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Succes English keyLanguage Center.

Not common verbs

Procrastinate keep Increase
Forecast Adress Join
Endure Run Gather
Aquire Afford Lit
Hire Quit Focus
Attempt Reach Belong

Verb with get + participle

Get stuck Get better Get off
Get fixed Get used Get in
get fired Get started Get at
Get rid of Get fixed Get over
Get done Get hurt Get on
Get opened Get hit Get after

Phrasal verbs
Go in Carry out Write down
Go out Pencil in Go through
Hold on Go away Have fun
Eat up Calm down Break out
Listen up Sleep on Let in
Check out Help out Chill out

Video vocabulary

Being smart Array Common sense

aware Dive deep Pride
sorrounding Whole bunch Over all
Knowledge guess perform
Globally Knowlegable Just have Choices
Convey Most / most of combined
Chopping faking wrong
tying It’d be like mistake
Well rounded extent Uh / like
relationship stood interested amount named ahead hearing
Women through dumped nine REALLY something colors

About dates and love.

Karen: Hey, Alex
Karen: Ah, Alex. Let me in. Come on.
Alex: What do you want?
Karen: Are you _________in going on a blind date this weekend?
Alex: Oh no. I'm not going ________that again. You can just nip that idea in the bud. No way. Forget it.
Absolutely not!
Karen: Hey, no need to be sore and sensitive about that still. Gee.
Alex: Sensitive?
Karen: Uh-huh. [Hmph.} Well, if you _______want to get something off your chest, then say it. [Okay.]
Go_______. I hate it when you just beat around the bush.
Alex: Okay. Do you want the truth? [Yeah!] Do you remember that girl you said had a crush on me?
[Yeah, Trisha.] Well, after ________that, I was on cloud ________after the first date, thinking that this
was the one, but then, she ________me up on the second date. I mean she led me on and then
_______me after that for some guy with a Harley motorcycle _______Dirk.
Karen: Oh, Dirk Angel. [Whatever. !] Come on. It wasn't THAT bad.
Alex: Not that bad!? _______always say that men don't show their true _______until they get serious, but
women do the same thing.
Karen: Hey, MEN can be real jerks, too, buddy boy. [Ahh.] I mean, they promise you the moon, they
make you think they're Mr. Right [Now . . .], and just when you think you've found the one [Well . . .],
they drop you like a rock when _________new comes along. [Ahh.] Women shouldn't hafta put up with
that kind of stuff.
Alex: Yeah, Yeah, but I think it goes BOTH ways in dating and marriage. You hafta be completely
honest in a____________, right? [Yeah.] And communicate openly before you decide to tie the knot,
AND you can't give someone the cold shoulder and expect things to be all rosy. If you hurt someone's
feelings, then you hafta work hard to make up.
Karen: AND there hasta be a certain ________of give-and-take.
Alex: Of course. Anyway, uh, yeah. Anyway, uh, what's the girl's name?
Karen: Ah, so you ARE interested . . .
Alex: Well, not really, but since you mentioned it . . .

Challenging your knowledge.

 I don’t like most of Spaniard people they are _______ when they go to malls they touch all and complain
 I am not speaking to Mary I am just _______________ because she is telling all ones about my ex’s
good guy.
 She said I _______________ when she saw on line the new iphone X.
 Currently she is 32 but she is convinced that she will _______________ this year.
 ___________, how could you win the marathon if you hate the exercise in the open air.
 Finally she show me her _________ when my best friend called me, she became jealous and furious. I’ll
break up
 Don’t _________________ tell me the truth right know and I will call to your mom’s friend.
 Please you and Darleen were such good friends at high-school and now for a boy you are angry
________ her.
 I don’t want to go to that ____________ it’s creepy, what about is he’s a murder or killer?
 She is all the time very _______ when she sees john I think she has a __________ him, definitely.
Vocabulary about love

 blind date: a date with a stranger

nip something in the bud: stop something from starting in the first place
gee (interjection): used to express annoyance, disgust, or surprise
uh-huh (interjection): used to express understanding or agreement
get something off your chest: talk about something that has been bothering you
beat around the bush: avoid talking about something directly
have a crush on: romantic love, used especially for young people
be on cloud nine: extreme happiness; also "seventh heaven"
stand up: not meeting someone you promise to do so
lead on: make someone think something is true when it is not
dump: end a romantic relationship without care, often without care
jerk: a person who does stupid or annoying things
come on: expression of disbelief
show true colors: reveal your true self
promise the moon: make big promises that might be impossible to do
Mr. Right: the perfect partner
find the one: find the right person to date or marry
put up with: endure something or someone without complaint
give the cold shoulder: pay no attention to, snub
tie the knot: get married
rosy: hopeful, optimistic
make up: become friendly with someone again after having problems
give-and-take: a state where people work together in allowing each other to do things they want

Being Smart Being intellignt.

I prefer to be Smart, people who are Smart have an I am not agree with the previous opinión, be
easy life they innovate, they créate great things or intelligent is to know your limits to to the things right,
stuffs, they can find answers to fast to everything,, I mean, you are intelligent because you know the
they understoand the life different they see the right way to do the things, you respect other’s
world with other focus, they look for innovations, opinión and overa ll, you plan on the experience,
new ways to see the life, comfotability and overa ll there are things that can’t be innovate, because you
their proper own-well, just being intelligent donesn’t don’t know the posible result, Smart people
match with me, intelligent people just follow orders, sometimes don’t think in secundary effeccts the
they don’t have mucha n innovative mind, they do great minds has commited great mistakes that have
just exactly they have to do, for instance they receive affected others, look Hittler with his innovative way
a paper to make an invitation a draft i mean and to reoder the world, Einstein inventing the nuke, that
write on them with very good caligraph and the wasquite bad, becuase they went far of the limits,
classical invitation, but me I would cut the paper, intelligent is to be well-thought, calculate, crunch the
write different handwrritings, and a persuasive numbers, look this David Rockefeller was a very
message, if you are very Smart you can do with your intelligent person, he contolled and plan his life and
life what you want, rest when you want, go parties, he became the richest man in the last century and
be funny, we risk everything for the greatness many people who had and have great lifes, we use
our intelligence to be happy
Grammar, prepositions and connectors.

under that’s why down didn’t for with have

I used to watch the football world cup _____Brazil team played, now they are ______all expectative.
I ______like to afford a new T.V. screen to watch the news in ____room when I don’t want to go ____
She has been saving _____a new computer _______hers was broken _____her little niece
He must _______forgotten our date I have something_____45 minutes and she _____ appear
She is going to travel to France ________she is learning French _____that pocket dictionary
One of the favorite football players ____all the times has been Pele ____won 4 world cups

would my like when of because for who

Question Tags.

Definitions and meaning

Under the table Used when we want that someone keep silence to not say a secret
Mind your own This terms refers to a very problematic person like a gossip person or aggressive
To have a bad hair When someone is looking for n a wrong place
Zip it When someone has farted or they want to do it, secret for to this function
Cut the cheese When something is done or made illegally and they don’t want that nobody
A can of worms It refers to have a very bad day
Barking up the when you don’t want that someone else involves in your issues because he is
wrong tree not the correct one to give you advices

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