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Education Internship – H453/454/455 Lesson plan template: 

Name: Sarina Castella  Cooperating Teacher: Johnson 
Subject: ESL Date of Lesson: 02/20/19 
CLS #1​ - Objective: 
The students will take turns reading a short story aloud in order to practice their English literacy and speaking skills.  
The students will write two supporting details of a short story in order to give evidence for the main idea and to 
demonstrate their understanding for the expansion of ideas in English literacy. 
CLS #1 ​- Learning Targets (CLS/CCS) for lesson: 
Critical Learning Standard RI.3.2: Determine main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support 
the main idea. 
WIDA Level 4 Expanding: Interpret information or data. 
CLS #2​ - Introduction (anticipatory set): 
The teacher will give the students the short story worksheet that they will be working on and have them flip it to the 
backside. The teacher will tell them to draw what they think a hexagon looks like without giving them any prior 
information about it. Then, the teacher will have them compare their drawings to each other and define the differences 
if there are any. The teacher will explain to them that they will be reading a short story about snowflakes and that all 
snowflakes, even though they look different are in the shape of a hexagon. 
CLS #3​ - Teaching Input:  
● To begin this lesson, the students will each need one worksheet that contains the short story and graphic 
organizer for their main idea and supporting details as well as one pink and three blue flash cards. 
● The students will begin by sitting in their assigned seats around a round table so that everyone can see each 
● The students will take turns reading the short story until they come to the end. 
● Once they finish the reading, the teacher will ask the students to set up their flashcards as shown on the 
picture of the graphic organizer on the worksheet with the pink flash card at the top and the three blue 
flashcards under it, forming a pyramid. 
● The teacher will ask the students what they thought the main idea of the short story was and then clarify that 
it is that not one snowflake is alike another.  
● The students will write the main idea in their own words on the pink flash card. 
● The teacher will ask what sentence from the short story supports the main idea. The answers will vary. 
● The students will write their answer down on the first blue flash card to the left making this their supporting 
idea #1. 
● The teacher will ask the students for another sentence from the short story that also correlates with the main 
idea. The answers will vary. 
● The students will write their answer on the second blue flash card from the left making that their supporting 
detail #2. 
● Then, the teacher will ask the students for one last sentence from the short story that supports their main 
idea. The answers will vary. 
● The students will write their answer on the last blue flash card from the left making that their third and last 
supporting detail. 
● The teacher will explain that they have created a makeshift graphic organizer that has the main idea at the 
top of the pyramid on the pink flash card and their three supporting details on the blue flashcards 
underneath their main idea.  
CLS #4​ - Checking for Understanding: 

The students will flip their sheets to the back of the paper and use their supporting details to illustrate a concept that 
they wrote down. For example, if they wrote that each snowflake's size is determined by the amount of moisture in the 
clouds, they can draw different sized clouds. The students will explain to the teacher why they drew their picture and 
which supporting detail it referred to. 
CLS #5​ - Follow up/Closure: 
"Today we created our own graphic organizer by utilizing our context clues after reading a short story about 
snowflakes. We had to choose specific facts from the story and organize them into their correctly assigned spots on 
our flashcards. Now, when it snows we know that each snowflake is different in it's own way. We also learned what a 
hexagon looks like and will be able to use that information in our math lesson next week." 
Instructional Materials/Supplies:  
● Pencil  
● One pink flash card 
● Three blue flash cards 
● Short story worksheet 

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