Cotton Marketing News

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Volume 17, No. 4 April 11, 2019
The first USDA estimate of acres actually planted is released at the
Sponsored by end of June. The June estimate has been higher than the March
number in 2 of the last 3 year. Actual acres planted (the final
number) has been higher than the March number and the June
Market Improves But Future Unknown as Planting Approaches estimate for each of the last 3 years.

In my previous (March 14) comments to you, the title was “Cotton Looking overall at just the 17 reported cotton-producing states
Continues to Need Clarity”. I’m not sure much has changed in that only, corn is expected to gain acres while cotton, grain sorghum,
regard. The market has certainly made nice improvement, are expected to lose acres.
however, and we can be thankful for that. There is still no word
or advance in trade talks and the March 30th Prospective Plantings In the grand scheme of things over all cotton states, peanuts may
report, in my opinion, threw more uncertainty on the market. not be significant—but they are in several states and can equate
to as much as ½ of the cotton acres. As a side note, I find it
surprising that peanuts are projected to be up. Contract prices
certainly don’t justify that and the industry and most observers
are saying that acreage needs to decrease, not increase.

But to be sure, there is always uncertainty surrounding the March

number because so many things can change that ultimately
determine what farmers will plant. Last month’s Prospective
Planting estimate was 13.78 million acres. This compared to an
earlier National Cotton Council estimate of 14.45 million acres and
most industry estimates of over 14 million—some quite a bit over Most continue to believe that acres planted will be 14 million or
14, but less than 15. more. With models predicting above normal precipitation, we
could be looking at a crop of around 22 to 23 million bales or
more—roughly 4+ million bales higher than last year.

Note that most of the improvement in prices came before the

lower than expected March number. Exports and shipments have
been good. This market is set up to move higher or have a
downward correction. Where does a grower get started on
pricing to reduce some of the downside risk while still leaving the
upside open? To each his own, but the 78-cent neighborhood
seems a reasonable start to me.

Cotton Economist- Retired

Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics

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