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Working Almost always Usually listens Often listens to, Rarely listens
Collaboratively listens to, to, shares, with, shares with, and to, shares with,
shares with, and and supports supports the and supports
supports the the efforts of efforts of others, the efforts of
efforts of others. others. Does not but sometimes others. Often is
Tries to keep cause "waves" is not a good not a good team
people working in the group team member player
well together
Video presents Establishes a Establishes a There are a few It is difficult to
the groups point purpose early purpose early lapses in focus, figure out the
of view on and on and but the purpose purpose of the
effectively maintains a maintains focus is fairly clear presentation
clear focus for most of the
throughout presentation
Detailed Information Information Information Information has
information clearly relates to clearly relates to clearly relates to little or nothing
included in the the main topic. It the main topic. It the main topic. to do with the
video includes several provides 1-2 No details and/ main topic.
supporting supporting or examples are
details and/or details and/or given.
examples. examples.
iMovie has been Makes excellent Makes good use Makes use of Use of font,
used effectively use of font, of font, colour, font, colour, colour, graphics,
colour, graphics, graphics, graphics, effects etc. but
effects, etc. to effects, etc. to effects, etc. but these often
enhance the enhance to occasionally distract from the
presentation. presentation. these detract presentation
from the content.
Presentation Well-rehearsed Rehearsed with Delivery not Delivery not
with smooth fairly smooth smooth, but smooth and
delivery that delivery that able to maintain audience
holds audience holds audience interest of the attention often
attention. attention most audience most lost.
of the time. of the time.

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