Floor Plan Kindergarten

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Sarina Castella

Seating Chart

This is the seating chart that I made for the PM Kindergarten class at Marion Jordan. There
were a few reasons that I put everyone where they are. One reason I put Jayveance with all
boys is that when she is with all girls, she gets distracted and doesn't do her work. I put Taya
with Dylan next to her because Taya has difficulty staying on task but Dylan helps her with her
work and keeps her on track. I put Sloane in the front of the room because she also has
difficulty paying attention so I needed to be able to gage her attention by putting her next to the
teacher. Gianni and Lucas are on opposite sides of the room as well as Aubrey and Benjamin
because they talk during lessons and are not able to focus when put next to each other. I put
Sarina Castella

Abby the furthest from the bathroom as possible because during lessons when she is bored,
she will get up to go to the bathroom just to waste time so this helped her decrease the times
she does she does that. In general, the students in the front have a harder time paying attention
in class so I put them closer to the board. The students in the back are more independent and
are able to bounce off of each other to get their work done. The students One thing that didn't
work the way I wanted it to was putting Aaron next to the book rack. Aaron loves to read so
during lessons he gets up now to grab a book without permission and misses out on learning
from the teacher. I also ended up switching Carter and Will because Will became more self
sufficient in his work in class and Carter has eyesight problems so he needed to be in the front
so he could see the board easier.

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