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“Clean up, clean up, everyone, every where, Clean

up, clean up”

Teacher: Liz , March 2019

Lara, you are taking great pride in helping the teachers and children recent-
You eagerly offer to help to the younger children and want to help even
when they insist that you don’t! You are keen to help tidy up before meal
time too, which is so great to see. Today I was going to leave the blocks out
for play after lunch, but you insisted that you clean up 1st. Because you
were so keen to clean up Miriam was also by side and encouraged to help.
Lar your learning goal is around learning the limits and boundaries of ac-
ceptable behavior, you definitely displayed that you know, understand and
can follow through with whats expected at An-nur today, & even more than that you encouraged others
to joing you showed them what to do.
To continue your learning of limits and boundaries, I will continue to find opportunities for you to take
responsibility, responsibility gives you ownership * pride in your own environment, this will also give you
so many opportunities to practice limits and boundaries.
Belonging – Mana Whenua
Children and their families feel a sense of
 Children and their families experience an environment where connecting links with the family and
the wider world are affirmed and extended.
 They know that they have a place, they feel comfortable with the rou-
tines, customs, and regular events.
 The programme provides a balance between events and activities
that are predictable and certain and those that provide moderate sur-
prise and uncertainty.
 Empowerment – Whakamana
The early childhood curriculum empowers the child to learn and grow.
 Early childhood care and education services assist children and their
families to develop independence, and to access the resources neces-
sary to enable them to direct their own lives.
 The curriculum enables all children to, take increasing responsibility
for their own learning and care, develop an enhanced sense of self-
worth, identity, confidence, and enjoyment, contribute their own
special strengths and interests.

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