steam produced
when the fossil fuel (coal, natural gas or oil) is burned
Nuclear reactor technologies 16 
that drives the turbine in a conventional thermal 1- The first French nuclear reactor called Zoé.
2- Cruas-Meysse nuclear power plant.
power plant. In a nuclear power plant, it is the heat
produced when uranium atoms split that is used to 1
Components of
transform water into steam, which in turn drives the
a nuclear reactor turbine.
07-11 Fourth generation

CEA Historical Archives. © CEA/FAR-1997-39 UC 1

of reactors The French Alternative Energies & Atomic Energy
Commission (CEA), which was created in 1945,
Fuel 09 18-23
is behind the development of the French nuclear
Control rods to trap neutrons 09 power industry. Nuclear power currently provides
A moderator to slow down neutrons 09 Why choose the fast reactor
75% of the total power generated in France. The
technology? 19
A coolant to transport heat 09 nuclear fleet operated by EDF comprises 58 nuclear
Why focus on sodium-cooled reactors rated between 900 and 1,450 MWe. The
A steam generator to exchange heat 10
fast reactors? 21
Reactor containment 11 French Energy Transition Act signed in August 2015
The Astrid integrated technology has recently secured the long-term contribution of
demonstrator project 21 nuclear energy to the French energy mix at 50%.

© EDF / Christel Sasso

Front cover and top of page 2: Fuel assembly grid © D.Sarraute/CEA -
Reduced-size image of the cover page: Fuel from the Civaux nuclear power plant. © EDF - Production: Agence Gimmik - April 2016



© S.Le Couster/CEA
The nucleus of certain large atoms will split
into two smaller nuclei when it collides
with a neutron. In this case, the nucleus is
considered to be “fissile” and the reaction
is referred to as “fission”.
 Selective extraction of uranium in a laboratory.

As particles with no electric Most of this energy is carried by

charge, neutrons are able to get the fission products in the form
sufficiently close to the positively of kinetic energy2. Expelled at
charged nucleus without being a velocity of about 8,000 km/s,
repelled by the electric forces. these fission products push their
In this manner, they can collide way through the other atoms by
knocking against them. During
Pulsed column used for the selective extraction of uranium. - © S.Le Couster/CEA

with the nucleus to split it into

two parts, called fission pro- these collisions, they rapidly lose

NUCLEAR ducts, which are most often their speed (and thus energy) by
radioactive1. The only natural heating up the surrounding envi-
fissile nucleus is uranium-235. ronment, before stopping in the

1- Atoms with unstable nuclei are called
bulk of the uranium. Their initial radioactive. They naturally transform into
energy is finally transformed into other atoms by emitting radiation (see
… RELEASE ENERGY heat and the local temperature booklet called “The radioactivity”).
When a nucleus undergoes fis- in the uranium increases. 2- The kinetic energy refers to the energy
sion, a considerable amount of In a nuclear reactor, this heat is of a body in movement. It increases with
When an atom undergoes fission, it energy is released. recovered to generate electricity. the mass and velocity of the body. A car
releases a large amount of energy travelling at very high speed has more
which is transformed into heat. The energy carried by the neu- kinetic energy than the same car travelling
In a nuclear reactor, this heat is trons represents a small fraction at low speed. The damage will be greater in
recovered to generate electricity. of the total energy released. the case where the first car hits an object
than if it were the second car. Likewise, a
car has less energy than a truck travelling
at the same speed.

04 NUCLEAR REACTORS 05 Nuclear fission

Controlled chain reaction in nuclear reactors

Neutron absorbers

DIDYOUKNOW? Uranium-235 atom

© CEA/Yuvanoe


 The team waiting for the Zoé reactor to diverge. NEUTRONS AND CHAIN REACTION
Each fission produces an average This phenomenon is controlled
When the first chain reactions
of two to three high-energy neu- in a nuclear reactor. Most of the
occur inside a nuclear reactor, the
trons which travel at very high neutrons are captured to main-
reactor is said to have diverged.
speed (20,000 km/s) among the tain a stable number of fission
The first nuclear reactor built by uranium atoms. These projectiles
Enrico Fermi diverged in 1942 in reactions.
are small, light and electrically
the US. Only one neutron from each
neutral compared with fission
In France, the first reactor called Zoé products, which means they fission provokes a new fission
(French abbreviation for zero power, can travel relatively far before reaction to release energy in a
uranium oxide, heavy water) interacting with another nucleus. regular manner. This is how the
was built on the CEA Fontenay- amount of heat released every
aux-Roses centre and diverged on In turn, they trigger new fission
reactions, releasing more neu- second from the mass of uranium
15 December 1948. ¢
trons and so forth: this is known is controlled.
as a chain reaction.

The chain reaction is
controlled in a nuclear
reactor so as to maintain REACTOR
a constant number Section of a fuel assembly. - © P.Stroppa/CEA

of fissions. There are various types of reactor

technologies. Nonetheless, these
nuclear reactors all have several
components in common such as the
fuel, control rods, moderator and

Neutronic simulation. 

NUCLEAR REACTORS 06 Nuclear fission 07

The fuel used in a nuclear power plant contains fis-
The 58 reactors in service in France are for sile atoms whose energy is extracted by fission. Ura-
generating electricity. nium-235 is more than often used as the fuel. Pressed
into pellets, the fuel is inserted into leaktight cladding
While the control rods They are designed to generate electricity by recove- called “fuel rods”. These rods are then bundled together
ring and transporting the heat produced by the fission to form a fuel assembly which is placed in the core of
manage the chain reactions up to a turbine and an alternator. The main the reactor. (See booklet called “The nuclear fuel cycle”).
components specific to a reactor are located in the
reaction, the coolant nuclear island. This is where the fission reactions take CONTROL RODS
place and includes the nuclear boiler and systems for TO TRAP NEUTRONS
removes the heat the fuel, as well as the equipment required to operate
In a nuclear reactor, the chain reaction is constantly
and guarantee the safety of the entire facility. The other

© EDF/Patrice Dhumes
from the reactor. managed by means of control rods which are made from
part of the nuclear power plant is called the conven-
a material capable of absorbing neutrons. These rods
tional island and includes, among others, the turbine,
are mobile in the reactor core: they can be dropped
the alternator and the condenser.
down to reduce the fission rate or pulled up to either
maintain or increase the rate. In the case of an inci-
dent, the rods are dropped into the fuel which almost
Ç Control room in a nuclear power plant.
immediately stops the chain reaction.
Most reactors are equipped with a moderator. Its role
is to slow down the neutrons released during the fis-
sion reaction which can otherwise be too energetic to
efficiently provoke other fission reaction.
Neutrons are slowed down when they go through matter
that is composed of atoms with light nuclei which does
not absorb, like water or graphite. The moderator slows
the neutrons down from their initial speed of around The moderator slows
20,000 km/s to a speed of about 2 km/s.
down the neutrons so
they can collide with
The energy released as heat during the fission of ura- the atoms and provoke
nium-235 nuclei must be transferred from the reactor
core to the systems designed to transform heat into fission reactions.
electricity, i.e. the turbine and alternator. This role is
guaranteed by the coolant, the fluid used to remove
© Fabrice Mathé

the heat generated by the nuclear fuel.

The coolant can be water, a liquid metal (sodium or lead)
or a gas (carbon dioxide or helium). The coolant is also
used to maintain the fuel temperature at its nominal
temperature that is compatible with the resistance of
the materials.

NUCLEAR REACTORS 08 Components of a nuclear reactor NUCLEAR REACTORS 09 Components of a nuclear reactor
A STEAM GENERATOR designed so that the water in the se- and at low pressure (several bar). The power conversion system is based on the same
TO EXCHANGE HEAT condary system boils and generates principle as that of a PWR: a steam generator produces steam which expands in a turbine
A heat exchanger is designed to steam. When the steam expands, it coupled to an alternator. The key difference is an additional system interposed between the
transfer thermal power from one drives a turbine that is coupled to primary system containing low-pressure sodium and the water-to-steam power conversion
system at high pressure. The objective of this intermediary system is to take into account
system to another. In the case of an alternator which produces elec-
the risk of interaction between sodium and water by dissociating the radiological risk in the
pressurised water reactors (PWRs), tricity. This system is also known as
a power conversion system; thermal primary system from other risks. Two heat exchangers are therefore required between the
for instance, the primary coolant is
energy is converted into mechanical primary system and the power conversion system.
water which exits the reactor core
and then electrical energy. A third
at a high temperature of about
system is designed to cool and then
330°C and is kept a high pressure
of about 150 bar to prevent it from
transforming into steam. This water The reactor containment is made of steel and/or reinforced concrete. It contains the reactor
then flows through a steam gene- In the case of sodium-cooled fast vessel, the primary system, the steam generators, and the main components important to
rator that is used to transfer the reactors (SFRs), the primary coolant reactor safety. It is leaktight and designed to prevent leaks from radioactive fuel elements
thermal power between the primary is sodium, which is a liquid metal into the environment, particularly in the case of a severe accident like a core meltdown
and secondary systems. They are that exits the core at about 550°C (strong rise in the temperature causing the fuel to melt).


Reactor containment

Steam generator
Control rods

© Corinne Beurtey/CEA


Pump Water
cooling tower



Primary system Secondary system Cooling system

NUCLEAR REACTORS 10 Components of a nuclear reactor NUCLEAR REACTORS 11 Components of a nuclear reactor
 Cruas-Meysse nuclear power plant.

The first nuclear power plants

were built throughout the
1950s in the US, the Soviet

© EDF / Christel Sasso

Union and France. Several
reactor generations have since
been developed across the
world; there are currently four
generations today.

Each generation integrates major progress in terms of operational

safety, security, fuel economy and economic competitiveness.


In the nuclear industry, the notion of “generation” is distinctly diffe-
rent from that of “reactor technology”. A generation can comprise
several types of reactor technologies. The differences between
generations correspond to specific requirement criteria at each
period of time.


The Generation IV International Forum launched in 2001 is dedicated

Core of a nuclear power reactor. - © EDF

to research on “reactors of the future” and as a result, has defined

four generations of nuclear fission reactors. Each generation was

assigned a set of specific objectives to resolve the issues relevant
at the time of their design. Considering the operating lifetimes
of such facilities, reactors belonging to different generations can
be found in service or under construction. For instance, most of
Each generation of reactors brings the reactors currently in service are second generation, while the
significant improvements in response third generation is only just starting to be deployed, and the fourth
to the major issues of their time. generation has just reached design phase.

12 NUCLEAR REACTORS 13 From one generation to the next

Simulating the behaviour of fuel in
The first generation includes the prototypes and the a second-generation reactor.
first industrial-scale reactors used for commercial pur-
poses that were developed in the 1950s and 1960s
before being commissioned in the 1970s. During this
period, France developed a reactor technology using
natural uranium for the fuel since it did not have access
to uranium enrichment technologies.

The second generation of nuclear reactors was com-

missioned from early 1970 onwards. This generation was
designed with objectives of improved competitiveness
and energy independence at a time when tensions were
running high due to the price of fossil fuels (oil crisis).
Most of the reactors in service throughout the world
today are second generation. In France, this generation

© P.Stroppa/CEA
is composed of pressurised water reactors (PWRs) adap-
ted from the American technology by EDF.
The third generation focuses on safety and security GENERATION IV
requirements: consolidated resistance to external ha- INTERNATIONAL FORUM
zards such as plane crashes. These reactors have incor- accidents, and from the September 11
The partners* of the Generation IV Inter-
porated operating experience from second-generation attacks. An example of this type of national Forum signed an official charter
reactors, from the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl reactor is the European Pressurised in 2001 which launched cooperation in
 The different generations Reactor (EPR), with four currently R&D aiming to establish the feasibility
of nuclear reactors.
under construction (one in France, and performance of future nuclear
one in Finland and two in China) reactor systems.
and others planned, particularly in Objective: develop reactors with improved
the UK. safety, sustainability (e.g. more efficient
use of uranium) and economic viability with
respect to other energy sources, while
The fourth generation refers to fighting nuclear proliferation, being resistant
reactors currently in design phase against terrorist attacks, and generating less
which could be deployed on an in- ultimate waste.
dustrial scale by around 2050. Their In late 2002, six reactor concepts were se-
design incorporates a number of lected. Three of these concepts are based on
fast neutrons: sodium-cooled fast reactors
technological breakthroughs with
(SFRs), gas-cooled fast reactors (GFRs) and
respect to what has been built so lead-cooled fast reactors (LFRs). The others
far. Research on these future sys- are supercritical water reactors (SCWRs),
tems is being carried out under the very high temperature water reactors
Generation IV International Forum (VHTRs) and molten salt reactors (MSRs).
© Corinne Beurtey/CEA

which has defined the criteria to be

* There are currently 14 today: South Africa, Argentina, Australia,
met: sustainability, nuclear safety, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, China, the US, France, Japan, the
economic competitiveness and UK, Russia, Switzerland and Euratom.

resistance to nuclear proliferation.

NUCLEAR REACTORS 14 From one generation to the next NUCLEAR REACTORS 15 From one generation to the next
Since the inception of the nuclear power industry, se-

veral reactor technologies have been developed across UNGG reactor

the globe. These technologies differ by their choice of (Natural uranium
technological options. Among them, three key charac- graphite-gas)
teristics are used to classify the reactors into different First technology Natural uranium Solid carbon

© P. Stroppa/CEA
Carbon dioxide
technologies: developed in France. (0.7% uranium-235) (graphite)
• The type of fissile material used as nuclear fuel, The last reactor of this
e.g. natural uranium, enriched uranium, plutonium; generation was shut down
in 1994.
Core of a research reactor used for • The coolant used to recover the heat produced in
neutronic studies of thermal neutron the core and to transport it, e.g. ordinary pressu-
reactors. CANDU reactor
rised or boiling water, heavy water, carbon dioxide, Heavy water
Technology developed in Natural uranium Heavy water*
Some reactors are intended for re- sodium, helium; under pressure
search and do not generate electri- • The moderator, which determines the average
city. They are used, for instance, to energy of the neutrons in the reactor core, e.g. RBMK reactor
measure the neutronic properties ordinary water, heavy water, graphite. (Bolchoe Molchnastie
of reactors, to study the behaviour A combination of these three components produces Kipiachie reactor which
of materials and fuels under irra- reactors with different characteristics which do not means “high power boiling Enriched uranium
diation, to gauge the impact of ac- meet the selection criteria of a reactor technology in Carbon (graphite) Boiling water
water reactor”). with 1.8% uranium-235
cident conditions, and to validate the same way. These reactors make up
new concepts and prototypes. 40% of the nuclear fleet in
These technical or economic criteria change over time.
Research reactors are also used the ex-USSR.
For instance, the first technologies developed were
to produce radioelements used in
required to operate with natural uranium as the fuel,
the medical industry for diagnostics
thereby limiting the choice of moderator. With the de- Boiling water reactor (BWR)
and radiotherapy purposes. ¢ Enriched uranium
velopment of uranium enrichment technologies, new Technology developed in the Ordinary water boiling in the core
with 3% uranium-235
reactor technologies operating with enriched uranium US, Japan and Sweden.
were deployed.
Pressurised water reactor
Pressurised water maintained in liquid form
The most conventional
Enriched uranium
technology in the Western
with 3% uranium-235 Pressurised water acting as both moderator
and coolant
It was developed in ex-USSR
under the name of VVER.

Fast reactor
Liquid sodium
The French Phenix (250 Enriched uranium None : neutrons
Does not slow down
MWe), prototype reactor or plutonium remain fast
operated from 1973 to 2009.

*Heavy water: composed of water molecules whose hydrogen atom is deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen
(see the booklet called “The atom”).

NUCLEAR REACTORS 16 From one generation to the next NUCLEAR REACTORS 17 From one generation to the next
© A. Gonin/CEA

Shielded line of hot cells for recycling
spent fuels.
Using simulation to help design fourth generation sodium-cooled reactors. © P.Stroppa/CEA

WHY CHOOSE THE exploited to produce energy. Additionally, materials (ura-
FAST REACTOR The 8,000 tonnes of natural nium and plutonium) that can
TECHNOLOGY? uranium imported each be recovered from spent fuel

GENERATION In terms of the physics,

fourth generation fast
year by France are used to
produce 1,000 tonnes of
produced by the current fleet
are treated and then can be

OF REACTORS reactors have the advan- enriched uranium to supply recycled into fuel called MOX,
tage of saving on uranium the power plants. The re- i.e. mixed uranium and pluto-
resources and recycling mainder, i.e. 7,000 tonnes of nium oxide. This kind of fuel
recoverable materials, plu- depleted uranium, is stored can only be used efficiently
tonium in particular. in view of its future use in once in the water reactors
France is continuing its technology fourth generation reactors.
watch and R&D programmes on In the current water reac- currently in operation.
systems for the fourth generation. It tors (PWRs) comprising the These stocks currently
is leading the design studies on an French fleet, only a small amount to more than
integrated technology demonstrator fraction of the raw material, 270,000 tonnes and cannot
of a sodium-cooled fast reactor. i.e. uranium-235 (minor iso- be used in the current
tope of natural uranium) is reactor fleet.

18 NUCLEAR REACTORS 19 Fourth generation of reactors

Fast reactors can burn all of the WHY FOCUS ON
natural uranium (including de- SODIUM-COOLED
pleted uranium) whereas today’s FAST REACTORS?
reactors only burn less than 1%. The sodium-cooled fast reactor
By utilising all of the uranium in (SFR) concept has become the
the ore, fast reactors multiply reference technology for fourth
the energy that can be extrac- generation systems across the
ted from a given mass of natural world. Its international scope and
uranium by a factor of about 100. its technology readiness lead us
They can burn without limits all to believe that its industrial-scale Test platform to support the design
the plutonium produced by both deployment is feasible sometime of fourth generation reactors.
the current reactor fleet and by around 2050. This requires first 
themselves, which makes it pos- qualifying the various technological
sible to manage stocks in a ratio- advances on a representative
nal and sustainable manner via scale to check the viability of the
multiple recycling. performance targets set for the
fourth generation of nuclear reactors.
Fast reactors also offer the pos-
sibility of transmuting1 some THE ASTRID
of the most radiotoxic elements INTEGRATED
contained in the ultimate waste. TECHNOLOGY
It would therefore be possible DEMONSTRATOR
to reduce the storage space re- PROJECT
quired for long-lived high-level In France, studies on fourth gene-
waste by a factor of 10 with a ration systems are led by the CEA
reduction in its radiotoxicity2 under the integrated technology de-
by up to a factor of 100 after 300 monstrator project called Astrid 3.
years. It will benefit from the experience
accumulated from fast reactors ha-
ving already operated in the world,
Fast reactors are therefore a key
while incorporating new technolo-
feature of a closed fuel cycle
gical breakthroughs. The reactor’s
strategy making it possible to ef-
© A.Gonin/CEA

power has been defined to achieve

ficiently manage recoverable ma-
a sufficient degree of flexibility
terials in spent fuel, firstly from
while maintaining a level of repre-
the current fleet of reactors and
sentativeness in line with the main
then subsequently from a ho-
 industrial issues.
Hall of the Phenix reactor at Marcoule where the first experiments on mogeneous fleet of fast reactors.
transmutation were performed. They could thus operate for se- The Astrid project is currently in
veral thousand years dispensing design phase. It is being led in col-
1- Transmutation involves breaking down laboration with industrial partners,
entirely with natural uranium.
elements that are heavier than uranium and which opens the door to particularly

© PF.Grosjean/CEA
which are also the largest contributors to
advanced technological choices,
the long-term radiotoxicity of waste.
chiefly in the fields of nuclear safety
This reaction leads to the formation of new
and operability.
elements that often have shorter half-lives
or are even non-radioactive.
2- Toxicity of a radioactive nature to which
any body can be exposed either by injection 3- Advanced Sodium Technological
or inhalation. Reactor for Industrial Demonstration.

NUCLEAR REACTORS 20 Fourth generation of reactors NUCLEAR REACTORS 21 Fourth generation of reactors
Control rods
DEMONSTRATOR Secondary system heat exchanger

Among the decisive breakthroughs, it is ● Inerting4 and early leak detection
worth mentioning: devices to prevent the risk of sodium
Core with a low
1 void effect ➊ fires.
An innovative core that is naturally
Cold sodium ● Multiple, redundant decay heat re-
resistant to accident conditions, outlet
moval systems. The reactor can use
which is a significant step forward
➋ Cold gas Hot gas the ambient air as a means of cooling,
in the field of nuclear safety and a
Primary system even in the case where the power sup-
world first. It is designed to reduce pump plies and heat sink are lost.
Core catcher
the core’s reactivity in the case of a Sodium-gas
● The possibility of carrying out inspec-
heat exchanger
loss-of-coolant causing the sodium Hot sodium
tions and maintenance while the reac-
temperature to increase. tor is operating.
● Measures making it possible to in-

crease the burn-up and the cycle du-

ration, while reducing outage times for
fuel reloading.


© Fabrice Mathé
Concrete slabs

2  core catcher integrated

A 3 A power conversion system
into the reactor vessel, that uses gas instead of wa-
which prevents radioacti- ter, thereby preventing any

vity from escaping into the risk of chemical reaction

environment in the case of between water and sodium.
a severe accident with core

Astrid innovative and
enhanced-safety core.

4- Utilisation of an inert gas like nitrogen

to eliminate the risk of sodium reacting
with air.

NUCLEAR REACTORS 22 Fourth generation of reactors NUCLEAR REACTORS 23 Fourth generation of reactors

1 > The atom

2 > Radioactivity
3 > Radiation and Man
4 > Energy
5 > DNA
6 > Nuclear reactors
7 > The nuclear fuel cycle
8 > Microelectronics
9 > The laser: a concentrate of light
10 > Medical imaging
11 > Nuclear astrophysics
12 > Hydrogen
13 > The Sun
14 > Radioactive waste
15 > The climate
16 > Numerical simulation
17 > Earthquakes
18 > The nanoworld
19 > Energies for the 21st century
20 > Chemistry for energy

© Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, 2016

Direction de la communication
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91191 Gif sur Yvette cedex - www.cea.fr
ISSN 1637-5408.

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