English Foods 1

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Food packaging is the storage of food in the package so that the food is maintained.

The purpose of
food packaging :

1. Protection from physical danger (vibration, shock, etc.)

2. Protection of outer packaging micro-climatic conditions (humidity, temperature, light, etc.)
3. Ease of transportation, especially for foods that are bulk (liquid, granular)
4. Determining the appropriate portion for the sale and / or consumption
5. Provision of information, because the packaging can be given labels that include a variety of
information, including barcode [2]
6. Aesthetics

The type and Packaging Materials are generally classified into three: (1) The primary packaging, (2)
secondary packaging, and (3) tertiary packaging.

a. Primary packaging

Primary packaging is packaging that is in direct contact with the product, the relatively small size and
commonly referred to as keamasan retail. Examples are the packaging, plastic bags for sugar, plastic
bags for chips, plastic cups (cup) for drinking water, or drinks, plastic bags for instant noodles.

b. Secondary packaging

Secondary packaging is packaging which contains a number of second primary packaging. The
packaging is not in direct contact with the packaged product. Example: cardboard packaging for
bottled water, packaging wooden crates for the syrup in bottles, plastic crates for beverages in

c. Tertiary packaging

Tertiary packaging is packaging which is mostly reserved as transport packaging. Example: container
and corrugated board boxes.

Ways of packaging is very closely related to the condition of a commodity or product that is
packaged and how transportation. In principle the packaging should provide an appropriate
conditions and acts as a protector for the possibility of changes in circumstances that may affect the
quality of the package contents and packaging material itself. Packaging can be classified based on
several things, among others:

1. Frequency of Use

a. Packaging Disposal (Disposable), the packaging immediately discarded after a single use. For
example, an ice plastic wrap, candy wrap, wrap the leaves, cardboard boxes, food cans.
b. Packaging that Wearables Repeatedly (Multi Trip), like some kind of bottled drinks
(lemonade, beer) and a bottle of ketchup. These containers are generally not discarded by
consumers, but returned to the dealer and then reused by the factory.
c. Packaging Non-Removed (Semi Disposable). The containers usually used for other purposes
in the consumer's home after use, such as biscuit tins, cans of milk, and various types of
bottles. These containers are used for storage of spices, coffee, sugar, and so on,
3. Personality Pack Material Stiffness

a. Flexible packaging, ie packaging materials easily when bent, such as plastic, paper, foil.
b. Rigid packaging, namely when packaging materials are hard, stiff, can not stand the
bending, forced break when bent. Such as wood, glass, and metal.
c. Packaging semi rigid / semi-flexible, ie packaging materials that have the properties of
flexible packaging and rigid packaging, such as plastic bottles (milk, soy sauce, gravy) and
a container of pasty material.

4. Nature of Environmental Protection

a. Hermetic packaging, the container is completely impassable by gas, for example cans and
glass bottles.

b. Light Resistant Packaging, ie containers that are not transparent, such as metal packaging,
paper and foil. This packaging is suitable for food containing fats and vitamins, and
fermented foods.

c. High Temperature Resistant Packaging, this type is used for foodstuffs which require
heating processes, sterilization or pasteurization.

1. Plastic

Plastic packaging is the type most widely used in the industry today. Ease of manufacture
has to choose the least expensive packaging. Due to bad we have made so large plastic bins
in recent decades and is bad for the natural conditions as well.

Most of us assume plastics for packaging no different from one another, whereas plastic is
made appropriate use of packaging. There is a plastic made specifically for a particular
product and should not be used for other types of products. For example botok plastics,
made by the manufacturer with a certain code.

Many of us, especially small industries using plastic in place. Plastic bag of black which is
often used as a wrapping fried food, plastic cups used for boiling water, bottled mineral
water in the sun every day, as well as the use of plastic kilogram for making the diamond,
are examples of the use of plastic packaging is wrong and very dangerous. As a result of the
use of plastics that are not in accordance with this function, it is feared will happen
displacement chemical components from the plastic into the food.

Some comes from the plastic packaging material polyethylene polypropilen

polyvinylchloridayang if burned or heated may give rise to dioxin, a highly toxic substance
and a cause of cancer and can reduce a person's immune system.

2. Paper

In addition to plastic, paper is also a means of packaging the food. However, there are some
papers that should not be allowed to be used as packaging, primarily used paper (such as
used magazines or newspapers). Waste paper has a writing made of ink and detectable
contain lead (Pb) which exceeds the limit.
In the human body, lead entering through the respiratory or digestive tract into the
circulatory system, and then spread to various networks lainseperti kidneys, liver, brain,
nerves and bones.

3. Cans

A growing number of foods and beverages packaged in cans. Generally the products are
packaged in cans will be lost its freshness, nutritional value also decreased as a result of
processing at high temperatures.

In use, cans must be coated with tin (Sn) plating system with very tight and there should not
be even the slightest pore holes. Canned (template) should be coated with enamel when
used for foods that easily corrode (rust). The main danger of canned foods is growing
Clostridium botulinum that can cause poisoning botulinin.

Signs of poisoning include throat botulinin become stiff, dizzy eyes and convulsions that lead
to death because it is difficult to breathe. These bacteria usually grow in canned food
processing imperfect or leaking canned food in it so that contaminated air from the outside.

Carefully choose tin packaging is an attempt to avoid the dangers are not desired.

4. Styrofoam

Research has shown that the styrofoam material is very questionable safety to health.
Styrofoam is made from styrene copolymers become popular among food business, because
the material can prevent leakage and is able to maintain its shape when held customer. The
material is also able to maintain hot and cold temperatures it comfortable to hold, and
which makes it very popular dilangan food business is the price is relatively cheap.

The danger, styrofoam cork types of materials can release styrene monomer, if used for hot
meals, belemak, beminyak, and alcoholic. In July 2001, the Government of Japan's Food
Safety Section expressed that styrofoam residues in food is very dangerous. The residue can
cause endocrine disrupter (EDC), which is a disease that occurs due to a disturbance in
endocrinology and reproductive system of humans as a result of chemical carcinogens in
food. Styrofoam becomes dangerous because it is made using styrene granules are
processed with benzana. Whereas benzana substance itself is one of the substances that
cause various diseases such as accelerated heartbeat, a nervous disorder that causes fatigue,
anemia, weight gemeteran, easily agitated, thyroid gland disorders, and even cancer.

5. Glass / Glass

The safest food packaging material is glass. The disadvantage, glass packaging can not stand
at a certain temperature and susceptible to rupture. Although there is also some kind of
glass that is resistant to a certain temperature.

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